

bell hooks, Sandra Lucbert, Léonora Miano… les conseils de lecture de la rédaction de basta! ###

Voici quelques uns des essais et romans que les journalistes de basta! ont lu cette année et vous recommande. Ils vous emmènent à Marseille ou aux États-Unis, vous font remonter l’histoire ou plonger dans les luttes féministes ou écologistes. Petite sélection de livres à mettre sous le sapin pour Noël. https://basta.media/Conseils-livres-2021-feminismes-resistances-gentrification-ecologie-queer

#Livres #Essais #Romans #Lecture #ConseilLecture #Recommandation #Feminisme #Resistance #Ecologie #Queer #Noel #IdeesCadeaux


The Testimonies Project

Risques de la vaccination covid, des victimes israéliennes témoignent

Risks of covid vaccination, Israeli victims testify

Entrer une description pour l'image ici

Cette vidéo raconte l’histoire de nombreuses personnes en Israël qui ont pris le vaccin et ont souffert d’effets secondaires, notamment de problèmes cardiaques, de caillots sanguins, de problèmes de peau, de saignements, de problèmes neurologiques, d’inflammations, d’apparition de maladies et même de décès… Ce sont là quelques-unes des réactions au “vaccin” COVID qui sont survenues chez ces personnes qui pensaient faire ce qu’il fallait.

The Testimonies Project a été créé pour offrir une plateforme à tous ceux qui ont été affectés par le vaccin COVID-19, et pour s’assurer que leurs voix soient entendues, car elles ne le sont pas dans les médias israéliens.

Nous espérons que ce projet encouragera de plus en plus de personnes à raconter leur histoire.

This video tells the stories of many people from Israel that took the vaccine and suffered side effects, including Heart Problems, Blood Clots, Skin Problems, Bleeding, neurological issues, inflammations, disease outbreak and even death… These are some of the COVID ‘vaccine’ reactions that have happened to these people who thought they were doing the right thing.

The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the COVID-19 vaccine, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.

We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story.

English subtitled version :

Version sous-titrée en français :

#vaccins #vaccines #vaccin #covidvaccines #covid #effetsindesirables #israel #TheTestimoniesProject #vaccinations #victims #testify #témoignages #effetssecondaires #effetssecondairesgraves #cardiaque #myocardites #pericardites #saignements #problemesneurologiques #inflammations #deces #sideeffects #heartproblems #bloodclots #thromboses #bleeding #neurologicalissues #diseaseoutbreak #death #covidvaccine #wearenotguineapigs #cobayes #reinfocovid #resistance #moncorpsmonchoix #nurembergcode #codedenuremberg #pfizer #spike


December 1st - A Day to Write To Prisoners!

Prisoners for Peace Day

December 1st is Prisoners for Peace Day. On this day (and every day) we encourage you to show #solidarity with the #activists and #ConscientiousObjectors imprisoned due to their #peace work and their refusal to take #arms and perform #military service.

This year we want to highlight and denounce how countries like #Singapore, the Republic of #Korea, #Eritrea and #Tajikistan continues to prosecute and imprison conscientious objectors.

Find a list of #prisoners for peace here, download the list here or below.

As we get closer to this day, what can you do?
We have been told repeatedly by people who have been sent messages of solidarity while in #prison, either via #letters or solidarity actions, that the moral support of like-minded people has been invaluable. Your solidarity is crucial to remind the #imprisoned refusers and peace activists that they are not alone and that we are aware of the significance of their #resistance. On this day,

  • Join many others from across the world and write to those imprisoned for their peace work and conscientious objection.
  • Encourage your friends, peace group, student, faith or community group to organise a card-writing session (online, or if the Covid-19 regulations allow, physical).
  • Help us spread the word on social media. Use the hashtag #PfPday21 and post your messages of solidarity with prisoners for peace on social media, and invite others to write to those in #jail.

If you have details of other prisoners for peace not yet listed, please write to info@wri-irg.org.

#antiwar #propeace #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights




Standing with the Ancients

A poetic and in-depth immersion into the forest activists blockading logging roads on Vancouver Island in a fervid attempt to stop old growth logging in Fairy Creek.

When construction of a new logging road was discovered cresting into the untouched Fairy Creek watershed near Port Renfrew on southern Vancouver Island, a group of activists quickly set up a road blockade to stop old growth logging in the area. For nine months, these forest defenders halted road building and old growth logging in the unprotected valley. But when the Supreme Court grants an injunction to remove the camps through police arrests, the blockaders find themselves at the intersection of activism and grief. Will the encroaching threat of arrest stop their efforts to protect Canada’s last ancient forests from being cut down?

In a deja vu of the memorable ‘War in the Woods’ in Clayoquot Sound 30 years ago, Standing with the Ancients is a hybrid mid-length character-driven documentary about the current historical Fairy Creek blockade movement. The film blends an observational, cinema vérité approach with experimental soundscapes and artful archival imagery to create a surrealistic and enveloping embedment into the first-hand experiences of the impassioned forest defenders fighting in the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history.


#StandingwiththeAncients #documentary #film #logging #old-growth #trees #forests #activism #resistance #protection #preservation #conservation #FairyCreek #JenMuranetz #EstoriaProductions #docu-films



The Last Forest

The Last Forest

In powerful images, alternating between documentary observation and staged sequences, and dense soundscapes, Luiz Bolognesi (Director) documents the Indigenous community of the Yanomami and depicts their threatened natural environment in the Amazon rainforest.

The native Yanomami people live in the northern region of Brazil, in a mountainous terrain of the Amazon forest surrounded by landscapes that are quite distinct from what we are used to seeing. Vast tablelands, waterfalls, and streams can be found in the dense woodland, while the exotic savannas often overlap with the clouds at the top of the forest.

In these exotic and unusual landscapes, the Yanomami write a rare history of cultural resistance. As other native tribes are forced into the assimilation of white identity – be it through the invasion of evangelical churches, or the entry of loggers, miners, and engineers that are opening roads or building dams – the Yanomami, guided by their leader and great shaman Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, fight to preserve their spiritual and daily culture. In order to protect their identities, they battle a real war filled with numerous internal conflicts. Such as the desire of young people of owning a smartphone or of leaving the forest in search of the city-life.

The film “The Last Forest” is a documentary feature that aims to introduce these characters and this conflict through the observation of the Yanomami’s everyday life. It is from the interaction with them, from the desire of listening and understanding them in their own terms, that our film is born.

#TheLastForest #documentary #film #nature #environment #indigenous #peoples #community #cultural #resistance #identities #Amazon #Amazonia #Yanomami #Brazil #LuizBolognesi #Berlinale #AÚltimaFloresta #docu-films


Et si les sondages tuaient les sondages ?


Tiens, un nouveau sondage. #Zemmour serait au second tour. "Pour la première fois" assure #Yahoo. C'est faux. Un mois plus tôt, un autre sondage avait déjà donné Zemmour au second tour, battant #Marine-Le-Pen au premier (17 contre 15), mais avec une marge d'erreur de 5%, ce qu'il ne précisait évidemment pas. Zemmour vient de "creuser l'écart" avec Marine Le Pen, commente #BFMTV. En sens inverse, "Les Échos" notaient il y a quelques jours que le polémiste ultra-nationaliste et multi-condamné connaissait un "coup d'arrêt brutal à droite". Mais selon #CNews, pour 93% des Français, "la sécurité est une préoccupation importante". Si CNews le dit...
#Gilets-Jaunes #GJ #fr #politique #soft-dictature #démocratie #resistance


Mais dans quel monde vit-on ?

Une proposition de loi instaurant la vaccination obligatoire contre le SARS-CoV-2, est en examen au sénat.

Parmi les amendements, la possibilité de sanctionner d’une amende pouvant aller jusqu’à 1500 euros les parents qui refusent de soumettre leur(s) enfant(s) à la vaccination obligatoire à compter du 01 janvier 2022

Ce texte sera discuté en séance le 13 octobre.

Comment interpeller son sénateur ou sa sénatrice ?

connaître la personne élue pour votre circonscription

Ensuite pour les contacter, il faut passer par les groupes (socialiste, udi, les républicains, etc)
et cherche une personne pour avoir ses coordonnées.

#fr #politique #santé #covid19 #soft-dictature #flicage #dellation #apartheid #vaccination #vaccins #obligation-vaccinale #GJ #gilets-jaunes #constitution #démocratie #resistance #blocage #greve-generale #article35


Die Festung Europa müssen wir hier vor Ort zu Fall bringen: mit unserem antifaschistischen Widerstand und unserer Solidarität!
SAR - #Solidarity And #Resistance

25.9. | 18:00 | Ffm Hbf/Kaisersack
Antifaschistische Demo am Vorabend der #btw21.





Heute Nacht vor 1 Jahr brannte die Hölle #Moria nieder. Die Antwort von #FortressEurope ist noch mehr menschenverachtende, tödliche Gewalt, gerade auch in der #Ägäis mit geschlossenen Lager und brutalen #Pushbacks.

#Solidarity and #Resistance


#WIR HABEN PLATZ<br>Heute Nacht vor 1 Jahr ging die Hölle Moria in Flammen auf. Seitdem zeigt uns das EUropa der Schande Tag für Tag neu: Es kann noch schlimmer, menschenverachtender, tödlicher. <a class=#VergUEnza<br>#SHUT DOWN ALL CAMPS<br>dann ein Foto des brennenden Lagers; Bewohner:innen stehen u. sitzen davor und schauen ungläubig in die Flammen.<br>#Leave No One Behind" title="#WIR HABEN PLATZ<br>Heute Nacht vor 1 Jahr ging die Hölle Moria in Flammen auf. Seitdem zeigt uns das EUropa der Schande Tag für Tag neu: Es kann noch schlimmer, menschenverachtender, tödlicher. #VergUEnza<br>#SHUT DOWN ALL CAMPS<br>dann ein Foto des brennenden Lagers; Bewohner:innen stehen u. sitzen davor und schauen ungläubig in die Flammen.<br>#Leave No One Behind">


Jamais n'ont été autant répandu de mensonges sur les réalités aujourd'hui, il suffit de voir que dans une seule manif à Lyon par exemple on a la totalité des chiffres de manifestants au plan national donnés par Darmanin. Tout çà est censuré! Chiffre repris par les merdias le plus souvent sans même mentionner la source...RT, Sud Radio compris...localement les gazettes locales ne peuvent faire de la sorte au risque de se discréditer, sauf là où la participation est relativement faible...
Ainsi va l'"info" des "citoyens" dans notre belle "démocratie"...la résistance à l'absolutisme a connu des jours bien plus difficiles en d'autres temps avec bien moins d'acteurs...

Reportage : les manifestations du 4 septembre en images

Pierrick Tillet

Pour ceux qui veulent vraiment s’informer et se faire une idée de visu, voici un petit tour en images des manifestations du 4 septembre – 8ème samedi consécutif – pour la liberté (reportage non exhaustif).

Encore plus de monde à #Lyon sur les pentes de La Croix rousse ??#manifestation4septembre pic.twitter.com/y7pJra713L
— SandT (@SandT_Liberte) September 4, 2021

Une foule impressionnante à Montpellier défile contre le #PasseSanitaire #Manifs4septembre #manifestation4septembre pic.twitter.com/rn0Tu1zTAU
— La Mule – le média qui s'entête (@LaMuleMedia) September 4, 2021

??Besançon – 04/09/2021

Place du 8 septembre #Manifs4septembre #manifestation4septembre #AntiPassSanitaire #antipass #besancon #liberte #Resistance @AnonymeCitoyen @AssoCovid @france_soir @mammiebocockiq @lepeupleuni @LeGrandReveilfr pic.twitter.com/pjTZeJx56N
— Marine (@AyaCrest) September 4, 2021

La #Manif4septembre est déjà en route à #AixEnProvence‼️

Le mot #Liberté scandé en boucle pour dire #NonAuPassDeLaHonte‼️#Manifs4septembre #NonAuPassSanitaire#MacronDestitution
??@Totem43464854 pic.twitter.com/sKYkpj18bN
— Lorentz mathias (@LorentzMathias) September 4, 2021

Une petite poignée de manifestants à Nice ?? #Manifs4septembre #manifestation4septembre #PassSanitaire #Nice06 @AnonymeCitoyen pic.twitter.com/U1f6XQzm0m
— Guillaume Funel (@Guifuf) September 4, 2021

#Albertville ne se dégonfle décidément pas…Au moins 10 personnes en ce 4/9/2021 ?????? pic.twitter.com/IYAsPnkSrx
— Romu Méninge (@romumartinik) September 4, 2021

Manifestation contre l’odieux #PassSanitaire à Chartres. #Manifs4septembre pic.twitter.com/6hnewOT47E
— Steiner ?? (@Steiner61421320) September 4, 2021

Lire la suite à: https://yetiblog.org/archives/32920


Inge Ginsberg, Holocaust Survivor With a Heavy Metal Coda, Dies at 99

Her rich life, spanning three continents and 11 decades, entailed wartime #espionage, volumes of poetry, songwriting and a late-career turn as a rock band’s frontwoman.

#IngeGinsberg performing with her band, Inge and the TritoneKings, in a still from the documentary “Death Metal Grandma.” A poet, she wrote the lyrics and delivered them with a heavy metal punch.

By Annabelle Williams

Inge Ginsberg, who fled the Holocaust, helped American spies in Switzerland during World War II, wrote songs in Hollywood and, in a final assertion of her presence on earth, made a foray into heavy #metal music as a nonagenarian, died on July 20 in a care home in Zurich. She was 99.

The cause was heart failure, said #PedrodaSilva, a friend and bandmate.

In a picaresque life, Ms. Ginsberg lived in New York City, Switzerland, Israel and Ecuador. She wrote #songs and poetry, worked as a journalist and refused to fade into the background as she aged, launching herself, improbably, into her heavy metal career.

She was the frontwoman for the band Inge and the #TritoneKings, which competed on television in “Switzerland’s Got Talent,” entered the Eurovision Song Contest and made music videos. Whatever the venue, Ms. Ginsberg would typically appear in long gowns and pearls and flash the two-fingered hand signal for “rock on” as she sang about the Holocaust, climate change, mental health and other issues.

In the 2017 music video for the band’s song “I’m Still Here,” Ms. Ginsberg stands in front of a screen showing filmed images of refugees. She sings — in a manner reminiscent of #spoken-word #poetry — about her grandmother and four young cousins, all of whom were killed in German camps. At the end, she slices the screen and walks through it, singing as she joins the other band members amid a roar of electric guitars, drums and a pounded piano.

“All my life, I fought for freedom and peace,” she sings. In the last chorus, Ms. Ginsberg, who was in her 90s at the time, screams, “I’m still here!”

The band grew out of a friendship between Ms. Ginsberg and #LuciaCaruso; they had met in the audience of a concert in 2003 at the Manhattan School of Music. Ms. Caruso, a student there, was watching the performance of a doctoral composition by her boyfriend, Mr. da Silva. The couple married, went on to performing and teaching careers in classical music and stayed close to Ms. Ginsberg.

One day in 2014, Ms. Ginsberg read out loud to Mr. da Silva the words of a children’s song she was writing. “She wrote these lyrics about worms eating your flesh after you die,” Mr. da Silva said. That had the ring of #heavymetal to him, and he suggested building a band around her.

The band began rehearsing and filming music videos later that year, the productions paid for by Ms. Ginsberg. She wrote the lyrics to their songs and performed them, with Mr. da Silva and Ms. Caruso and others accompanying her on various instruments, including the guitar, piano, drums, organ and oud.

A short documentary video in 2018 for The New York Times Opinion section by the filmmaker #LeahGalant recounted Ms. Ginsberg’s story. It shows scenes of her performing on “Switzerland’s Got Talent” and auditioning to appear on the NBC show “America’s Got Talent.” Speaking on camera, she said she wanted to prove through her performing that elderly people could still contribute to society.

“In American and even European culture, the old people are excluded from life,” Ms. Ginsberg said in the Op-Doc. “You have to have the chance to be heard.”

Ms. Galant said in an interview, “We felt energized by her as much she felt energized by us.”

Ingeborg Neufeld was born in Vienna on Jan. 27, 1922, to Fritz and Hildegard (Zwicker) Neufeld. Her father ran a freight company, and her mother was a homemaker.

Ms. #Ginsberg described herself as a “Jewish princess” in her youth; she and her brother, Hans, had been afforded every luxury. But that changed with the rise of the Nazi Party.

Ms. Ginsberg would tell Ms. Caruso and Mr. da Silva stories of the persecution of Jews in pre-World War II Vienna. In one instance, she said, she hid all night behind a grandfather clock in a building in town to evade Nazi paramilitary forces targeting Jews. Her mother assumed the worst, but Inge returned the next morning to a tearful reunion.

After the war had begun her father was arrested and sent to the #Dachau concentration camp but was freed, Ms. Ginsberg said, after he bribed Nazi officials. Her mother, meanwhile, using money from the sale of her jewelry, fled to Switzerland in 1942 with Inge, Hans and Inge’s boyfriend, Otto Kollman, who would become Inge’s husband.

The family lived in #refugee camps in Switzerland, and Ms. Ginsberg managed a villa in Lugano, which was used as a safe house for Italian #resistance members; there, she said, she and Mr. Kollman would pass messages from the resistance to the American O.S.S., the precursor of the C.I.A.

After the war, she and Mr. Kollman made their way to Hollywood, where they worked as a songwriting duo. The couple divorced in 1956.

“In American and even European culture, the old people are excluded from life,” she said. “You have to have the chance to be heard.”Credit...Inge Ginsberg
Ms. Ginsberg said in the Times documentary that she eventually found Hollywood “all fake” and returned to Europe the year of her divorce. She worked as a journalist in Zurich, wrote a German-language memoir of her time at the villa and published several books of poetry. She had invested successfully in the stock market, which kept her wealthy throughout her life and allowed her to pursue writing.

In 1960, she married Hans Kruger, who ran a luxury hotel in Tel Aviv, where the couple lived. They divorced in 1972. That same year, she married Kurt Ginsberg, and they mainly lived in Quito, Ecuador.

Ms. Ginsberg is survived by her daughter with Mr. Kollman, Marion Niemi, and a granddaughter.

After Mr. Ginsberg’s death, Ms. Ginsberg split her time among homes in New York, Tel Aviv and Zurich. By the spring of 2020, she was living in the Zurich care facility when she contracted the coronavirus. Pandemic restrictions often kept residents from seeing one another or from entertaining visitors, and the isolation took its toll.

“We have no doubt whatsoever that she died because of boredom, loneliness and depression,” Mr. da Silva said.

He and Ms. Caruso kept in touch with her over the phone, and the three began writing another song for the band called “Never Again,” also drawing on Ms. Ginsberg’s experience during the #Holocaust.

“Each one of my songs has a message,” Ms. Ginsberg said in the documentary. “Don’t destroy what you can’t replace.” She added a second message: “You can’t avoid death, so laugh about it.”