I'm tired of people asking me about my opinion on the lies they believe. Seems the people who believe in the most lies have to convince you of the "truth" of them.
Since they ask, I'm starting to really give them my opinion.
No, I don't think the Keystone Pipeline is a good idea. It may have been 30 years ago, but the technology has moved past it. It's a waste of money now. Go buy a horse and buggy if you don't like it and go the Amish route.
No, the Keystone Pipeline is not vital to Louisiana oil and gas production. It would pump foreign Canadian oil to Louisiana and Texas--meaning we do not have to drill in Louisiana, dumbass.
No, Mr. Potato Head is not being taken off shelves. And "Democrats" are not calling for it to be.
No, the Cat in the Hat is not a black stereotype except in your delusional and idiotic mind.
No, illegal immigrants are not the main Covid risk in Texas, racist shit. Texasses who don't wear masks and go drinking in bars might be.
No, the conflict over gay wedding cakes did NOT start with irate gay-supporting Democrats. It started with conservative Christian Republicans whining about their "rights being violated" after Sean Hannity stirred it up. Get a memory.
No, Sean Hannity is not a genius, moron. Everything that comes out of his fucking Catholic QAnon mouth is a lie. He is a paid liar who is about to get his ass sued off by Dominion.
Ditto on my opinion of Alex Jones, who admitted in court he has problems with psychosis. Or maybe that's just still another lie.
No, Sandy Hook was not "staged." Innocent children were killed and their parents persecuted because Republican talking asses accused the parents of being "fakes." And you are a fucking cruel bastard for supporting this.
Yes, Biden really is trying to unite immigrant parents with their children who were stolen from them. Yes, Trump really did sell them off in adoptions. Yes, this is cruel, and I will let any woman who had a child stolen from her tell you what a sorry piece of shit you are for not being supportive of Biden's efforts.
No, it is not safe to end mask mandates. Biden is right, it is "Neanderthal thinking."
No, there are no damned microchips in the vaccines. Get a brain, moron. And a shot in your fucking arm.
No, the semi-literate dipshit on the radio does not have "inside information" on the vaccines that the CDC does not. School dropouts are not "smarter" than trained experts with years of experience. And you are no fucking expert.
I could go on and on over the stupid lies I'm confronted with from people who actually believe them. I'm tired of remaining silent except for here on Facebook, and that is changing rapidly.
I will not avoid conflict when brainwashed Republican friends want to come into our home without either masks or vaccinations because the virus is a "hoax" and vaccines have "microchips."
I'm tired of respecting the "opinions" of others when they don't respect the health of me or Freret or anyone.
#qanon #lies #politics #keystone #vaccines #potatohead #sandyhook #stolenchildren #weddingcakes #nopoliteness