

Berichten deutsche Medien zu einseitig über Israel und Palästina?

Krieg in Gaza - Berichten deutsche Medien zu einseitig über Israel und Palästina?

Pro-palästinensische Perspektiven haben es in deutschen Medien schwer, findet Reza Vaghef. Stephan Detjen (DLF) und Michael Bewerunge (ZDF) antworten.#Medien #GAZA #KrieginNahost #Journalismus #ISRAEL #BERLINALE #Netanjahu #GENOCIDE
Berichten deutsche Medien zu einseitig über Israel und Palästina?


Diretor israelense recebe ameaças de morte após autoridades chamarem Festival de Berlim de 'antissemita'

Yuval Abraham critica as autoridades alemãs, e argumenta que a declaração desmerece a gravidade do termo 'antissemitismo' e expõe vidas judaicas a riscos.


28/02/2024 09h23 Atualizado 28/02/2024

Um #diretor de #cinema #israelense que conquistou um dos principais prêmios no Festival de #Berlim afirmou que a descrição da cerimônia de premiação por autoridades alemãs como "antissemita" resultou em #ameaças de morte e intimidação física de membros de sua #família, levando-o a adiar seus planos de retornar a #Israel. Yuval Abraham, de 29 anos, recebeu no sábado o prêmio de melhor documentário da #Berlinale por "No Other Land", que aborda a #erradicação de #vilarejos #palestinos em Masafer Yatta, na #Cisjordânia.

O #discurso de aceitação de Abraham, no qual ele denunciou uma "situação de apartheid" e pediu um #cessar-fogo em #Gaza, foi um dos vários momentos durante a cerimônia de encerramento em que cineastas expressaram solidariedade com a #Palestina. Isso gerou indignação na #mídia #alemã no dia seguinte, com vários políticos alegando que os discursos haviam sido "antissemitas".

"Estar em solo alemão como filho de sobreviventes do #Holocausto e pedir um cessar-fogo - para então ser rotulado como #antissemita, não é apenas #ultrajante, mas também literalmente coloca #vidas #judaicas em perigo", disse Abraham ao jornal inglês "The Guardian". "Não sei o que a #Alemanha está tentando fazer conosco. Se esta é a maneira da Alemanha lidar com sua culpa pelo Holocausto, estão esvaziando tudo de significado."

A avó de Abraham nasceu em um campo de concentração e a maior parte da família de seu pai foi morta no Holocausto. Ele pretendia voltar a Israel no dia seguinte à cerimônia de encerramento, mas mudou de planos durante uma parada na Grécia, quando soube que parte da imprensa israelense estava descrevendo seu discurso como antissemita, citando autoridades alemãs. Além de receber #ameaças de #morte nas redes sociais, Abraham disse que várias pessoas apareceram na casa de familiares em Israel, forçando-os a sair do local por medo.

"Você pode criticar nosso discurso de aceitação, pode dizer que deveríamos ter mencionado os eventos de 7 de outubro - tudo isso é legítimo", argumenta o cineasta. "Mas a Alemanha está usando um termo criado para proteger judeus, não apenas para silenciar os palestinos, mas também para #silenciar #judeus e #israelenses críticos da ocupação e que usam a palavra #apartheid. Isso também é perigoso porque desvaloriza o termo antissemitismo."


#politics #art #film #festival #berlinale #antisemitism #censorship #mccarthyism #repression #intimidation #israel #right-wing-mob

Filmmaker Yuval Abraham: Death threats after accusations by German politicians

On Tuesday evening, Israeli filmmaker Yuval Abraham ("No Other Land") reported on X about threats against himself and his family following accusations of anti-Semitism by German politicians after his Berlinale appearance:

'A right-wing Israeli mob came to my family's house yesterday looking for me, threatening close family members who fled to another city in the middle of the night. I am still receiving death threats and had to cancel my flight home. This happened after Israeli media and German politicians absurdly labeled my award speech at the Berlinale - in which I called for equal rights between Israelis and Palestinians, a ceasefire and an end to apartheid - as "anti-Semitic". The appalling misuse of this word by Germans, not only to silence Palestinian critics of Israel, but also to silence Israelis like me who support a ceasefire that would end the killing in Gaza and allow the release of Israeli hostages, empties the word anti-Semitism of its meaning, endangering Jews around the world. Since my grandmother was born in a concentration camp in Libya and most of my grandfather's family was murdered by Germans in the Holocaust, I find it particularly outrageous that German politicians in 2024 have the audacity to use this term against me in a way that endangers my family. Most importantly, this behavior endangers the life of Palestinian co-director Basel Adra, who lives under a military occupation - surrounded by violent settlements - in Masafer Yatta. He is in far greater danger than I am. I am pleased that our award-winning film "No Other Land" is sparking an important international debate on this issue, and I hope that millions of people will see the film once it is released in theaters. We made the movie to start a discussion. You can be harshly critical of what Basel and I said on stage without demonizing us. - If that's what you do with your guilt for the Holocaust. I don't want to carry your guilt.


#politik #kunst #film #festival #berlinale #antisemitismus #zensur #mccarthyismus #repression #einschüchterung #israel #rechter-mob

Filmemacher Yuval Abraham: Morddrohungen nach Vorwürfen deutscher Politiker

Der israelische Filmemacher Yuval Abraham (»No Other Land«) berichtete am Dienstag abend auf X von Drohungen gegen sich und seine Familie infolge der Antisemitismusvorwürfe deutscher Politiker nach seinem Berlinale-Auftritt:

Ein rechtsgerichteter israelischer Mob kam gestern in das Haus meiner Familie, um nach mir zu suchen, und bedrohte enge Familienmitglieder, die mitten in der Nacht in eine andere Stadt flohen. Ich erhalte noch immer Morddrohungen und musste meinen Heimflug stornieren. Dies geschah, nachdem israelische Medien und deutsche Politiker meine Preisverleihungsrede auf der Berlinale – in der ich die Gleichberechtigung zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern, einen Waffenstillstand und ein Ende der Apartheid forderte – absurderweise als »antisemitisch« bezeichneten. Der entsetzliche Missbrauch dieses Wortes durch Deutsche, nicht nur, um palästinensische Kritiker Israels zum Schweigen zu bringen, sondern auch, um Israelis wie mich zum Schweigen zu bringen, die einen Waffenstillstand unterstützen, der das Töten in Gaza beenden und die Freilassung der israelischen Geiseln ermöglichen würde, entleert das Wort Antisemitismus seiner Bedeutung und gefährdet damit Juden in der ganzen Welt. Da meine Großmutter in einem Konzentrationslager in Libyen geboren und der größte Teil der Familie meines Großvaters von Deutschen im Holocaust ermordet wurde, finde ich es besonders empörend, dass deutsche Politiker im Jahr 2024 die Dreistigkeit besitzen, diesen Begriff in einer Weise gegen mich zu verwenden, die meine Familie gefährdet. Vor allem aber bringt dieses Verhalten das Leben des palästinensischen Kodirektors Basel Adra in Gefahr, der unter einer militärischen Besatzung – umgeben von gewalttätigen Siedlungen – in Masafer Yatta lebt. Er ist in weitaus größerer Gefahr als ich. Ich freue mich, dass unser preisgekrönter Film »No Other Land« eine wichtige internationale Debatte zu diesem Thema auslöst, und ich hoffe, dass Millionen von Menschen den Film sehen werden, sobald er in die Kinos kommen wird. Wir haben den Film gemacht, um eine Diskussion anzustoßen. Man kann harte Kritik an dem üben, was Basel und ich auf der Bühne gesagt haben, ohne uns zu verteufeln. – Wenn es das ist, was Sie mit Ihrer Schuld für den Holocaust tun. Ich möchte Ihre Schuld nicht tragen.
- https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/470362.filmemacher-yuval-abraham-morddrohungen-nach-vorw%C3%BCrfen-deutscher-politiker.html


#politics #art #film #festival #berlinale #antisemitism #censorship #mccarthyism #strikegermany

Last week, the Israeli director Udi Aloni said: »It seems like there is a new form of antisemitism in Germany, that no one calls antisemitism: the censorship of progressive intellectual Jewish voices.« He admitted that he was afraid to quote Walter Benjamin or Franz Rosenzweig in this country »because I might get canceled«. It seems German politicians don’t want us to hear these speeches. They cannot defend the reality – so they try to avoid discussions about it. We must hear Israelis and Palestinians when they stand together to call for equality and peace.

support https://strikegermany.org/


"Our film “No Other Land” on occupied Masafer Yatta’s brutal expulsion won best documentary in Berlinale. Israel’s channel 11 aired this 30 second segment from my speech, insanely called it “anti semitic” - and I’ve been receiving death threats since. I stand behind every word." pic.twitter.com/2burPfZeKO

  • Yuval Abraham יובל אברהם (@yuval_abraham) February 25, 2024

#politics #art #film #festival #berlinale #antisemitism #censorship #mccarthyism #strikegermany

Mc Carthyism - Made in Germany:

Berlinale: Filmmakers say what the rest of the world is saying

At the Berlinale film festival, Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers called for equality and peace. German politicians want to ban such hateful talk (Nathaniel Flakin)

The Berlinale film festival ended on Saturday evening with a gala, but if you read the German press, it was actually a »scandal«. The speeches were »alarming«, »shameful«, and »frightening«, full of »Israel hatred« and »antisemitism«. What had happened?

Yuval Abraham and Basel Adra, an Israeli and a Palestinian, won an award for their documentary film »No Other Land«. Abraham spoke for just 36 seconds:
»In two days, we will go back to a land where we are not equal. I am living under a civilian law, and Basel is under military law. We live 30 minutes from one another, but I have voting rights, and Basel is not having voting rights. I am free to move where I want in this land. Basel is, like millions of Palestinians, locked in the occupied West Bank. This situation of apartheid between us, this inequality, it has to end.«

His co-producer Adra took just 21 seconds: »I'm here celebrating the award, but also very hard for me to celebrate when there are tens of thousands of my people being slaughtered and massacred by Israel in Gaza. Masafer Yatta, my community, is being also razed by Israeli bulldozers. I ask one thing from Germany, as I am in Berlin here, to respect the UN calls and stop sending weapons to Israel.«

These are sober statements of liberal democratic principles. Who would dare to contradict? Should systematic inequality based on ethnicity (known in international law as »apartheid«) continue? Should Germany keep ignoring UN resolutions?

"Clear message at @berlinale ceremony by Basel Adra, co-producer of "No Other Land": "There are 10s of 1000s of my people being slaughtered...by #Israel in #Gaza. I ask 1 thing from #Germany...to respect the #UN calls and stop sending weapons to Israel" pic.twitter.com/7QUzMKujEh

  • Prof. Hanna Kienzler 🧡 🇵🇸 (@HannaKienzler) February 25, 2024

An Israeli and a Palestinian stood together against the militaristic logic of both Likud and Hamas. It's an inspiring message – yet I have not found a single German publication that has quoted them in full.

Rather than engaging in debate, German politicians are demanding censorship. Olaf Scholz and his top cultural bureaucrat Claudia Roth each called the speeches »shockingly one-sided«. Justice minister Marco Buschmann called for »criminal consequences«. Even Anne Helm of the Left Party declared that »a line has been crossed«.

Berlin's mayor Kai Wegner called this an »unacceptable relativization« and declared that »there is no space for antisemitism in Berlin, and that also applies to the art scene.« This is the same Wegner who just two weeks ago said the AfD will be included in future editions of the Berlinale. The politicians of the in some federal states officially far right party had been disinvited following protests, but the mayor is demanding »equal treatment« for them. In other words, for Wegner, literal far right politicians are OK, but critical Israelis are not welcome.

Over the years, Berlinale has hosted some spectacular Israeli documentaries. Good films need to be critical of the reality they are trying to portray. If all criticism of Israel is rejected as antisemitic, then no one will dare to invite Israeli directors for fear they might say something negative about their government. What will be left at Berlinale? Just Tatort episodes and Netanyahu campaign ads?

German politicians are claiming this will cause »damage to the Berlinale«. The opposite is the case: their demands for extreme censorship are a mortal threat to Berlin's art scene. Do they even realize how far outside the global mainstream they are? In calling for a ceasefire, Saturday's prizewinners were saying what the whole world except for Germany is saying – even Joe Biden has been mumbling about it.

Once again, we see how this virulent solidarity with Israel comes at the expense of Jewish life in Germany. What do we call this ferocious desire to silence Jews who don't comply with the German Staatsräson? Last week, the Israeli director Udi Aloni said: »It seems like there is a new form of antisemitism in Germany, that no one calls antisemitism: the censorship of progressive intellectual Jewish voices.« He admitted that he was afraid to quote Walter Benjamin or Franz Rosenzweig in this country »because I might get canceled«.

It seems German politicians don't want us to hear these speeches. They cannot defend the reality – so they try to avoid discussions about it. We must hear Israelis and Palestinians when they stand together to call for equality and peace.
- https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1180340.antisemitism-berlinale-filmmakers-say-what-the-rest-of-the-world-is-saying.html