

Use CSS to bring style to your HTML project documentation

You can write project documentation in plain HTML, and that gets the job done. However, plain HTML styling may feel a little spartan. Instead, try adding a few simple styles to an HTML document to add a little pizzazz to documentation, and make your documents clearer and easier to read.

You can use styles to make your documents easier to read. Seeing you’re just starting to learn about styles, just a few simple style elements are covered in this linked article:
- background-color to set the background color
- color to set the text color
- font-family to use a different text font
- margin-top to add space above an element
- margin-bottom to add space below an element
- text-align to change how the text is displayed, such as to the left, to the right, or centered

See https://opensource.com/article/22/8/css-html-project-documentation

#technology #CSS #HTML #webpages #styles
#Blog, ##css, ##html, ##styles, ##technology, ##webpages


web cms - wordpress still dominating - second comes no cms



What is interesting, that 33% of all website creators, decide to not use any CMS at all (static HTML/manually editing it).

there is even a trend of creating cms inside wordperss, “cms inside the cms” so to speak, with plugins such as Enfold, elementor.com and wpastra.com

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #web #html #php #css #javascript #cms #wordpress #wix #joomla #drupal #typo3

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/07/12/web-cms-wordpress-still-dominating-second-comes-no-cms/


Rant: wordpress & privacy - self hosted instances upload all content to their CDN servers i2.wp.com imho without consent and no possibility to delete?

correct if wrong but…

checkout this picture, just uploaded to this self-hosted wordpress instance recently:

it “suddenly” and without consent it also exists on this server i2.wp.com, the “cool” wordpress CDN, that is supposed to speed up loading time of a blog… well… not this blog eh?


if the user would have wanted that, instead of going self-hosting, the user could have just spared all the hazzle and used wordpress.org.

so even when the author-user deletes that image from the user’s blog… (just tested) it will be still there on https://i2.wp.com/dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/S21_Ultra_Sample_Test_Photo_RawTherapie_post_processed_20220525_sky.jpg

“great” isn’t it? so much for “control over one’s data”.

“This is happening because you’re using Jetpack’s built-in Image CDN that relies on WordPress.com. If you like to disable that feature go to your Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Performance and toggle off the Enable site accelerator option under the Performance & speed section. You can read more about this feature here:

https://jetpack.com/support/site-accelerator/” (src)

no – this blog is NOT using jetpack site accelerator.

also the option described is not available on self hosted wordpress.


wordpress – a giant content “sucking up ur content and storing it forever” machine?

time for alternatives.

if the visitor Firefox -> F12 -> network checks where the parts of this blog are coming from, they are all coming from dwaves.de and not some wordpress CDN for “faster loading time”.

the only external content are the smileys: https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f61c.svg

(those evil smileys probably “report back” to wordpress… how much that article was visited… and they (probably) sell it again… to G*** and M$ and whoever is willing to pay for that data)

…ah there it is:




so this is how wordpress argues, that they have “legitimate interests” to store all pictures uploaded to self-hosted wordpress instances on: ipv4.de-cix.fra.de.as2635.automattic.com (

hosted by: https://www.northdata.de/de-CIX+Management+GmbH,+K%C3%B6ln/HRB+51135

associated with:



#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #wordpress #privacy #cdn #cms #web #www #html

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/06/rant-wordpress-privacy-self-hosted-instances-upload-all-content-to-their-cdn-servers-i2-wp-com-imho-without-consent-and-no-possibility-to-delete/


so wordpress uploads all content to their CDN servers i2.wp.com - even when self hosted

correct if wrong but... checkout this picture, just uploaded to this self-hosted wordpress instance recently: it "suddenly" and without consent it also exists on this server i2.wp.com, the "cool" wordpress CDN, that is supposed to speed up loading time of a blog...[...]

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #wordpress #privacy #cdn #cms #web #www #html

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/06/so-wordpress-uploads-all-content-to-their-cdn-servers-i2-wp-com-even-when-self-hosted/


Page Not Found: A Brief #History of the #404 #Error

source: https://www.wired.com/story/page-not-found-a-brief-history-of-the-404-error/

When asked if he had any theories about why the error so enchanted people, Cailliau wrote “I don’t even have a hunch about the 404 #fascination. And frankly I don’t give a damn. The sort of #creativity that goes into 404 #response pages is fairly useless. The #mythology is probably due to the #irrationality, denial of #evidence, and preference for the fairy tale over reality that is quite common in the human species … These human traits were relatively innocent in the past, when individual #influence was small and #information spread slowly. Today, and in no small way due to the #existence of the net, these traits have gained a #power that is dangerous.” As examples, he cited the election of Donald #Trump, the deterioration of the #EU, meek political responses to gun #violence, and the proliferation of euphemism (“climate change”). Or the fascination could just be a dash of #humanity, an appreciation that the #internet is made by humans, and humans—especially on the internet—are often bored.

How deep is the rabbit hole really? I did not know that the #conspiracy goes so far and even simple error pages are part of this conspiracy ...


#html #web #www #theory #computer #politics #economy #humanity


De l’utilisation des formats bureautiques comme pivots de production de contenus accessibles à usages multiples

Ce document a été initié avec MS-WORD puis compléter avec LibreOffice afin de démontrer l’interopérabilité des systèmes.

L’objectif de ce document est d’être à la fois l’explication du sujet et un élément de réalisation des tests. La première partie est consacrée aux explications du concept, la seconde au support de tests.

Quelques explications

Les principaux outils de rédactions de textes bureautiques tels que MS-Word ou LibreOffice utilisent un format basé sur un schéma XML (Open Document pour le monde libre et LibreOffice – fichiers ODF – et Open Office XML pour la solution propriétaire de Microsoft – fichiers DOCX). Quel que soit le format choisi, la passerelle entre les deux est simple et élégante. Nous sommes loin des sauvegardes sous forme binaire.

L’accès au contenu est évident puisque ces différents formats sont des compressions au format ZIP de l’arborescence des dossiers et des fichiers, du contenu et des propriétés du contenu. C’est l’ensemble contenu + propriétés + habillage graphique qui est nommé document.

Le premier intérêt de ces formats et de ces fichiers est leur facilité de lecture. Nous sommes dans le cadre fichiers accessibles et lisibles directement et simplement sans interprétation.

Le second intérêt vient du choix d’une structure XML. Ce choix signifie que nous travaillons avec des contenus qui sont par définition structurés et ainsi faciles à traiter ou à analyser. Mais, cela cache une autre caractéristique fondamentale : la séparation stricte du fond et de la forme. Nous ne sommes pas en présence d’un amas de décorations typographiques ou positionnement spatiaux de textes (comme dans le cas du format descriptif PDF – Portable Document Format) mais bien dans un contenu structuré.

La structure de ces contenus n’est pas le fruit du hasard ou de l’application technique d’un schéma XML, c’est simplement l’expression des styles utilisés au travers des interfaces utilisateurs. L’ensemble de la chaîne, du rédacteur au stockage technique, est donc directe et élégante.

Ne reste plus qu’à définir un modèle de document (donc un modèle de structure documentaire) qui fasse sens pour les rédacteurs et les lecteurs. Ce modèle documentaire va ainsi apporter une structure sémantique au contenu en complément de la structure technique directement issue du format XML.

Mais en quoi tout ceci permet-il de proposer (voire garantir) un contenu in fine accessible et utilisable sur l’ensemble des canaux pour la bonne distribution du contenu ?

En premier lieu, l’utilisation de styles prédéfinis dans un modèle de document (et en verrouillant les styles) contraint de manière évidente le rédacteur à ne plus utiliser son outil de traitement de texte comme une simple machine à écrire (avec du simple texte décoré afin de reproduire une pseudo structure du contenu) mais, comme un outil de contenu sémantique. En effet, si l’utilisateur refuse d’utiliser les styles mis à sa disposition, le résultat à la diffusion du contenu ne serait d’une longue chaîne de caractères sans aucune structure ni indication sémantique. La séparation du fond et de la forme entraîne de fait un non-traitement des éléments de décoration.

En second lieu, le fait que le format produit soit une structure XML permet également de réaliser des contrôles de cohérence. Ces contrôles de cohérence peuvent être structurels (par exemple, un titre de niveau 4 ne peut pas être le fils d’un titre de niveau 2), mais ces contrôles peuvent également traiter des éléments liés à la nature du contenu (soit en volumétrie, soit en qualité de structure).

Nous voici donc avec un contenu structuré et validé produit simplement avec un outil courant de traitement de texte disponible sur la grande majorité des ordinateurs (Les suites MS-Office et LibreOffice doivent couvrir un périmètre proche des 100?% des producteurs de contenus).

Mais nous avons plus que cela.

La diffusion des contenus se fait majoritairement au travers de quelques formats :

  • Natif, les fichiers issus de la sauvegarde à partir du traitement de texte au format DOCX ou ODF. C’est le plus simple.
  • PDF, certains considèrent que cela représente soit une solution universelle et sécurité de diffuser des documents accessibles. La portabilité était un argument au début du XXIe siècle, mais plus aujourd’hui. Pour le reste, c’est une légende tenace.
  • HTML (Hyper Texte Markup Language), très pratique pour une diffusion Web des contenus.

Et, il existe également d’autres besoins ou possibilités :

  • XML DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System), très pratique pour une conversion en braille ou une lecture audio du contenu.
  • EPUB (electronic publication), le format standardisé des livres numériques.

La multiplicité des cibles de publication peut représenter un travail conséquent et de fait représenter un frein à la bonne mise en pratique de la diffusion universelle (et donc accessible des contenus). Mais, pas si l’ensemble de ces cibles peut être adressés sans effort complémentaire et en garantissant à la fois la qualité du contenu et son adaptabilité au contexte de la cible.

Le contexte de la cible ?

Chaque format porte ses contraintes ou besoins. Dans le cadre du HTML, la forme graphique est spécifique au site Web (ou espace numérique) où le contenu doit être présenté. Pour le format EPUB, des métadonnées doivent être présentent et la présentation peut être spécifique. Le format XML DAISY ne réclame aucune mise en forme. Ce sont là quelques exemples de contextes de la cible.

Cela peut sembler représenter une difficulté de plus, pas un élément de facilité ! Aucunement.

Reprenons. Nous avons un contenu au format XML qui a été validé dans sa structure technique et sémantique. Nous devons proposer ce contenu dans différents formats qui sont tous (sauf un spécifique) basé sur une structure proche du XML (et même du XML pour certains). Et nous venons de format et de contenus édités facilement et disponible nativement au format XML. Une simple transformation élégante d’un schéma XML vers un autre schéma XML répond à la question. Simple et évident.

Le seul format spécifique (encore une fois) et le format PDF, mais dans ce cas, le plus simple est de directement utiliser les options d’enregistrement direct du contenu au format PDF à partir des outils de traitement de texte. Même si les puristes pourraient considérer que produire un fichier PDF à partir du XML source est finalement assez facile. C’est vrai, des outils permettent de le faire assez simplement et c’est d’ailleurs une excellente solution lorsque l’on souhaite diffuser au format PDF sous des formes différentes. Mais, dans la grande majorité des cas, le « sauver sous PDF » est le plus évident et pratique.

Pour les autres formats :

  • HTML, est une structure très proche du XML, il suffira de prévoir d’ajouter quelques éléments de spécifications CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) de base afin de permettre l’application de n’importe quel charte graphique ou présentation sur les sites Web cibles.
  • XML DAISY, XML vers XML. Pas de problème particulier.
  • EPUB, basé sur HTML5, la production d’un EPUB devra respecter quelques éléments de structure, le fichier EPUB étant lui-même un ensemble de dossiers et contenus compressés au format ZIP. Les contenus étant au format HTML composé – le plus souvent – par un fichier HTML par chapitre de contenu.

Autre élément pratique dans cette démarche, les propriétés du document (titre, sujet, auteur et toutes les autres) sont disponibles dans quelques fichiers XML stockés dans l’arborescence du document. Donc, normalement pas d’édition supplémentaire des propriétés.

Pour les curieux

L’arborescence d’un document DOCX est la suivante :

  • docProps qui contient les éléments de propriétés du contenu (core.xml en particulier)
  • _rels
  • word qui contient le contenu dans le fichier document.xml
  • La racine contient le fichier : [Content_Types].xml


Quelques références liées aux différents formats cités :

#accessibilité #bureautique #gestiondecontenu #XML #docx #odt #libreoffice #CMS #epub #daidy #PDF #format #accessibilite #cms #daisy #gestion-de-contenu #html #free-office #pdf #xml

Originally posted at: http://www.lhorens-marie.fr/de-lutilisation-des-formats-bureautiques-comme-pivots-de-production-de-contenus-accessibles-a-usages-multiples/


Ad-tech firms grab #email addresses from forms before they're even submitted

Source: https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/16/ad_companies_data/

And many companies involved in data gathering and advertising appear to believe that they're entitled to grab the information website visitors enter into forms with scripts before the #submit button has been pressed.


"Furthermore, we find incidental #password collection on 52 websites by third-party session replay scripts," the researchers say.

#security #privacy #fail #surveillance #internet #technology #web #html #www #economy #news #problem


GNU Linux -> Alternative Privacy enhanced Browsers :) (for Desktop and Mobile) - WARNING SDKs with surveillance build in! - check VPN app

who/what to trust in 2022?

it’s hard…

“A February 2020 research report published by the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin tested six browsers and deemed Brave to be the most private of them, in terms of phoning home: “In the first (most private) group lies Brave, in the second Chrome, Firefox and Safari, and in the third (least private) group lie Edge and Yandex.”[108] (src)

“From a privacy perspective Microsoft Edge and Yandex are qualitatively different from the other browsers studied.”

Both send persistent identifiers that can be used to link requests (and associated IP address/location) to backend servers.”

Edge also sends the hardware UUID of the device to Microsoft and Yandex similarly transmits a hashed hardware identifier to back end servers.”

“As far as we can tell this behaviour cannot be disabled by users.”

“In addition to the search autocomplete functionality that shares details of web pages visited, both transmit web page information to servers that appear unrelated to search autocomplete.”

(src: arstechnica.com)

alternative Browsers for Mobile OS: Android



alternative Browsers for Desktop OS:

update 2022-04




just for completion:




(currently best Browser in terms of privacy according to https://privacytests.org <- check em out they got a ton of alternative browsers also mobile)

(based on Google’s https://www.chromium.org/)

how to install for various GNU Linux distributions: https://brave.com/linux/

update 2020-10



“Vivaldi is a freeware, cross-platform web browser developed by Vivaldi Technologies, a company founded by Opera Software co-founder and former CEO Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner and Tatsuki Tomita” <- if that is a good thing… probably not.

Given the Kremlin’s naming convention “Wagner” (the Russian mercenary group killing around the globe like Ukraine but also Africa).

Antonio Vivaldi would be (almost obviously) just another classic music composer in their naming scheme (correct if wrong!?).

“The browser was officially launched on April 12, 2016.[8][9] The browser is aimed at staunch technologists, heavy Internet users, and previous Opera web browser users disgruntled by Opera’s transition from the Presto layout engine to the Blink layout engine, which removed many popular features.[8][10] Vivaldi aims to revive the old, popular features of Opera 12.[11] The browser has gained popularity since the launch of its first technical preview.[12][13] The browser has 1 million users as of January 2017.[14]

the bigger problem with Opera might be this: the Russian Yandex SDK:

  • “A development kit for applications offered for free by Yandex, the Russian tech giant, collects information, which is then stored on Russian servers.”
  • “The proximity between the company and the Kremlin raises questions about the end use of this data.”
  • “Your personal data probably ends up on Russian servers.”
  • “On Tuesday, March 29, the British daily Financial Times revealed that tens of thousands of applications have been developed using software that retrieves users’ information.”
  • “The computer tool is provided by Yandex, a Russian search engine, Google’s main competitor in this country.”
  • “The recovered data is then stored in servers in Russia and Finland.”
  • “In the clutches of the Kremlin AppMetrica’s “open access” makes it one of the most used tools on the market: 36% of applications on Google Play go through this SDK and 11% on the App Store according to Appfigures.”
  • “Among the services offered are video games, messaging apps and virtual private networks (VPNs), designed to browse the web without being tracked.”
  • 7x VPN apps are offered specifically for the Ukrainian public, according to financial times.”
  • “In total, it would be applications installed hundreds of millions of times that would be affected.”
  • auto translated from (src: numerama.com)

(… Google & Apple would NEVER do such things…. NEVER (right? X-D))

# -> what are those files doing INSIDE tor-browser bundle folder #wtf?


{"description":"This file contains data used for counting users.
If you are worried about privacy implications,
please see https://help.vivaldi.com/article/how-we-count-our-users/",


it’s always a good idea to try out alternatives. 🙂 Welcome to Arora: (under Debian-Gnome3)

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_1

is a lightweight, cross-platform, free and open-source web browser

Arora is available for Linux, OS X, Windows, FreeBSD, OS/2, Haiku,[6] and any other operating system supported by the Qt toolkit. Arora’s name is a palindrome.

The browser’s features include tabbed browsing, bookmarks, browsing history, smart location bar, OpenSearch, session management, privacy mode, a download manager, WebInspector, and AdBlock.[7]

For several months, Meyer discontinued development of Arora due to uncertainty about the strictures of non-compete clauses by his employer; finally in July 2011, he announced that he would no longer contribute to the project.[8] Another software developer, Bastien Pederencino forked Arora’s source code, and published a variant called zBrowser – renamed Zeromus Browser in February 2013. In May 2013, Pederencino published another variant called BlueLightCat. In February 2014, some new patches were released on Arora’s github project page, with some Linux distributions incorporating the changes in their individual versions of Arora packages in their repositories.[9]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arora_(web_browser)


under Debian it’s easy as the usual:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get update</span>; # update apt package definitions
<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get install arora</span>; # install arora browser

Nice features:

  • fast, sleak, efficient, webkit without Google influenced Firefox (they get millions for making Google the default search engine…)
  • JavaScript and Images can be easily disabled
  • AdBlock INCLUDED 🙂
  • Nice Page-loading %percentage% view
  • Excellent https://startpage.com/ / https://ixquick.com/ integration 🙂
  • You can use all the Firefox-Hotkeys like Alt+D to select the Adress-Bar

I really love that loading %percentage display, that also shows you how big and bulky a website is: (maybe disable grafics or js) arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_5 size of website

Nicely: Easy to disable image loading (speed up things) and javascript (security problem)

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_3

It has Adblock INCLUDED! 🙂 No extension needed! GOOD JOB!

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_2


Check out the FAQ.

Midori is a cross-platform GTK browser based on Webkit. It tracks the latest Webkit very closely, so you always have a fresh version. Midori is very lightweight and fast, but still has a lot of features. Midori is amazingly quick and can be useful for sites like Facebook which tend to slow down Firefox. Users concerned about privacy will be interested to know that Midori features Duck Duck Go as the default search engine, offers built-in ad blocking and good cookie control. An old version (0.4.3) is currently included with Ubuntu 13.10, so it is recommended that you install from the Midori PPA.


tested on debian:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get update; apt-get install midori</span>; # let's test this ;)


QupZilla is a fast Qt and Webkit based browser that is available for multiple operating systems. It features a reasonably simple interface that will seem familiar to new users. The browser is packed with options, but really offers nothing new or unique when compared to Firefox or Chromium. The QupZilla team has put together a really solid browser, but without offering something unique, I find myself asking “what’s the point?” [Install Now](apt://qupzilla)



GNU IceCat, formerly known as GNU IceWeasel,[3] is a free software rebranding of the Mozilla Firefox web browser distributed by the GNU Project. It is compatible with Linux, Windows, Android and macOS.[4]

IceCat is released as a part of GNUzilla, GNU’s rebranding of a code base that used to be the Mozilla Application Suite. As an internet suite, GNUzilla also includes a mail & newsgroup program and an HTML composer.

Mozilla produces free and open-source software, but the binaries include trademarked artwork. The GNU Project attempts to keep IceCat in synchronization with upstream development of Firefox (long-term support versions) while removing all trademarked artwork and non-free add-ons. It also maintains a large list of free software plugins. In addition, it features a few security features not found in the mainline Firefox browser.


QupZilla 1.6.6 on Debian-Gnome3




debian linux

<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get update</span>; # you know what this does
<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get install qupzilla</span>; # install qupzilla


Import Bookmarks.html

it’s nice that Arora and QupZilla (the naming is terrible 2 remember :-D) allow importing Firefox/Iceweasel exported bookmarks.html.


QupZilla even gets all the website Icons for you….

qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_bookmark_importer qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_bookmark_importer2

qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_extensions qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_javascript_options qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_privacy qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_appearance qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_downloads qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_browsing qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_browsing2 qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_tabs qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_appearance qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_bookmark_importer qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_adblock_settings

Web (Epiphany)

Web (formerly Epiphany) is the official web browser of the GNOME desktop. It is a very easy to use Webkit based browser with a simplistic user interface. In fact, Web is like the granddaddy of simple web browsers, delivering a simple user interface years before Chrome came on the scene. The browser is very speedy and polished, offering more features with each release. Web makes a great simple alternative to Firefox and Chrome. [Install Now](apt://epiphany-browser)

Bash / Command Line Browsers 🙂


Elinks is a text based browser similar to the classic Lynx browser. It launches inside a Terminal window and presents you with only the text of websites, no images, javascript, or Flash. This can be rather useful for website developers to test their sites, or for reading information on sites that are full of annoying javascript and Flash ads.

that’s what http://google.de looks like in elinks:

<a href="https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/google.de-in-elinks.png"><img alt="google.de in elinks" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5752" height="424" src="https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/google.de-in-elinks.png" width="910"></img></a>

Source: https://www.starryhope.com/10-alternative-browsers-for-ubuntu-linux/



Other alternative fast / lightweight browsers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_lightweight_web_browsers




how to get (a bit) more privacy:


#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #alternatives #browser #www #internet #web #firefox #Linux #Internet #Browser #Alternatives #html #css #js #browse #theweb #javascript #html5 #webrtc #vivaldi #android #mobile

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2015/07/17/gnu-linux-alternative-privacy-enhanced-browsers-for-desktop-and-mobile-warning-sdks-with-surveillance-build-in-check-vpn-app/


GNU Linux -> Alternative Privacy enhanced Browsers :) (for Desktop and Mobile) - WARNING SDKs with surveillance build in!

who/what to trust in 2022?

it’s hard…

“A February 2020 research report published by the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin tested six browsers and deemed Brave to be the most private of them, in terms of phoning home: “In the first (most private) group lies Brave, in the second Chrome, Firefox and Safari, and in the third (least private) group lie Edge and Yandex.”[108] (src)

“From a privacy perspective Microsoft Edge and Yandex are qualitatively different from the other browsers studied.”

Both send persistent identifiers that can be used to link requests (and associated IP address/location) to backend servers.”

Edge also sends the hardware UUID of the device to Microsoft and Yandex similarly transmits a hashed hardware identifier to back end servers.”

“As far as we can tell this behaviour cannot be disabled by users.”

“In addition to the search autocomplete functionality that shares details of web pages visited, both transmit web page information to servers that appear unrelated to search autocomplete.”

(src: arstechnica.com)

alternative Browsers for Mobile OS: Android



alternative Browsers for Desktop OS:

update 2022-04




just for completion:




(currently best Browser in terms of privacy according to https://privacytests.org <- check em out they got a ton of alternative browsers also mobile)

(based on Google’s https://www.chromium.org/)

how to install for various GNU Linux distributions: https://brave.com/linux/

update 2020-10



“Vivaldi is a freeware, cross-platform web browser developed by Vivaldi Technologies, a company founded by Opera Software co-founder and former CEO Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner and Tatsuki Tomita” <- if that is a good thing… probably not.

“The browser was officially launched on April 12, 2016.[8][9] The browser is aimed at staunch technologists, heavy Internet users, and previous Opera web browser users disgruntled by Opera’s transition from the Presto layout engine to the Blink layout engine, which removed many popular features.[8][10] Vivaldi aims to revive the old, popular features of Opera 12.[11] The browser has gained popularity since the launch of its first technical preview.[12][13] The browser has 1 million users as of January 2017.[14]

the bigger problem with Opera might be this: the Russian Yandex SDK:

  • “A development kit for applications offered for free by Yandex, the Russian tech giant, collects information, which is then stored on Russian servers.”
  • “The proximity between the company and the Kremlin raises questions about the end use of this data.”
  • “Your personal data probably ends up on Russian servers.”
  • “On Tuesday, March 29, the British daily Financial Times revealed that tens of thousands of applications have been developed using software that retrieves users’ information.”
  • “The computer tool is provided by Yandex, a Russian search engine, Google’s main competitor in this country.”
  • “The recovered data is then stored in servers in Russia and Finland.”
  • auto translated from (src: numerama.com)


it’s always a good idea to try out alternatives. 🙂 Welcome to Arora: (under Debian-Gnome3)

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_1

is a lightweight, cross-platform, free and open-source web browser

Arora is available for Linux, OS X, Windows, FreeBSD, OS/2, Haiku,[6] and any other operating system supported by the Qt toolkit. Arora’s name is a palindrome.

The browser’s features include tabbed browsing, bookmarks, browsing history, smart location bar, OpenSearch, session management, privacy mode, a download manager, WebInspector, and AdBlock.[7]

For several months, Meyer discontinued development of Arora due to uncertainty about the strictures of non-compete clauses by his employer; finally in July 2011, he announced that he would no longer contribute to the project.[8] Another software developer, Bastien Pederencino forked Arora’s source code, and published a variant called zBrowser – renamed Zeromus Browser in February 2013. In May 2013, Pederencino published another variant called BlueLightCat. In February 2014, some new patches were released on Arora’s github project page, with some Linux distributions incorporating the changes in their individual versions of Arora packages in their repositories.[9]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arora_(web_browser)


under Debian it’s easy as the usual:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get update</span>; # update apt package definitions
<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get install arora</span>; # install arora browser

Nice features:

  • fast, sleak, efficient, webkit without Google influenced Firefox (they get millions for making Google the default search engine…)
  • JavaScript and Images can be easily disabled
  • AdBlock INCLUDED 🙂
  • Nice Page-loading %percentage% view
  • Excellent https://startpage.com/ / https://ixquick.com/ integration 🙂
  • You can use all the Firefox-Hotkeys like Alt+D to select the Adress-Bar

I really love that loading %percentage display, that also shows you how big and bulky a website is: (maybe disable grafics or js) arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_5 size of website

Nicely: Easy to disable image loading (speed up things) and javascript (security problem)

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_3

It has Adblock INCLUDED! 🙂 No extension needed! GOOD JOB!

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_2


Check out the FAQ.

Midori is a cross-platform GTK browser based on Webkit. It tracks the latest Webkit very closely, so you always have a fresh version. Midori is very lightweight and fast, but still has a lot of features. Midori is amazingly quick and can be useful for sites like Facebook which tend to slow down Firefox. Users concerned about privacy will be interested to know that Midori features Duck Duck Go as the default search engine, offers built-in ad blocking and good cookie control. An old version (0.4.3) is currently included with Ubuntu 13.10, so it is recommended that you install from the Midori PPA.


tested on debian:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get update; apt-get install midori</span>; # let's test this ;)


QupZilla is a fast Qt and Webkit based browser that is available for multiple operating systems. It features a reasonably simple interface that will seem familiar to new users. The browser is packed with options, but really offers nothing new or unique when compared to Firefox or Chromium. The QupZilla team has put together a really solid browser, but without offering something unique, I find myself asking “what’s the point?” [Install Now](apt://qupzilla)



GNU IceCat, formerly known as GNU IceWeasel,[3] is a free software rebranding of the Mozilla Firefox web browser distributed by the GNU Project. It is compatible with Linux, Windows, Android and macOS.[4]

IceCat is released as a part of GNUzilla, GNU’s rebranding of a code base that used to be the Mozilla Application Suite. As an internet suite, GNUzilla also includes a mail & newsgroup program and an HTML composer.

Mozilla produces free and open-source software, but the binaries include trademarked artwork. The GNU Project attempts to keep IceCat in synchronization with upstream development of Firefox (long-term support versions) while removing all trademarked artwork and non-free add-ons. It also maintains a large list of free software plugins. In addition, it features a few security features not found in the mainline Firefox browser.


QupZilla 1.6.6 on Debian-Gnome3




debian linux

<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get update</span>; # you know what this does
<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get install qupzilla</span>; # install qupzilla


Import Bookmarks.html

it’s nice that Arora and QupZilla (the naming is terrible 2 remember :-D) allow importing Firefox/Iceweasel exported bookmarks.html.


QupZilla even gets all the website Icons for you….

qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_bookmark_importer qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_bookmark_importer2

qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_extensions qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_javascript_options qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_privacy qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_appearance qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_downloads qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_browsing qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_browsing2 qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_tabs qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_appearance qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_bookmark_importer qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_adblock_settings

Web (Epiphany)

Web (formerly Epiphany) is the official web browser of the GNOME desktop. It is a very easy to use Webkit based browser with a simplistic user interface. In fact, Web is like the granddaddy of simple web browsers, delivering a simple user interface years before Chrome came on the scene. The browser is very speedy and polished, offering more features with each release. Web makes a great simple alternative to Firefox and Chrome. [Install Now](apt://epiphany-browser)

Bash / Command Line Browsers 🙂


Elinks is a text based browser similar to the classic Lynx browser. It launches inside a Terminal window and presents you with only the text of websites, no images, javascript, or Flash. This can be rather useful for website developers to test their sites, or for reading information on sites that are full of annoying javascript and Flash ads.

that’s what http://google.de looks like in elinks:

<a href="https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/google.de-in-elinks.png"><img alt="google.de in elinks" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5752" height="424" src="https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/google.de-in-elinks.png" width="910"></img></a>

Source: https://www.starryhope.com/10-alternative-browsers-for-ubuntu-linux/



Other alternative fast / lightweight browsers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_lightweight_web_browsers




how to get (a bit) more privacy:


#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #alternatives #browser #www #internet #web #firefox #Linux #Internet #Browser #Alternatives #html #css #js #browse #theweb #javascript #html5 #webrtc #vivaldi #android #mobile

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2015/07/17/gnu-linux-alternative-privacy-enhanced-browsers-for-desktop-and-mobile-warning-sdks-with-surveillance-build-in/


from HTML5 & Javascript blob technique to ransomeware - JS is evil (when it is allowed to do more than gui animations)

“The Duri malware, for example, uses the Javascript blob technique.

The attacks are triggered by visiting a website with the malicious code.”

(this could be a well known, sincere, but hacked website)

“By downloading, the malware can install itself on the target device.”

“HTML smuggling is also made possible by the HTML5 “Download” attribute for anchor tags.”

“When a user clicks the HTML link, a download of the file is triggered.”

“The attack therefore uses conventional HTML5 and JavaScript functions.”

“The attack occurs especially in email campaigns.”

“That is, users with Exchange Online mailboxes are also affected.”

“Spear phishing campaign can ransomware”

“This technique was noticed in a spear phishing campaign in May 2021.

“As part of these attacks, the banking Trojan Mekotio as well as AsyncRAT/NJRAT and Trickbot were infiltrated – this also means remote code execution and complete takeover of computers is possible.”

Ransomware also enters networks in this way.”

“The Microsoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team shows what such an attack looks like in a Twitter post.

ISOMorph Infection: In-Depth Analysis of a New HTML Smuggling Campaign

src: translated from https://www.security-insider.de/html-smuggling-greift-netzwerke-von-innen-an-a-1109311/









#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #itsec #itsecurity #js #html5 #html #javascript #cyber #cybersecurity #cybersec

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/04/13/from-html5-javascript-blob-technique-to-ransomeware-js-is-evil-when-it-is-allowed-to-do-more-than-gui-animations/


GNU Linux -> Alternative Browsers :) (for Desktop and Mobile)

alternative Browsers for Mobile OS: Android



alternative Browsers for Desktop OS:

update 2022-04




just for completion:




(currently best Browser in terms of privacy according to https://privacytests.org <- check em out they got a ton of alternative browsers also mobile)

(based on Google’s https://www.chromium.org/)

how to install for various GNU Linux distributions: https://brave.com/linux/



Vivaldi Web Browser Made in Norway (!) by Vivaldi Technologies

(based on Google’s https://www.chromium.org/)

(It is Open Source (get the source here)! but not under GPL, but this licence)


update 2020-10



update: 2018:


Vivaldi is a freeware, cross-platform web browser developed by Vivaldi Technologies, a company founded by Opera Software co-founder and former CEO Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner and Tatsuki Tomita. The browser was officially launched on April 12, 2016.[8][9] The browser is aimed at staunch technologists, heavy Internet users, and previous Opera web browser users disgruntled by Opera’s transition from the Presto layout engine to the Blink layout engine, which removed many popular features.[8][10] Vivaldi aims to revive the old, popular features of Opera 12.[11] The browser has gained popularity since the launch of its first technical preview.[12][13] The browser has 1 million users as of January 2017.[14]


it’s always a good idea to try out alternatives. 🙂 Welcome to Arora: (under Debian-Gnome3)

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_1

is a lightweight, cross-platform, free and open-source web browser

Arora is available for Linux, OS X, Windows, FreeBSD, OS/2, Haiku,[6] and any other operating system supported by the Qt toolkit. Arora’s name is a palindrome.

The browser’s features include tabbed browsing, bookmarks, browsing history, smart location bar, OpenSearch, session management, privacy mode, a download manager, WebInspector, and AdBlock.[7]

For several months, Meyer discontinued development of Arora due to uncertainty about the strictures of non-compete clauses by his employer; finally in July 2011, he announced that he would no longer contribute to the project.[8] Another software developer, Bastien Pederencino forked Arora’s source code, and published a variant called zBrowser – renamed Zeromus Browser in February 2013. In May 2013, Pederencino published another variant called BlueLightCat. In February 2014, some new patches were released on Arora’s github project page, with some Linux distributions incorporating the changes in their individual versions of Arora packages in their repositories.[9]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arora_(web_browser)


under Debian it’s easy as the usual:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get update</span>; # update apt package definitions
<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get install arora</span>; # install arora browser

Nice features:

  • fast, sleak, efficient, webkit without Google influenced Firefox (they get millions for making Google the default search engine…)
  • JavaScript and Images can be easily disabled
  • AdBlock INCLUDED 🙂
  • Nice Page-loading %percentage% view
  • Excellent https://startpage.com/ / https://ixquick.com/ integration 🙂
  • You can use all the Firefox-Hotkeys like Alt+D to select the Adress-Bar

I really love that loading %percentage display, that also shows you how big and bulky a website is: (maybe disable grafics or js) arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_5 size of website

Nicely: Easy to disable image loading (speed up things) and javascript (security problem)

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_3

It has Adblock INCLUDED! 🙂 No extension needed! GOOD JOB!

arora alternative webKit based browser (similar to firefox)_2

What features i would love to see:

  • easy Tor enable/disable buttone 😀 (if that is not making it very bulky)



Other alternative fast / lightweight browsers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_lightweight_web_browsers





Check out the FAQ.

Midori is a cross-platform GTK browser based on Webkit. It tracks the latest Webkit very closely, so you always have a fresh version. Midori is very lightweight and fast, but still has a lot of features. Midori is amazingly quick and can be useful for sites like Facebook which tend to slow down Firefox. Users concerned about privacy will be interested to know that Midori features Duck Duck Go as the default search engine, offers built-in ad blocking and good cookie control. An old version (0.4.3) is currently included with Ubuntu 13.10, so it is recommended that you install from the Midori PPA.


tested on debian:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt-get update; apt-get install midori</span>; # let's test this ;)


QupZilla is a fast Qt and Webkit based browser that is available for multiple operating systems. It features a reasonably simple interface that will seem familiar to new users. The browser is packed with options, but really offers nothing new or unique when compared to Firefox or Chromium. The QupZilla team has put together a really solid browser, but without offering something unique, I find myself asking “what’s the point?” [Install Now](apt://qupzilla)



GNU IceCat, formerly known as GNU IceWeasel,[3] is a free software rebranding of the Mozilla Firefox web browser distributed by the GNU Project. It is compatible with Linux, Windows, Android and macOS.[4]

IceCat is released as a part of GNUzilla, GNU’s rebranding of a code base that used to be the Mozilla Application Suite. As an internet suite, GNUzilla also includes a mail & newsgroup program and an HTML composer.

Mozilla produces free and open-source software, but the binaries include trademarked artwork. The GNU Project attempts to keep IceCat in synchronization with upstream development of Firefox (long-term support versions) while removing all trademarked artwork and non-free add-ons. It also maintains a large list of free software plugins. In addition, it features a few security features not found in the mainline Firefox browser.


QupZilla 1.6.6 on Debian-Gnome3




debian linux

apt-get update; # you know what this does
apt-get install qupzilla; # install qupzilla


Import Bookmarks.html

it’s nice that Arora and QupZilla (the naming is terrible 2 remember :-D) allow importing Firefox/Iceweasel exported bookmarks.html.


QupZilla even gets all the website Icons for you….

qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_bookmark_importer qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_bookmark_importer2

qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_extensions qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_javascript_options qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_privacy qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_password_manager qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_downloads qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_browsing qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_browsing2 qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_tabs qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_appearance qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_general qupzilla_screenshot_preferences_adblock_settings

Web (Epiphany)

Web (formerly Epiphany) is the official web browser of the GNOME desktop. It is a very easy to use Webkit based browser with a simplistic user interface. In fact, Web is like the granddaddy of simple web browsers, delivering a simple user interface years before Chrome came on the scene. The browser is very speedy and polished, offering more features with each release. Web makes a great simple alternative to Firefox and Chrome. [Install Now](apt://epiphany-browser)

Bash / Command Line Browsers 🙂


Elinks is a text based browser similar to the classic Lynx browser. It launches inside a Terminal window and presents you with only the text of websites, no images, javascript, or Flash. This can be rather useful for website developers to test their sites, or for reading information on sites that are full of annoying javascript and Flash ads.

that’s what http://google.de looks like in elinks:

<a href="https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/google.de-in-elinks.png"><img alt="google.de in elinks" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5752" height="424" src="https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/google.de-in-elinks.png" width="910"></img></a>

Source: https://www.starryhope.com/10-alternative-browsers-for-ubuntu-linux/

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #alternatives #browser #www #internet #web #firefox #Linux #Internet #Browser #Alternatives #html #css #js #browse #theweb #javascript #html5 #webrtc #vivaldi #android #mobile

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2015/07/17/gnu-linux-alternative-browsers-for-desktop-and-mobile/


how to setup basic LAMP stack GNU Linux Debian 11 - (Apache2 php8.1 MariaDB) (how to install xdebug - step debugging php requests in eclipse (LAMP web development stack))

the possibility to step (!) debug requests, as they appear on the server is a neat feature.

  • installed GNU Linux Debian 11 + MATE Desktop
  • installed apache2 + php8.1
  • installed eclipse
  • installed xdebug
    • and as usually, xdebug + eclipse do not like to cooperate out of the box, why?
    • because they can not agree on what port to use
      • latest eclipse wants to connect to xdebug per default on port 9000
      • latest xdebug wants to connect to eclipse per default on por 9003
      • c’mon guys. get in contact with each other and set a standard
      • (this has cost me about 2h of debugging around eclipse preferences and xdebug.ini files)
  • so the below guide is still usable:


    • ``` php -v; # is also a good way to test if xdebug is loaded when php is started vim /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.ini; # no xdebug related settings are here vim /etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini; # they are all here and read like:

    xdebug.start_with_request = 1
    xdebug.remote_autostart = on
    xdebug.log_level = 7
    xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1
    xdebug.profiler_enable = 0
    xdebug.remote_enable = 1
    xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "/tmp"

    systemctl restart apache; # changes need to be made active by restarting webserver

    - when everything is installed go to eclipse -&gt; window -&gt; preferences 
    - [![](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-change-default-debugger-to-xdebug-and-xdebug-port-to-9003.png)](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-change-default-debugger-to-xdebug-and-xdebug-port-to-9003.png)
    - and also here: 
      - [![](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-change-default-debugger-to-xdebug-and-xdebug-port-to-9003_2.png)](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-change-default-debugger-to-xdebug-and-xdebug-port-to-9003_2.png)
    - if the developer r-click in the empty white space next to the code -&gt; 
    - [![](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-xdebug-php-debug-as-web-application.png)](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eclipse-xdebug-php-debug-as-web-application.png)
    - sees this message… 
    - - [![](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2022-03-YES-XDEBUG-IS-TALKING-TO-ECLIPSE-FINALLY-HURRAY.png)](https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2022-03-YES-XDEBUG-IS-TALKING-TO-ECLIPSE-FINALLY-HURRAY.png)
      - releave… good god thanks they are talking to each other!


what is btw excellent done is this “Open Source project funding and progress status page”:

so every user can see, what is the progress “where is it hanging” of the software project, is it a lack of funding?

suggestion: what still missing a “still todo” todo list, where user’s can post suggestions and vote on features 🙂



#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #php #apache2 #webserver #web #dev #html #javascript #apache #eclipse #xdebug #debugging #devphp #webdev #webdevelopment

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/03/21/how-to-setup-basic-lamp-stack-gnu-linux-debian-11-apache2-php8-1-mariadb-how-to-install-xdebug-step-debugging-php-requests-in-eclipse-lamp-web-development-stack/
