

Pulp book cover reimaginings of the original Star Wars trilogy

It is an inaccuracy to say that Star Wars is science fiction. Its true genre is Planetary Romance. Star Wars is an adventure story in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs A Princess of Mars, Michael Moorcock's Michael Kane of Old Mars, C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy or—quite self-consciously—Flash Gordon. A farmboy stumbles across secret information that leads him to rescue a princess, aided by his two servants, his wizard mentor, a pirate and a friendly giant.

I instantly fell in love with these imaginary book covers by Timothy Anderson, which to me perfectly capture the feel and intention of the original Star Wars film.

(Artwork lifted from this blog post).

#starwars #scifi #sciencefiction #planetary #romance #pastiche #pulp #pulpfiction #book #story #art #timothyanderson


Here is the idea of #3movies for franchises ...

1) My all time favourite franchise is "Mission Impossible": https://www.looper.com/333275/the-mission-impossible-movies-ranked-worst-to-best/
I don't know of any other fanchiese where every episode is so thrilling and there is no significant drop in quality. Of course, you have to be a little enthusiastic about agent thrillers to watch it, and compared to reality, it seems unlikely that the world has to be saved every time. Overall, the storyline is more logical than James Bond and not so much bedtime stories.

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2) My current favourite franchise is "Hunger Games": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunger_Games_%28film_series%29
I like the story and the hidden criticism of #capitalism. The first part introduces the world and is not too brutal because the film is also for 12 year olds. The second part has basically the same story as the first part but shows much more of the world and Katniss learns what an important icon of the resistance she has become. The third part shows how propaganda works and how brutal a civil war is. If you look closely, you can see that Katniss suffers from depression and has to focus again and again in order to persevere at all. The ending, however, is a huge affront. It is illogical because it is not explained why the new government should be better now and Katniss retreats quite conservatively and starts a family, as is expected of a good American woman.

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3) The worst franchise is "Terminator": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_(franchise)
The first part used to excite people, otherwise the franchise wouldn't have been created. But I think the first part has not aged well and today the special effects look very cheap. The 2nd part, however, is one of the best action movies of all time. Exciting from the first to the last minute with action sequences that still look very good today. Everything in the film is somehow right and that's the problem - the film could not be topped. Then there's a good series with a female teen terminator who protects John Connor during school time. But everything else in the franchise is just bad. With all the time travel they could have built a wonderful #mindfuck like in "Back to the Future" but instead it became more and more arbitrary and suddenly there was a new timeline and everything that happened before lost its validity. That's what happens when you have absolutely no ideas and want to upset all the fans.

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#entertainment #Hollywood #movie #franchise #action #thriller #ScienceFiction #Timetravel


Speyer-Nachlese 2021

#captainfuture #kult #futuremania #scifi #sciencefiction #spaceopera #80er #retro

Aufgrund der corona-bedingten Hygieneauflagen konnten wir auch dieses Jahr, genauso wie in 2020, keinen Stand auftstellen: Für uns der absolute Super-GAU, da gerade die Veranstaltung im Technik-Musuem Speyer unser Hauptevent im Jahr ist...

Hilfe nahte gottseidank in Gestalt von Robert Vogel, der in seinen Vorträgen explizit auf uns hinwies. Dadurch ergaben sich trotz fehlendem Stand dann doch noch ein paar Fan-Kontakte und damit sehr nette Gespräche mit großen und kleinen CF-Fans. An dieser Stelle ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön an Robert!

Und auch wenn wir den arg reduzierten Fan-Kontakt allzu deutlich spüren und vermissen mussten - es war schön, mal wieder unter Gleichgesinnten zu sein und Freunde und Bekannte zu treffen.
Also „auf ein Neues“ im nächsten Jahr, und dann hoffentlich wieder mit Stand!


I Loved the Science Fiction Book Club!! Growing up on a farm out in the country it was my connection to the Future!

I always looked forward to each month's mailing and would spend much time reading over the selections and carefully choosing and returning my response card.


#sciencefiction #reading #literature #books #bookclubs


Coucou la diaspora, je débarque en ces nouveaux lieux, et je vois que la peinture est encore fraîche, pendant que facebook est en train de sombrer dans sa fange... On m'a gentiment conseillé d'exposer mes centres d'intérêts principaux à coups de #, alors voilà : #actualité, #art, #bandedessinée, #bière, #cinéma, #culture, #débat, #films, #football, #hiphop, #internet, #jeuxvideo, #littérature, #logiciellibre, #médias, #metal, #musique, #politique, #punkhardcore, #science, #sciencefiction, #séries et #sport , entre autres friandises plus ou moins insolites.

Au plaisir d'échanger les filles et les gars de bonne facture ;)


Wow, dass ich das noch erleben darf: JMS bekommt eine zweite Chance, Babylon 5 in Szene zu setzen (diesmal hoffentlich so, wie er sich das vorgestellt hat...). Hätte jemand anders die Serie übernommen, wäre ich skeptisch, aber wenn JMS es selbst macht... ich freu' mich drauf!

#TV #ScienceFiction #SciFi
