

Après quatre années de macronisme, un an de pandémie, et une banalisation des diatribes autoritaires ou d’extrême droite, notre démocratie est bien malade. Le chercheur en science politique Samuel Hayat imagine des remèdes de guérison.

Pour que les organisations dites de gauche redeviennent représentatives, « une bonne base de départ serait d’arrêter de se focaliser sur la prise du pouvoir par les urnes, de cesser ce fétichisme. La gauche est aujourd’hui obsédée par faire voter les gens pour elle, et ne se consacre pas à organiser des cadres qui puissent vraiment être des outils de puissance pour eux. Il s’agit d’abord de reconstituer un camp des dominés qui puisse utiliser l’organisation collective pour améliorer son quotidien et, ensuite, prendre le pouvoir par les urnes. Faire l’inverse est fondé, à mon sens, sur une conception inadéquate de ce qu’est le pouvoir, et risque de se heurter à de l’indifférence, ou de l’hostilité : si vous n’êtes intéressés que par nos votes et non par nos vies, c’est que vous êtes comme les autres. Vivre de la politique sans être adossé à des organisations de masse, c’est risquer de juste passer pour une partie de l’oligarchie qui essaie d’acquérir un peu de pouvoir. Et cela devient insupportable à beaucoup de personnes. S’il y a un chemin à prendre, ce n’est pas celui de créer d’en haut une organisation de plus. C’est partir de l’expérience des gens et de ce dont ils ont besoin. Si la gauche doit avoir un sens, elle doit repartir des lieux de travail et d’habitation. Pensons aux travaux sur le « Community Organizing ». Le principe : partir des besoins des gens dans un quartier dans le but de donner de la puissance aux dominés. Cela peut passer par la création d’une coopérative, d’une association, par soutenir une lutte syndicale et même conquérir une mairie si besoin. Ce qui compte, c’est que les dominés se dotent d’outils au service de leurs droits. »

Lire notre entretien en intégralité et en accès libre 👉 https://www.bastamag.net/La-gauche-devrait-arreter-de-se-focaliser-sur-la-prise-du-pouvoir-par-les-urnes-Samuel-Hayat-Democratie-pouvoir-du-peuple?var_mode=calcul

Renforcez une info indépendante, #BoostezBasta ! 👉 www.bastamag.net/don

#Politique #Gauche #Democratie #Alternative #Puissance #Mouvement #MouvementSocial #Feminisme #Antiracisme #Syndicalisme #Domination #LuttedesClasse #Dominé #Oligarchie #resistance #Election #Pouvoir #Vote




The Bentley Effect

When the coal seam gas industry staked a claim on the Northern Rivers region of Australia, alarm bells rang out. Thousands of people from all walks of life organised themselves to rally against the unconventional gas invasion. But despite the enormous public opposition, the gas industry and the State Government were determined to see their gas plan through.

A series of dramatic blockades ensued before the final battlelines were drawn in the peaceful farming valley of Bentley. A critical mass of people flocked to the site to stare down the threat of 850 riot police, ordered in to break up the protest. What happened next set an historic precedent.

Filmed over five years, The Bentley Effect documents the highs and lows of the battle to keep a unique part of Australia gasfield-free. This timely story of a community’s heroic stand shows that peaceful protest and non-violent direct action can not only overcome industrial might and political short-sightedness … but it can also be a lot of fun.

This highly acclaimed film chronicles and celebrates one of the fastest growing and most creative social movements we have ever witnessed, posing the question ‘what is truly valuable?’

Gasland showed us the problem – The Bentley Effect points us to the solution.

#TheBentleyEffect #documentary #film #nature #environment #pollution #resistance #social #movement #activism #advocacy #gasfield #mining #fracking #chemicals #Bentley #Australia #PlanetFunder #docu-films


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #camping, #kayaking, and #resistance. And much more, but I was anxious to get started!
I just couldn't stomach Facebook anymore but was loathe to give up the connection to family and friends. Furthermore, I wanted to have an alternative in place so I could leave a forwarding address in my farewell to Facebook. Possible meme there? #F2F


#Music #World #Zouk #Cadence #Coupé-Décalé #Kompa #Resistance #Occupy

Souljazz Orchestra: Tanzbarer Widerstand

"Wenn eine kleine Minderheit der Weltbevölkerung den allergrößten Anteil des Wohlstandes kontrolliert, dann ist das ein Problem. Es geht aber auch um den persönlichen Widerstand, um den täglichen Kampf darum, das Essen auf den Tisch zu bringen und es gibt musikalischen Widerstand, wir machen hier keine Popmusik, das ist künstlerisch motivierte Untergrund Musik."
- http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/souljazz-orchestra-aus-kanada-tanzbarer-widerstand.2177.de.html?dram:article_id=331026



Responding to and defusing COINTELPRO -- any good guides?

The question popped up on Hacker News and I addressed it briefly there. I know of a number of resistance movement publications, with the Albert Einstein Institution having among the more comprehensive libraries, though it seems oddly silent on the matter of mitigating counterintelligence, defamation, or other disruption techniques.

On PrisonPlanet Forum's "COINTELPRO - The naked truth" I find some useful recommendations (see "WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT"):

  • Check out the authenticity of any disturbing letter, rumor, phone call or other communication before acting on it.

  • Document incidents which appear to reflect covert intervention, and report them to the Movement Support Network Hotline: 212/477- 5562.

  • Deal openly and honestly with the differences within our movements (race, gender, class, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, personality, experience, physical and intellectual capacities, etc.) before the FBI and police exploit them to tear us apart.

  • Don't rush to expose a suspected agent. Instead, directly criticize what the suspect says and does. Intra-movement witch hunts only help the government create distrust and paranoia.

  • Support whoever comes under government attack. Don't be put off by political slander, such as recent attempts to smear radical activists as "terrorists." Organize public opposition to FBI investigations, grand juries, show trials and other forms of political harassment.

  • Above all, do not let them divert us from our main work. Our most powerful weapon against political repression is effective organizing around the needs and issues which directly affect people's lives.

On the fourth point: triggering internecine conflicts is itself one of the tactics of COINTELPRO, as is turning different groups against one another -- at one point the FBI attempted to trigger discord between the Communist Party USA and La Cosa Nostra through a falsely planted letter (Operation HOODWINK).

Any y'all have suggestions?

#counterintelligence #nonviolence #resistance #defense #mitigation #fightingtheman


Joan Baez Has A Message To Turkish Resisters


“Dear Turkish People,

I would like to express my support for the Turkish citizens, lawyers, doctors, youngsters families, students, the people with belief in their heart, who are fighting courageously and peacefully to preserve the heart of your culture, the beauty of your land, and the soul of your people.

Your voice has been heard everywhere, and I am greeting you now.” ~ Joan Baez

#JoanBaez #Turkey #EverywhereTaksim #OccupyGezi #DirenGeziParki #revolt #revolution #resistance #protest #FightBack #freedom #OccupyTogether #peace #love #PeaceAndLove