

FBI Recovered Eleven Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows

FBI agents who searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Monday removed 11 sets of classified documents, including some marked as top secret and meant to be only available in special government facilities, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Video in link -> otherwise behind paywall https://www.wsj.com/articles/fbi-recovered-eleven-sets-of-classified-documents-in-trump-search-inventory-shows-11660324501

Article -> https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fbi-recovered-11-sets-of-classified-documents-in-trump-search-report/ar-AA10BAJo
#FBI #search #trump


"Hey Straight White Men Pass The Power!"

by #Artichoke #Trust.

#Toynbee #Studios,
28 #Commercial St,
#London E1 6AB

020 7650 7611

email: emily.lake@artichoke.uk.com

Helen Marriage
Richard Kitson
Janice Evelyn Boud
Ruth Hogarth
Stephanie Flanders
Allan Cook
Dalwardin Babu

#Charitable objects:
"To advance the #education of the #public in the #arts, including the arts of #music, #speech, #drama and #dance, in all their branches and in particular by public performances."

Reg. #Charity No: 1112716

#Search Details: https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search

#Assets: £1.19 million.

£1+ million in #staff #pay for 2021.

Received #money from #Bloomberg, #Amazon & #UK #taxpayers.

#artichoketrust #helenmarriage #culturalmarxism


I’m searching for the real name of this band ... and album ... and song names ... It’s a three track album that I have on my disk since years now (almost centuries).

I’ve got it from a music blog without any further notes/clues back then. I even can’t remember the name of the blog.

Does anybody know the song? The band?

I only have a few clues to identify them (maybe): Masse (band name); song names Track 01, 02, 03

But that’s not right. I did a lot of research ... and shazamd it ... and ... Help! Please!

#hardrock #rock #independent #alternative #masse #band #music #musik #search #suche #heavy #jam #bandname #album


Oldest Search claims to be a search engine "for the oldest result on internet". It's built on Google's Programmable Search Engine, so it's really Google under the hood. I gave it a whirl by typing "Ukrainian drone". After a boatload of ads, I got results but in non-chronological order. Earliest result I saw was March 26 of 2014. Somehow I expected there would be something earlier than that.

Not sure if this is doing a great job of selling Google's Programmable Search Engine. If you're thinking of making your own search engine, you might look into it.

Oldest Search - Search for the oldest result on internet

#solidstatelife #search


Google Search’s new highly cited label helps you get to the source of a story | The Verge

Google is adding a new “highly cited” label to search results frequently sourced by other publications, the company is announcing today. Anything from local news stories, to interviews, announcements, and even press releases will be eligible for the new label being added to the search result’s preview image, so long as other websites are linking to it. More info is also being added to Search’s “rapidly evolving topics” and “About this Result” notices.

Obviously, this is not a replacement for due diligence. Patent nonsense is just as 'highly cited' as anything else these days.

#technology #tech #search #WebSearch #SearchEngine #Google #research #DueDiligence



Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Looking for a free speach respecting and censorship-free Big Tech alternative for web search? I just found Presearch. An free and open source decentralized search engine with crypto incentives. My first tests feel quite good.

Presearch is a Decentralized Search Engine
Search privately, receive better results and get rewarded with the Presearch decentralized search engine, powered by blockchain technology.

For anybody interested - James Corbett also did an interview with the founder Colin Pape.

#internet #search #freedom #censorship #foss #freesoftware #freespeech #presearch #blockchain #crypto


Lawsuit filed alleging Google is paying Apple to stay out of the search business

The complaint charges that Google and Apple agreed that Apple would not compete in the internet search business against Google. The complaint claims that the means used to effectuate the non-compete agreement included; (1) Google would share it's search profits with Apple; (2) Apple would give preferential treatment to Google for all Apple devices; (3) regular secret meetings between the executives of both companies; (4) annual multi-billion-dollar payments by Google to Apple not to compete in the search business; (5) suppression of the competition of smaller competitors and foreclosing competitors from the search market; (6) acquiring actual and potential competitors.

HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29806076


#Google #Apple #Monopoly #Antitrust #Competition #Search #WebBrowsers #WebSearch #Lawsuits