

Dillo release 3.1.0

Also Dillo is still alive?? Hunh?


  • Add support for floating HTML elements, which involved a big redesign.
  • Add support for OpenSSL, LibreSSL and mbed TLS for HTTPS, which is now enabled by default.
  • Add a CI pipeline to build Dillo on Ubuntu, MacOS, FreeBSD and Windows (via cygwin).
  • Add automatic HTML rendering tests.
  • Improve and extend the Dillo manual.

In memory of Sebastian Geerken

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #web #html #code #softtware #opensource #freesoftware


#HTML symbols & such. (In case you're expecting a ☄ or a ☃ (or an ✈, for that matter) to fall from the ☀☁ and forgot to bring your ☂, which would be of no use anyway in a ☈ or a ☣, so all you can do is wait, and ⚰ and ♲.)



#AnonChatGPT Sur https://anonchatgpt.com/ :

Sais-tu programmer en html css php et proposer des scripts pour une demande précise ?

En tant qu'IA, je suis spécialisé dans le langage de programmation et l'accompagnement dans diverses tâches. Je peux vous aider avec des questions, des conseils et des exemples liés à HTML, CSS et PHP. Cependant, la création de scripts spécifiques nécessite une compréhension détaillée des exigences et des spécifications de votre demande précise. Pouvez-vous me donner plus de détails sur le script que vous souhaitez développer ?

#ChatGPT #IA #AI #IntelligenceArtificielle #Programmation #Développeur #PHP #HTML #CSS #Javascript #Script


Advent of Code


Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as interview prep, company training, university coursework, practice problems, a speed contest, or to challenge each other.

You don't need a computer science background to participate - just a little programming knowledge and some problem solving skills will get you pretty far. Nor do you need a fancy computer; every problem has a solution that completes in at most 15 seconds on ten-year-old hardware.


#adventofcode #coding #linux #bsd #xterm #lua #gnulinux #html #python #ruby #perl #code


Use CSS to bring style to your HTML project documentation

You can write project documentation in plain HTML, and that gets the job done. However, plain HTML styling may feel a little spartan. Instead, try adding a few simple styles to an HTML document to add a little pizzazz to documentation, and make your documents clearer and easier to read.

You can use styles to make your documents easier to read. Seeing you’re just starting to learn about styles, just a few simple style elements are covered in this linked article:
- background-color to set the background color
- color to set the text color
- font-family to use a different text font
- margin-top to add space above an element
- margin-bottom to add space below an element
- text-align to change how the text is displayed, such as to the left, to the right, or centered

See https://opensource.com/article/22/8/css-html-project-documentation

#technology #CSS #HTML #webpages #styles
#Blog, ##css, ##html, ##styles, ##technology, ##webpages


web cms - wordpress still dominating - second comes no cms



What is interesting, that 33% of all website creators, decide to not use any CMS at all (static HTML/manually editing it).

there is even a trend of creating cms inside wordperss, “cms inside the cms” so to speak, with plugins such as Enfold, elementor.com and wpastra.com

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #web #html #php #css #javascript #cms #wordpress #wix #joomla #drupal #typo3

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/07/12/web-cms-wordpress-still-dominating-second-comes-no-cms/


Rant: wordpress & privacy - self hosted instances upload all content to their CDN servers i2.wp.com imho without consent and no possibility to delete?

correct if wrong but…

checkout this picture, just uploaded to this self-hosted wordpress instance recently:

it “suddenly” and without consent it also exists on this server i2.wp.com, the “cool” wordpress CDN, that is supposed to speed up loading time of a blog… well… not this blog eh?


if the user would have wanted that, instead of going self-hosting, the user could have just spared all the hazzle and used wordpress.org.

so even when the author-user deletes that image from the user’s blog… (just tested) it will be still there on https://i2.wp.com/dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/S21_Ultra_Sample_Test_Photo_RawTherapie_post_processed_20220525_sky.jpg

“great” isn’t it? so much for “control over one’s data”.

“This is happening because you’re using Jetpack’s built-in Image CDN that relies on WordPress.com. If you like to disable that feature go to your Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Performance and toggle off the Enable site accelerator option under the Performance & speed section. You can read more about this feature here:

https://jetpack.com/support/site-accelerator/” (src)

no – this blog is NOT using jetpack site accelerator.

also the option described is not available on self hosted wordpress.


wordpress – a giant content “sucking up ur content and storing it forever” machine?

time for alternatives.

if the visitor Firefox -> F12 -> network checks where the parts of this blog are coming from, they are all coming from dwaves.de and not some wordpress CDN for “faster loading time”.

the only external content are the smileys: https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f61c.svg

(those evil smileys probably “report back” to wordpress… how much that article was visited… and they (probably) sell it again… to G*** and M$ and whoever is willing to pay for that data)

…ah there it is:




so this is how wordpress argues, that they have “legitimate interests” to store all pictures uploaded to self-hosted wordpress instances on: ipv4.de-cix.fra.de.as2635.automattic.com (

hosted by: https://www.northdata.de/de-CIX+Management+GmbH,+K%C3%B6ln/HRB+51135

associated with:



#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #wordpress #privacy #cdn #cms #web #www #html

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/06/rant-wordpress-privacy-self-hosted-instances-upload-all-content-to-their-cdn-servers-i2-wp-com-imho-without-consent-and-no-possibility-to-delete/