

#China censors #Arcane Season 2 and completely ruins Cait & Vi’s #ending

Source: https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/arcane-season-2-china-censors-caitlyn-vi-relationship-ending-2990769/

The Chinese #government has long banned the depiction of #LGBTQ+ relationships in movies and TV shows in restrictions that are part of broader media censorship policies enforced by regulatory bodies within the country.

The #game of the #series comes from China, so the world is allowed to see romance but not China đŸ€”

#love #romance #entertainment #censorship #freedom #politics #Problem #story #fail


What Happens When a #Romance #Writer Gets Locked Out of #Google Docs

source: https://www.wired.com/story/what-happens-when-a-romance-author-gets-locked-out-of-google-docs/?esrc=AUTO_PRINT

In March, an aspiring author got a troubling message: All of her works in progress were no longer accessible. What happened next is every writer’s worst fear.

Google never specified which of her 222,000 words was inappropriate.


Generally speaking, files containing #violence, #abuse, child sexual abuse material, and gore violate the terms of service for Google Drive and its associated products, like Docs and Sheets.

Now many of you will be thinking, who is stupid enough to store everything in the Google #cloud? The problem is we know that, but many people out there don't. We urgently need to do more educational work and warn people about companies like Google and their practices. Tell all your friends and acquaintances and don't use the clouds of the big corporations.

#news #problem #fail #warning #danger #service #customer #internet #economy #security #wtf #omg #disaster


Scrying on the Moon
#poem #sibyl #romance #feminist #occult #goddess

~twilight of the goddess, call to song to aery dancing, lady fair your fiery trance rewinds our souls; enjoy these offerings of fancy: all art is yours ~

By sibylline light
images I recognize,
creviced captures of my life.
I know her judgment to be my own.

“Nourished by Moon rivers
mythical cavern blooms
unseen by sunlight
glow green.”
Thus she sets the scene;
becomes the prophecy.

“Purest white simplicity
curved to suggest fragility
faith fed maiden ready for
given in bondage to womanly woes,
hard rows to hoe
for tight human hug through
crying of night.

Fate of mortal soldiers, sacrificed to lust.
Seeking relief, beg for the boon of drama
high adventure
sneaking into sad hotels
for a fix or a tumble.
deadly play,
danger, a real chance.

Barefoot in the snow
icy roads
winds so strong
I could not make you hear.
I thought you were my destiny.
Crazy thoughts, far from clear;
but I believed
song lyrics from Saturnine deities
would not lie, leave me
dying, fading into winter’s grey
drifting clouds,
endless sorrow endured for naught.
Lost on this careless corner,
dreaming of oblivion, intent on visions
like rain
tapping against eternity’s
vast windowpane.
Scenic serenity.
Nature’s gradations of green
soothe tired eyes,
trembling nerves, throbbing veins.
Slivers of moonlight reflect,
disperse through refrains, unearth secrets
embedded in song
effervescing through cool pure air

cleansing the uprising nestling
set aflame
tempered mettle,
pure, wise, tested
engorged with the will
to rise”


#PigButchering #scam explained: Everything you need to know

source: https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/feature/Pig-butchering-scam-explained-Everything-you-need-to-know

The pig butchering scam, also known as a #romance scam, is a long-term fraud that combines #investment schemes, romance scams and #cryptocurrency #fraud. This scam originated in Southeast #Asia, and the name originates from the Chinese phrase "Shāz Hƫ Pån," meaning pig butchering. A ring of cryptocurrency #scammers search dating and social #media sites for victims.

#news #knowhow #internet #crime #cybercrime #crypto #btc


#Film #Cinéma #Guerre #Drame #Romance #chef_d_oeuvre
AprĂšs avoir lu le roman il y a dĂ©jĂ  bien longtemps, bouleversant, le film, magnifique et trĂšs fidĂšle. Technique : cliquer sur le lien sans rien toucher ensuite, sinon on est “invitĂ©â€ Ă  l’inscription
 DĂšs que ça bloque sur l'invitation, recliquer sur le lien, on accĂšde Ă  la suite du film. Le son est parfois faible. Un hommage aux victimes de la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale en France.

Un long dimanche de fiançailles 2004 - 2h07’51"

Ce film est l’adaptation cinĂ©matographique du roman du mĂȘme nom de #SĂ©bastien_Japrisot.
Dans les tranchĂ©es de la Somme, pendant la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale, cinq soldats français sont accusĂ©s de s’ĂȘtre automutilĂ©s pour Ă©chapper Ă  leur devoir. CondamnĂ©s Ă  mort par une cour martiale, ils sont conduits jusqu’à un avant-poste nommĂ© Bingo crĂ©puscule1 et abandonnĂ©s Ă  leur sort dans le no man’s land qui sĂ©pare les deux camps. Ils sont apparemment tous tuĂ©s, soit durant la nuit qu’ils passent entre les lignes, soit durant l’attaque française Ă  la baĂŻonnette qui est lancĂ©e le lendemain et repoussĂ©e par les Allemands, avec de lourdes pertes parmi les attaquants. Parmi eux figure Manech, un jeune landais originaire de Capbreton (et considĂ©rĂ© Ă  tort comme breton), le fiancĂ© de Mathilde, jeune romantique qui ne croit pas Ă  la mort de son amoureux. S’il Ă©tait mort, elle le saurait. Forte de cette intuition, elle mĂšne son enquĂȘte et recueille peu Ă  peu les indices qui vont l’amener Ă  dĂ©couvrir ce qui s’est passĂ© ce jour-lĂ  Ă  Bingo crĂ©puscule. Utilisant des superstitions, elle est amenĂ©e Ă  souffler sur la poussiĂšre qui voile cette affaire sombre et mystĂ©rieuse. Mathilde engage un dĂ©tective privĂ©, M. Germain Pire, qui l’aide dans ses recherches.
Bien que la majoritĂ© des acteurs soient français et l’ensemble des scĂšnes tournĂ©es en France, cette coproduction a Ă©tĂ© jugĂ©e Ă©trangĂšre le 26 novembre 2004 en raison de la forte participation de la sociĂ©tĂ© amĂ©ricaine Warner Bros. aux frais de production, ce qui lui a fait perdre le droit Ă  une future subvention du centre national de la cinĂ©matographie. Le film participa nĂ©anmoins aux CĂ©sar du cinĂ©ma dans la catĂ©gorie gĂ©nĂ©rale. Avec un coĂ»t de 45 millions d’euros, c’est l’un des films « français » les plus coĂ»teux jamais produits. Wikipedia

Entrer une description pour l'image ici

Un.long.dimanche.de.fiancailles.Truefrench.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-LiberTeam-VF-Streaming-Film.com - 19 Oct 2016


#Romance #scammers’ favorite lies exposed

Source: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/data-visualizations/data-spotlight/2023/02/romance-scammers-favorite-lies-exposed

You may have heard about romance scammers who tell you they’re sick, hurt, or in jail – or give you another fake reason to send them money. But did you know that many romance scammers operate by offering to do you a favor? They may claim to be a successful #cryptocurrency investor who’ll teach you how it’s done. But any money you “invest” goes straight into their wallet. In another twist, they might say they’ve shipped you a valuable package (not true), which requires you to send money for “customs” or some other made-up fee. It’s all a lie. You send the money, and the package never turns up.

#money #finance #crime #cybercrime #scam #scammer #internet #love #news #crypto


Pulp book cover reimaginings of the original Star Wars trilogy

It is an inaccuracy to say that Star Wars is science fiction. Its true genre is Planetary Romance. Star Wars is an adventure story in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs A Princess of Mars, Michael Moorcock's Michael Kane of Old Mars, C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy or—quite self-consciously—Flash Gordon. A farmboy stumbles across secret information that leads him to rescue a princess, aided by his two servants, his wizard mentor, a pirate and a friendly giant.

I instantly fell in love with these imaginary book covers by Timothy Anderson, which to me perfectly capture the feel and intention of the original Star Wars film.

(Artwork lifted from this blog post).

#starwars #scifi #sciencefiction #planetary #romance #pastiche #pulp #pulpfiction #book #story #art #timothyanderson


Tentation hypergame

Avez-vous dĂ©jĂ  lu des romances ? Non ? Vous avez tort, on apprend beaucoup sur les femmes en se plongeant dans cette littĂ©rature. Vous vous en procurerez gratuitement en mettant le nez dans n’importe quelle boite Ă  livre. Pour un investissement financier nul et en assez peu de temps (ça se lit toujours trĂšs vite), vous pourrez Ă©tudier le dĂ©sir fĂ©minin sous sa forme la plus Ă©lĂ©mentaire, profonde et universelle. Au bout de deux ou trois vous saurez exactement comment cela fonctionne et vous pourrez vous dispenser de vous en infliger davantage.


#hypergamie #hybristophilie #romance #alaindelon #mafia #tentation