

fatedier / #frp: A fast reverse #proxy to help you expose a local #server behind a #NAT or #firewall to the internet.

frp is a fast reverse proxy that allows you to expose a local server located behind a NAT or firewall to the Internet. It currently supports #TCP and #UDP, as well as #HTTP and #HTTPS protocols, enabling requests to be forwarded to internal services via #domain name.

frp also offers a #P2P connect mode.



#Cat accused of wiping US #Veteran Affairs server info after #jumping on #keyboard

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/10/05/hospital_cat_incident/

On a mid-September call, one of the participants explained that while a technician was reviewing the #configuration of a #server cluster, their cat jumped on the keyboard and deleted it.


Kurt DelBene, assistant secretary for information and #technology and CIO at the Department of Veterans Affairs, is said to have responded on the call with words to the effect that: "This is why I have a #dog."


#usa #fail #problem #news



Do not be fooled by the name. While it does include powerful tools for the creation of detailed #maps, its primary role is a Virtual Table Top, replacing pen, paper, battle mats, and dice.

MapTool is a free, open source and extremely flexible VTT with all the bells and whistles. You can utilize the integrated #server function to connect to players wherever there’s an Internet connection.




How Unparalleled #RDP #Monitoring Reveal Attackers’ Tradecraft

Source: https://www.gosecure.net/blog/2023/08/09/how-unparalleled-rdp-monitoring-reveal-attackers-tradecraft/

We ran them for three years and accumulated over 190 million events, including 100 hours of video footage, 470 files collected from threat actors, and more than 20,000 RDP captures. 

The data collected allowed the study of attackers’ behavior, which was used to classify attackers into different groups.

#hack #hacker #cybercrime #internet #Windows #server #security #honeypot #attack #news


(Bildbeschreibung: Eine kleine Fantasiefigur aus einer brennenden Energiesparleuchte und Metallteilen, das einen Stecker zurück in die Steckdose steckt)

≪ Power On ≫

Es waren jetzt nicht ganz zwei Tage ohne Strom und es war, zumindest für mich, recht einfach.

Wenn ich nicht das #Handy angeschaltet, und die Nachricht vom #Server - Update gelesen hätte, wäre die #Hauptsicherung wohl immer noch aus.


Zu verzichten ist oft nicht nur wesentlich einfacher und besser für die #Umwelt, sondern auch besser für die eigene #Lebensqualität als nach Alternativen zu suchen, um so weiterleben zu können wie bisher ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

#nachhaltigkeit #umwelt #energie #strom


Easy-to-exploit local privilege escalation vulnerabilities in #Ubuntu #Linux affect 40% of Ubuntu cloud workloads

source: https://www.wiz.io/blog/ubuntu-overlayfs-vulnerability

CVE-2023-2640 and CVE-2023-32629 were found in the #OverlayFS module in Ubuntu, which is a widely used Linux #filesystem that became highly popular with the rise of containers as its features enable the deployment of dynamic filesystems based on pre-built images. OverlayFS serves as an attractive attack surface as it has a history of numerous logical vulnerabilities that were easy to exploit. This makes the new discovered vulnerabilities especially risky given the exploits for the past OverlayFS vulnerabilities work out of the box without any changes.

#security #os #software #update #bug #problem #news #exploit #hack #hacker #server #vulnerability


Ey, SuperMicro!

Habe heute nach erfolgreicher Migration ein paar VMs beendet und zwei #Server runtergefahren.
Naiv wie ich bin, dachte ich, dass dann auch der #Stromverbrauch massiv sinken würde.

Das Managementboard sagt aber für beide Server, dass der Vertrauch nur von 182 auf 172 W gesunken ist.

Einen Rest von vielleicht 30 W für das Managementboard und die Netzteile hätte ich für vertretbar gahalten.Was erlaube #SuperMicro!

Muss ich jetzt echt zum Rack fahren und die Stecker ziehen?

Screenshot mit Stromverbrauch-Statistik

Screenshot - Server ist aus


MinusBrowser 2.11.2 is Published

Minus is an alternative to, but not a replacement for, HTTP and Gopher.

  • MinusBrowser's copy of Tor now uses OpenSSL 1.1.1u.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


Le collectif #InterHop a tenté les aspects juridique et légal. Ils n'ont pas eu de succès.
La prochaine étape est #Toobib https://toobib.org/ qui arrive en 2023.

https://interhop.org/ :

Aidez-nous à faire connaître l' #initiative.
Nous avons clairement besoin de financement et donc de dons :-)

Si vous en avez assez de devoir dévoiler à une #société privée, et donc aux #multinationales américaines, vos #données et/ou #méta-données de #santé, en passant par des plateformes de rendez-vous #médical telle que la #start-up #Doctolib, voici la solution.

Rappel :
(Lire) https://interhop.org/2021/03/10/reponse-franceinter-doctolib
Extraits :

Nous rappelons que les rendez-vous #médicaux sont des données de santé, ceci a été réaffirmé par la #CNIL et le Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins dans un papier commun.

Et :

Au sein de l’App #Server les données sont à un moment accessibles en clair ( #Data Access). Or dans le cas de Doctolib, cet App Server est hébergé chez #Amazon.

Et : Quelques rappels sur cette #start-up #Doctolib ?

#France #CNOM #FranceInter #Covid #Vaccin #Soin #Facebook #Outbrain #AWS #Chiffrement #Cloud #BlackRock #GAFAM #Health #HealthCare #Praticien #Praticiens #Ordonnance #Patient #Médecin #Infirmier #Infirmière #Kinésithérapeute #Ostéopathe #Dermatologue #Dentiste #e-santé