

The Monarchy should pay precisely zero in "reparations." KC3 is not responsible for any slavery, neither was his mother, or her father. The Monarch's government of the early 19th century outlawed slavery and used the empire's power, wealth and influence to fight against it worldwide.

Instead of endless recriminations, let's focus on stopping the slavery going on today, such as sex/rape slavery of children and women in the West and traditional slavery still going on in Africa today, perpetrated against Africans by Africans and Afroasiatics like Arabs.

#uk #usa #monarch #monarchy #kingcharles #kingcharlesiii #kciii #kc3 #slavery #slavetrade #reparations #recriminations #gbnews #westerncivilization #thewest #africa #arabia #europe #indoeuropeans #europeans #africans #afroasiatics #guilt #innocence #history #money #blackmail #grift #britishempire #empire #law #justice



Monarch on a 'Cotton Tree'
Thinking warm... From just a few weeks back... What a difference!

These bush/trees are fairly common here along the Gulf Coast of SW FL, but I have no idea what they are. They can be fairly massive and covered with these white flowers which seem like cotton, or dandelion, very delicate.

The butterflies seem to like it very much, whatever it is. (Know the name?)

More nature photography @ http://www.fenichel.com/nature

Great Heron in breeding aigrettes

Keep warm! #StaySafe #myphoto #butterfly #egret #aigrettes #Monarch #nature #photography #Fenfotos


Unofficial Count Shows Hope for Western Monarchs


โ€œWe are overjoyed that migratory monarch butterflies have not disappeared from the western U.S.,โ€ Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation senior conservation biologist and western monarch lead Emma Pelton said in a statement. โ€œThese early counts give us hope that, if we all work together, we can still bring western monarchs back.โ€

#monarch #butterfly #monarch-butterflies #EmmaPelton #XercesSocietyForInvertebrateConservation #ecowatch