

Bring Julian Assange Home Now!


'If the United States' government is making an example of #JulianAssange – an #Australian, NOT a #USA citizen – to dissuade other journalists from publishing the #truth about illegal US government activity, then it is the job of the Australian government to protect him.

Whether or not he is found to have committed a crime, it's terrifying that the rule of law protecting Australians from capricious government action can be trashed in this manner.

Julian has lost 13 years already to confinement, and now the United States is threatening him with life in prison for telling the truth in exposing the murder of innocent civilians during the ironically named #OperationEnduringFreedom.

The United States values its relationship with #Australia. It values our newly minted deal providing critical access to our mineral wealth. It values its ability to maintain a permanent military presence in the South Pacific through our close and longstanding relationship.

Our government needs to recognise its role in protecting one of our own and lean on the advantages Australia provides to the US to bring Julian Assange home now.' #Senator #MalcolmRoberts #queensland

#freeassange #weareallassange #wikileaks #freespeech #freepress #journalismisnotacrime #freedom


Julian Assange and the War Against You


“Assange is not persecuted for his own crimes, but for the crimes of the powerful,” writes #NilsMelzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and author of #The-Trial-of-Julian-Assange. “The persecution of Assange establishes a precedent that will not only allow the powerful to keep their crimes #secret but will even make the revelation of such crimes punishable by #law. Let us not fool ourselves: once telling the #truth has become a #crime, we will all be living in #tyranny.”

The #Biden administration looks to jail #Assange for life because he #exposed #international #crimes and #corruption to the public for free.

#julianassange #audio #the-war-against-you #wikileaks #journalism #freespeech #freepress #edwardsnowden #censorship #belmarsh #uk #us #noextradition #freeassange #weareallassange #dropthecharges
