DESANTIS: “Don’t even think about looting, don’t event think of taking advantage of people in this vulnerable situation… I would not want to chance that if I were you given that we’re a second amendment state.”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 1, 2022
He can count to potato...
#politics #2A #creepy-joe #pedo-joe
"Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels 5 times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun."
— Rob Doar (@robdoar) August 30, 2022
🐂💩 pic.twitter.com/cTS1B84wtS
SOFIA MANZANO, professora universitária e economista, paulista de nascimento e residente em Vitória da Conquista na Bahia, é a candidata a Presidente da
#geral #2a #pcb #socialismo #comunismo #marxismo #leninismo
posted by pod_feeder_v2
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) August 16, 2022
PCB lança candidaturas ao Governo do Distrito Federal
O Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) no Distrito Federal definiu em sua convenção eleitoral, realizada no dia 03 de agosto, na sede do Partido,
#geral #2a #pcb #socialismo #comunismo #marxismo #leninismo
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Traditional: "Here lies a bully who wasn't so wise. He picked on a fellow who was his own size."
Modern: "Here lies a mass shooter who wasn't so wise. He picked a target where concealed or open carry was allowed."
The number one cause of unnatural human death and suffering throughout history is government in one form or another.
Giving government the monopoly on force is simply giving a small, powerful group of people the ability to kill or tyrannize everybody else, and then hoping they won't do so.
#1776 #USA #2ndamendment #2a #usconstitution #secondamendment #monopolyonforce #selfpreservation #selfdefense #seventeenseventysix #government #tyranny #freedom #uk #liberty #liberté #godgivenrights #1a #naturalrights #humanrights #guns #firearms #defenserifle #assaultrifle #america #unitedstatesofamerica #unitedstates #guncontrol #law #eu #jurisprudence #rightsofman #truth #justice #sovereignty #usconstitution
Breitbart: Dem Rep. Schakowsky: IL Has ‘Very Strong’ Gun Laws and Parade Shooter Shouldn’t Have Had Gun, But ‘Mainly’ Need Assault Weapons Ban
#2a #2ndamendment #assaultrifles #secondamendment #assaultweapon #shallnotbeinfringed #defenserifles #defenserifle #defenseweapon #ar15 #ak47 #freedom #usconstitution #uk #usa #infringement #unlawful #rights #rightsinfringement #constitution #constitutionviolation #liberty
When state power and corporate power combine, the people become subject to fascistic and oppressive control systems that erode their rights and subordinate their freedoms to an elitist minority.
#corporatism #biggovernment #elite #elites #elitism #collusion #biggov #usurpation #politicocorporatism #authoritarianism #power #cronyism #cronycapitalism #neoliberalism #uk #neoliberalglobalism #globalism #1a #powernexus #abuseofpower #usa #corruption #oppression #control #controlsystem #wethepeople #2a #politicalpower #corporatepower #unifiedelites #globalelites #freedom #liberty #agency #selfgovernment
Orsted Turns On the Power for Taiwan’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm
Ørsted has successfully delivered the first power from the Greater Changhua 2a Offshore Wind Farm. Greater Changhua 1 & 2a is the largest offshore wind project in Taiwan and the company’s first large-scale offshore wind farm in the Asia-Pacific region. Located 35-60 kilometers off Taiwan’s west coast, the project has a total capacity of 900 MW, making it the largest and first far-shore wind farm in Taiwan.
#changhua, #2a, #offshore, #wind, #greater
The #Democrats & their #UniParty "#Republican" enablers are setting a #trap for Constitutionalist #gun owners.
"Red Flag" #laws are intended to target #Constitutionalist Americans via #Internet #surveillance, sending #law enforcement to confiscate #guns from people who are passionate about their #rights & will use their guns to defend those rights from infringement.
When Constitutionalists defend their rights against #infringement of them through the use of "Red Flag" laws, Democrats will falsely claim these incidents are #proof "Red Flag" laws #work & then use them to #disarm #Americans with impunity.
#redflaglaws #redflaglaw #redflags #redflag #usa #2ndamendment #2a #righttobeararms #trap #subterfuge #con #setup #usconstitution #rinos #shallnotbeinfringed #nra
Tucker on fire as usual #guns #2a #redflaglaw #whitesupremacy Democratic controlled violence. As usual the "R" are no help. If Nov is rigged, like the others and there isn't a Red tsunami with some America First mixed in with the Rinos, we're screwed, even more.
Looking at moving in the middle of nowhere, probably not immune either, but maybe less of a target. That worked out well for the guy in Idaho minding his own business. (Randy Weaver).
#2a #2ndamendment #assaultrifles #secondamendment #assaultweapon #shallnotbeinfringed #defenserifles #defenserifle #defenseweapon #ar15 #ak47 #usa #freedom #linguistics #tyranny #liberty #government #dc #washingtondc #theswamp #treason #righttobeararms #usconstitution #seventeenseventysix #selfdefense #corruption #guns #meme #memes
There's a police station 3 FREAKING minutes from the school! The funeral home is even closer. But go ahead, lefties - tell me how "only police should have guns!"
The more info leaks out about this shooting, the less I trust the government - like with ANYTHING.
#guns #2a #SelfDefense #unalienableRight #IneptPolice #Police #fail #Texas #Shooter #2022-05