

Shocking #Predictions for #September #2023 - The Journey to 2030 Begins

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=wlLw1CqCl7w

Description/Index timestamps:

00:00 introduction
6:14 #Mercury
7:20 #Venus and #Jupiter
10:45 #Mars
12:24 #Rahu and #Ketu
20:00 September 22, 23 and 24 for USA
About the content creator:
Welcome to #Vedic Living #Astrology - your one stop resource on everything to do with Vedic sciences. At Vedic Living we teach clients how to combine Yoga, Vedic Astrology, Vedic Philosophy and Ayurveda to live a fulfilling and wholesome life, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Shree is a writer, teacher, and certified (Master of Arts in Vedic Astrology) astrologer who has to date helped hundreds of clients. She is also a senior faculty at the University of Vedic Astrology, and takes great joy in teaching aspiring astrologers. Shree has a 200 RYT certification in Yoga and Meditation. She emphasizes on the connection between chakras in one's energetic body and planets in one's natal chart. The birth chart also reveals your Ayurvedic composition (Tridoshic balance), hence making it once again a very useful tool in Ayurveda


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#Jyeshtha #Nakshatra - Jyeshtha is the seventeenth Nakshatra in #Vedic #astrology ranging from 16°40' - 30° Vrishchika.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is a #circular #amulet, #umbrella and #earring.

Astronomical Name - This Nakshatra is corresponding to α, σ and τ Scorpionis.

Deity of Nakshatra - #Indra, chief of the gods is the deity of Jyeshtha Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Jyeshtha Nakshatra is ruled by #Budh (the planet #Mercury).

Others - Jyeshtha also translates as the " #eldest" or " #seniormost". It is related to the eldest sister Alakshmi, who is in the opposition constellation to Rohini, her beautiful sister located in Taurus. Jyeshtha has a rakshasa nature with artha as the primary motivation. The shakti of this asterism is "the power to rise and conquer and gain courage in battle".



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#Ashlesha #Nakshatra - Ashlesha is the ninth Nakshatra in #Vedic #astrology ranging from 16°40' to 30° Karka.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is #Serpent.

Astronomical Name - This Nakshatra corresponds to δ, ε, η, ρ and σ Hydrae, in the #Hydra #constellation.

Deity of Nakshatra - #Sarpas or #Nagas, deified snakes are the deities of Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Ashlesha Nakshatra is ruled by #Budh (the planet #Mercury).

Others - Ashlesha is also known as the #Clinging Star or Naga. It is a Trikshna or Sharp Nakshatra. It is the #birth star of #Ketu.



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#Revati #Nakshatra is the last of 27 #nakshatras. If you were born when the #moon was between 16:40-30:00 degrees #Pisces

#Sanskrit Name: रेवती (Revati) comes from the Sanskrit word रेवत् (#wealth and #prosperity). Revati indicates a person who is blessed, #beautiful, and #prosperous.

Planetary Ruler: #Mercury. This planet is associated with the intellect, literature, logic, artistic expression, and commerce.

Nakshatra Group: Godly. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Revati is a godly nakshatra. People in this group are generally good-natured and fortunate in life. However, they may struggle with pride and a sense of entitlement.

Zodiac Sign: Pisces. Pisces is known as the sign of the fishes. Revati natives are intuitive, empathic, creative, and sociable.

Deity: Surya (#Pushan). In Vedic theology, Surya is the lord of the sun and is revered as an expansion of God. The sun god is worshiped prominently in many cultures and is known to bestow favors and fortune on his worshippers.

Symbol: A #fish. This represents alacrity, learning, movement, and hidden features.

Power: To nourish. Persons born under the star of Revati often have a knack for uplifting, encouraging, and nourishing others.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Revati are Day (दे), Doe (दो), Cha (च), and Chi (ची). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Revatis are sincere and earnest, known for their no-nonsense approach to life. They have an outgoing, social personality. Often good-looking, they win over others with their charm, affection, and warmth.

Revati natives have a sixth sense — their intuition is strong. For this reason, they are highly empathic souls, and they can use this ability to comfort, console, and guide others in difficult times. In addition, they have an upbeat and optimistic outlook on life. They can be a source of cheer and joy for those around them.

You stand up for what you believe in. You are loyal to your friends and loved ones. You can tap into deep reserves of creativity and enthusiasm — however, you might occasionally get carried away at times and find yourself in an extreme position.

Revati Careers
Revati’s can do well in careers that involve creativity, learning, or helping others. They may shy away from the limelight and generally will work diligently even if they do not receive much recognition.

Some ideal professions include:

Public servant or charity worker
Writer, journalist, actor, or entertainer
Linguist, translator, or interpreter
Religious worker, renunciate, or priest
Due to their high ideals, Revati-natives can occasionally slip into bouts of low self-esteem. This is caused by an inability to accept one’s short-comings and take practical, disciplined steps toward self-improvement. Or it may just be a bad habit of unwarranted self-criticism. You should practice extending the same sort of compassion to yourself which you naturally extend to others.

On the flipside, Revatis can sometimes be proud of their good qualities and think better of themselves than others. Their giving spirit may come in part from a desire to prove themselves as superior. When this is the case, they will end up resenting those whom they aim to help. If you resonate with this issue, you should study the Bhagavad-gita and try to understand the principle of selfless sacrifice, in which one sees oneself as merely an instrument of God.

Your empathic nature is a great strength, but if left unchecked, it can cause you to be overly sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. You should always be sure that your own needs are fulfilled before you extend yourself for others — otherwise, you will end up burning out. Self-care is an essential aspect of caring for others.

Recommended: Learn more about science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You are a gifted artist. You have a strong aesthetic sense and can excel in the arts. You draw inspiration from your life experiences, the natural world, and your observations of the people around you.

You have clean habits. As a deva-gana, or godly nakshatra, Revatis are naturally drawn to a clean and orderly lifestyle. They have good personal hygiene and they respect their body as a gift from the divine.

You are well-liked by your peers. Your compassionate and helping nature wins you many friends who genuinely appreciate you for your good qualities.

You are a natural counselor. As an empathic person, you can easily relate to others. This makes you an excellent friend and guide for others.

Revati Compatibility
Revatis’ sexuality is symbolized by a female elephant. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Bharani nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Revatis are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Uttara-phalgunis in Virgo (for female natives)
Hasta (for male natives)
Vishakha in Scorpio (for female natives)
Uttarashadha (for female natives)
Sravana (for male natives)
Purva-bhadra (for female natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Revati’s Four Quarters ( #Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Pisces): Sagittarius. You are easy-going, cheerful, and optimistic. However, you can get carried away at times.

Second Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Pisces): Capricorn. You are balanced and down-to-earth. You are more patient than most, but this can also make you appear somewhat dull to others.

Third Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Pisces): Aquarius. You have an innate spirituality and a deep drive to help others. You are also very hardworking, though this may be somewhat fueled by a sense of personal insecurity.

Fourth Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Pisces): Pisces. You have a strong intellect and are a keen student. You’re a spiritual seeker. You long for a traditional and natural way of life.

Revati in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Revati is Mridu, “soft” or “mild.” Revati is an excellent nakshatra for:

Beginning a journey
Undergoing a medical operation
Marriage ceremonies
Conceiving a child
Purchasing new clothes or jewelry



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#Jyeshta #Nakshatra is the 18th of 27 #nakshatras. If you were born when the moon was between 16:40-30:00 degrees #Scorpio
Sanskrit Name: ज्येष्ठा (Jyeshta) in #Sanskrit means “the eldest,” indicating wisdom, leadership, and excellence.

Planetary Ruler: #Mercury. This planet is associated with the intellect, literature, logic, artistic expression, and commerce.

Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Jyeshta is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. Scorpios are intense, reclusive, and bursting with energy.

Deity: #Indra. In #Vedic theology, Indra is the king of svarga and chief of the demigods. He enjoys life in great opulence, and he is a servant of Vishnu.

Symbol: #Umbrella. This represents refinement, beauty, and culture.

Power: To ascend. Persons born under the star of Jyeshta have an aristocratic bearing. They are able to uplift those around them by creating a progressive atmosphere.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters ( #padas) of Jyeshta are No (नो), Ya (या), Yee (यी), and Yu (यू). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Jyeshta natives are self-sufficient and content. They do not like to impose on others, and through their ingenuity they are able to easily provide for their own needs. Others perceive them as resourceful and highly competent, and for this reason they are seen as qualified leaders.

Those born under the star of Jyeshta possess a unique power. They act with precision and confidence, and they can be effective in whatever task they choose take up. They often use their talents to help others and to engage in noble, charitable works.

You are brilliant and wise. You excel in creative pursuits and may be a gifted writer or musician. You find joy in solitude and you lead a contemplative life.

Jyeshta Careers
Persons born in Jyeshta can do well in leadership roles or in careers that engage their creativity.

Some ideal professions include:

Musician, performer, or entertainer
Manager, CEO, or thought leader
Academic or independent researcher
Non-profit founder or charity worker
Jyestha natives sometimes suffer from a superiority complex. Due to their high standards of living and their refined mode of thinking, they may look down on others. They can be harsh in speech and even violent when angry. Unless you learn to manage your anger and frustration, you will be perpetually over-stressed, and this can result in protracted illness. Practicing meditation can be a powerful tool for combatting anger and other mental health issues.

Those born in Jyeshta can be restless, always seeking something new and stimulating. They may have difficulty finding peace and satisfaction in the ordinary activities of daily life. At the same time they crave the excitement of social activity, they are somewhat awkward when it comes to interpersonal dealings. This may lead to periods of loneliness and depression.

You are manipulative, impatient, and difficult to get along with. You may not have a very robust moral compass, and you may resort to unethical acts when it suits your purpose. However, by keeping one or two genuine friends or mentors in whom you can confide and from whom you can receive good advice, you will be better able to make it through challenging times.

Recommended: Learn more about science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You are a natural leader. Your peers look up to you and admire you for your strong personality and your many good qualities.

You crave attention. You may become habituated to being the center of attention and having a deciding voice among your peer group. Try to share influence and controllership with others, and make a practice of praising and appreciating those around you.

You are prone to outbursts. You have a hot temper and may lash out at others. Breathing techniques, such as pranayama, as well as other mindfulness techniques can be very helpful for you.

You are competitive. You like putting forward your best effort and setting new personal records. However, you can be somewhat combative in group settings.

Jyeshta Compatibility
Jyeshtas’ sexuality is symbolized by a male hare. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Anuradha nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Jyeshtas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Bharani (for male natives)
Rohini (for male natives)
Punarvasu (for female natives)
Uttara-phalguni in Leo (for female natives)
Vishakha in Scorpio (for female natives)
Shatabhisha (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Jyeshta’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Scorpio): Sagittarius. You may be a famous and well-liked personality. You are a powerful leader and orator. However, you may be overconfident.

Second Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Scorpio): Capricorn. You have a profound sense of duty and you keep your word. You have a seasoned, mature outlook on life. You are stern, reserved, and may be stingy with your wealth.

Third Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Scorpio: Aquarius. You are a natural philanthropist, and you enjoy contributing to humanitarian causes. You earn the respect of those around you. You have a natural interest in spirituality and the occult.

Fourth Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Scorpio): Pisces. You are well-educated and generous in your dealings with others. You have a mystical side. You may be excessively emotional.

Jyeshta in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Jyeshta is Tikshna, “sharp” or “intense.” Jyeshta is a good nakshatra for:

Undergoing surgery
getting a piercing
Separating from a business partner, friend, or spouse (divorce)
Giving up bad habits
Punishing someone who has acted wrongly


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#Ashlesha #Nakshatra is the ninth of 27 nakshatras. If you were born when the moon was between 16:40-30:00 degrees #Cancer
Sanskrit Name: अश्लेषा (Ashlesha). One meaning of Ashlesha is a “tight embrace,” indicating sensuality, attachment, and a seductive personality.

Planetary Ruler: #Mercury. This planet is associated with the intellect, literature, logic, artistic expression, and commerce.

Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. #Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Ashlesha is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.

Zodiac Sign: Cancer. Cancerians are wise and perceptive, and gifted in their ability to read other people. They are nurturing, creative, and empathetic.

Deity: #Vritrasura. In #Vedic theology, Vritrasura is the powerful enemy of the king of the gods, Indra. Although he is Indra’s enemy, Vritrasura is also regarded as an exceptional spiritualist and great devotee of God.

Symbol: #Serpent. This represents divine wisdom, cleverness, danger, and sensuality.

Power: To control poison. Ashlesha has destructive powers, like poison does, and also the ability to restrain this destructive power. This nakshatra also bestows the ability to tolerate.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Ashlesha are Dee (डी), Do (डू), De (डे), and Doe (डो). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

The influences of Mercury and Cancer make Ashlesha natives very mentally active. You are smart and have a thoughtful nature, often contemplating things deeply and questioning what others might accept at face-value. Philosophy interests you and you can discuss theoretical concepts with ease. You are gifted academically and are likely to receive a good education.

There’s not much that gets past you — astute and intuitive, you have an almost mystical ability to penetrate right to the heart of any situation. This holds true with people as well. Those who meet you might feel that you see straight to their souls.

Self-restrained and austere, you are able to control yourself perfectly in most situations. You don’t rely on anyone else and take pride in your independence. Although you are satisfied to act on your own, others can’t help but be drawn to you. A magnetic, seductive quality makes people seek after you. This ensures that, when you do want it, you always have a ready companion.

Ashlesha Careers
Thanks to Ashleshas’ extraordinary intelligence, they do well in almost any career that utilizes their intellect. It may be difficult for them to work in positions where they don’t have enough independence.

Some ideal professions include:

Writer, editor, or teacher
Lawyer or politician
Astrologer or yoga instructor
Chemist or pharmacist
Note: Ashleshas may also be inclined to work in the sex industry.

The downside of your self-reliance is that it makes you detached, and sometimes unappreciative of what others have done for you. Your indifference to who or what passes in and out of your life can make you behave irresponsibly — you may not care enough to put in the hard work. Without even trying to, you may make other people feel like they aren’t good enough.

You can be reclusive, often preferring your own company to that of others. Your hot temper and love for competition can make you sharp and insensitive. Because you are unusually perceptive, you are able to cut deeply and accurately when provoked. Although you may believe that you don’t need anyone else, be careful not to unintentionally burn all your bridges.

Clever and cunning, you may create mischief for the sake of it. You are talented at deception and have a tendency to lie — not only to others but also to yourself. At heart, you are idealistic and you may become anxious and melancholy when reality doesn’t match up to your ideals. Happiness will come to you more easily if you gain the courage to face life as it really is, and moreover feel gratitude for all that it offers.

Recommended: Learn more about the science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You are a rule-breaker. You won’t abide by established norms just for the sake of tradition, and this allows you to think outside the box. However, you also break rules that perhaps shouldn’t be broken in order to achieve your goals.

You are a skilled writer and speaker. Mercury’s influence ensures skill with language. Whether on the page or in speech, you are able to communicate well and impress others with your ideas.

You may have stomach problems. This could stem from a difficulty in controlling your diet. Utilize your self-restraint to moderate your diet, and eat wholesome, healthy foods.

You are possessive. Ashlesha is sometimes referred to as “the clinging star.” When you become fixated on something, you have difficulty letting it go.

You may have affairs. A fascination with sexuality and your disregard for rules and constraints may lead you into multiple love affairs.

You are powerful. There is no question that you have the ability to do great things — your power is evident to everyone you come across. You are not a good person to cross, because when provoked you are capable of destroying your antagonizers.

Ashlesha Compatibility
Ashlesha sexuality is symbolized by a male cat. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Punarvasu nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Ashleshas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Krittika (for male natives)
Punarvasus in Cancer (for female natives)
Vishakhas in Scorpio
Dhanisthas in Capricorn (for female natives)
Purva-bhadrapadas in Pisces (for female natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Ashlesha’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Cancer): Sagittarius. You are wise, and not afraid to let others know it. You are often authoritative. You have no problem making decisions or guiding people in the direction you believe to be right. You are hardworking and devoted to your religious faith.

Second Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Cancer): Capricorn. You are ambitious and intelligent. You may have trouble setting moral boundaries for yourself. Although ambitious, you can also be lazy and prefer to speculate and plan while others do the legwork. You can become isolated in your own mind and worry excessively — this can make you somewhat unbalanced if you don’t offset your mental absorption with regular exercise and engage in activities that serve the needs of others rather than your own.

Third Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Cancer): Aquarius. You are attracted to the esoteric and spiritual, and at times you yourself seem quite mystical. Often, your closest friends and family won’t know what is going on inside your head. You always have some scheme up your sleeve. Private and secretive, you may create unnecessary distance between yourself and others. However, altruism is one of your defining characteristics — your concern for humanity is what gives your life meaning and purpose.

Fourth Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Cancer): Pisces. You are scholarly and are well-versed in the literature of the world, but your curiosity isn’t limited to what can be learned in books. You see the world itself as an opportunity to learn, and you love to travel and see its wonders. Romance and adventure appeal to you. You may spend money extravagantly.

Ashlesha in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Ashlesha is Tikshna, “sharp” or “intense.” Ashlesha is a good nakshatra for:

Undergoing surgery
Getting a piercing
Separating from a business partner, friend, or spouse (divorce)
Giving up bad habits
Punishing someone who has acted wrongly


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Zodiac Sign or #Revati #Nakshatra Rashi- #Pisces
Revati Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Mercury
Revati Nakshatra Lord or God- #Pooshan, a solar deity
Revati Nakshatra Symbol- a #fish swimming in the sea or #drum
Revati Nakshatra Degree Range- 16°40’ - 30’ Pisces
Revati Nakshatra Mode of Functioning- #Balanced
Revati Nakshatra Quality- #Divine
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Revati Nakshatra Lucky Number- 5
Revati Nakshatra Yoni- #Gaj
Revati Nakshatra Dosha- #Kapha
Type of Nakshatra- #Soft
Revati Nakshatra Dasha- 17 yrs
Revati Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 27
Revati Nakshatra Gender- #Female
Revati Nakshatra Guna- #Sattwic
Revati Nakshatra Gana- #Deva
Revati Nakshatra Element or #Tattwa- #Ether
Revati Nakshatra Mobility- #Dual
Revati Nakshatra Caste- #Shudra
Revati Nakshatra Animal- Female #elephant
Revati Nakshatra Names Starting Letters- De, Do, Chaa, Chee
Revati Nakshatra #Bird- #Sparrow
Revati Nakshatra Lucky Stone- Emerald
Revati Nakshatra Lucky Color- Golden Brown
Revati Nakshatra #Tree- #Honey-tree
Revati Nakshatra Traits- Forgiving, intelligent, soft-spoken, wealthy, attention seeker, over-indulgent, sensitive, headstrong, succumbing to obstacles, pure, well-behaved, social and helpful.
About Revati Nakshatra
Known as the “Wealthy Constellation”, Revati Nakshatra is the twenty-seventh Nakshatra in the series of lunar constellations. It is the apex of all the zodiac energies, especially Mercurian energy. Revati Nakshatra is represented by the group of faint stars lying in the Pisces constellation. These stars form the shape of a “Dhola”, a drum with strings across the neck with a strap and played with both hands. In Modern astronomy, the brightest stars among the faint stars are referred to as Zeta- Piscium. This star is positioned on the planetary ecliptic which makes it easily locatable in the new moon night.

Etymologically, Revati means “the wealthy”. It speaks of the association of the Revati Nakshatra with wealth and opulence. Its alternative meaning is “to transcend” or “to go beyond”. Since Revati is the final Nakshatra of the constellation series, this signifies the end of a cycle or a gateway between one and another cycle. Astrologers considered Revati star as “the constellation of transition”. As per scriptures, this Nakshatra is slow in activity because of impending change that is envisaged to it.

Symbolized by the “a fish swimming in the sea”, Revati Nakshatra is apparently associated with the zodiac sign Pisces. It shows two fishes swimming in opposite directions. This symbolism signifies the journey of the soul in the celestial waters. Lord Vishnu is often linked with the celestial waters due to the portrayal of Lord Vishnu sitting on the Vasuki at the top of the celestial ocean (Sheer Sagar, the sea of consciousness). Alternatively, this symbolism also speaks of one’s path such as the path to salvation, the path to one’s house, the whole life path and path of spiritual awakening.

Revati Nakshatra is attuned to collective consciousness unlike the mass consciousness represented by the Cancer zodiac sign. It allows the natives to connect with the Universal mind with a set of shared beliefs, ideas, and morals. The Nakshatra speaks of Moksha or final enlightenment which is shown with its last position in the constellation chart. The symbol “drum” speaks of the commencement of news. In ancient times, drums were used for communicating news and thus the Revati constellation is linked with attributes to communicate and express well.

The presiding deity of the Revati constellation, Pooshan or Pushan or Poosha is a solar deity. He is depicted as the God standing at the beginning of all the paths and beginning. He is linked with safe travel and is supposed to have the power to light up all the paths. He is related to travel of all kinds such as mental, casual, emotional, astral and physical. He is known as a softer solar deity who bestows wealth, prosperity and fulfillment to its natives. Alternatively, Lord Vishnu is seen as the overseer of Revati Nakshatra. Lord Vishnu is the preserver of the Universe and the one of the Trinity Gods. He is the husband of Goddess Laxmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity (again associating Revati with attributes- wealth and richness). The depiction of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi over the ocean of Universal waters is the imagery of this Nakshatra.

Revati Nakshatra is correlated to the universal point where after the completion process, the material and astral realm are drawn into the causal realm and then the casual realm into a supreme eternal void. Revati star is also associated with the seventh Sacral center, “Sahastrara”, which is achieved after the awakening of Kundalini. In a lesser evolved aspect, the Revati asterism is linked with the “ocean of illusion”, corresponding to Manipura Chakra, the third sacral center governing all the worldly and materialistic actions.

As per Vedic Astrology, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon in Revati tend to offer favorable results. Ketu placement in this Nakshatra is good for spiritual pursuits. Moon in Revati Nakshatra offers perfect body, good luck, purity, wealth and heroic countenance to the Revati Nakshatra men and women.

Revati deals with the infinity of time, space and everything else. Its main keyword is “summation”. Their ability to understand and see every other Nakshatra is exemplary. In the Universal scheme of things, this constellation is associated with “Kshiradyapani Shakti”. This is the ability to nourish through milk. Its symbolism depicts cows above and calves below. The imagery focuses on the nourishment and sustainable aspect of the Revati constellation.

Revati Nakshatra in English is referred to as Revati. Revati Nakshatra in Tamil is referred to as Revathi Natchathiram (ரேவதி நட்சத்திரம்). The name of Revati Nakshatra in Malayalam is Revathy Nakshatra (രേവതി നക്ഷത്ര) while the name of the Revati constellation in Telugu is Revati (రేవతి).

Revati Nakshatra Physical Characteristics
Children born in Revati Nakshatra have a lustrous and luscious body. They have a smiley and lighthearted countenance. They are jovial and funny and love to live their life to the fullest. They are born rich and desire luxury and comfort. Their personality is very attractive and they always have a calm and well-behaved disposition.
Revati Nakshatra Behavioral Characteristics
Of 27 Nakshatras, Revati is one of the most pleasing and benevolent Nakshatra. It is an extremely lucky and positive constellation. The natives of this nakshatra are very optimistic. They stay unflustered even in the toughest of times. They trust in the divine and know how to keep their faith in it when nothing seems favorable. However, this tendency deters their growth since, at times, they do not do anything else except keeping their faith.

Revati Nakshatra men and women have high expectations from others. They seek love, care, praise, and attention. They are soft and tender and never use any sort of harsh words in their speech. They are very intelligent and know how to fix complicated situations. These natives are not ambitious for their careers or finances. They do not covet wealth, richness and properties. For them, security is of the utmost importance and thus they expect it diligently from their loved ones.

Revati Nakshatra-born natives exhibit a heart of gold. They speak softly and behave friendly to everyone. However, they sometimes are hasty in their actions and often interrupt people unintentionally. They are intuitive and attuned to their higher self. They follow their beliefs firmly and often get hurt when they feel deceived or lied to. In tough times and times of conflicts, you can find Revati Nakshatra men and women calm and well behaved. They do not quarrel and get depressed in adverse situations. They possess healing attributes and protect people who are weak and inferior to them.

Ruled by Mercury, Revati Nakshatra natives are good at communication. They go by their inner calling and desire to stay independent and free. They can adjust well with others and like to follow the path of Dharma and truth. One can find Revati Nakshatra natives as Buddhist monks and spiritual aspirants. Revati can be seen as the pinnacle of civilization and thus the natives are more focused on a refined and civilized code of conduct.

The negative characteristics of Revati Nakshatra are over-indulgence, tactlessness, lack of initiative, jealousy, low self-esteem, over-sensitivity, stubbornness, and insecurity. They are dreamers by nature and thus create different worlds around them. They do not have a sense of limits and often face hardships in achieving their targets. Revati Nakshatra men and women are not good at holding secrets and easily disclose them. For success, these natives require a realistic approach and courage to face all life obstacles.
Career Options for Revati Nakshatra Natives
The professions that are favorable for Revati Nakshatra born people are:

All kinds of creative jobs such as painting, music, acting, comedy etc.
All types of professions that are associated with foster homes and orphanages.
Shipping and marine industry can be the best Revati Nakshatra career field.
Conjurors, illusionists, and magicians.
Jobs in Pearl Industry.
Management and linguist jobs suit best to Revati Nakshatra males and females.
Divinators, astrologers and professions involved with religious institutions.
Professional hosts and hostesses especially in the aeronautical and shipping industry.
Driving instructors, traffic cops, air traffic controllers, road safety professionals.
Gemstone dealership jobs.
Rail and construction business-related professions and road planning jobs.
Driving or transport professions.
Lighthouse workers.
Calendar or Ephemeris making jobs.
Favorable Activities For Revati Nakshatra
Revati Nakshatra is a very auspicious Nakshatra for initiating all the good activities. This Nakshatra is very favorable for business activities, financial dealings, exchange of goods, creative activities, charitable acts and leisure work such as gardening and relaxation. Any kind of traveling, learning and healing or medical treatment turns fruitful during the Nakshatra period. You can buy cars, homes or other valuable goods in Revati Nakshatra. Spiritual or occult practices can be done when the Revati constellation shines in the sky. As per Vedic texts, Revati Nakshatra is very suitable for dealing with gemstones or wearing them for the first time. Religious rituals, marriage, sexual activities, acts of kindness are considered propitious in Revati Nakshatra. You may select any Revati Nakshatra day to complete or give a final touch to any work.
Unfavorable Activities For Revati Nakshatra
Being the soft constellation, Revati Nakshatra is not auspicious for harsh and bold activities. People face hardship in overcoming obstructions, difficulties and enmity in this Nakshatra. Revati star is not favorable for sharp actions like surgery and cutting. It is advisable to not indulge in any sort of strenuous activities such as mountain climbing. As per ancient Vedic texts, the last quarters of Revati star is unfavorable for beginning any new work. Thus, one should avoid starting any activity during the Revati star's last two quarters- Aquarius Navamsa and Pisces Navamsa. It is said that Aquarius Navamsa makes it difficult for natives to work on a material plane whereas Pisces Navamsa allows natives to get swayed easily.
Revati Nakshatra Remedies
People suffering from afflictions of Revati Nakshatra should worship Lord Vishnu. He is the nurturer of the world and is known to bestow prosperity, happiness and success.

These natives should recite the root Mantra- “Om Lam”, “Om Ksham”, “Om Am” and “Om Aam”. Chanting this Revati Nakshatra Mantra 108 times during the lunar transition and in the corresponding month of Revati Nakshatra alleviates afflictions and brings good luck, wealth and enlightenment in life.

Revati star men and women can increase the positive effects of Revati Nakshatra by wearing light, variegated and oceanic colors. They should prefer pastel shades. People born in Revati Nakshatra are recommended to undertake all the important actions corresponding to the position of Revati star for the auspicious results.


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Zodiac Sign or #Jyeshtha #Nakshatra Rashi- #Scorpio
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Mercury
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Degree Range- 16°40’ - 30° Scorpio
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Lord or God- #Indra
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Yoni- Mrig
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Quality- #Demon
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Dosha- #Vata
Type of Nakshatra- #Sharp
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Dasha- 17 years
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 18 or 9
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Gender- Female
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Nature- #Rakshasa (Demon like)
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Guna- #Sattva
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Mobility- #Dual
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Caste- #Servant
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Animal- #Male #deer
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Names Starting Letter- No, Ya, Yi, Yu
Jyeshtha Nakshatra #Bird- #Brahminy #duck or Ruddy shelduck
Jyeshtha Nakshatra #Tree- #Cotton-tree
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Traits- Contented, Charitable, Irritable, Joyful, Proud, Wealthy, Steady, Angrily disposed, Troubled by relatives, Satisfied, Enjoying
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Lucky Number- 5
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Symbol- Round Talisman
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Gemstone- #Emerald
About Jyeshtha Nakshatra
Jyeshtha, the 18th Nakshatra in astrology is a Nakshatra of Governance. The word Jyeshtha means seniormost, elderly or authoritative. According to Vedic Astrologers, in the ancient period only 18 Nakshatras are known and Jyeshtha was the final constellation from them and that is why it is called the senior most constellation.

In the symbol of Jyeshtha Nakshatra, you can see a “Round Talisman”. This round talisman represents divine protection and higher position. This Nakshatra mainly represents authoritative nature.

The Lord Upendra ie. Vishnu is the ruler of Jyeshtha Nakshatra. That is why natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra are associated with rituals and activities of welfare.

Like the name suggests, natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra enjoy high authority positions but they do not let this fame overpower them. They remain sober and grounded. The lucky color of this constellation is Cream. The body part associated with Jyeshta Nakshatra is the lower abdomen region.

Jyeshtha Nakshatra - Physical Characteristics
Jyeshtha Nakshatra male and females have a well proportioned body, they try to maintain their body posture and keep it admirable. The best part of their physique is their eyes, their eyes are penetrating, probing and attractive. Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives try to maintain a glorious and impressive appearance. Sometimes, they strain themselves in this obsession. Those who have Jyeshtha as their constellation mature physically and mentally very quickly. Natives are forerunners and they have very good physical stamina. They are vulnerable to health issues like cold, dysentery, fever and even problems in the prostate gland.
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Characteristics- Behavioral Characteristics
Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives are authority and power loving individuals. For them, maintaining a respectful image in society is very important. Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives do everything according to the rulebook as they care about other people’s response. They function very well in acts of charity, generosity and kindness.

The natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra were considered philanthropists in the earlier times. They protect the weak and helpless. These individuals never hesitate to help their subordinates and underprivileged people even if it requires them to jump into a dangerous situation.

One aspect of Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives is responsibility. They do not take their domains lightly and work for them with extreme dedication. On the negative side, natives are also revengeful and vindictive. They cannot take it when others move ahead from them. They are extremely competitive and sometimes this trait helps them to explore their potential.

Natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra are highly placed but they do not let this power overpower their mind. They remain grounded, sober and open minded. They do not toot one’s own horn but they like it very much when someone else appreciates them. On the other hand , they are quite stubborn and short tempered as well.

The strong points of Jyeshtha Nakshatra male and females are their good governance, punctuality, outspokenness, tolerance of ambiguity. They are creative and genius individuals but also dramatic and superficially religious.

The weak points of Jyeshtha Nakshatra males and females are their anger, sadness and selfishness. Sometimes, they also tend to engage in acts of infidelity. When it comes to morales, they are not very good and ideally correct. They are also vulnerable to bad habits like drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

Favorable Activities For Jyeshtha Nakshatra
The Jyeshtha Nakshatra is extremely auspicious for harsh activities. You can engage in planning or plotting against someone or even spying and passing judgements. It is also good for acknowledging important issues. This period is favorable for all the activities related to administration, tasks that require taking control or taking authority or behaving responsibly. It is auspicious for acknowledging policing or monitoring situations, occult activities. This period is most favourable for acts of concern like taking care of your family, assisting your elders, caring or protecting loved ones and being in charge in the sense of caring. You can engage in occult activities which require a lot of penance,setting disciplines for oneself and planning grand things. This period is favorable for acting restrained considering others.
Unfavorable Activities For Jyeshtha Nakshatra
In the period of Jyeshtha Nakshatra, you should not engage in any selfish or self centric activity and also which requires you to take advantage of others. It is inauspicious for healing activities, marriage, recreational activities, travelling. In this period, you should not wallow in depression and resentment. You should not engage in acts of infidelity. You should also avoid any activity which requires you to be gentle, sensitive, tactful and too comfortable.

Career Options for Jyeshtha Natives
The professions that are favorable for people born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra are:-

Information and Broadcasting industry like Reporters, Radio commentators, Newsreaders, Television commentators, Talk show hosts.
All jobs in Telecommunication industry
Jobs in Defence industry like Military, Salvation army, Police, Naval professions, Firemen.
Air Traffic controllers and Radar experts.
Administrative posts and Government officials.
Actors and orators
Jobs which require physical strength like Athletes,Sprinters and Manual labourers
Politicians and Bureaucrats
Professions which include taking care of old people.
Trade Unionists, Occultists, Detectives and Mafia
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Remedies
Those who are suffering from affliction to Jyeshtha Nakshatra should worship the God of preservation ie. The Vishnu. All fierce female goddesses like Durga and Kali should also be worshipped by the native. As per Vedic astrology, you should chant the root mantra “Om Dham”. Those who chant “Om dham ''108 times in the period of lunar transition become free of clouds of inauspiciousness wandering over their life. It is advised to wear light and dark blue, dark green, black and red color clothes. Also, Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives should perform all the important actions corresponding to the position of the Ashlesha constellation for the most beneficial results.


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#Ashlesha #Nakshatra, which is from 16°40’ to 30°00’ degrees in Cancer, is the 9th Nakshatra in the zodiac as per Indian #Vedic Astrology. The symbol for Ashlesha Nakshatra is a coiled #serpent. This lunar mansion is the deceptive divine serpent who resides in the zodiac sign of Cancer. The presiding deity for Ashlesha is the Sarpas, the snakes or a group of snake. They are often referred in Hindu Vedic lores as one lives beneath the earth in the realm known as Pataala. This type of association for this Naga nakshatra and such snake related symbolisms makes Ashlesha denote everything associated with the snake. There is an Indian perspective of snakes as wily, creepy creatures often said to hypnotise their prey and then entwining or coiling themselves around their victims before they get any sort of consciousness.

An Ashlesha native or people with Ashlesha Nakshatra are also credited with great wisdom, cunning, insight, powers of concentration, and primordial energy and power or vigour. This primordial vigour is particularly sexual power. So people even relate this nakshatra to Ketu in astrology for the traits of serpent deity. But not to forget that Ashlesha is the Nakshatra which is ruled by planet Mercury and is signified by a serpent deity. Hence it depicts the very unusual side of #Mercury. As the symbol represents a coiled snake, many also say Ashlesha even possess the quality of #snake which is coiled and ready to act. Though the action depends on the type of planet associated with this lunar mansion.

Many astrologers quote that, Ashlesha Nakshatra rules qualities like deception, insincerity, secrecy, greed, actions like attacking at the hind side, cold-bloodedness and poisonous or painful things. While the positive side of Ashlesha Nakshatra gives insight, wisdom and holistic understanding into any subject. When this lunar mansion has a good influence of strong Jupiter it can also enable divine wisdom.

Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra: The people whose Birth star is Ashlesha Nakshatra are ones who are inattentive to the work of other people. Ashlesha native is sinful and ungrateful. They can be promiscuous eaters and they are skilled in deceiving others.




Scientists Finally Solved the Mystery of #How the #Mayan #Calendar #Works
The Mayan calendar's 819-day cycle has confounded scholars for decades, but new research shows how it matches up to planetary cycles over a 45-year span. That's a much broader view of the tricky calendar than anyone previously tried to take.

In a study published in the journal Ancient Mesoamerica, two Tulane University scholars highlighted how researchers never could quite explain the 819-day count calendar until they broadened their view.
"Although prior research has sought to show planetary connections for the 819-day count, its four-part, color-directional scheme is too short to fit well with the synodic periods of visible planets," the study authors write.

"By increasing the calendar length to 20 periods of 819-days a pattern emerges in which the synodic periods of all the visible planets commensurate with station points in the larger 819-day calendar."
That means the Mayans took a 45-year view of planetary alignment and coded it into a calendar that has left modern scholars scratching their heads in wonder.

While ancient Mayan culture offered various calendar types, the one that baffled scholars the most was this 819-day calendar discovered in glyphic texts. Researchers have long believed this calendar was associated with planetary movements, especially the synodic periods — when a planet appears visually to return to the same location in the sky, as seen from Earth — of key planets. However, each planet moves quite differently and matching up multiple planets into an 819-day span didn't seem to make sense.

But it does when you look at it over 16,380 days (roughly 45 years), not just 819 days. That's a total of 20 x 819-day timelines.

#Mercury was always the starting point for the tricky timeline because its synodic period — 117 days — matches nicely into 819. From there, though, we need to start extrapolating out the 819 number, and if you chart 20 cycles of 819 days, you can fit every key planet into the mix.

And #Mars may be the kicker for the overall length. With a 780-day synodic period, 21 periods match exactly to 16,380, or 20 cycles of 819 days. #Venus needs seven periods to match five 819-day counts, #Saturn has 13 periods to fit with six 819-day counts, and #Jupiter 39 periods to hit 19 x 819-counts.
"Rather than limit their focus to any one planet," the authors write,

"the #Maya #astronomers who created the 819-day count envisioned it as a larger calendar system that could be used for predictions of all the visible planet's synod periods, as well as commensuration points with their cycles in the Tzolk'in and Calendar Round."



Bill Ryan interviews Jane Burgermeister ( Feb 2010 ) : a Project Avalon video

sound familiar? #2010
#swineflu #vaccine #lockstep #mercury #terror #terrorism #moredangerousthanthevirus #internationalcorporatecrimesyndicate #shadowgovernment #fluvaccinescandal #weshouldhavelearned #wedidlearn #weforgot #notadequatelytested #gainoffunction #birdflu #makemorevirulent #militarystylemanagementofthepandemic #PandemicEmergency #Untested #ThereAreWorseThingsThanDeath
#publicinterest #hugeawakening #askquestions #SayNo #AwakenAgain #GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeDeath
#JaneBurgermeister #BillRyan #Activist #Activists #Activism
#projectcamelot #projectavalon
#DownloadWhileYouCan ;D #TheIgnoranceThatDiesIsNotYou

Some few snippets from the first quarter I've attempted to transcribe accurately:

Jane: "there are many government documents which indicate, the only way to get a lot of people infected with the virus is by vaccinating them. And if people refuse the vaccines, then this virus is just not going to happen and spread, however much they hype it. If people refuse to take the vaccines, then it's not going to become a major problem."


Jane: "...whether pharmaceutical companies influenced the world health organisation to make these declarations that they could then sell these gigantic quantities of vaccine at huge profit."

Bill: "so we have a kind of flu-gate here?"

Jane: "we have a flu-gate.
And this report is due to be finished in June. And Paul Flynn indicated to me might even look at the Baxter Institute as part of his report."

Bill "Tell people about the baxter institute, if they're seeing this for the first time."

Jane: "Well, in February of last year, about 1 year ago, Baxter contaminated 72 kilos of vaccine material with the live bird flu virus in their facilities in Moderna in Austria. And this nearly triggered a global bird flu pandemic. And there are many reasons to think this was deliberate. The main one is that bio-safety level 3 regulations have to be used when anybody handles the bird flu virus, and this makes an accidental contamination almost impossible. I filled charges, and police started investigating, but they dropped the charges at end of September, just before the mass vaccination campaign, and just before Baxter sought approval for its swine flu vaccine. And I asked to see the files, to see the basis in which the state prosecutor dropped the charges. I was refused access to the files. So I emailed Paull Flynn asked him whether he would look into this matter, by virtue of his power as a member of this case body, he could probably force the state prosecutor to hand over these files or even question executives to get to bottom of this incident. I think a proper inquiry will most likely show that it was a deliberate attempt by a pharmaceutical company to trigger the very pandemic that they then profit from by being able to sell these pandemic vaccinations in gigantic quantities."


Bill: "... or is there a possibility of a whitewash here?"

Jane: "Well I think if Paul Flynn simply documents the facts, the facts about how toxic the vaccine is, that it was only given to people in special emergency, the regulations were in place that allowed these untested vaccines to be administered, if he documents the facts that we could have been forced to have taken this vaccine under the international health regulations, that there's a military style management of the pandemic, that it was planned, and indeed in France came within a few days of martial law in December, nurses and doctors were requisitioned and forced to give this vaccine to people in vaccine centers. And if he documents all of this, as well as Baxter incident, that will be enough to create an explosive report which will then be sent to 47 parliaments in Europe, to Switzerland, to Ukraine, to Russia, to the countries of the block of the European Union. They will then have to consider this report, and I think if they investigate and look into it, it could well come to a series of arrests and scandals in each country. The media, as we know, in the meantime, is totally controlled of course, by the pharmaceutical/banking group, the shadow government. People like James Murdoch the son of Rupert Murdoch, who is, I think, in control of the news corporation's European arm, sits on the board of Glaxo-Smith Klein, which produces pandemic vaccine. Thomas Glocer the CEO of Reuters, who sits on the board of Merc

So the media will not be telling us

about all these dramatic developments, whatever. But behind the media screen we could see tremendous numbers of arrests, and renewal and changes in our government, on an unprecedented scale. Because the facts alone are so shocking."


"so long as this #PandemicEmergencyLevel6 is in place, it can issue drugs, that are untested, to people, so we can be getting all kinds of drugs now, that haven't been adequately tested. It can take control of the health services, the military and the police in countries, and create this sort of ... um... cement the shadow governments infrastructure. So, apart from all of this, this shadow group is also involved in the climate-gate scandal and the financial crisis, is trying to instigate wars, famines, sending these vaccines to the developing world. So, we can't just say it's all over. It isn't."

"We need to go a little further."

We knew back then. What happened?

#Assange's head on a spike in front of the palace shut you all up?

Head up, stout chest, glowing strong, stand firm. We can still mend this. #WeCanStillMendThis


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SODIUM TAIL OF #MERCURY: Astronomy used to be so simple. Comets had tails, and planets did not. Mercury is making things complicated. When Dr. Sebastian Voltmer of Spicheren, #France, photographed the #planet this week, it exhibited a magnificent comet-like tail flowing behind it:

"Mercury is NOT a comet, but it looks like one," says Voltmer. "The solar wind and micro-meteorites eject sodium atoms from Mercury's surface. This creates a yellow-orange tail of sodium gas that is around 24 million kilometers long."

First predicted in the 1980s, Mercury's tail was discovered in 2001. The gaseous plume is made of many elements from Mercury's rocky surface, not only sodium. Sodium, however, dominates the scattering of sunlight and gives the tail a striking yellow hue.
People watching Mercury climb up the evening sky this month may be wondering "why didn’t I see a tail?" Answer: A special filter is required. "I used a 589 nanometer filter tuned to the yellow glow of sodium," says Voltmer. "Without such a filter, Mercury's tail is almost invisible to the naked eye."



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#Ashlesha #Nakshatra 2023
Ashlesha nakshatra has the influence of #Cancer and #Mercury which makes the natives strong both physically and mentally. These natives are very thoughtful in nature and are smart in their deeds and do every task after analyzing deeply the outcome of it. The academic side of these nakshatra natives are strong and are likely to attain heights of success as desired. Ashlesha nakshatra 2023 prediction analyzes many areas of your life like finance, career, business, relationship etc.

Ashlesha Nakshatra 2023: Characteristics of Natives
Ashesha nakshatra natives don’t follow any rules. You don’t like to abide by any rules put forth anywhere in your home or office etc. This gives you the name rule breaker. Also, in order to break the rules, you may think out of box to achieve your goals in life and in professional life. You are a great creative writer and speaker. The influence of Mercury makes your string with the language. The communication skills you have may impress others with your ideas. Generally, you may get stomach related issues. But this can be corrected by controlling your diet. Follow a healthy diet plan and you may see the changes that are shown by your body. You are moreover possessive in nature. If you like something, you may get addicted to it easily.

Ashlesha Nakshatra 2023 Predictions: Career
In the first half of 2023, you may have to face some challenges in your career and business which leads to dissatisfaction. But do not deviate from the work you do and from the month of April, you may start experiencing some good opportunities and this may bring ultimate success in your career and business. During this time the planetary positions are good for you and the second half brings great victory in terms of career. If you want to know more about Ashlesha nakshatra Career and Business, Ask an Astrologer.First Consultation with 100% Cashback!

Ashlesha Nakshatra 2023 Predictions: Finance
Ashlesha nakshatra finance says that the first half of 2023 may be quite challenging at times in terms of financial status. But during April 2023 you may get good returns of your past deeds. Do not make any new investment this time and you may proceed to make investment from May onwards. Your income is likely to improve from June 2023 onwards. From June till December you may feel relaxed and can concentrate more on other business activities as well.

Ashlesha Nakshatra 2023 Predictions: Relationship
Ashlesha nakshatra relationship says that 2023 may bring you lots of surprises as well as some setbacks. It may be a mix bag while coming to relationships. So, in order to get things done right, channelize your current energy. During the middle of 2023, you may get many positive situations in your relationship. During the last three months of the year, your emotions may overflow and may be disregarded. Do not make any wrong decisions during this time as it may make you sad. Do you want to know more about your relationship status in 2023 and good Ashlesha nakshatra 2023 muhurat to start a relationship, Get Free Janampatri.

Ashlesha Nakshatra 2023 Predictions: Health
Ashlesha Nakshatra Health says that the planetary positions are favorable for you in 2023 and thus it may bring only positive situations in your health. But laziness is on your way and this may bring some disciplined way of life. There may be no major issues, still you need to maintain a healthy way of life. Do not overeat, it may cause problems in the second half of 2023. The impact of planets around the year end may bring some fluctuations in your health.

In a nutshell, 2023 is likely to be a year of mix of positives and negatives in all areas of your life. Would you like to know more about your life and its solutions?


#Revati #Nakshatra: #Mahua is the appropriate #tree for those whose Nakshatra is Revati. On Purnima, people must offer sweet Imarti to this tree to obtain the blessing. Natives should not, however, plant Mahua in their homes as it could bring bad luck and unfavourable energy into their life

As per #VedicAstrology, the ruling planet for Revati Nakshatra is Planet #Mercury. It looks like a Drum or pair of #fish. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is #Pushan. The gender of this star is female. If you belong to Revati constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.



#Jyeshtha #Nakshatra: The #Neem #tree is one of the nakshatra trees explicitly designed for this constellation. Touching the feet of this tree not only has medical value but also promotes relaxation and tranquillity in those who do so. Consuming the tree’s tendril will also bring happiness to people’s life
As per #VedicAstrology, the ruling planet for Jyeshta Nakshatra is Planet #Mercury. It looks like a Hanging #Earring or #umbrella. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is #Indra. The gender of this star is female. If you belong to Jyeshta constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.

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