

Nachwahlen im Vereinigten Königreich: Sir Starmer weiter auf Siegkurs

In zwei Nachwahlen in England konnte sich Labour am Donnerstag behaupten. Mit Blick auf frühere Ergebnisse ist das ein Erfolg für die linke Partei.#VereinigtesKönigreich #Tories #LabourParty #KeirStarmer #RishiSunak #Europa #Politik
Nachwahlen im Vereinigten Königreich: Sir Starmer weiter auf Siegkurs


UK: Crumbling schools plagued by leaks and cold, BBC finds

Schools in urgent need of repair have told Panorama they are struggling to keep children warm in buildings that are "not fit for purpose".

At one primary in Devon, temperatures are so low that children keep gloves and coats on during some lessons.

The head teacher says despite parts of the school being seemingly impossible to heat, he has been told it does not qualify for extra money for repairs.


#ToryDictatorship #Tory #Tories #UK #schools #cold #warm #PeopleNotProfits #wealthy #ToriesOut #HumanRights


We can eliminate #poverty: but we have decided not to

#Tory MP and our trade secretary Kemi Badenoch tweeted:
“We don’t have a cure for poverty. If we did, we would have done it already.”

Of course, we know how to tackle poverty. As a matter of fact, there is less poverty in the #UK than once there was. As a result, unless you are wilfully blind, it is apparent that we do know how to tackle this issue.

The answers are relatively straightforward. Apart from paying decent benefits and appropriate pensions (neither of which happens in the UK at present) we also need to:

  • Build affordable social housing in sufficient quantity that everybody might enjoy it.
  • Ensure that essential public services, such as water, gas, electricity, telecoms and transport are affordably accessible to everyone.
  • Guarantee free healthcare and social care from cradle to grave.
  • Deliver high-quality education so that people can, if they wish, change their situations and are encouraged to do so.
  • Have a policy of full employment at a living wage.

... ...

The choice is simple. Do we run the #economy in the interests of those who are in need, or for the benefit of those who already have a great deal but want more? That is the political question that we need to answer now. To add piquancy, human life can only survive one of those choices. That should make deciding fairly easy.

#sustainability #capitalism #tories


Rise in net #migration threatens to undermine #RishiSunak’s tough talk | #Immigration and asylum | The Guardian

I thought #Brexit was going to curb immigration and "give us control of our borders". I cant recall what proportion of leave-voters voted for it on that basis but it wasn't a small number. They can't blame the opposition for that.


#Politics #Tories


David Cameron’s Appointment to Cabinet 'Another Reminder Why the House of Lords Must Go'

Former Prime Minister David Cameron’s appointment as Foreign Secretary – despite having left Parliament in 2016 – has triggered fresh calls to abolish the House of Lords.

Cameron replaces James Cleverly, who has moved to ousted cabinet minister Suella Braverman’s former role of Home Secretary.

There is no constitutional requirement for a cabinet minister to be an elected MP, but it is very rare that senior offices of state are held by unelected politicians. Lobbyist Cameron has been handed a seat in the 800-odd member House of Lords for life to take up the role.

Today campaign group Republic demanded a written constitution and elected upper house following the move.

Republic’s CEO, Graham Smith, said: “This appointment joins a string of recent outrages that remind us of the urgent need to ditch the Lords in favour of an elected upper house.


#ElectoralDictatorship #UnitedKingdom #UK #dictatorship #authoritarian #Tory #Tories #ToryDictatorship #ToryFascists #democracy #PR #DemocracyLost #ToryCronyism #BylineTimes #Lords #HouseOfLords #Republic #lobbying #lobbyist #Cameron #DavidCameron


Großbritannien: Ruanda-Plan für Asylsuchende rechtswidrig

Großbritannien - Abschiebung Asylsuchender nach Ruanda rechtswidrig

Wegen der schlechten Menschenrechtsbilanz darf Großbritannien Asylsuchende nicht nach Ruanda abschieben. Das Gerichtsurteil bringt die Regierung unter Druck.#RishiSunak #Tories #Ruanda #MENSCHENRECHTE
Großbritannien: Ruanda-Plan für Asylsuchende rechtswidrig


Looking for a Christmas present in Greenwich? Or any other end-of-year festival gift?

Our new #T-Shirt is on sale but you won’t get it on the web!

#Oldskool is the #Goldskool so we’re selling them at #Greenwich Vintage Market in #London, obviously.
2 Greenwich Church St, Greenwich, London SE10 9BQ, UK
Note the British Sign Language #BSL spelling of Goldskool and the #QR code that leads to this very page.
The quote on the shirt is from the #great #MarkTwain, so we claim no credit for that. However, it’s still relevant today.
#humor #comedy #meme #satire #photo #tories #meme #politics #socialcomment


Supreme Court entscheidet über Abschiebe-Pläne nach Ruanda

Großbritannien - Oberstes Gericht entscheidet über Abschiebe-Pläne nach Ruanda

Das Oberste Gericht in Großbritannien entscheidet über die Pläne der britischen Regierung, illegale Asylbewerber nach Ruanda auszufliegen.#Asylpolitik #Großbritannien #Sunak #Tories
Supreme Court entscheidet über Abschiebe-Pläne nach Ruanda