

So #Element has forked #Synapse and #Dendrite and will be releasing their own versions, arguing that since they do most of the development, why not own the backlog as well? I’m not too surprised, given that they have a (necessary) profit motive to advance certain features.

With the new Element X client and now this, it seems like #Matrix development is centralizing. I wonder how the Matrix Foundation feels about it. Not great, I’d imagine.


Before you ask whether we live in a #simulation, you should first check whether you can be sure of your own #existence?

"I Think, Therefore I Am" - can it really be that simple?

Why can I think? Because I have been taught a #language and this language determines my #thinking and my #personality. Changing your language can change your personality. According to this, one is programmed by society by learning the language. However, by using language, I use learned thought patterns and am no longer really free in my thinking. But without language I couldn't think these thoughts at all.

So am I just a prisoner within the walls of my own thoughts or are they those of #society? Have I built my prison myself or do I have to break out of society's prison? Can I even break out within the simulation?

I suspect that everyone creates their own simulation that could be called truth. We are conditioned to take over the truth from society in order to become a useful member of it.

We can now try to become the hero or queen of our own story (simulation). I suppose that's all we can achieve in life.

But since I'm not even sure if I'm really real, I'm afraid I have to deny your existence. It is much more likely that you are just part of my simulation.

404 error

#question #life #philosophy #think #problem #education #matrix #mindfuck #story #truth


Hat eigentlich schon mal jemand den Beispiel-Seed aus dem Anhang zur #Matrix Spezifikation verwendet? sodium_base642bin aus libsodium gibt jedenfalls -1 zurück beim dekodieren und wenn ich ihn auf base64 aus den coreutils werfe, bekomme ich direkt ein "ungültige Eingabe" 🙄


I switched my band website to wordpress with ActivityPub. feels a bit beta but you can subscribe here @Reverend@reverendelvis.de (if you want). Then I realized that WP also works with matrix.synapse. I like the protocol very much and think this will be much more important and powerful than ActivityPub in the long run. Community creation is almost not possible with AP and you can use matrix e.g. also very well as cloud, it goes all real-time things: streaming, video chat, chat etc... Both has its justification and are good. Both can be integrated into WP... how nice.


#activitypub #aissolution #federation #matrix #matrixsynapse #reverendelvis #synapse #wordpress


I installed #ElementX (groovy new #Matrix client) to try out the new speedy sliding sync coming in #Matrix2.0. Then I installed the sliding proxy and updated https://koehn.com/.well-known/matrix/client so ElementX could actually talk to my sync server and do the magic.

Then I discovered that ElementX doesn’t yet handle encrypted room history, which given the way that it works probably makes some sense.

Anyhoo, I hope the magic gets running soon. Matrix is great, and I’m happy to see them fixing the big usability problems. Faster sync, better video chat, are all welcome additions in a FOSS, federated world.


Element X for Android and iOS is a whole new approach to the Matrix messaging app

Element X intro screen saying Be in your Element, welcome to the fastest Element ever. Supercharged for speed and simplicity. Green background with an Element logo above the text.
A bit like Telegram has a Telegram X for highlighting new beta features (no neither have anything at all to do with the X network), so has Element now “ignited” their Element X messenger. It will eventually become the main Element app.

The reason it is different, is that it uses the new Matrix API called Sliding Sync, and they are not joking when they say it is 6,000 times faster than the classic Element app. That slick speed is immediately noticeable. They have also integrated Matrix’s own voice and video chat (or will be later on in X) instead of using Jitsi meetings as an external service.

The other thing is that the UI is much improved too. This is all with the aim of making Element X become a preferred instant messenger for everyone. Yes, there is Signal and other E2EE messengers, but have you noticed you still require a phone number and / or e-mail to register with Signal? Element has been re-developed natively using Rust for both Android and iOS, so updating it will be easier in future.

Matrix, as a service, is starting to become really interesting. Apart from the one big server most of us know, it is also a service that is self-hosted by many organisations, individuals, as well as governments to ensure maximum privacy as well as control. This allows those organisations to fully verify who connects, and to enforce E2EE in rooms and chats.

But where Matrix really differentiates itself, is its ability to do numerous types of bridges, and to interconnect with WhatsApp, XMPP, IRC, Telegram, and many more services. This is why Beeper uses Matrix to power their services.

So with this move to Element X, Matrix is clearly being strongly positioned for the future, and it is also clear that Matrix was not satisfied with just incremental adoption and advances in their technology.

Just note that although the iOS and Android apps are available now in the official stores, the Android APK install file can also be obtained directly from the linked GitHub project location under Releases.

See https://element.io/labs/element-x
#Blog, #matrix, #messengers, #opensource, #privacy, #technology


Wir überlegen gerade bei uns in der #Firma so etwas einzuführen, was so eine Art Intranet Ersatz sein soll. Wir sind etwa 80 Mitarbeiter, 70% arbeiten fast nur remote.

Jetzt gibt es so SaaS Anbieter, die sowas anbieten mit allerhand tollen Funktionen. Ich würde gerne selber hosten und #Floss wäre toll.

Ich bin nicht sicher was wir genau brauchen, die Idee ist bisschen internes Blog mit Beiträgen zu internen Themen, bspw. Einstände und Austritte, Neues, Fotos von Mitarbeiterevents (haben wir häufig) oder Fotos vom Teambuildung Skiwochenende o.ä..

Dann haben wir ein paar Dokumentenvorlagen und Regelemente die wir aktuell einfach in Nextcloud verteilen, halt Dinge die nicht auf dem internen Server liegen können weil auch Mitarbeiter ohne VPN remote dran kommen müssen.

Dann wäre sicherlich eine Chatfunktion toll und Gruppen Chats.

Kollege und ich schauen gerade #Humhub und #Rocketchat an, Humhub ist schon recht cool und durch die Erweiterungen recht umfangreich.

Frage mich halt, ob das was bringt, ob man die Mitarbeiter zur Nutzung motiviert und animiert bekommt? Nur Infos verteilen tun wir ja jetzt auch schon über ein internes Blog und die Nextcloud.
Das sind natürlich beides Einbahnstraßen und es ist auch recht eingeschränkt.

Theoretisch wäre auch #Matrix noch eine Überlegung wert als Messaging und Chat App.

Bisher haben wir zur Kommunikation für alle Mitarbeiter nur E-Mail und ich nehme an die Leute nutzen WhatsApp oder so.

Fragen, Tipps und Co willkommen. Gerne Teilen!


End-to-end encryption; the will of the British people


Ideally, this section would introduce a guarantee that this type of notice would not be imposed on providers of end-to-end encrypted communications. Instead it relies on questionable concepts such as “accredited technology” to wistfully wave some form of assurance that ‘this sort of thing’ is technically possible and it’ll all be fine, secure and appropriate.

Be under no illusion; “accredited technology” is no more reassuring than a lock which can be opened by a skeleton key.

It’s this aspect of the Online Safety Bill - the potential for undermining of end-to-end encryption - that we refute as completely flawed. It is not possible to have both secure communications and blanket surveillance, in the same way you cannot “have your cake and eat it.”

#encryption #privacy #security #matrix #element #whatsapp #signal #uk #britain