

Ok, #Commies - time for a #lesson in #economics:

One thing is pretty certain. Nobody will blame the party most responsible – the #government.

They never look back and reflect on the government’s role in creating the #crisis. No, no, no! They’re too busy pointing fingers at somebody in the private sector and holding out government as the salvation. ‘We just need more government! If we only had more #regulations then this wouldn’t have happened.’ No. It happened because we had too many regulations. What we need is free market regulations.”

Government #regulations sabotage the #freemarket regulations that actually do work.

#2023-10 #collapse #BigGovernment #Fail #crash


Do Americans know there's a department in the #Federal #government called the "Office of Financial Institutions" and part of its role is to "...formulate policy on financial institutions and government-sponsored enterprises..."

Do Americans know their Federal government spends their #taxes on "government-sponsored enterprises"? What #enterprises does the Federal government sponsor and how much of American's taxes are spent on this?



#federalgovernment #socialism #usa #usgovernment #treasurydepartment #treasury #cronyism #tax #collusion #fascism #biggovernment #biggov #redistribution #nationaldebt #debt #usfederalgovernment