

Why Is Tucker The Only One???

#Julian #Assange is the most effective and, from the establishment’s perspective, dangerous #journalist of his generation. And his imprisonment reflects the threat he represents – yet few #mainstream #media outlets have rallied to Assange’s defense. One notable exception: Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who recently spoke with Assange’s father and brother about the case and the likelihood that the award-winning journalist will be freed.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Tucker’s willingness to buck the corporate media trend and address the Assange case.

#politics #TheJimmyDoreShow


Assange Odysseia, un Forum théâtral - Invidious

Le TNS et le TJP - CDN de Strasbourg Grand-Est présentent Assange Odysseia à l’initiative de Sahra Datoussaid et Sarah Siré le 24 janvier 2023 au TNS - Théâtre National de Strasbourg.
Assange Odysseia est un Forum théâtral autour de la figure emblématique de Julian Assange, au croisement de la conférence académique et du récit documentaire. Il convoque de manière performative une assemblée de témoins directs ou indirects.

#assange #julian #julianassange



"The #Taliban forbid women to go out alone or attend universities, #Israel confirms it is a racist, apartheid state, Rohingya #refugees despair, executions continue in #Iran, #Russia is reducing #Ukraine to ashes, the #Myanmar military promote brutality, fascist-like Republicans shackle the US #Congress, #asylum seekers are punished by UK and Australian governments, and #Julian #Assange still languishes in a top security prison.

Despite all this, media time has been diverted to something allegedly more worthy of public interest: the contents of the Duke of Sussex, alias Harry Windsor’s ‘Spare’, which, on the first day of sales, 400,000 people are reported to have bought.

‘Bought’ is the operative word. It can mean you’ve been fooled into taking something seriously instead of discarding it at first sight."


On January 20, the #Belmarsh Tribunal is returning with a range of expert witnesses - from constitutional lawyers to acclaimed journalists and human rights defenders – to present evidence of the attack on truthtellers and to seek justice for the crimes they expose.
The Assange Defense Committee

#Julian #Assange


Was kaum zu glauben ist: Wie im Text des transpazifischen Think Tanks finden sich auch bei #Scholz versteckte Sticheleien, die das herrschende transatlantische Narrativ herausfordern und wagemutige Kritik am #US-amerikanischen #Hegemon üben.

So kritisiert Scholz die #Großmacht für eine geopolitisch motivierte Interessenpolitik in der #Ukraine, verurteilt aufs Schärfste ihre Aufweichung der Atomwaffendoktrin im Angesicht eines drohenden Dritten Weltkriegs und wirft ihr schließlich noch die menschenverachtenden Mordpläne der Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) an #Julian #Assange vor, der ja lediglich Kriegsverbrechen aufgedeckt habe, die nun endlich in Den Haag verurteilt werden müssten.

Glauben Sie nicht? Sollten Sie auch nicht. Denn diese Themen erwähnte Scholz wenig überraschend mit keinem Wort.


