

#Analysis of #correlation between percentage of non-'White #British#population & total #crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England & #Wales using Estimated Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient, 2023.

There is a 0.74 (strong) correlation #coefficient between the percentage of non-'#White British' within a population & the total rate of crime per 100,000 of population.

#criminality #ons #whitebritish #migration #multiculturalism #ethnography #diversity #multiracialism #demography #globalism #racism #empiricism #mathematics #data #officeofnationalstatistics #statistics #uk #crimerate #law #justice #policing #usa #propaganda #socialengineering #ethnicity #anthropology #pearsonsamplecorrelation #crimeandethnicity #academicfraud #un #europeans


The Monarchy should pay precisely zero in "reparations." KC3 is not responsible for any slavery, neither was his mother, or her father. The Monarch's government of the early 19th century outlawed slavery and used the empire's power, wealth and influence to fight against it worldwide.

Instead of endless recriminations, let's focus on stopping the slavery going on today, such as sex/rape slavery of children and women in the West and traditional slavery still going on in Africa today, perpetrated against Africans by Africans and Afroasiatics like Arabs.

#uk #usa #monarch #monarchy #kingcharles #kingcharlesiii #kciii #kc3 #slavery #slavetrade #reparations #recriminations #gbnews #westerncivilization #thewest #africa #arabia #europe #indoeuropeans #europeans #africans #afroasiatics #guilt #innocence #history #money #blackmail #grift #britishempire #empire #law #justice



UK Birthrates by Ethnic Group per 100,000 of Population from 2007 to 2019 based on UK government data.

This analysis demonstrates that African & Asian heritage citizens of the UK have reproduced at an average 1.89x (189%) greater rate than Indo-European (White) autochthonous British heritage citizens.

#birthrates #indoeuropean #asian #african #whitebirthrate #ukbirthrate #europeanbirthrate #europeans #brits #british #england #english #whites #whiteprivilege #fertilityrate #fertility #fertilitycrisis #lowbirthrate #study #information #stats #statistics #data #analysis #charts #graphs #un #wef #autochthonous #reproduction #uk #baby #children #offspring #white #pregnant #pregnancy #immigration #multiculturalism #multiracialism


Kiev was once the capital city of Russia, but Kiev, now, does not claim the right to rule Russia. Instead, it's Moscow that claims the right to rule Ukraine.

Some on the left have a double standard. They object to the imperialism of Europeans and their former colonies, but they don't object to the imperialism of anyone else. China and Russia are seemingly immune from criticism.

We objected to the US invasion of Iraq, so, of course, we must object to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

#imperialism #europe #europeans #usa #russia #nato #ukraine #china #kiev #moscow #double-standard



Scientific materialism has been to humanity what supermarkets have been to our conception of food: the combination of marketing and variety has greatly convinced a significant portion of us that the supermarket is not only the origin of food but the best and only place to get it.

- Imam Marc Manley

#الإسلام #education #educate #indoctrinate #administer #معاملات #scientism #science #materialism #scientificmaterialism #belief #epistemology #religion #market #markets #usury #fiat #fiatmoney #money #technocracy #freedom #Europe #Europeans #Western #WesternCivilization #ربا #history #culture #society #economics #Islam #Sharia #Shariah #Shariat #Sufi #Sufism #Muslim #Khalifa #muamalat #riba #تَصَوّف