

I heard the judge at Google's antitrust trial left to coach Kamala Harris for her Presidential debate, but after looking for more information on (ironically?) Google, I discovered it wasn't the judge, it was Google's lead defense attorney, which is a lot less weird, but is still a little weird.

"Karen Dunn, a litigator at Paul Weiss, opened Google's defense in a federal court case targeting its digital ad business. Shortly after, she reportedly helped Harris prepare for her debate with Donald Trump in Philadelphia."

What's y'all's predictions for how these antitrust cases are going to turn out for Google? Business as usual or a radical change in Google's business practices?

Who is Karen Dunn? Key figure behind Kamala Harris' debate preparations

#solidstatelife #domesticpolitics #monopoly #antitrust


What do you do with a problem like Google?

Or more technically Alphabet.

The company's quite clearly not only a monopoly (duh) but an abusive one (duh), and has been for years, if not decades.

It's also, however, a rather complex assemblage of bits which as I've noted in the past has an interesting combination of both rent-seeking activities (advertising) and stuff that looks strongly like "public goods" in the technical economic sense: nonrivalrous and nonexcludable in consumption with near-nil marginal costs: search, browser development, and a bunch of other stuff.

Along with roles which don't fit well into traditional anti-trust space, most especially an insane level of data aggregation and control over flows (Web, email, consumption, real-space audio and video monitoring, and more).

I'm not fully up to speed on recent judicial findings (DC Circuit judge Amit P. Mehta), though I've followed some discussion.

Past anti-trust cases have involved regional divestment (AT&T, funny how that worked out), consent decrees (AT&T again ~1954, IBM, Xerox, Kodak, Microsoft, Facebook, Google), which have had some useful benefits (AT&T's exclusion from software/computer markets directly gave rise to Unix, Linux, and much of MacOS, Microsoft slowed down a smidge after its 1990s knuckle-rap), but leave me underwhelmed.

Anyhow, have at it, discuss. Seriously if at all possible, thanks.

Reshares welcomed, discussion on original if possible.

#Google #AlphabetInc #Antitrust #monopoly #AntitrustRemedies


Joe Biden must bust up the media

Don’t look now, but we just witnessed a major seismic event in American media.

Monday afternoon a federal judge ruled that Google’s parent company violated U.S. antitrust laws. The ruling from U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta in the District of Columbia opens the door to a second trial to determine potential remedies to Google's monopolization of the search market. It is the Justice Department's first victory over a monopoly in more than 20 years.


#monopolies #google #biden #antitrust


Partages info-culturels du 28/01/2023

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How to design an anti-monopoly interoperability system

"A historical accident made Massachusetts a lab for studying how tech can serve monopolies, and the moves, countermoves and counter-countermoves show how businesses, tinkerers, governments and the public can liberate themselves from seemingly all-powerful monopolists."

How to design an anti-monopoly interoperability system

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