

Speaking of Desert Blues...

Guitar virtuoso Mdou Moctar gets political after home country experiences coup

This was a surprise, and joy to see last night, on our PBS (public/educational) TV News Hour. Half listening to news headlines, this story came on and instantly caught my ear, and the rest of me followed. An amazing portrait of a musical prodigy with a unique talent and also a desire to share his perspective, on politics, guitar legends and life, all part of the same ocean....

Fascinating individual, talent, perspective....

#MdouMoctar #music #prodigy #Sahara #SaharaBlues #musica #musique #musik #Africa


Situation in #Mali: Counter-Terrorism Operation in the North and Clashes in the Center of the Country

Summary for August 1 - 21, 2024

After strikes on Tin-Zaouaten, patrols in the surrounding areas have also become more active. The Malian army, supported by the Wagner PMC, conducted raids in some villages, where they found informants of militants and weapons. After reconnaissance, the convoys returned with prisoners.

▪️The center of the country - the Mopti region - is also restless. Along the "road of death" from Douentza to Gossi, there have been continued explosions targeting government forces' vehicles. Also, in the vicinity, an army convoy that was heading to Dialassagou was ambushed by #Islamists. 15 soldiers were #killed in the ambush.

▪️Reconnaissance is being conducted along the Mauritanian border to identify and eliminate militant cells. But the territory of Mauritania was again used by militants from the Al-Qaeda-affiliated group JNIM as a rear base for raids into Malian territory. Along the border, they attacked two army posts, from which the soldiers fled, leaving their weapons behind.

🔻All this once again underscores the problems of the Malian armed forces. Of course, the government is increasing the number of personnel, but due to the lack of officers, the effectiveness of the reinforcements is extremely low.

This problem directly affects our interests in the country. So, during a telephone conversation between the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Mali, Lavrov stated that Russian structures are ready to help improve the combat capability of the army. Most likely, this implies the deployment of the African Corps, which has been expected in the country for more than a month.

#Africa #Mali #Sahel #map



The Continent is a free (of cost, ads and trackers) news publication for Africans by Africans

Magazine front cover showing title The Continent and founded with Mail & Guardian. Top banner states African journalism, 27 July 2024 Issue 169. It features an image of a globe covered in smartphones, with a woman sweeping a path through them using a broom.
The Continent is a weekly newspaper produced by African reporters, photographers, illustrators and editors. It is designed to be read and shared on WhatsApp, Telegram channel, Signal or e-mail, and has become the continent’s most widely distributed newspaper.

It is designed to be read on a mobile screen, with mostly short news pieces of 250 to 400 words, and a few longer pieces of about 900 words. Editions are sent out as a PDF on Fridays.

Led by a small team of nine (all working remotely) and having published contributions from nearly 200 journalists, writers, photographers and illustrators from across Africa in the past year, The Continent has covered numerous important and urgent stories, starting with reliable information from African researchers and public health experts on the Covid-19 pandemic, and on to other ground-breaking reporting: the injustice of “vaccine apartheid” with rich countries hoarding Covid-19 vaccines; the impact of Nigeria’s sudden and dramatic Twitter ban (applauded by none other than Donald Trump); a tender photo essay on being queer in Uganda, in a country where it is dangerous to be LGBTQ.

The Continent is published by the All Protocol Observed, a registered non-profit based in South Africa. It was initially funded by the editorial team, but has since attracted donor and commercial funding. So a refreshing difference is no adverts and also no tracking. You receive the PDF weekly via your channel of choice (or you can just download it from their website), and you can reshare this with anyone you wish to.

Credit to Jan Wildeboer @Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange: for sharing this on the Fediverse.

See thecontinent.org/
#Blog, #africa, #journalism, #news, #TheContinent


Our wars add greenhouse gases by the tons.

DoomsdaysCW - 2024-07-11 19:31:16 GMT

EU climate service: Earth records 12 straight months of record high temperaturesBy Clyde Hughes, UPI

July 8 (UPI) -- "June 2024 was hotter than any June previously on record, leaving people exposed to life-threatening temperatures and more extreme weather, the European Union's #Copernicus #ClimateChange Service said Monday.

"Copernicus researchers found that temperatures worldwide each month for the past 12 months were 1.5 degrees Celsius greater than the average before the #preindustrial age.

"The report said temperatures in Europe were higher on average than in the southeast regions. It added the countries and regions with the hottest temperatures outside of #Europe were eastern #Canada, the western #UnitedStates, western #Mexico, #Brazil, northern #Siberia, the #MiddleEast, northern #Africa, and western #Antarctica.

"'Even if this specific streak of extremes ends at some point, we are bound to see new records being broken as the climate continues to warm,' said Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, according to The Guardian.

"'This is inevitable unless we stop adding greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and the oceans.'

"The report said its review of the oceans, air temperatures were higher than average in the #AtlanticOcean and #IndianOcean along with most of the #PacificOcean. Temperatures were below average in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and smaller regions around the world, like the Bering Sea.

"Copernicus uses measurements from various sources, including airplanes, weather stations, ships and satellites to capture vital climate information worldwide.

"'This is not good news at all,' said Aditi Mukherji, the co-author of the newest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 'We know that extreme events increase with every increment of global warming and at 1.5 degrees Celsius, we witnessed some of the hottest extremes this year.'"


#ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming #ExtremeHeat #ClimateCatastrophe


By gatecrashing the 1914 war, the UK got Germany's African colonies and good part of the Ottoman Empire.
The UK had lied.
Already in June 1914 the cabinet had agreed that they had no obligations whatsoever to Belgium.
As for the belgian king, the belgians suffered greatly, whereas the luxembourgers were far better off.
Was he forced into that decision?
#tags#history #uk #belgium #ww1 #luxembourg #congo #africa #ottoman #turkey #iraq #palestine ">