#Antisemitic discourse, the #terror of october 7th and the subsequent #boycott #movement in #academia, club- and #subculture
An english-speaking panel discussion with David Hirsh, Nicholas Potter, Tanja Ehmann & the #Punks against #antisemitism, followed by a concert with Morgen Teuer Töten, Die feuchten Banditen & Peitsche
Friday – 05.07.2024 – 19:00 – Skatehalle #Berlin (Revaler Str. 99, F’hain)
These days, we are witnessing antisemitic outrage nearly everywhere: on campus, in the cultural sphere, in subculture, on the streets, in social media. This is nothing new, but it is getting more intense, more aggressive, like the city’s new steady pulse. People, synagogues and other buildings, campuses and venues are attacked, public speeches are shouted down, #Israeli institutions and academics are boycotted.
The #sexual #violence of the 7th October is denied or justified by so-called #feminist activists. #Hamas #propaganda manifests itself and is multiplied by social media. People are excited by the terror of 7th October – by #torture, #murder, and #rape. Objecting this propaganda is usually decried as #racist.
When the ‘ #PunksAgainstAntisemitism’ (AKA Punks) surfaced in Berlin in the aftermath of #7thOctober, a huge shitstorm on social media followed. People were spewing their unsolicited hatred, and the hatred did not take long to spread, coming from Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland... Bands and venues are threatened with boycott.
The mechanisms seem to be the same in every sector. #Screaming down people, #doxing, verbal #threats and physical #attacks, boycott campaigns.
Our panel does not exclusively aim to focus on Berlin or subculture. We want to speak about the processes currently at work in the multifaceted world of vile antisemitism. This antisemitism elates and excites people, a new lifestyle that encourages them to terrorise #Jews and others while being thoroughly convinced to do something good.
It is a great honour to have David Hirsh with us this evening, and we look forward to discussing all these topics with him, Nicholas Potter and Tanja Ehmann.
Afterwards we’ll have a fabulous show with Morgen Teuer Töten, Die feuchten Banditen and Peitsche!
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Liebe Freund*innen und Kunstinteressierte,
Feministische Künstler*innen gestalten den #Stadtraum und malen für eine gerechte und inklusive Stadt – Einblicke in ihre Projekte und Kämpfe zeigt die Netzwerk-Ausstellung Feminist City Utopia in der Galerie neurotitan mit einem außerordentlichen Begleitprogramm!
Wir laden herzlich ein zur Vernissage am 25.05.2024 um 18 Uhr und freuen uns über Ihre & Eure Teilnahme an zahlreichen Programmpunkten während der Ausstellung vom 25.05.-15.06.2024! Für die Bekanntgabe über Ihre & Eure netzwerke wären wir ebenso sehr dankbar – please spread the word!
Details im Überblick:
Feminist City Utopia
Eröffnung: 25.05.2024, 18 Uhr | Ausstellungsdauer: 25.05.-15.06.2024
Mo-Sa 12-20 Uhr | Galerie neurotitan, Rosenthaler Str. 39, 10178 #Berlin
Das aus der Graffiti- und Urban Art-Kultur hervorgegangene Netzwerk United #Feminist Power lädt zur partizipativen Ausstellung ein, um gemeinsam Vorstellungen einer feministischen Stadt zu gestalten, zu diskutieren und auf visuelle Aktionsformen im öffentlichen Raum zu erweitern. In der #Galerie entsteht eine transformierbare Stadtlandschaft, die feministische Utopien erfahrbar macht. Themen wie Gewalt gegen #FLINTA*, fehlende Räume und Infrastrukturen sowie Ausschlussmechanismen werden intersektional-feministische Vorstellungen gegenübergestellt. Kunstwerke dienen dabei als Vermittlung und Manifestationen von Optimismus und Empowerment. Andere Städte sind möglich und dies bedeutet im Rahmen der Ausstellung gerechte und inklusive Städte. Umfassendes Begleitprogramm mit Diskussionsabenden und Filmscreenings, Fassade Painting, Action Dinner, queerfeministischem Sommerfest mit Live-Acts zur Finissage u.v.m.!
KÜNSTLER*INNEN Künstler*innen von United Feminist Power zusammen mit: Alice Dee | Chili con Carne | Eva Kietzmann | Helena Her | Julia Nägeli | Lea Greub | Lena Fakler | Lena Stoehrfaktor | Lulia Ghirmay | Petra Kübert | PMS | Reclaim Your City | Sandra Rummler | Sbrama | Süß-Bande | Vlada und vielen mehr … REFERENT*INNEN Christoph May – Institut für Kritische Männlichkeitsforschung | Der Periodenladen | Emanzipatorisches Verhütungskollektiv Leipzig | Feminist Park Collective | Missoir | Susanne Fitzek – Hypographia Festival
Scrying on the Moon
#poem #sibyl #romance #feminist #occult #goddess
~twilight of the goddess, call to song to aery dancing, lady fair your fiery trance rewinds our souls; enjoy these offerings of fancy: all art is yours ~
By sibylline light
images I recognize,
creviced captures of my life.
I know her judgment to be my own.
“Nourished by Moon rivers
mythical cavern blooms
unseen by sunlight
glow green.”
Thus she sets the scene;
becomes the prophecy.
“Purest white simplicity
curved to suggest fragility
faith fed maiden ready for
given in bondage to womanly woes,
hard rows to hoe
for tight human hug through
crying of night.
Fate of mortal soldiers, sacrificed to lust.
Seeking relief, beg for the boon of drama
high adventure
sneaking into sad hotels
for a fix or a tumble.
deadly play,
danger, a real chance.
Barefoot in the snow
icy roads
winds so strong
I could not make you hear.
I thought you were my destiny.
Crazy thoughts, far from clear;
but I believed
song lyrics from Saturnine deities
would not lie, leave me
dying, fading into winter’s grey
drifting clouds,
endless sorrow endured for naught.
Lost on this careless corner,
dreaming of oblivion, intent on visions
like rain
tapping against eternity’s
vast windowpane.
Scenic serenity.
Nature’s gradations of green
soothe tired eyes,
trembling nerves, throbbing veins.
Slivers of moonlight reflect,
disperse through refrains, unearth secrets
embedded in song
effervescing through cool pure air
cleansing the uprising nestling
set aflame
tempered mettle,
pure, wise, tested
engorged with the will
to rise”
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Have a loud 8march :)
#music #8march #feminist #pop #punk #noise #raincoats #london
Feminist Song by Gina Birch
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