

Israel will gute Beziehungen zur neuen Regierung in Syrien

Syrien - Israel will gute Beziehungen zur neuen Regierung - unter Bedingungen

UNO-Experten kritisieren die israelischen Angriffe auf Syrien als völkerrechtswidrig. Israel will aber auch Beziehungen zur neuen Regierung in Syrien aufbauen.#ISRAEL #SYRIEN #WAFFEN #Hisbollah #IRAN
Israel will gute Beziehungen zur neuen Regierung in Syrien


US president Joe #Biden has approved a new national security memorandum ahead of Donald #Trump’s return to the White House that could serve as a road map for the incoming administration as it looks to counter growing cooperation among #China, #Iran, #NorthKorea and #Russia, the White House said Wednesday.

The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the #WhiteHouse, said the classified memorandum would not be made public because of the sensitivity of some of its findings.

The document includes four broad recommendations: improving U.S. government interagency cooperation, speeding up the sharing of information with allies about the four adversaries, calibrating the U.S. government’s use of sanctions and other economic tools for maximum effectiveness, and bolstering preparation to manage simultaneous crises involving the adversaries.

The official said the document is intended to help the next administration build “capacity” as it shapes its policies on some the most difficult foreign policies it will face.



#Athena_Farghdani, a cartoonist and civil activist, was released from Evin Prison after completing her sentence.

She had planned to display one of her works on a wall on Pastor Street in Tehran in a protest action. She was sentenced to five years in prison on charges of "insulting the sacred" and one year in prison on charges of "propaganda against the system," which was reduced to eight months by the Tehran Provincial Court of Appeal.

#iran #HumanRights #Activism #EvinPridon #Tehran #Politics

#آتنا_فرقدانی، کارتونیست و فعال مدنی، با پایان دوران محکومیت خود از زندان اوین آزاد شد.

او که در اقدامی اعتراضی قصد داشت یکی از آثارش را بر دیواری در خیابان پاستور تهران به نمایش بگذارد، به اتهام «توهین به مقدسات» به پنج سال و به اتهام «تبلیغ علیه نظام» به یک سال زندان محکوم شده بود، که از سوی دادگاه تجدیدنظر استان تهران به هشت ماه حبس کاهش یافت.


The high-class Yomut women from Krasnovodsk (Turkmenbashi), #Turkmenistan, 1883. Alexander Roinashvili's photo collection.

The Yomut, also spelled Yomud or Iomud, are a Turkmen tribe who reside in Turkmenistan and #Iran.
There is a common belief about the origin of the name Yomut. It is said that a long time ago, Indigenous people settled by the Caspian Sea and were well-known for their dogs. These dogs would bark at anyone unfamiliar or not from the village. When the foreigners would pass by the dogs would start barking, and the owners would shout "Yum it!" to calm their dogs. This phrase roughly translates to "Quiet, dog." Over time, people outside the village began referring to these dog owners as "Yumits," a name that eventually evolved into "Yomut."


En souvenir des victimes du génocide en Iran

Quel était leur crime, demande Zohreh Chafaei, survivante du génocide en Irandans les années 1980

Le 9 décembre, Journée de la prévention du génocide, commémore l’adoption de la convention des Nations unies sur le génocide en 1948. Cette journée constitue un rappel solennel des victimes de génocide et invite les citoyens du monde entier à réfléchir aux leçons de l’histoire. Elle appelle également à une action collective pour empêcher que de telles atrocités ne se reproduisent.


#international #iran


Syrien: Rückzug der Hisbollah und die Folgen für Israel

Nahostkonflikt - Was der Hisbollah-Rückzug aus Syrien für Israel bedeutet

Hisbollah-Truppen sind aus Syrien abgezogen. Damit ist der wichtigste Nachschubweg für Waffen aus dem Iran unterbrochen. Für Israel könnte es ein Vorteil sein.#Syrien #Assad-Regime #Hisbollah #AchsedesWiderstands #Israel #Nahostkrieg #Iran #Waffen
Syrien: Rückzug der Hisbollah und die Folgen für Israel





Interview de Henry (Heinz) Kissinger à un journal New Yorkais, rapportée par le journal « Al Chorouk » :

À propos du " #printemps-arabe " , Kissinger a affirmé :
Ces « révolutions qui secouent le monde arabe » ne se sont pas déclenchées de manière anodine  » Vous pensez que ces révolutions en Tunisie, en Egypte et en Libye étaient pour les beaux yeux des arabes ?!! Nos cibles sont la #Syrie et l’ #Iran. » a-t-il précisé sur  un ton railleur.

Il confesse :
"Pourquoi la Syrie particulièrement? Kissinger a répondu que la Syrie est le pôle de l’Islam modéré dans le monde. La Syrie c’est aussi le pôle du christianisme. Les Etats-Unis œuvrent, selon lui, pour la destruction des  structures urbaines relatives à la chrétienté et à déplacer par la force les chrétiens syriens."
"Il a souligné que la plupart des syriens en réalité soutiennent #Bachar-Al-Assad."
"Le diplomate américain a ajouté que c’est à cause de la « stupidité » de l’ex- président américain Richard Nixon que les Etats-Unis n’ont pas pu occuper la Syrie. « La seule solution pour la mettre au pilon c’est de la brûler de l’intérieur, c’est ce qui se passe actuellement », a-t-il renchéri."

👉 Sources :
• Réalités, journal tunisien (26.04.2017)
• La Voix de la Syrie (24.08.2017)

La Syrie avant le début des bombardements de 2011, c'était :
- Pas de dette publique
- Les médicaments et l'école gratuits
- 90% des habitants propriétaires de leur maison
- Les emprunts SANS intérêt
- 7% de chômage
- 6 budgets de suite à l'équilibre

La Syrie depuis 2011, c'est :
- un chômage à 20%
- des prix en hausse de 20-30%
- entre 260 000 et 470 000 morts
- la création de RÉFUGIÉS

👉 Source : Forum Social Mondial (Montréal, août 2016)

#politique #moyen-orient


Winners and losers in Syria

#Winners and #losers in #Syria #Iran #Russia #Israel #Turkey #US

"Iran and Russia are the two big losers in the ouster of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday by the Sunni Islamist groups affiliated to al-Qaeda. Assad fled in the nick of time after giving orders that there be a peaceful handover of power. The likelihood is that he is in Russia. At any rate, a rollback of the Islamist takeover in Syria is out of the question.


Israel and Turkey are the biggest winners, having established links with the al-Qaeda groups. Both are all well-set to project power into Syria and carve out their respective spheres of influence in Syrian territory. Turkey has demanded that Syria belongs to Syrian people alone — a thinly covered call for vacation of foreign military presence (Russian, American and Iranian.)"



(auto translated from Farsi) Statement by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the developments in Syria

🔹Regarding the recent developments in Syria, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while recalling Iran’s principled position of respecting the unity, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Syria, emphasizes that determining the fate and making decisions about the future of Syria is solely the responsibility of the people of this country, without destructive intervention or foreign imposition.

🔹Achieving this requires ending military conflicts as soon as possible, preventing terrorist acts, and starting national talks with the participation of all segments of Syrian society to form an inclusive government that represents all Syrian people.

🔹The Islamic Republic of Iran supports international mechanisms centered on UN Resolution 2254 to pursue the political process in Syria, as in the past, and continues to engage constructively with the United Nations in this regard.

🔹In this situation where Syria is in a critical period of its history, it is very necessary to ensure the security of all Syrian citizens and nationals of other countries, as well as to preserve the sanctity of religious holy sites, as well as to protect diplomatic and consular sites in accordance with the standards of international law.

🔹The relations between the two nations of Iran and Syria have a long history and have always been friendly, and it is expected that these relations will continue with the wise and far-sighted approach of the two countries based on common interests and benefits and compliance with international legal obligations.

🔹The Islamic Republic of Iran, emphasizing Syria's position as an important and influential country in the West Asian region, will spare no effort to help establish security and stability in Syria, and to this end, it will continue its consultations with all influential parties, especially in the region.

🔹It is obvious that the Islamic Republic of Iran, while closely monitoring developments in Syria and the region and taking into account the behavior and actions of influential actors in the Syrian political and security scene, will adopt appropriate approaches and positions.

#Iran #Syria

بیانیه وزارت خارجه ایران در مورد تحولات سوریه

🔹وزارت امور خارجه جمهوری اسلامی ایران با توجه به تحولات اخیر در سوریه، ضمن یادآوری موضع اصولی ایران مبنی بر احترام به وحدت، حاکمیت ملی و تمامیت سرزمینی سوریه، تاکید می‌کند که تعیین سرنوشت و تصمیم‌گیری در مورد آینده سوریه تنها بر عهده مردم این کشور، بدون مداخله مخرب یا تحمیل خارجی است.

🔹تحقق این مهم مستلزم پایان هرچه سریع‌تر درگیری‌های نظامی، ممانعت از اقدامات تروریستی و شروع گفتگوهای ملی با مشارکت همه طیف‌های تشکیل دهنده جامعه سوریه جهت تشکیل حاکمیت فراگیر که نماینده همه مردم سوریه باشد، است.

🔹جمهوری اسلامی ایران از سازوکارهای بین‌المللی با محوریت قطعنامه ۲۲۵۴ سازمان ملل متحد برای پیگیری روند سیاسی در سوریه همچون گذشته‌ حمایت کرده و به تعامل سازنده با سازمان ملل متحد در این زمینه ادامه می‌دهد.

🔹در این وضعیت که سوریه در دوره‌ای خطیر از تاریخ خود قرار دارد، تأمین امنیت همه شهروندان سوری و اتباع سایر کشورها و نیز حفظ حرمت اماکن مقدس مذهبی و همچنین حفاظت از اماکن دیپلماتیک و کنسولی وفق موازین حقوق بین‌الملل بسیار ضروری است.

🔹روابط دو ملت ایران و سوریه پیشینه‌ای دیرینه داشته و همواره دوستانه بوده است و انتظار می‌رود این روابط با رویکرد حکیمانه و دوراندیشانه دو کشور بر اساس علائق و منافع مشترک و عمل به تعهدات حقوقی بین‌المللی تداوم یابد.

🔹جمهوری اسلامی ایران با تاکید بر جایگاه سوریه به عنوان کشوری مهم و تاثیرگذار در منطقه غرب آسیا، از هیچ کوششی برای کمک به استقرار امنیت و ثبات در سوریه دریغ نخواهد کرد و بدین منظور به رایزنی‌های خود با همه طرف‌های اثرگذار به ویژه در منطقه ادامه خواهد داد.

🔹بدیهی است جمهوری اسلامی ایران ضمن رصد دقیق تحولات سوریه و منطقه و با در نظر گرفتن رفتار و عملکردهای بازیگران موثر در صحنه سیاسی و امنیتی سوریه، رویکردها و مواضع متناسب را اتخاذ خواهد کرد.


(auto translated from Farsi) Statement by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the developments in Syria

🔹Regarding the recent developments in Syria, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while recalling Iran’s principled position of respecting the unity, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Syria, emphasizes that determining the fate and making decisions about the future of Syria is solely the responsibility of the people of this country, without destructive intervention or foreign imposition.

🔹Achieving this requires ending military conflicts as soon as possible, preventing terrorist acts, and starting national talks with the participation of all segments of Syrian society to form an inclusive government that represents all Syrian people.

🔹The Islamic Republic of Iran supports international mechanisms centered on UN Resolution 2254 to pursue the political process in Syria, as in the past, and continues to engage constructively with the United Nations in this regard.

🔹In this situation where Syria is in a critical period of its history, it is very necessary to ensure the security of all Syrian citizens and nationals of other countries, as well as to preserve the sanctity of religious holy sites, as well as to protect diplomatic and consular sites in accordance with the standards of international law.

🔹The relations between the two nations of Iran and Syria have a long history and have always been friendly, and it is expected that these relations will continue with the wise and far-sighted approach of the two countries based on common interests and benefits and compliance with international legal obligations.

🔹The Islamic Republic of Iran, emphasizing Syria's position as an important and influential country in the West Asian region, will spare no effort to help establish security and stability in Syria, and to this end, it will continue its consultations with all influential parties, especially in the region.

🔹It is obvious that the Islamic Republic of Iran, while closely monitoring developments in Syria and the region and taking into account the behavior and actions of influential actors in the Syrian political and security scene, will adopt appropriate approaches and positions.

#Iran #Syria

بیانیه وزارت خارجه ایران در مورد تحولات سوریه

🔹وزارت امور خارجه جمهوری اسلامی ایران با توجه به تحولات اخیر در سوریه، ضمن یادآوری موضع اصولی ایران مبنی بر احترام به وحدت، حاکمیت ملی و تمامیت سرزمینی سوریه، تاکید می‌کند که تعیین سرنوشت و تصمیم‌گیری در مورد آینده سوریه تنها بر عهده مردم این کشور، بدون مداخله مخرب یا تحمیل خارجی است.

🔹تحقق این مهم مستلزم پایان هرچه سریع‌تر درگیری‌های نظامی، ممانعت از اقدامات تروریستی و شروع گفتگوهای ملی با مشارکت همه طیف‌های تشکیل دهنده جامعه سوریه جهت تشکیل حاکمیت فراگیر که نماینده همه مردم سوریه باشد، است.

🔹جمهوری اسلامی ایران از سازوکارهای بین‌المللی با محوریت قطعنامه ۲۲۵۴ سازمان ملل متحد برای پیگیری روند سیاسی در سوریه همچون گذشته‌ حمایت کرده و به تعامل سازنده با سازمان ملل متحد در این زمینه ادامه می‌دهد.

🔹در این وضعیت که سوریه در دوره‌ای خطیر از تاریخ خود قرار دارد، تأمین امنیت همه شهروندان سوری و اتباع سایر کشورها و نیز حفظ حرمت اماکن مقدس مذهبی و همچنین حفاظت از اماکن دیپلماتیک و کنسولی وفق موازین حقوق بین‌الملل بسیار ضروری است.

🔹روابط دو ملت ایران و سوریه پیشینه‌ای دیرینه داشته و همواره دوستانه بوده است و انتظار می‌رود این روابط با رویکرد حکیمانه و دوراندیشانه دو کشور بر اساس علائق و منافع مشترک و عمل به تعهدات حقوقی بین‌المللی تداوم یابد.

🔹جمهوری اسلامی ایران با تاکید بر جایگاه سوریه به عنوان کشوری مهم و تاثیرگذار در منطقه غرب آسیا، از هیچ کوششی برای کمک به استقرار امنیت و ثبات در سوریه دریغ نخواهد کرد و بدین منظور به رایزنی‌های خود با همه طرف‌های اثرگذار به ویژه در منطقه ادامه خواهد داد.

🔹بدیهی است جمهوری اسلامی ایران ضمن رصد دقیق تحولات سوریه و منطقه و با در نظر گرفتن رفتار و عملکردهای بازیگران موثر در صحنه سیاسی و امنیتی سوریه، رویکردها و مواضع متناسب را اتخاذ خواهد کرد.


Here we go again, disgusting people who said nothing about almost the entire Arab world standing idle or even helping Israel commit genocide, now starting to blame Hezbollah and Iran.

Motasem Dalloul, a Gaza-based journalist who lost much of his family due to Israeli bombings, widely considered a hero of journalism, now blames Iran and Hezbollah for the situation in Gaza

No matter what #Iran or #Hezbollah does to support #Gaza, people like these will always find ways to backstab them, despite the #Resistance giving thousands of lives and taking real action while all the other #Arab and Islamic nations remained silent and complacent.

#Hypocrisy #Politics


Pepe Escobar provides a deep dive into Russia’s next moves in Syria as Turkey and Israel escalate their proxy war in Aleppo and beyond. We examine the secret meetings held by Turkey in preparation for this operation, shedding light on the broader implications for the region. From the shifting dynamics between Ankara, Tel Aviv, and Moscow to the potential fallout of this covert strategy, Pepe Escobar unpacks the latest developments and what they mean for Syria’s future.

• Erdogan’s betrayal: what will be Putin’s response?
• Who is really behind the Syria war?
• Will Russia rescue Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad?

About the preparation for a Greater Israel and possible consequences for West Asia.
#ukraine trained jihadis
#war will spread.
#Lebanon #ceasefire #iran #hizbolla

Latest I read was that Russia decided to drop Syria. Is that so?


If the escalations continue, then soon it might be'Game Over'

Israel's #genocide in neighbouring areas seems to be just a part of a bigger plan.

The triangle of evil, #Israel #Turkey #SaudiArabia has several new members, #Qatar #UAE, #Ukraine, and they are doing exactly the same thing they have been doing since the 1980s. #Europe needs cheap #gas and like a few years ago it needs a pipeline for the gas from Qatar.

It's depressing and makes you angry to see how money goes before people. For profit, there are 'organizations' calculatingly funding an army of paid killers, led by the group #Hayat #Tahrir-al-Sham, formerly known as #Jabhat #al-Nusra, to invade Syria to strengthen Israel's, #Erdoğan's, #Nato's, #dollar-hegemony's interests.

All this to weaken or even destroy the “Axis of Resistance”, #BRICS, #Iran, #China, #Russia and all others who dare not to obey to the hegemony's demands.

geopolitical analysis


Erdogan wishes good luck to terrorists in Syria

#Erdogan #wishes #good #luck to #terrorists in #Syria #Turkey

"The Turkish president has expressed hope that the jihadists continue their march to Damascus"

"Militant forces in Syria led by the group #Hayat #Tahrir-al-Sham, formerly known as #Jabhat #al-Nusra, last week launched a surprise assault from their base in Idlib, targeting the province of Aleppo.

Hayat Tahrir-al-Sham, which translates as “Organization for the Liberation of the Levant” and is commonly known as #HTS , is considered a terrorist organization by Syria , #Russia , #Iran, the #US , and other countries. Despite #Türkiye’s apparent support for HTS, it also officially classes it as a terrorist group."



(from A couple of days back, I heard in a podcast that saying the current #HTS offensive being linked to #Israel (or #NATO) was a "conspiracy theory". In that same podcast they recognized that one of the factors in the success of the anti-#Assad forces was the years long bombing campaign by Israel. Since the offensive started, the #USA bombed #Syria twice.

Now, Zionist media publishes a #FSA commander calling for support from #Israel to "hit back at #Iran".


#Syria #CivilWar #AlQaeda #ISIS #Politics #Biden #Turkey