

Frage | Was genau mache ich gerade mit MDwiki falsch?

Ich bin gerade dabei unter https://weltenring.de/sternenstaub ein MDwiki einzurichten. Soweit ich es in Erinnerung habe muss man dann doch nur die mdwiki-latest.html auf der MDWiki Webseite herunterladen, sie auf dem Webspace ins entsprechende Verzeichnis verschieben und in index.html umbenennen. Dann noch als Anfang eine index.md mit Markdown als Startseite und eine navigation.md mit Markdown als Menü dazu. Dann sollte es gehen. Das Problem bei mir ist das ich dann beim Aufruf der Adresse nur eine weise Seite bekomme.

Woran könnte das liegen? Habe ich etwas übersehen?

Tags: #Frage #Hilfe #MDwiki #Webseite #Markdown #samor #2021-12-19


There are several general formatting options in #markdown. Headers, lists, horizontal lines, etc. Regarding the flowing text itself, there is: italic, bold and strike-through. So why is there no underline?



Ooh, I've just discovered that diaspora's markdown now has code for ^superscript^, ~subscript~ and strikeout.


I expect everyone else has known about these for years.

#diaspora #markdown #niiiiice!


Socialhome v0.13.0 released

Hello 👋 Yes, it's been a while! Eight months since the last release in fact. The project is still alive, but not as active as previously. Progress still happening once in a while, thus a new release!


  • Start adding Matrix support 🎉 Very, very early days, and totally experimental. Currently, if enabled and hooked up with a compatible Matrix server, local user accounts are mirrored to the Matrix side and additionally their public posts get mirrored in profile rooms and hashtag rooms. More later as things develop!
  • Translations process! Socialhome can now be translated and is now fully translated to #French! Thanks to Alain St-Denis for the awesome work to both push through the translations process and also do the French translations <3 Other languages partially translated are German and Norwegian. Also thanks to Weblate for hosting the translations for us.
  • More changes and fixes to ensure ActivityPub and Diaspora identities don't get duplicated, for remote platforms that have both versions (like Socialhome instances!).
  • A bunch of bug fixes to the streams UI and to the federation library.

Full changelogs:
* Socialhome - https://socialhome.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html
* Federation - https://github.com/jaywink/federation/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

What is Socialhome?

Socialhome is best described as a #federated personal profile with social networking functionality. Users can create rich content using #Markdown. All content can be pinned to the user profile and all content will federate to contacts in the federated social web. Federation happens using the #ActivityPub and #Diaspora protocols, with #Matrix coming up!

Please check the official site for more information about features. Naturally, the official site is a #Socialhome profile itself.


Want to work on a #Django and VueJS powered social network server? Join in the fun! We have easy to follow development environment setup documentation and a friendly chat room for questions.

#socialhome #federation #changelog #news #socialnetwork #fediverse #selfhosting


Do you know an advanced #markdown guide for citing my bibtex references ? I find many introductions on the web but I am unable to find some complete syntax guide. I usually use APA norms.
Thank you.



Any Markdown / Pandoc mavens know how to tweak the HTML DOM generated for HTML pages?

I'm looking at one for an article which doesn't seem to generate or elements, though if it did either, would make some layout / CSS issues a lot easier to deal with.

Problem now is that when I set additional margins within <blockquote> segements, they don't really or consistently differ from the adjacent <p> elements. I have a sad.

The CSS I'm using, in part (and yes, I can share the full stylesheet, though this seems to be the operative code):

body {
  margin: 1rem auto;
  max-width: 90rem;
  padding: 0 4rem 0.5rem;
  width: auto;
  font-size: 1rem;
  line-height: 1.4;

blockquote {
    margin-left: 8em;
    margin-right: 6em;

article, p, ol, ul, li, div {
    width: auto;
    max-width: 45rem;
    margin: 0 auto;
    line-height: 1.4;

p {
    margin: 1em auto;

What happens is that the blockquote margins are acting against the full page width, and push the blockquote block back and forth across the full page, rather than constraining it within the region bounded by the <p> blocks. Given that the blockquotes aren't within the <p> blocks, that makes sense, but it's not the effect I want.

I'd also like to preserve the option to be able to set elements (images, sidenotes, callouts) within the left or right margins.

I'm thinking that changing the DOM to include an article element would make that easier, as I could set the width of the article or main elements.

Present DOM:

  • html
    • head
    • body
      • header
      • nav
      • p
      • blockquote
      • p
    • body /
  • html /

That would better be:

  • html
    • head
    • body
      • header
      • nav
      • article
      • p
      • blockquote
      • p
      • article /
    • body /
  • html /

("element /" is being used for closing tags)

Looking at HTML5 semantic elements:

  • <section>
  • <nav>
  • <article>
  • <aside>
  • <hgroup>
  • <header>
  • <footer>
  • <time>
  • <mark>

... "article" is what I'm looking for.o

Though ... Dive in to HTML5 doesn't use these: view-source:http://diveinto.html5doctor.com/past.html

But yeah: if I could shim an <article> tag in there, I think I'd be happier.

And yes, I can (and probably will) CodePen this in a bit.

#pandoc #markdown #html #css


For the Newbies: Markdown Quick Reference

My most popular Diaspora post to date has been my Markdown Quick Reference, which shows both the raw and formatted text for various Markdown features.

New arrivals from #GooglePlus and elsewhere may appreciate this.

(Posted as a link as I cannot reshare my own posts.)

#Markdown #Tips



Markor : Markdown & todo.txt text editor - v1.5 update released

GitHub | Donate | GitHub

Read the full blog post here

Today marks the release of the Markor v1.5 update! The update is already available for download on Google Play and soon on F-Droid!

New general options: Multiple windows, keep screen on

Showcase 4
* General -> Multiple windows: Open a seperate window for each document! Easily switch between multiple documents to quickly get needed information! Each window is a full editor with seperate editor settings and format selection. Requires Android 5 or higher, activated by default.
* General -> Keep screen on: Do not turn off the screen automatically.

New Textactions

Showcase 1

  • Markdown GFM tasks: Use the new task textaction to convert the current line to a task! If the line is already a task you toggle between done and todo.
  • Insert image: Add pictures to your document. Easy access to pictures from gallery and camera! You can also browse your drive! Optionally edit the picture with an installed graphics app.
  • Color picker: Add color to your texts! Choose between setting the forground or background color. You can also add only the hex color code. The newly added color picker is also used in new theming functionalities
  • Sort tasks: Try the new sort button for your todo list! Easy sort your todo alphabetically by selected order.

Tags: #android #app #android-dev #foss #freie-software #freesoftware #opensource #translation #translator #release #mobile #fdroid #f-droid #markor #markdown #write #writing #quote


Have You Ever Pressed Share only to notice a mistake? Bummed because you'll have to redo all the markdown formatting? Boy Do I Have A #Tip For You | Or:

How I lost my shit reading the historical discussion around adding an edit feature to diaspora* and accidently stumbled across a fugly workaround to retrieve markdown formatting.

A story of agony (for the author or the reader? You decide)

The Problem with how we have to currently edit
aka: I seriously enjoy the current edit process. About as much as I enjoy fucking myself in my own face with a cinderblock.

When we are posting to diaspora, we all know what to do if we make an error/typo/word choice that we simply cannot live with.

A. We copy the text, 
B. Delete the comment or post, 
C. Start a new comment or post 
D. And then mark it up all over again,
    hoping not to make the same or new mistakes.

If it wasn't clear, I seriously enjoy this process. About as much as I enjoy fucking myself in my own face with a cinder block. So nice, I typed it twice.

So here it is, just the #tip

  1. Before you delete the offending post, get the permalink to the post
  2. and add .json to the end of the URL
  3. You will see a nasty looking blob of text but upon closer inspection, other than some HTML and other markup, nestled within one big quotation, you will find your post in all it's markdown glory (plus some characters to represent line breaks /r and /n and the magic code for the > character [markdown for blockquote] that will need to be cleaned up.)
  4. Copy your words along with the markdown formatting intact,
  5. Paste into a new post
  6. And clean up some of the rendering artifacts noted above and there you have it! A fresh start.

And a Kafkaesque editing process that feels like a late 90's problem ruining a perfectly AWESOME diaspora UX (otherwise).

Wondering how I stumbled across this tip?

Or what it has to do with anything else in this rambling nightmare of a story? Well - buckle upand prepared to be bored to death by my petty, nit picking reaction to what I perceive to be user experience (UX) hostility.

Seriously - there's lots of words below, but you don't want to go there. It's a dumpster fire smoldering in the shit show of my heart. Consider this your warning. Below you will find a WTAMFF and a I shit you not.

You will read an author full of incredulity, self righteous ire and a whole lot of puffed up attitudes about the import of his own opinion. Is it a spectacle worth your time? I don't know. You'll have to decide.

So I decided to start reading Feature proposal: Editing of posts

You know - the 7 year long discussion where developers wring their hands and knit their brows about how can they possibly control the end users from abusing an edit feature.

After reading more than I care to admit on this tiresome conversation that ended in a muddied proposal about diaspora lacking an edit post & edit comment feature, I came across the json tip.

In fact, one of the devs actually suggested the .json trick as a satisfactory method for users to edit (that is - copy the .json markup, delete the old post, redo the post, publish again) and therefore there was no need for edit features.

^what^ ^the^ ^actual^ ^mother^ ^fucking^ ^fuck^

One of the devs actually asked:

Is it really a good and desirable thing, coding effort aside, to let people edit their historical comments at any time? I don’t think it is, for reasons I’ve outlined above ...

His reasons outlined "above" boiled down to the fact that people are children and can not be trusted.

That kind of end user hostility is unacceptable to me.

Another of the greatest hits from as recent as October 2017:

If you have any doubt, copy the raw markdown version of your post before submitting it.

The best way to avoid errors is to preview your post until you are certain everything is correct!

I shit you not one goddamn bit.

To be fair, there were voices of reason

After getting lost down this rabbit hole for a few hours, I ended up posting these comments to the github diaspora project issues

Well, it looks like my comment on the issue isn't being shown publicly.
Good thing I took some really bad advice and decided to copy the raw markdown version of [my] post before submitting it.

Oh wait - no need because you can actually edit comments on github issues.

Imagine that! It's a goddamn Christmas miracle all up in github. Mofos be editing with abandon! Look out, neckbeard42 is going to go back and maliciously edit his comments to make shabang7 look like a stupid head. OMG! :scream: ^emoji^

Okay - I'll cut and paste my comment here:

I want to contribute to the bountysource but I am unclear as to what form the edit feature will take. I have a few hundred dollars I'd like to add to this bounty and I'd like to encourage my friends and followers to contribute as they can. I'd like to raise the total to over $1000 but I need to know what it is that is being proposed.

Maybe I'm being unfair, but reading over the conversations dating back to 7 yrs ago (in a few different places) - I think all the fretting about people going back and changing a comment or post in bad faith amounts to a user hostile attitude.

Most people will use the edit feature in good faith. The few that don't will lose engagement and trust. For the most part, we are adults. I think we can handle the incredible responsibility of editing our own words and managing our own credibility.

Maybe that is no longer an issue and that fear of users abusing the edit feature has been put to bed. From what I've read, it is not clear to me.

In fact, there doesn't seem to be an easy to understand overview of how the edit feature is envisioned from a UX point of view.

Questions a user wanting the edit feature might have:
1. As a diaspora user, will I be able to publish a post, re-read it 3 days later and edit an autocorrect mistake (change 'poop' to 'park')?
2. Ten hours later, I get comments asking for clarification - will I be able to edit the post again to add an addendum to the bottom of the post clarifying the details of my narrative?
3. Will there be a time limit of minutes, days, weeks, months for editing?
3. Will I be able to make similar edits to my comments on my or someone else's post?
4. Will there be the typical notation on the post/comment that the post/comment was edited 20 minutes ago (for example)
5. Will we be notified of every edit made on posts or comments we've interacted with?
6. If I make a bunch of changes experimenting with the markdown to get the best presentation I can, will I irritate the people with a bunch of notifications?

If anyone herding this effort along thinks it would help, I am more than happy to jump into the IRC channel or participate here or in whatever comms channel best suits the project to help specify what the feature will look like from a user perspective - both in detail and in a tl;dr format.

I used to work as a technical writer so I'm equipped to interface with technical people and translate it into end user.

Do you want to contribute to the Edit Feature Bounty?

User should be able to edit posts

PS - If you think I notice a typo and I'm going to make use of my own #tip here to retrieve the text with the markdown markup from the .json file, you are out of your got'dammed mind.

I'd almost rather fuck myself in my own face with a cinder block.

#tip #json #markdown #why-the-eff-doesnt-diaspora-have-edit-features-yet #thomrant #github #bountysource #diaspora-issues #sorry-if-i-hurt-feelings #humor #just-the-tip #mole-hill #mountain #dumpsterfire #mystory #tilting-at-windmills


If you're starting to appreciate Markdown: Pandoc

The formatting conventions on Diaspora and other Federation/Fediverse platforms is Markdown, what's called a lightweight markup language. There are several others, including AsciiDoc, which heavily inspired the markup used at Google+.

There is a software utility, Pandoc, available as a command-line tool on Linux, Mac, and (through various command-line tools such as Cygwin) on Windows. It is a document-transformation Swiss army life, capable of converting from and to a vast number of formats, including:

  • From: (several dialects of) Markdown, reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, TWiki markup, TikiWiki markup, Creole 1.0, Vimwiki markup, OPML, Emacs Org-Mode, Emacs Muse, txt2tags, Microsoft Word docx, LibreOffice ODT, EPUB, or Haddock markup

  • To: not only each of these, but various HTML formats, word processor formats, ebook formats, documentation, archival, page-laoyout, outline TeX, PDF, and others.

I've been working on a documentation project for which I use Pandoc and a Makefile to publish to numerous formats with a single command. Make itself is a tool designed originally for programmers to convert source code to runnable software, but it has all kinds of uses in numerous projects, given its ability to run specific recipes based on goals and dependencies.

When I've discussed my various future plans for online publishing, Pandoc, or tools based on, using, or closely resembling it, are very much what I have in mind as part of my core toolkit.

Pandoc has been the single most useful Linux tool I've discovered in the past five years, if not ten.

#googleplus #pandoc #markdown #writing #documentConversion #HTML #PDF #LaTeX


Markdown Quick Reference

There are some fun things you can do with Markdown formatting.

Feature Markdown Example
italic _italic_ italic
bold **bold** bold
strikethrough ~~strikethrough~~ strikethrough
superscript ^superscript^ ^superscript^
subscript ~subscript~ ~subscript~
links [Description](https://example.com/) Description
bare links <https://www.example.com> https://www.example.com
code `code` code
escape \*escape\* *escape*

There are also:

Unordered lists:

  • Foo
  • Bar
    • Baz
    • Quz
* Foo
* Bar
  * Baz
    * Quz

Ordered lists:

  1. Foo
  2. Bar
    1. Baz
      1. Quz
1. Foo
1. Bar
   1. Baz
      1. Quz


Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

Headers also:

Header 1

Header 2

Header 1

Header 2


This is a blockquoted text passage.

You can nest your blockquotes.

Or unnest them again.

> This is a blockquoted text passage.
>> You can nest your blockquotes.
> Or unnest them again.

To product a code block, as above:

> This is a blockquoted text passage.
>> You can nest your blockquotes.
> Or unnest them again.

Or indent four spaces:

Normal text

Code block
Normal text

    Code block

Horizontal rule:



Dummy text

![Dummy text](https://joindiaspora.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/images/thumb_small_3059c10576ae28ec722a.jpg)


|:- |:- |:- |
|italic| `_italic_`| _italic_ |
|bold| `**bold**` | **bold** |
|strikethrough| `~~strikethrough~~` | ~~strikethrough~~ |
|superscript| `^superscript^`| ^superscript^ |
|links| `[Description](https://example.com/)`|[Description](https://example.com/)|

#markdown #quickGuide #tips #googleplus #newhere #formatting

Source: https://pastebin.com/raw/HiVi5cYS


Markor - TextEditor for Notes, ToDo and Bookmarks - for Android | Gregor Santner » Android, Linux & Open Source blog

Markor has a new project page :)

📝 Write down documents in plaintext and simple markup formats
🖍 Highlighting and format related text actions
📄 Open and edit documents of other apps and shared texts
👀 Convert, preview and share documents as HTML and PDF
📚 Notebook: All documents are stored on a common filesystem folder
📓 QuickNote: Quickly share into a fast accessible Markdown document
☑️ To-Do: Quickly share into your fast accessible ToDo list
🔖 LinkBox: Share pages to read later into your bookmark list
🖍 Markup formats: Markdown and todo.txt
📋 Copy to clipboard: Copy any text, text shared into Markor can be directly copied too
💡 LinkBox, QuickNote and ToDo are textfiles with chooseable location on filesystem
📚 Notebook is the root folder for your documents and can be choosen too

Tags: #dandelíon #markor #markdown #todo #fdroid #f-droid #foss #android

via dandelion* client (Source)


Markor v0.3.8 released | Gregor Santner » Android, Linux & Open Source blog


New features:

- Recently viewed documents
- Start editing of recent documents, button in the toolbar of main view
- Allow sharing into recend documents
- Queue containing the 10 last viewed files
- Keep scroll position when reloading document list (Notebook)
- Document/File Info: Dialog showing information about selected file
- Openable at main views toolbar when one item is selected


- Overall better performance
- Faster document loading
- Decreased memory usage
- Reduce edit history size (undo/redo) to 5 for lower memory usage
- Preview/Rendering (All):
- Rework of theme, font-size and font injection
- Preview/Rendering (Markdown):
- Blockquote theme based styling
- Blockquote RTL compatibility


- Crash when Markor put to background and huge file is loaded
- Document contents are not stored into resume cache anymore if they are too big
- Make no major differences for huge files, just undo/redo history is cleared when switchting away

Tags: #dandelíon #markor #markdown #todo #fdroid #f-droid #foss #android

via dandelion* client (Source)