

#Solar #Flares
6-hr max: M1 1226 UT May31
24-hr: M1 0438 UT May31

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#POLLEN #CORONAS: Something in the air is making the sun over #Finland look unusual. "It's pollen," says Mikko Peussa, who photographed the phenomenon on May 30th from the city of Turku near the Baltic Sea:

The air is sparkling and the sun is surrounded by pastel rings. These are called "pollen coronas," caused by sunlight scattered from swarms of pollen in the air. The "sparkles" in Peussa's photo are some of the individual grains.

"The pollen is coming from pine trees in the area," says Peussa. Springtime cones are opening, spreading pollen so that pines can reproduce. Individual grains are very tiny, with optical properties that produce compact, intensely colored pastel rings.


Gestern hatte ich in Düsseldorf den schlimmsten #Heuschnupfen seit Jahren.
Ich hatte gestern, so wie üblich #Cetirizin genommen, nachdem ich wieder Zuhause war noch eine Prednison und eine Ibuprofen, dann ein bisschen später noch eine Cetirizin. Heute morgen bin ich aufgewacht mit Bronchien und oberen Atemwegen aus der Hölle, direkt eine Cetirizin genommen, danach 2h später, eine #Loratadine, jetzt eben ein Kamillendampfbad um die Bronchien und Schleimhäute zu beruhigen.

Corona war ein Lacher dagegen.

Jetzt frage ich mich, was ich für solche akuten Probleme, außer dem Prednison, noch bereit halten sollte und ob es noch was zum inhalieren gibt um die Beschwerden zu lindern?

Das sind (maximal) 3 oder 4 mal im Jahr, wo ich so starke Probleme durch #Allergie habe, dass es mich total umwirft. Nachwirkungen sind dann für eine Woche spürbar.

Gestern waren es wahrscheinlich die #Gräser #Pollen, ich bräuchte evtl. auch eine App die mich warnt, dann könnte ich vielleicht mit #FFP2 oder so abmildern.


Today's #flower in the #garden is a star of Behtlehem. At least it looks like one of the many #species of #plants that go by that common name and I'm not a botanist and won't try to be more specific. It has six #petals which struck me as odd (no, not odd, you know what I mean). The number of petals is often a number from the #FibonacciSequence and so what might happen here during development is that each of the three petals split into two. I'm just speculating and I'm sure there are many more knowledgeable people who could give the right answer.
Close up of star of Bethlehem flower

This second image is a cropped version of the one above. You can see the #stamens covered in yellow #pollen well. Instead of putting the centre of the flower in the centre of the image, I've used the #RuleOfThirds to try to make it a bit more interesting, which has the added benefit of being able to fit an entire petal into the frame.
Cropped image of start of Bethlehem flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring #Horticulture #MacroPhotography


I had one theory on how to cure my birch pollen allergy, it worked.

Yesterday I put on the internet the description of How I cured my birch pollen allergy in 2000.

I just ate the flowerings every day for the Spring and this will be the 21st Spring without #birch #pollen #allergy

If you know someone who is or may be interested in how to #cure their birch pollen allergy, please relay the link. Did not make the symptoms worse for the Spring I took this treatment from the trees, except for a slight fever-y feeling.

Image credit: "Frosty Birches" by Tomi Mäkitalo via Wikimedia Commons

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Bee covered in pollen from a hibiscus flower.

This summer, my Rose of Sharon bush produced the most blooms I've ever seen, and that's an 18-year-old bush! One of the side benefits of having so many blooms is that it was a magnet for bees of all shapes and sizes, as well as hoverflies, sweat bees, and ants. Every bee was absolutely coated in the pollen from the anther of the flower. I'd watch them fly from bloom to bloom, rolling around in the pollen before flying off to the next flower. Sometimes they would land on a petal or a leaf and rub their legs together or use their legs to clear the pollen from their antennae and eyes. Photographing them was like shootin' fish in a barrel. No shortage of opportunity. I spent quite a few days out there, snapping as many photos as I could. Here's one of my favs.

#bee #pollen #hibiscus #photography #Lesleyphoto


Les petits secrets du miel industriel.
https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=gVECGSBrX7M ou https://youtu.be/gVECGSBrX7M

Vous faites peut-être partis des ¾ des Français qui achète régulièrement du miel, et pourtant, il est possible que vous n’en ayez jamais mangé de votre vie.

Bon.. Vers 50min, il fait un court coup de pub, dont on se passe, et un passage de pub perso plus long à la fin... mouais.. j'ai hésité à publier...
Mais pour le reste, c'est un récapitulatif pas inutile... notamment et surtout pour le miel soit-disant de producteurs locaux qu'on peut trouver sur les marchés...
#Miel #Industriel #Mondialisation #Abeille #Ruche #France #UE #Chine #USA #Inde #Monde #Consommation #Masse #Sucre #Glucose #Pesticides #Fongicide #Qualité #Capitalisme #Production #Champ #Pollinisation #Pollen #fraude #Traçabilité #Apiculteur #Marchés #Producteurs #Locaux #Arnaque #Mensonge #Marketing #Commerce #Vente #Romarin #Thym #Fleur #Fleurs


The pines are putting massive amounts of pollen out here in Finland at this point. I admired the rings around the sun caused by this. Fortunately the pollen from pines isn't a significant source of allergies for most people, so this corona around the sun has fairly little side-effects :)

#photography #myphoto #pollen