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The #Star of #Inner #Wisdom
“Wisdom comes in silence,
where the sound
between the diversity of thoughts
is revealed.”

– Boonath

Each Nakshatra (lunar house) brings a particular energy into focus. The yogis tune into the stars and the #moon within their rituals and decode the soul – studying and freeing themselves of the impositions of illusory structures.

#Shravan Nakshatra pertains to themes of #sound, #hearing, #listening, #words, #language, #noise and all the themes that encompass the #throat #chakra.

Sometimes we starve to be heard,
Sometimes we starve for magic
because we do not hear.

‘Wisdom is simplicity’, it has been said. In the cacophonous themes that reverberate in the inner ear of excess consumption, along with the sounds of seemingly variegated dualisms, where can secret simplistic and magical wisdom lay her head? A head moist with Moon sweat.

Crocodiles & Snakes
Shravan Nakshatra encompasses #Makara, the #crocodile #constellation ( #Capricorn). It rules over #ancient things – the crocodile itself is an ancient creature.

The energy of Makara brought to us by Shravan reveals to us the echoes of sounds of the past. This Nakshatra of Shravan offers us an ear of listening, to revise the ancient lessons needed to be heard if we are to move into the secret sound of wisdom.

#Ananta #Shesha is the Naag king of Snakes. He is the 1000 headed serpent upon which #Vishnu – the ruler of this Nakshatra rests. Ananta is another name of this Nakshatra Of Shravan. Ananta is eternal. When disillusion of opposites comes, Ananta remains unchanged. He is the crown chakra beyond terrestrial reach – from which the Anahat Naad (original sound) emanates. Ananta Shesha was sent under the earth by the creator to hold the earth in place, he keeps balance and stops it falling into the sounds of duality.

The Silent Wisdom of Mauni
This coming New Moon is known by Tantrics as Mauni Amvasya – the Annual Tantric ritual night of silence. For thousands of years it has been kept as a silent time by Tantrics.

A time of #mantra and working with the inner-ear of the throat chakra to gain admittance to the inner word of words. A Mauni is a silent sage possessed of inner wisdom, the wisdom of both inner and outer sound. Language and noise can veil the more silent tones of wisdom. The Mauni is she or he who has stripped the forms of sound and gone to the naked music of the soul.

The practice of Mauna is the yogic technique of working with speech. Part of Mauna is to keep silence but it encompasses so much more and presents many inner practices of finding the magic inherent within sound.

When Mauni Amvasya falls under the Shravan Nakshatra it brings a major blessing: it can gift one with the clairaudience powers of Moon-infused flower dew.

The #Healing Science of #Flowers
Neelpadma is the blue lotus that rules the throat chakra. The Tantrics know that it flowers in twilight at dawn. If Neelpadma is found at the time when the New Moon is in Shravan Nakshatra, the moisture upon its petals is imbibed with power that can confer clairaudience to those who drink it.

This is the science of flowers
that the Siddhas keep alive.

Some lotuses bloom in the twilight of dawn and some in the twilight of dusk. The lunar house upon the full or new Moon at either dawn or dusk leaves healing moon milk-like dew drops upon her lotus petals. If the blue lotus Moon-milk is taken when the full moon is in Shravana, then it makes the physical ears hear much better and can cure hearing problems.

It is not a theory but a practice that can be verified by the Moon and flower practitioner.

is the name of this mostly unwritten
& hidden science.
It means the wisdom of the Moon flowers.

Shravan Nakshatra is the farthest Nakshatra from the elliptical zodiacal belt and rules rare flowers. Far away and rare flowers that are ruled by this Nakshatra are medicinally harvested by Yogins when the Moon is in Shravan Nakshatra.

The Original Sound
The Yogin listens and hears the Anahat Naad – that is the sound of silence in-between the various sounds that bounce off the walls of our inner universe. The internal dialogues that repeat in our inner sanctum are what create our reality.

The Tantric axiom of ‘There is nothing out there’ reveals that there may be a lot ‘in there. The Anahat Naad is the nourishing sound. Ana means food and nourishment, Hat implies duality and Naad is sound. A balanced diet is indeed of psychic and physical necessity.

The Moon Bird
Shravan is the Star constellation of #Aquila. Aquila is the #eagle, Vishnu the ruling deity of this Nakshatra has as his Vahaanh (power animal) the eagle.

This is the Nakshatra of extreme #psychic sensitivitya d the throat chakra which is under its rulership. This Nakshatra is contained within Capricorn. When Shravan Nakshatra is in the lunar orbit, it brings an extreme sensitivity to sound – when in the new Moon then it brings awareness of inner sounds. The symbol of this Nakshatra is an Ear.

This is a good time to work
with mantra and observe silence.
Wisdom comes in silence,
where the linking sound
that lives between and within
the diversity of thoughts
is revealed and unveiled.

The energy of Shravan Nakshatra is the profound quality of taking in and listening. The ability of remembering and keeping information is brought by this star that rules the memory aspect of the Manas (division of mind). When this star creates a vortex with the new moon, then it draws issues around listening and hearing from us to look at. The lunar sway can go as deep as our souls, to draw clairaudience from the throat chakra.

Shravan’s lesson is all about hearing the unheard, forgotten and secret silver and gold intertwined thread that connects all things. This thread resonates mystical sound with the breath of innocence. When we are a storehouse of information in the spectrum of sound, then the dualisms and separations inherent in the codes of language and variegated principles, challenge us to hear the song of unity. Should the gold and silver threads end up untwining themselves – this is the loss of hearing the secret sound.

The Trimurti
The Trimurti are the 3 principle energies of creation, maintenance and destruction. These 3 qualities are ever present in all things. The energy beyond the middle, beginning and the end is the doorway that opens when the balance between them is established.

The energy beyond is a quality of mystic sound inherent within the 3 Trimurti energies. Neither a cry of birth, expressed by the mantra Hey, nor the death rattle expressed by the sound Ho. But the spirit between them.

The Nakshatra of Shravan is one of the 3 lunar houses that have their ruling planet as the Moon. The ruling deity of Shravan is Vishnu. Particularly in his form of Vaman, the dwarf god. Vishnu is the middle part of the Trimurti – he is the balancer between the energies of creation and destruction.

It is to be remembered that Shravan is symbolised as an ear, and it is the ear that keeps the sense of balance in the human system. Vishnu then, is like the cosmic ear. He is the maintaining energy that keeps equilibrium within the Cosmos.

The 3 steps
The constellation of Makara (Crocodile) encompasses Capricorn and is known as the Aquila star constellation. Aquila star constellation has 3 principle stars that are in a direct line and constitute Shravan Nakshatra. They are: Alshain, Altair and Tarazed. They are visible in high summer when they come alive.

Vishnu in his form of Vaman, the Dwarf God, takes 3 steps in the famous story where he defeats Mahabali who had taken over the 3 worlds. The steps that Vaman takes are the 3 stars. In one stride Vaman steps from the Tarazed star to the Alshain star, for the next step, Vaman follows his step and treads upon the head of Mahabali, the head of Mahabali represents the Altair star.

Mahabali is the middle and brightest star of the 3. The step upon the head gradually darkens the star and presses it into the underworld until it returns to its glory in high summer. At this part of the year that we are in now, the star reaches its deepest point of departure and Mahabali resumes his throne as lord of the underworld.

When Shravan Nakshatra
appears on Mauni Amvasya,
then Mahabali calls us
into the very depths of underworld sound.

The Ear of Shravan
The Ear of Shravan gives us a Vaak Siddhi which is the power of speech. Vaak Siddhi is linked to the tongue and how it is used. The Vaak Mudras are the mudras that work with the tongue as a means to access the inner ear at the throat chakra.

The throat chakra
is the ear of clairaudience
that admits us into the world of hearing the spirit calling.
It is the ear of finding the way home through the noise.

There is a wisdom of hearing beyond information that exists within us all. By tuning to the astral energies that rule that intersect with the spirit, we may see the effect they have upon us; we may see our reactions to effects; we may open doors within.

Central to Tantric practice is the tuning into the astral plane through focussed ritualised formulas. Reducing or extinguishing all impositions upon nature at twilight and sitting in simplicity and listening to the spirit beyond even silence – reveals a place of power.


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#Rudraksha #beads have different faces and varieties. The Rudraksha bead we mainly use is five mukhi, the most common Rudraksha. It has five natural lines from head to bottom, which symbolize the five forms of Lord Shiva, the symbol of auspiciousness. We made all our Malas according to the specific spiritual numbers of beads: 108 / 72 / 54.


A round one faced Rudraksha bead is very difficult to find. However a one faced Rudraksha in the shape of a cashew nut (also known as a Half Moon Rudraksha ) is generally available. No enemy can cause harm to the person wearing this bead .The person gets all pleasures of life. It is excellent for those who are involved in politics, government service or administration.

One Mukhi rudraksha cures the malefic effects of the Sun and makes the individual charismatic and radiant like the divine Surya himself. It also helps in curing the disease caused by the adverse placement of the Sun in the Birth chart such as diseases of the right eye, bones ,mental anxiety, Head ache, ear ailments ,Bowel problems, Bone weakness etc and at the spiritual level such as lack of Confidence, Charisma ,Personal power, leadership qualities and Prosperity. The Sun is pleased with the wearer and any obstacles in his path to lead a rich and powerful life is removed It gives protective powers against heart ailments also.


The representing deity is #Ardhnariswara (The sum total of male and female energies). It leads to the harmonizing of energies between two individuals and thereby making happy and lasting attachments. Excellent bead for improving relationships.

Two mukhi Rudraksha cures the malefic effects of Moon. It helps in stabilizing the mind, making a person purposeful, making a person to complete a task before moving onto the next one. It is also helpful in the diseases of the left eye, fluid system of the body (the body is 75% water and water is represented by the moon-tide effect), renal failure and the intestinal system. This bead cures stress, anxiety, depression and negative thoughts. It is specially useful for individuals who have eye problems and who have an history of hysteria.

The representing deity is #Agni (The Lord of Fire). It bestows the wearer the confidence and the energy to face any situation. It is excellent for introvert individuals or those who suffer from depression, anxiety, psychosis or guilt induced complexes. It gives success in sports. This bead is also excellent for those who have Real Estate as their career.

The malefic effects of Mars are considerably reduced by wearing this bead .Mars represents the blood system and the energy levels in the body. It is widely used in controlling blood pressure ,regulation of the menstrual cycle/menstrual stress and removal of depression. This bead is also beneficial for those having the Manglik Dosha in their charts and also for those individuals who are temperamental.

The representing deity is Lord #Brahma (The creator of the Universe). The ruling planet is Mercury . In mythology this represents Goddess Saraswati and Brahma.

It increases the power of original thinking and helps those who are involved in mental pursuits. It helps to remove the malefic effects of Mercury and helps in developing the power of speech.

It is very useful in the treatment of stammering, asthma and directing the mind towards grasping knowledge. Excellent for students, scientists and management executives or professionals in the computer, electronics or communication field. Good for individual with respiratory tract problems.

The most abundant bead among all Rudraksha beads. At least 90% yield of the Rudraksha Tree is of the five faced Rudraksha bead. Rudraksha malas used for chanting mantras are generally made of 5 faced beads.

The representing deity is Lord #Shiva. It helps in curing the malefic effects of Jupiter. It is the bead of Good luck, academic excellence. It has a tranquil effect over the mind and helps one to be calm. It is helpful in regulation of blood pressure and controlling body fats. It creates a protective amour around the body and protects the wearer from adverse situations. Widely used in blood pressure related problems

The representing deity is Lord #Kartikeya also known as Skandha. It blesses the wearer with victory and wisdom. The malefic effects of Venus are controlled by wearing this bead. Diseases of a sexual nature, of sexual organs are cured by this bead.

It helps in having a happy martial life and blesses its wearer with vehicles and pleasures related to sensory organs . The wearer of this bead has the power of Vashikaran (Enchantment) in him/her (Power of attracting other individuals). This bead makes the wearer witty, charming and intelligent. This Bead has been used since time immemorial by actors and individuals who have a lot of public dealing.

The representing deity is Goddess #Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. This Rudraksha Bead has secret and mysterious powers and it ensures that the wearer never faces poverty.

The representing planet is Saturn. This Rudraksha bead helps in overcoming the malefic effects of Saturn and the Sade Sathi period. It blesses its wearer with secret wealth and Vashikaran (control over others). Helps in the cure of Saturn induced diseases such as impotency ,foot related diseases, respiratory disorders. It is also helpful in curing long standing diseases.

This Rudraksha is generally kept in the place of worship and not worn on the body. This bead is also helpful for individuals having the Kalsarpa Yoga in their charts. This bead is also used by tantriks in a lot of secret Tantrik Sadhanas.

The representing deity is Lord #Ganesha. This Rudraksha removes the obstacles from the path of its wearer and ensures professional success.

The malefic effects of Rahu are cured by this bead. It is helpful in diseases of the mysterious kind, harassment by spirits, trauma causing dreams, Skin diseases, Stress and anxiety, diseases of lung , feet , skin , eye catarrh Isis, hydrofoil . Snake bites are also the result of malefic effects of Rahu and this rudraksha is helpful in such cases also. Excellent for individuals having Sarpa Dosha is their charts. Also good for Astrologers and individuals interested in the occult.

The representing deity is #Aadhya #Shakti #Maa - #Durga. It helps in cultivating patience, controlling unnecessary anger and a feeling of fearlessness. This Rudraksha is very dear to Maa Shakti and worn by the Devi Bhaktas.

The malefic effects of Ketu are controlled by this bead. Effects of Ketu are similar to those of Rahu and Saturn and include diseases of lung, fever , eye-pain , bowel pain , skin disease , body pain etc . Also helps in mastering foreign languages, and boosting vocabulary.

The representing deity is Lord #Vishnu (The Preserver). It helps the wearer to overcome difficult times and ensures that the wearer and the family of the wearer is protected. It creates a feeling of security and removes complexes.

There is no ruling planet for this bead. This Rudraksha helps in devotion and mediation as it increases the power to concentrate .

The representing deity is Lord #Hanuman. It protects the wearer from Aakal Mrityu (sudden or accidental death). Helps in concentration and instills a feeling of right actions and courage. A bead with strong protective influences it a good for removing fear. The wearer knows no fear.

This Rudraksha induces courage and confidence in the wearer to leads an adventurous life. Also helpful in meditation and removes problem of Yogic practices .

The representing deity is #Surya (Lord Sun). This Rudraksha helps in creating a powerful aura around the wearer and malefic effects of the Sun are controlled. Those who cannot get a genuine Ek Mukhi Bead should wear a 12 faced bead as this bead is similar to effects to the one faced Rudraksha bead.

It is excellent for those who are involved in politics, government service or administration. It also helps in curing the disease caused by the adverse placement of the Sun in the Birth chart such as diseases of the right eye, bones ,mental anxiety and problems with elders specially with one's Father. It gives protective powers against heart ailments.

The representing deity is #Indra (The ruler of the Gods). It bestows charm, worldly comforts and spiritual success equally. Very rare bead, this Rudraksha gives secret wealth and a position of authority to the wearer. The effects are similar to that of 6 mukhi and it is helpful for meditation and spiritual attainments.

It bestows spiritual achievements on its Sadhaka and the wearer becomes equivalent to a King. This rare bead ensures that the individuals emerges victorious in challenging situations and the full potential of destiny is realized.

Fourteen-faced (14 mukhi) Rudraksha is a divine gem- Deva Mani. It represents Lord #Shiva. The wearer’s power of intuition and sixth sense awakens due to strengthening of Ajna chakra and the possessor is able to take right steps in right directions. It is also said that when invoked it helps the wearer in forecasting future events. . Fourteen-faced (14 mukhi) Rudraksha protects against evil spirits and black magic.14 mukhi is the best possible tool to increase the benefic effects & reduce the negative effects of shani / planet Saturn, in one's horoscope.

Fifteen-faced Rudraksha represents Lord #Pashupatinath. This Rudraksha bead helps channelise thoughts and remain focused. It is said that the wearer’s power of intuition and sixth sense awakens and helps him to take right steps in right directions. It is also said that when invoked it helps the wearer in forecasting future events. It increases attentiveness and energy, power and vigor. It is beneficial for economic and monetary progress.


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#Shravan #Nakshatra is associated with listening and learning. Those born under the Shravan Nakshatra have a remarkable aptitude to absorb all knowledge by listening, much as our forefathers did through oral traditions. The media and communication industries are essentially a part of this constellation because the core notion is listening and learning.

Shravan Nakshatra, also known as Shravan, is the 22nd constellation on the list of 27. Lord #Vishnu is its ruler, and it extends into the Makara Rashi or Capricorn sign. The three stars that make up Shravan Nakshatra are Altair, Alashain, and Tarazed, which together form the shape of an eagle’s head. The name “Shravan” means “ #hearing,” and its symbol represents the ear, which is the organ of hearing. Those born under the Shravan Nakshatra sign tend to have a strong attention span, a clear vision of their goals, and a desire to complete all assignments from the outset. They may also travel to other countries to pursue higher education.

#Shravana #Birth #Star Basic Information

Shravana nakshatra is ruled by the Moon, and it signifies the culmination of lunar activity. The nakshatra’s symbol is three footprints, and it appears as the shape of an eagle in the night sky. The name Shravana means ‘listening,’ and this nakshatra represents the art of hearing or education that is spread through aural methods. The symbol of three footsteps represents limping and is linked to Vishnu, the creator. This nakshatra is also the birth start of Devi Saraswati, the goddess of education and knowledge. As a result, people born under this nakshatra are blessed with a wealth of scholarly expertise, wisdom, and insight.

Shravana Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first pada of the Shravana Nakshatra falls in the Aries Navamsa ruled by Mars. Planetary influences in this area encourage the development of rational thought, aspiration, and initiative, as well as prompt action toward profession.

Shravana Nakshatra 2nd Pada: The second pada of the Shravana Nakshatra falls in the Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. The people who were born in this pada are diplomatic, have an appreciation for the arts, and are more stable.

Shravana Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada of the Shravana Nakshatra falls in the Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury. The good of Shravana is emphasized here, including its emphasis on communication and the desire to increase one’s knowledge through means such as wise conversation.

Shravana Nakshatra 4th Pada: The fourth pada of the Shravana Nakshatra falls in the Cancer Navamsa ruled by the Moon.Being empathetic and open-minded is the key to success in this situation. There is a good chance that these natives are employed in the hospitality sector or in public service positions.

Shravana Nakshatra Characteristics

One of the most appealing behavioural characteristics of such people is their amicability. They are constantly at ease with their surroundings and people. They make calculations and plan to achieve higher goals in their lives, but they will never compromise their honesty and kindness to others. Another immediately observable behavioural attribute of these folks is their intelligence and boldness in their day-to-day dealings. They are perfectionists who are particularly concerned with producing work that is free of defects.

Negative Traits

The other side of their personality shows their flaws. People born under the Shravana nakshatra are often smart, which, when combined with their wealth of knowledge and skills, can lead to selfishness and stubbornness, which are both bad traits. Since this nakshatra is determined to get what it wants, a wrong step or a poorly planned effort could cause these people to hurt others to get what they want.

People born in the Shravana Nakshatra have a choice of careers.

When it comes to making a living, these people are interested in a wide range of jobs, from helping others to running their own businesses. Due to Saraswati ruling over them, they will succeed in their professional endeavors. The natives will be interested in many different kinds of jobs, such as different kinds of engineering, medical education, science, and arts. They will be financially stable unless they go down the wrong path.


Rasi (Zodiac) Capricorn

Range 10o 00’ – 23o 20’ Capricorn

Ruling Planet #Moon


“To Hear and Listen” or “Listening Equipment”

Body Part

The #Ear, the Sex Organs

Guna (Quality) #Rajas

Gana (Race) #Deva (Divine, God-Like Dispositions)

Purushartha (Goal) Artha (Wealth or Material Pursuits)

Tridosha #Kapha (Phlegm or Water + Earth)

Nature/ Category of Star - #Chara (Movable, Changeable)

Direction - #North

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element) - #Air ( #Vayu)

Shakti (Power)-Samhanana #Shakti (The Power to “Connect with Others”)

TriMurthi (Process)- #Brahma (Create)

Direction of Mouth / Motion-Urdhwa Mukha (Looking Up/ Facing Upwards)

Yoni (Gender)- #Female

Animal Symbol- #Monkey

Bird-Francolin, Cock (Kukkuta), Sarus Crane (Saarasa), #Peacock

Sounds-Ju, Jay, Jo, Gha

Tree/ Plant-Arka, Rui, #MilkWeed #SwallowWort, #CrownFlower (Latin Name: Calotropis Gigantea)

Colour-Light Blue

Mythology: The Demon King Bali had taken over all three worlds (Earth, Heaven & Netherworld). The Demi-Gods asked for help from Vishnu. Vishnu told them that he would help. Vishnu took the form of a small Brahmin boy in his Vamana Avatar and went to see Bali after he had finished a Yagya.

Key theme

good for gaining knowledge through listening and traveling

The person born in Shravan Nakshatra wants to know what other people think of him or her.

Shravan Nakshatra people love learning and adventure. Their interest about stories and experiences helps them grow as they go through life. Meet diverse people and experience different settings to develop a new perspective on life. Under the stars, they appear as truth-seekers. They appreciate the wisdom they get by listening and traveling and embrace the experience with clarity.



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According to its deity, #Indra, the #Jyestha #Nakshatra is characterized by its general richness, grandeur, and accomplishment. Jyestha Nakshatra’s common attributes of conservatism, deliberation and stress on human acts are its motivating resources while keeping the protective element of Indra. The second Nakshatra arrangement in #Jyeshtha completes a full cycle beginning with #Magha.

From 16:40 to 30 degrees of #Scorpio, Mercury rules this #constellation. The #Vishnu is the constellation’s ruling deity, while the Ganges River, Parvati’s elder sister, symbolizes the constellation.

a glimpse of Jyeshta nakshatra

Jyeshta Nakshatra Attributes

Jyeshtha nakshatra natives are very careful of constructing and living up to an image. They have a strong sense of self-worth and are emotionally and intellectually attentive. Their deep-set eyes are distinctive and conspicuous.

Their nature is predisposed to charity and generosity, with an intuitive desire to protect the poor and needy. Jyeshtha’s residents are driven by desire and strive hard to achieve their goals.

Cognitive traits

Mysteries and concealment are absolutely foreign to the Jyestha., marked by openness in their behavior. Jyestha nakshatra natives are often rash and reckless, and unwilling to listen to others’ advice. Jyeshtha nakshatra inhabitants are temperamental and stubborn to a degree.

Despite their value orientation, they are prone to making mistakes due to their impatience. Theirs is a sensitive temperament intent on charity and kindness, vulnerable to rage, arrogance, and mood swings.


Their excellent attributes include generosity, responsibility, and self-reliance. They are always willing to take on responsibility and position to support and defend the vulnerable. They make good lovers with their emotional vigor and sensitivity.

Among the many excellent qualities of Jyeshtha Nakshatra Native is their extraordinary capacity to gain reputation and goodwill.


Their main flaws are impatience and egotism. Their impulsiveness and drive to dominate others make them overbearing and dictatorial. Obstinacy, excessive consumerism, and reluctance to compromise are all undesirable attributes.

Their protectiveness often turns bad when they become possessive.

Jyeshta Nakshatra Career Options

Jyeshtha nakshatra native has military and management career options. They are equally effective in occupations involving investigation and law enforcement. Entrepreneurial self-employment is also suited for them.

Favourable: Harshness, Spying, Scheming, Controlling, Authoritativeness, Taking Charge, Occult, Monitoring, Responsibility, Assisting Elders, Discussing Serious Matters, Large Scale Planning, Plotting, Putting your Foot Down, Taking Control, Harsh Activity, Expressing Authority, Administration, Associating with Elders, taking Care of Family, Discussions on Serious Issues, Planning, Discipline

Unfavourable: Depression, Anger, Infidelity, Selfishness, Exploitation, Marriage, Recovery, Recreation, Travelling, Taking Advantage of Others, Healing, Too much Rest, Overindulgence, Activities that require Diplomacy or Sensitivity

Symbol: Earring, umbrella, talisman

Lord: #Mercury (Budha)

Zodiac: Scorpio sign (Vrischik)

Deity: Vishnu

Nature: The Sharp or Dreadful (Tikshna) or hard (Daruna)

Desire: To Gain Supremacy among the Gods

Gana: Rakshasa Gana

Mode: Active

Constellation: 18

Body VarahaMihira: Neck

Letter: No, Ya, Yi, Yu

Lucky Stone: Emerald

Lucky Color: Cream

Lucky Numbers: 5

Element: #Air

Dosh: #Vata

Bird Name: #Brahmani #Duck

Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Deer or Hare

#Tree: #Shalmali ( #Cotton tree)

Jyeshtha Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility’

According to the Vedic principle of Nakshatra obstruction, Jyeshtha and Ashwini Nakshatras are incompatible. However, according to “yoni kuta” rules, Jyestha nakshatra is instinctively compatible with Anuradha nakshatra.

Key point

1.Jyestha Nakshatra falls in the Scorpio sign which is ruled by Mars and the constellation lord is Mercury, hence the native of this Nakshatra is outspoken and energetic.

2.Natives are sensual and passionate

3.The inhabitants of the Jyestha Nakshatra are possessive and attentive about their belongings.


The word #Shravana translates to #hearing. Hence, ears are the symbol of this #nakshatra. The stars Altair, Alshain, and Tarazed, which form the head of the #Aquila, The #Eagle #constellation, also form Sharavana.
The star is 22nd in the series of 27 #Vedic #nakshatras and spans across Capricorn. Shravana is also said to be the #birth #star of the #goddess of #knowledge, #Saraswathi. Hence the natives possess immense knowledge and have good ears to music. They are also excellent listeners and quick learners.

Astrological Range: 280°00′ to 293°20′ Capricorn
Nakshatra Number: 22
Gender: #Male
Symbol: An ear, or three footprints in an uneven row, or a trident
Presiding Deity: #Vishnu — the All-Pervasive
Controlling/Ruling Planet: #Moon
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: Parvati
Shakti: Connection or Samhanana Shakti
Caste: Shoodra
Nature: The movable or ephemeral (Chara)
Gana: Deva Gana (God Like)
Body Varāhamihira: Ears
Body Parashara: Lower belly
Rashi/Zodiac: Capricorn sign
Marriage: Not Auspicious
Translation: To hear
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Ju, Je, Jo, Gha
Lucky letters: K
Lucky Stone: Pearl
Lucky Color: Light Blue
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 2
Common Name of Associated Tree: Swallow Wort, Milk Weed, Erukku
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Calotropis Gigantean
Astronomical Name: Alpha Aquilae
Dosha: #Kapha
Guna: #Rajasaic
Element: #Air
Bird Name: #Francolin
Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Female #Monkey
Career: Professors, teachers, linguists, speech therapists, healers, comedians, musicians, language translators, radio operators, telecommunication engineers, geologists, psychologists, astrologers



17 April, 2024 Wednesday Rama Navami #Pink #Maa #Siddhidatri Puja

During #Navratri, we worship the nine forms of #Goddess #Durga. It begins with the worship of Maa Shailaputri and is followed by the worship of the other avatars of Goddess Durga.

The Worship of Maa Siddhidatri
The ninth day of Navratri is dedicated to the worship of Maa Siddhidatri. The word #Siddhi means #supernatural power and Dhatri means the awarder. Hence, it is believed that Maa Siddhidatri fulfils all divine aspirations.

Maa Siddhidatri is known to be the giver of perfection. She blesses her devotees with wisdom and grants them #spiritual knowledge. Maa Siddhidatri is also worshipped by demons and is surrounded by all Gods.

History and Origin
The #story of Maa Siddhidatri begins at a time when our #universe was nothing more than a deep #void. It was filled with darkness and there was no sign of life. This is when Goddess Kushmanda created the universe with the radiance of her smile.

Maa Kushamnda then went on to create the #Trimurti of Lord #Bramha – the energy of creation, Lord #Vishnu – the energy of sustenance and Lord #Shiva – the energy of destruction. Once they were created, Lord Shiva asked Maa Kushmanda to bestow him with perfection.

So, Maa Kushmanda created another goddess who bestowed Lord Shiva with 18 kinds of perfection. These included the Ashta Siddhi (8 primary forms of perfection) along with 10 secondary forms of perfection, described by Lord Krishna.

This goddess who had the ability to bestow these perfections on Lord Shiva is Maa Siddhidatri – the giver of perfection. Now, Lord Bramha was asked to create the rest of the Universe. However, since he required a man and a woman for creation, Lord Bramha found this task to be very challenging.

He prayed to Maa Siddhidatri and asked her to help him. Upon hearing Lord Bramha’s request, Maa Siddhidatri converted half of Lord Shiva’s body into a woman’s body. Therefore, Lord Shiva is also known as #Ardhanarishwar (Ardh - half, Nari - woman, Ishwar - refers to Lord Shiva).

Lord Bramha was now able to create living beings along with the rest of the Universe. So, it was Maa Siddhidatri who helped Lord Bramha with the creation of the Universe and also bestowed perfection upon Lord Shiva.

Worship of Maa Siddhidatri
Maa Siddhidatri is depicted as being seated on a lotus or a lion. She has four arms and holds a conch shell, a mace, a lotus and a discus in each of these hands.

Worshipped on the ninth day of Navratri, Maa Siddhidatri possesses the Ashta Siddhi. It is believed that Maa Siddhidatri blesses her devotees with spiritual wisdom and she is also known to destroy ignorance.


An Underground Chamber goes at least 40 feet deep and you can see the steps going inside. Looters found more than 100 kilograms of #Gold inside multiple levels of this chamber. This is found in Wat Rachaburana temple in Ayutthaya city of Thailand.

#Ayutthaya is #Ayodhya (the #Birthplace of Lord #Rama) according to South East Asians, but this #temple is deemed a Buddhist temple.

16min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91I2Sx1tIbw

#history #thailand #praveenmohan #Vishnu incarnations both


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The word Dhanishta can be split into Dhan and Eshtha. Dhana means wealth, and Eshtha means appropriate. The literal meaning of the word #Dhanishtha is appropriate wealth.

#Dhanishta #Nakshatra in astrology is one of the Urdhvamukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths upwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to palaces, coronations, boundary walls, and tall structures can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: A Mrudhangam (Indian Drums)
The symbol for Dhanishtha is #Mardhala or #Mrudhangam. This is a kind of #drum. Mrudhangam is an indication that the baby’s hearing is fully developed. Additionally, the posture of a baby during this period is like Mrudhangam.

Deity: The #Ashtavasu
Dhanishtha’s deities are Ashtavasu. Vasu’s are the attendant deities of the #Vishnu. They are 8 elemental Gods. They include the 5 elements of the Panchamahabhootha.

The deity of Dhanishta Nakshatra is the Ashtavasus, the 8 Vasus.
Vasu means a ray of light. The 8 Vasus are Apah (Water), Dhruva (Pole Star), Dhara (Earth), Anila (Wind), Soma (Moon), Anala/Pavaka (Fire), Pratyusha (The Dawn) and Prabhasa (Splendour).
The yoni animal of this Nakshatra is the #female #lion.
The female lion is the prime hunter of the pride. A lion cannot be seen running and killing a deer or a buffalo, but only on rare occasions when he is alone and hungry would he be hunting for food.
It’s the female lion, who is the planner, hunter and provider of pride.
She is willing to put her life on the line for everyone in the group.
The male lions do have a job where they protect the pride, cubs and their ground.
Most of the hunting for the lioness takes place from dusk till dawn.
What a female lion does is what a Dhanishta native is meant to do. Regardless of one’s sex or gender, they become the hunter or the breadwinner.
They are fearless, competitive and protective. The spouse of a Dhanishta native will always be protecting the young children.
The symbolism of this Nakshatra is flute and drums, which shows such natives are always trained in some type of musical instrument.
The symbol also represents the rhythm of life.
It can be any rhythmic pattern or the flow or vibration of life, or even the rhythm of nerves.
It can be noticed that many people with this Nakshatra become great pulse readers because the pulse is the rhythm of our prana (breath), our life; hence Dhanishta natives can become great doctors.
Ashtavasus are the Gods of abundance that bring prosperity and wealth such as gold, jewellery, land, etc., into the earth plane.
The Ashtavasus can be connected with the 8 directions of space and hint at Vastushastra.
The lioness of this Nakshatra is in connection with Narasimhi, the consort of Narasimha avatar and one of the 8-mother Goddess or Ashta Matrikas.
Her shaking of mane could create chaos to the stars and planets.
She was born to pacify Lord Narasimha, connected with the planet Mars, who was born to protect his devotee Prahlada from the demon King Hiranyakashipu.
Bhishma, a central character in Mahabharata, could be connected to this Nakshatra as well because he was an incarnation of Prabhasa, one of the ashtavasus.
Prabhasa had stolen a cow with the help of his siblings (other Ashtavsus) and got cursed by the sage Vashishtha to be born on the Earth as mortals.
Vashishtha later reduced his curse effects by allowing other Ashtavsus except Prabhasa to leave the mortal world within a year.
Ganga, the river Goddess, promised to help Ashtavasus.
She became the wife of King Shantanu on the condition that he never said anything in her way.
The 7 children, the 7 Ashtavasus born to her, were drowned by Goddess Ganga in the river.
When the 8th child was born, Shantanu couldn’t bear it anymore and opposed his wife, who immediately left him, reminding him about his promise.
The 8th son, Prabhasa, was named Devarata later became Bhishma in the mortal form.
On the deathbed of arrows, Bhishma advised Vishnu sahasranama to the guilt-ridden Yudhishthira for having taken part in the Mahabharata, which caused death and destruction to many.
Bhishma was able to select his moment of death and left the Earth when Sun started Uttarayana, the northward motion in the sky.
The word Dhanishtha has the connotation of the word “Dhan” in it, which literally means wealth, and hence wealth-related themes could be seen with this Nakshatra.
Moreover, the stars of Dhanishtha Nakshatra form the diamond-shaped Delphinus constellation in the sky.
The Vasus, such as Agni (fire), Vayu (wind), etc., helped Lord Indra in his fight with the demons, and hence this Nakshatra can also indicate some type of fight, competition, and competitiveness in a person’s life.
The biggest part to take out from Bhishma’s mythology may be unsuitable for some readers, especially women under 40.
This Nakshatra causes either miscarriage or abortion.
Many charts with Moon in Dhanishtha show the mother dealing with miscarriages, or in a female’s chart, the native had a miscarriage.
Jupiter aspecting the 5th house or Moon may alleviate effects to some extent and lower the chances of such mishappenings.
Whenever miscarriage happens for a woman, they must know there was a spiritual yogi, saint etc., who was trying to come into the womb to pay their karma and leave back to the astral world.
Knowing that the female native was giving birth to some great yogi is kind of a silver lining on this event.
This Nakshatra is the Nakshatra connected strongly with Bhishma pitamaha from Mahabharata.
Bhishma was the most feared and mightiest warrior in Mahabharata.
He was the man who couldn’t be defeated even by his guru Parshurama but was eventually defeated by his nephew Arjuna.
Dhanishtha is also linked with land, real estate and especially Vastushastra.
Dhanishtha natives are connected with real estate or have many investment properties.
Interest in Vastu was rare except for one big anomaly; they all had Vastu dosha in their home, as in misalignment of the floor plan, objects or colour causing some type of disharmony.
Bhishma had a blessing from his father Shantanu to decide his moment of death, and even after Arjun pierced his body countless times with arrows, he stayed alive until the war ended.
From Bhishma’s life, it can be seen that Dhanishtha natives are calm and will only bring fear when challenged.
They always take on fighting and combat training once in their life.
Dhanishtha natives of all ages love boxing, UFC fighting and wrestling, but more so, they can also be seen having other-dimensional experiences as celestial beings.
Dhanishtha native will also have major karma with marriage.
They are either not interested in marriage, or they desperately want marriage/relationship but attract partners providing a lack of partnership security.
They will also have to fight a major war in their life, either in court, personal combat or society.
Attributes of Dhanishta Nakshatra in Astrology
Spread from 23’20” in Capricorn (Makar) up to 6’40” in Aquarius (Kumbha).
Vasu is the deity of this star. It is the giver of wealth, precious stones, valuable articles, gold, opulence, etc.
Asthavasu derives from Ganga. The virtues of these Gods are associated with this star.
Natives born under this star are hostile to women because they lack adequate sexual power.
The native will be sexually weak. It has to be noted that Shani himself is an eunuch.
The native of the star seldom marries or marriage is difficult for him; if married, conjugal relation is seldom happy.
Description of Dhanishta Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native with Dhanishta as birth Nakshatra will be wealthy, liberal in donation, courageous, lose his wife, be happy in foreign countries, be a liar, be talkative, and like dancing and singing.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born in the star Dhanishta, he will be credulous, wealthy, plump in the thighs and the neck, and joyful.
According to Sage Narada: One born in Dhanishta will be munificent, addicted to vices, miserly, fond of dance, songs, and women, will accomplish his work only through peace, be splendorous and heroic.
According to Brihat Samhita: Star Dhanishta makes one charitable, heroic, wealthy, greedy for money, and fond of music.


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The literal meaning of the word Shravana is the ear. Shravana is 20th Nakshatra from Krittika Nakshatra and 17th from Ardra Nakshatra.

#Shravana #Nakshatra in astrology is one of the Urdhvamukhi Nakshatras (or the #Nakshatras, which have their mouths upwards). In these Nshatras, things related to palaces, coronations, boundary walls, and tall structures can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: #Three #Footprints
The symbol for Shravana Nakshatra is 3 footprints. This indicates that the baby is ready to enter a new world and survive in the new world. According to modern
medical science, most premature babies are born between 34 and 37 weeks.

Deity: Lord #Vishnu
The deity of this Shravana Nakshatra is Vishnu. The meaning of the word Vishnu is ‘all-pervasive’. Vishnu is one of the Aadhithya. Vishnu is the preserver of the Hindu trinity. He is depicted to have a dark complexion, 4 arms, and reclining on the Shesha.

He is free from fetters and bondages. Lord Vishnu knows what goes in the hearts of people. He saves embryos. He has 2 worlds, the earth, and the sky.

The yoni animal of the Shravana Nakshatra is the female #monkey.
The one thing known about monkeys from cartoons and Tarzan movies is that they swing from one branch to the other as a way of travelling.
They swing from one branch to the other for travelling.
Monkeys are extremely clever when it comes to stealing food and other things they can get their hands on.
In India, some thugs train monkeys to steal wallets and purses from people.
The Capuchin monkeys are extremely smart as they are able to make tools and use sign languages.
They are also very much into hygiene and will clean each other for bugs, lice and other critters in their fur, which allows them to socialize.
They enjoy living high on tree branches and prefer to be as high as possible.
Like natives of Purva Ashada Nakshatra, the Shravana natives will shift from one job to another countless times in their life before they settle into something meaningful and long-lasting.
Monkeys are able to leap from one branch to another, which tells us these natives will take big leaps in their lives in terms of relocation.
They are extremely clever and are able to learn and adapt very quickly.
They are very good at mimicry as monkeys are very apt at it.
The symbol of this Nakshatra is three footsteps, ear, and trident.
The symbol of the ear represents listening.
Shravana natives must listen to everything carefully, or they can miss some of the most important information, advice, and wisdom in their life.
The ear also shows the ability to listen to divine sounds beyond the scope of the normal five body senses.
The deity of the Shravana Nakshatra is the Vamana avatar of Lord Vishnu and is associated with the planet Jupiter.
Shravana is also considered to be the birth star of Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge.
Saraswati is the Goddess that blesses one with Vac siddhi, or the power of truth in one’s words.
Vamana was born to mother Aditi to bring down the desire of Mahabali, the demon king, to possess the world.
He was about to do a yagna that would let him conquer the world.
Lord Vishnu, in the form of Vamana, a dwarf brahmin child, approached king Mahabali with a wooden umbrella and asked for 3 steps of land.
His guru, Shukracharya, warned him that it was Vishnu in disguised as a dwarf brahmin.
However, Mahabali said that he couldn’t deny the request of a brahmin.
Shukracharya tried to stop him by blocking the water to come out of the kamandalu (water pot held in one’s hand) by blocking the pipe.
Vamana poked a hole in the pipe using a straw made of sharply pointed kusha grass.
Shukracharya injured his one eye and was blinded by this act.
Eventually, water flowed, and it was sprinkled by Mahabali granting his request.
Vamana immediately expanded into a giant, and with his first 2 steps, he covered the three worlds of Heaven, Earth and Patala Loka.
Vamana asked Mahabali for a piece of land for his 3rd step.
Mahabali realised the greatness of Vishnu and offered his own head as a place to place his 3rd step.
Vishnu was pleased with Mahabali’s act and blessed him to be Indra in the next manvantara and granted him the wish to come back to see his people once in a year, which is the festival of Onam, celebrated in Kerala.
Note the festival of Onam is celebrated on the day when Sun is in the Leo sign, and the Moon is transiting the Shravana Nakshatra.
From the mythology, it can be seen that Shravana natives will secretly take over a high-ranking spot by throwing the individual off of their position, similar to what Vamana did to Mahabali.
Shravana natives take leaps and bounds in far away or foreign places because Vamana grew so big that he conquered three different lokas.
A president or prime minister with such qualities will actually fight for the people and the established government.
If they are at their job or business, they will deal with three different project aspects of their work.
Vamana took three steps; hence for Shravana natives, three steps like three steps to promotion, three attempts to pass an exam, moving to three different countries, states or cities in their lifetime are prominently seen.
Shukracharya advised the king not to give the donation of 3 steps to Vamana, and when he tried to stop, he got his eye injured.
This aspect shows that either the native’s mentor or spouse (Venus in astrology) will give advice several times but fail to react until it’s too late or when something has gone wrong.
Shravana natives must listen to their spouse’s advice when it involves land, property, real estate, etc.
Shravana is coherent with the Dhanishta Nakshatra in making a person a great vocalist.
The tricky, sweet, and gentle vocal theme of Vamana makes Shravana natives natural magicians and hypnotists.
A vocalist and a singer usually have the same effect on the listener; although Dhanishtha is more about instrumental skills, they fall in the same category.
Attributes of Shravana Nakshatra in Astrology
Spread after 10’00” degree up to 23’20” in Capricorn (Makar).
The Lord is Saturn (Shani). It is the birth star of Saraswati.
From this is derived light-rays, lion, beasts, horse, etc.
From Shravana Nakshatra, the art of hearing, education and audible education is derived.
As the birth star of Saraswati, it signifies and bestows scholarship, educational proficiency, respect for the shastras, knowledge, etc.
The eminent natives in education and knowledge, the ones who are listened to by others with respect, are influenced by this star. It also causes the disease of the urinatory channel.
Description of Shravana Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native of Shravana Nakshatra will have knowledge of Vedas (or be proficient in pure knowledge), live in foreign countries, be wealthy and famous, have few sons, have many enemies, be troubled by several expenses, and be happy.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born in the star Shravana, he will have reverence for Brahmans and the Gods, be of the governing class, opulent and pious.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Shravana will beget an illustrious spouse. He will be learned in scriptures, an orator, wealthy, and author of poetry, an expert in sexual love, and munificent.
According to Brihat Samhita: The native born under the asterism Shravana is learned, has a generous wife, and possesses/ wealth and fame.



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#Ardra #Nakshatra in #Astrology denotes that native has intellectual nature, passionate thinking side, is sharp-minded, looking for why and the cause behind things that happen in the world, has strong speaking talents, lack a large number of close friends, confrontations with others, master of debates and arguments, makes enemies easily, causing emotional pain to others, and can be turned away by society.

Ardra Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology is one of the Urdhvamukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths upwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to palaces, coronations, boundary walls, and tall structures can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: A #Bead or a #Drop
The sign for this Nakshatra is a tear or a drop. This is an indication of seminal fluid that causes fertilization.

Deity: Lord #Rudhra
The deity for Ardra Nakshatra is #Rudra. The meaning of the word Rudhra is the one who makes #cry because Rudh means to cry. The deity for #Rohini is #Brahma and for Ardra is Rudhra. Brahma is the creator, #Vishnu is the maintainer, and Rudhra is the destroyer. You may wonder how come Rudhra came after Brahma instead of Vishnu. This is because the egg was formed and didn’t get fertilized. This means the creation and destruction happened but were not maintained. Vishnu is a deity of Shravana Nakshatra because, during #Shravana Nakshathra, the development of the baby is complete.

Characteristics of Ardra Nakshatra in Astrology
The animal of Ardra Nakshatra is a #female #wolf or a female #dog. A dog is the most fascinating creature on this planet.
It can love to the point that it will give its life for you, or it can bite and throttle someone’s bone if they cross their territory.
They are needy, emotional, and pack animals. They always want to be with you and feel abandoned when you go to work.
Dogs have alpha dog in the pack, usually in domestic settings, where there are more than 3 dogs.
One will always become the alpha, but there aren’t any alpha in wolves except the senior dog, who may be the pack’s parent.
They work as a team without a leader.
Translating these facts into Nakshatra is quite simple. Ardra natives require extreme loyalty in love and friendship.
They do not want to feel abandoned by you else, they either become extremely emotional or wild like the wolf to defend their loyalty for you.
They go to extremes of showing their loyalty by even giving their own lives, but when you cross them or their loved one, they will come after you like a hungry dog or wolf and eat the flesh off of you.
They are unpredictable, like a strange dog. You do not know if they are friendly or will try to bite you.
Therefore, everyone is cautious of approaching an Ardra native.
When Ardra natives gets angry, sad and frustrated, they will #howl and scream like the wolf, especially when the impact of malefics is on the planet placed in Ardra.
Usually, these people are calm and very private, like the wild wolves, which hide in the deep forest.
Wolves are excellent hunters in the world. Ardra natives love going hunting, which is also their symbolism of “The Hunter”.
They love eating wild game meat like elk, venison, wild boar, alligator etc. This quality of hunting also gives such natives good eyesight in the dark.
Such folks will always hunt for their object of desire when they like someone and will do whatever it takes to get them.
The deity of this Nakshatra is Rudra (Shiva). #Shiva is an #Aghori, the one who is #naked, constantly meditates, deals and #loves #death, knows the value of death, stays in #cremation grounds, eating wild fruits, berries of forest including meat.
Yes, Shiva did it all. All the things are in Shiva Purana. Shiva is known as #Bholenaath (the innocent one), he gives whatever you ask him.
He is always in meditation and calm, but if you were to disturb him from his meditation, he will not only destroy you but has the capacity of destroying the entire Universe.
Rudra (Shiva) is also one of the first #medicine #man from the #RigVeda.
He is one of the best physicians of all times. He was making medicine himself and healing people under the name Vaidyanatha (Lord of remedies).
Rudra is the embodiment of Shiva with armor along with bow & arrow, just like the Hunter of #Orion.
It’s said that one must worship Rudra in order to attain moksha.
Rudra was created by multiple Gods to get to Brahma, who was chasing his daughter for procreation.
Gods wanted something so powerful that could take Brahma down, and this is how Rudra was manifested.
Ardra natives are exactly like Shiva.
They are wild, unorthodox; they can go to the extreme of everything like extreme meditation, love, lust, anger, work, and emotions, just like how Shiva’s anger can destroy the whole Universe.
They are usually calm people who are wild in a silly sense.
They are very animated and can be boys of boys or girls amongst boys due to the muscle nature of this Nakshatra.
A girl usually is a tomboy in youth.
Once Shiva is disturbed from his calm mood or backstabbed, then they become Rudra and will destroy whatever is in front of them.
They are the ones who can throw everything from their desk when angry.
Ardra natives also make great physicians, and are related to pharmaceutical and Ayurveda professions.
Career is determined by using the Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha technique.
The symbolism of Ardra is a teardrop and a skull. The teardrop represents the drop of the storm.
A storm will always start out with a few drops on your head, and before you know, you are in a flood of water.
The drop is known as a “tear drop”, which is the teardrop of Shiva.
In real life, Ardra must face storms of emotions where tears just come out.
When they cry, they will cry a storm and usually, it can be over very small things.
The cry is not normal; it’s a cry with a howl and scream.
Out of all the Nakshatras, Ardra is the most emotional and with deep feelings, but the reason why they have such feelings is because the world is supposed to betray those feelings, so the water inside turns into a fierce storm.
It’s in their karma to deal with tears; therefore, they make the best actors in front of a camera.
When Ardra native reads a letter, email or text message from past, they can have a river of tears flowing out of them.
The symbolism of the skull is the mystical and realistic side of Ardra.
A skull is actually one of the best tools for an Aghori in the cremation ground.
They use the skull for drinking wine. It may be sacrilegious for us, but we are too dumb to understand the scientist (Aghori) practicing this science of nature.
There is a logical purpose why an Aghori smears themselves with ashes and drink from skull or eat the flesh of the dead.
The skull symbolism shows that Ardra is not afraid of death and is curious about the world of mysticism, occult, tantra, and magic rituals.
Skull is also where the hair grows, and Ardra represents the hair of Shiva.
The controller of this Nakshatra is #Rahu. All three Nakshatras of Rahu, which are Ardra Nakshatra, #Swati Nakshatra and #Shatabhisha Nakshatra, will have a lot of similar themes to them compared to other Nakshatra being ruled by a single planet.
Rahu is like Jupiter. All Rahu ruled Nakshatras love space, science fiction, astrophysics, the astral plane, fantasy and anything to do with the new-age technology.
Even though Ardra is a medicine man, but these natives are attracted to future technology.
Out of all the Nakshatras of Rahu, Ardra has the capacity to write a great science fiction book.
All Ardra natives dive into the fantasy of what is the world, how the world works, and what else is out there in the ether besides this blue planet, Earth.
Attributes of Ardra Nakshatra in Astrology
Ardra Nakshatra extends in Gemini (Mithun) from 6’40” to 20’00”.
When Surya enters Ardra, the Earth is said to be starting its menstrual course, that is, Ambubachi.
Ardra means wet or surcharged with water. Because the Earth is running her menstrual course, teardrops fall one after another.
From Rudra comes all suffering, persecutions and oppressions, anger, the ferocity of countenance or hideousness of noise. Rudra is another name of Shiva, the five-faced (Panchanana).
In knowledge, asceticism, renunciation, and enjoyment, he is the supreme consummation of all desires. He is a blue-throated one, the wielder of the tremendous powers, what could not be attempted, far less achieved by other Gods.
On one side, he symbolizes the perfect placidity and serenity; on the other hand, he is the symbol of all that is terrible. He holds the great serpent on his head and forehead crescent Chandra with his sweet-soft light.
At the same time, he is the most peaceful and the most terrible. And in all these are to be traced the intrinsic characteristics of Ardra.
Superficially, on the surface of it, Ardra stands for suffering, hardness, cruelty, murder, prison, theft, adultery, etc.
The root characteristic is oppression in order to purify. All male kidney troubles, connected urethral diseases and also uterine diseases of the females, come within the jurisdiction of Ardra.
Description of Ardra Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native with Ardra as his natal Nakshatra will have a wavering mind, be a crafty speaker, and will steal others’ money, be self-respected, will have few sons, be long-lived, and will have royal money.
According to Jataka Parijata: If at a native’s birth, the Moon is in Ardra, he will be destitute to wealth, fickle, with much physical strength, and addicted to base actions.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Ardra will be interested in rituals related to tantra, adventurous, skillful in trading, fierce, and ungrateful.
According to Brihat Samhita: The asterism Ardra makes one perfidious, haughty, irascible, ungrateful, cruel, and sinful.


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#Revati #Nakshatra #constellation is the final stop in the zodiac, right next to the newly included Abhijeet nakshatra. It holds special significance as it’s considered the #birth #star of #Goddess #Laxmi, the deity of prosperity.

This constellation is often referred to as the ‘bringer of light.’ In this context, light symbolizes wisdom, knowledge, spiritual growth, and ultimately, enlightenment. It’s like a guiding star that can lead you from the material world to a metaphysical realm, or simply put, help you find inner enlightenment.

One interesting aspect is that it’s ruled by Mercury, which makes it the last Mercurial constellation. This transition from Mercury’s influence to Jupiter’s wisdom is quite significant. Since all Piscean constellations are ruled by Jupiter, Revathi marks a shift towards acquiring wisdom. It’s also associated with liberation Revati Nakshatra.

If someone has Revati with Ketu in the 11th or 12th house of their birth chart, it’s believed to symbolize liberation from the cycle of birth and death, known as samsara. This is seen as the final incarnation on Earth, indicating spiritual liberation Revati Nakshatra.

The symbol of Revati is a pair of fish, which aligns with Pisces being a water sign. This symbolizes the journey of the human soul in the spiritual realm. Fish also represent fertility and growth, making this Nakshatra a symbol of both endings and new beginnings Revati Nakshatra.

The drum, another symbol of Revati Nakshatra, was historically used by kings and rulers to convey important messages to the masses. In the context of this Nakshatra, it represents communication. People born under Revati often have sociable and pleasing personalities, which can be attributed to this communication symbolism Revati Nakshatra.

Interesting Facts about Revati Nakshatra
Perfect limbs, amicable manners, deep knowledge, wealthy, does not covet the property of others

Nakshatra Meaning: The #nourisher, who offers #guidance and #protection on one’s path
Nakshatra Lord/Swami Grah: #Mercury
Nakshatra Body: Feet, Ankles, Abdomen and Groin
Nakshatra Symbol: Drum for keeping time
Nakshatra Deity: #Pushan – the nurturer protector of flocks and herds
Nakshatra Caste: #Vyshya
Nakshatra Nature: The soft mild and tender ( #Mridu)
Nakshatra Gana: #Deva #Gana (god-like)
Nakshatra Rashi / Zodiac Sign: Pisces sign
Nakshatra Marriage: Auspicious
Nakshatra Translation: The #wealthy one
Nakshatra Controlling Planet: #Mercury
Ruling Deity of Mercury: #Vishnu
Nakshatra Number: 27
Nakshatra Gender: Female
Nakshatra Names letters: The, Tho, Cha, Chi
Nakshatra Lucky letters: D & C
Nakshatra Lucky Colour: Brown
Nakshatra Lucky Stone: #Emerald
Nakshatra Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 5
Nakshatra Common Name: Indian Butter Tree
Nakshatra Astronomical Name: #Zeta #Piscium
Nakshatra Botanical Name: #MadhucaIndica
Nakshatra Element: #Ether
Nakshatra Guna: #Sattwic
Nakshatra Dosha: #Kapha
Nakshatra Bird: #Kestrel
Nakshatra Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Female #Elephant
Nakshatra #Tree: #Madhuka or #Honeytree, #Butter-Tree



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#Shravana #Nakshatra #Constellation is associated with Goddess Parvati, and its ruling planet is Vishnu. It’s considered the #birth star of Goddess #Saraswati, who’s known for education and knowledge. People born under this constellation tend to have a strong inclination towards #learning and gaining knowledge from various sources.

The symbol of the ear in Shravana Nakshatra represents the ability of those born under it to acquire wisdom through listening. It also signifies the importance of #listening to one’s inner voice and using it as a guide for personal growth. The three footprints in the symbol represent the three states of the mind: wakefulness, dream sleep, and deep sleep, all of which symbolize consciousness. These footprints also represent the journey of understanding the material world, the Universe, and the realms beyond Shravana Nakshatra.
Translation: Hearing”, “The one who limps
Symbol: An ear; three footprints in an uneven row; a trident
Lord: Vishnu
Controlling Planet: #Moon
Ruling Deity of Moon: #Parvati
Deity: #Vishnu — the All-Pervasive
Body – VarahaMihira: Ears
Body – Parashara: Lower Belly
Rashi / Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Nature: The #movable or ephemeral ( #Chara)
Ganas: #Deva Gana (God Like)
Mode: #Passive
Constellation: 3
Gender: #Male
Dosha: #Kapha
Element: #Air
Lucky Color: Light Blue
Letter: Ju, Je, Jo, Gha
Lucky letters: K
Lucky Stone: #Pearl
Lucky Numbers: 2 & 22
Animal Symbol: A #Female #Monkey
#Bird Name: #Francolin
#Tree: #SwallowWort, #MilkWeed, #Erukku, #Arka Tree


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#Jyestha #Nakshatras In #VedicAstrology, there are 27 nakshatras, and one of the most prominent ones is the Jyestha nakshatra. This nakshatra is associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio. The name “Jyestha” itself means the #eldest or the most #brilliant. This brilliance is reflected in the nakshatra’s size and structure, making it stand out among the others.

The Jyestha nakshatra is particularly known for its #luminosity in the night sky. At its center, you can find a bright red star, which symbolizes the heart of the scorpion and is also known as #Antares. This nakshatra holds a special place in Vedic Astrology due to its significance and prominence in the celestial sphere Jyestha nakshatra,.
Translation: #Eldest sister, river #Ganges
Symbol: #Earring, #umbrella, #talisman
Lord: #Mercury (Budha)
Zodiac: Scorpio sign (Vrischik)
Deity: #Vishnu #Indra
Nature: The Sharp or Dreadful ( #Tikshna) or hard ( #Daruna)
Gana: #Rakshasa #Gana
Mode: #Active
Constellation: 18
Body VarahaMihira: Neck
Body Parashara: Upper hips
Number: 18
Letter: No, Ya, Yi, Yu
Lucky letters: N & Y
Lucky Stone: #Emerald
Lucky Color: #Cream
Lucky Numbers: 5
Element: #Air
Dosh: #Vata
Bird Name: #Brahmani-Duck
Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Deer or #Hare
Tree: #Shalmali ( #Cotton #tree)


High #Technology in #Ancient #India | Was #Lepakshi #Temple Built by Giants? | #Megalithomania

The temple of Lepakshi in Andhra Pradesh, India, is seeped in mythological grandeur. The larger-than-life sculptures and exquisite friezes show aspects of Hindu mythology. It has shrines dedicated to #Shiva, #Vishnu, Papanatheswara, Raghunatha, #Rama and other deities. Located a few hundred metres from the main temple is the giant granite bull #Nandi sculpture said to be the second largest monolithic structure in India at 20 feet in height and 30 feet in length. The main temple also has a 2.5ft giant footprint which locals say was carved from an original footprint of a giant from an earlier era. There is also the mysterious hanging pillar, the remarkable ‘thali bowl’ rock carvings and the giant #Naga-Lingham, all showing signs of high technology. Although it is said to have been only built in the 16th Century, locals say it is of ancient origin and built by giants.

Thanks to #PraveenMohan for his research and videos


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The Ashlesha Nakshatra is represented by a coiled snake or serpent, and serpents hold deep spiritual significance. The image of a coiled snake symbolizes Kundalini energy, a powerful force within. Serpents are known for their heightened psychic abilities, allowing them to detect danger swiftly and stay vigilant. However, when this Nakshatra is negatively influenced, individuals born under it may exhibit qualities like being eerie, distant, or even deceitful. It’s a reminder that the energy of the stars can shape our personalities in intriguing ways.
Meaning: Person who #embraces, or has an intimate #connection
Nakshatra Lord: Mercury
Symbol: #Coiled #snake, #circle, or #wheel
Deity: #Ahi – the #naga or #serpent of #wisdom
Shakti: (power to/of…) #poisonous
Nature: The Sharp or Dreadful ( #Tikshna) or hard ( #Daruna)
Gana:Rakshasa Gana
Nakshatra Body VarahaMihira: Nails
Nakshatra Body Parashara: Chin
Rashi / Zodiac: Cancer Sign (Kark)
Marriage: Not auspicious
Ruling Planet: #Mercury
Ruling Deity of Mercury: #Vishnu
Number: #9
Gender: #Female
Names Letter: Di, Du, Dae, Do
Lucky Letters: D
Lucky Stone: #Emerald
Lucky Colour: Black-Red
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 5
Common Name: Alexandrian Laurel
Astronomical Name: Alpha Hydrae
Botanical Name: Calophyllum Inophyllum
Guna: #Satwic
Dosh: #Kapha
Element: #Water
Bird: #SmallBlueSparrow
Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Male #Cat (Marjala)
Tree: Punnaga Tree or #NagaChampa



#Shravana #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The Male natives born in the Shravana Nakshatra have a strong influence of the Moon on them. And hence, these people are really soft-spoken in nature. The native has established values in life, and peer pressure can't ward him or her away from following those. The male natives born under the Shavaran Nakshatra are different from other males in many terms. These people are very particular about the tidiness and neatness of their surroundings. The trait helps them to think better and make better decisions for themselves. Unlike many other people, the male born in the Shravana Nakshatra is also very helpful towards others and really doesn't expect anything when he is helping someone. The native also puts a lot of belief in God and his will.

Profession male
The male native born in the Shravana Nakshatra goes through a lot of life changes till the age of 30. Hence, he may not have a stable profession till this age owing to his will for trying new things on a regular basis. Profession-wise, the best time period for natives born in the Shravana Nakshatra begins after 30 and continues till 45 years of age. This will be a stable period for the native wherein he can try professions such as one related to technical or any kind of export and import business. When it comes to work, these people tend to get so engaged in it, that they often forget that they have a family they need to be with.

Compatibility male
If these natives can bring a work-life balance to the table, the male natives born in the Shravana Nakshatra lead a very happy married life. The wife to you will usally fall for your kind nature, which makes you an irresistible husband material. However, the people born in Shravana Nakshatra also need to be careful not to indulge in flings, which they tend to as they get a lot of attention from women after a certain age.

Health male
Talking about health, one born in the Shravana Nakshatra may complain about suffering problems in the ear. You need to take special care of your skin as you are prone to skin disease and problems in your digestive system.

Characteristics female
The females born in the Sharavan Nakshatra home a charitable nature and are a giver to the society in ways she can. The woman has compassion for the needy and can't see others in pain. However, the lady might also possess a habit of showing off and she makes sure that anything good she does is noticed by the masses. In one way, the trait is not bad as it motivates others to do good. The females born in the Sharavan Nakshatra are though very talkative but also great secret keepers. These women can hide anything, especially from their husbands, which might result in friction between the couples in some cases.

Profession female
The female born in the Sharavan Nakshatra usally has a tough time garnering education, owing to her interest in doing other things in life. When it comes to profession, it is in the best interest of these women that they are allowed to do whatever they wish to, as only then will they be able to excel in their career. The women born in the Sharavan Nakshatra have a good career after 26 years of age. She can be a very fine exponent of the fine arts and especially makes a very good dancer.

Compatibility female
When it comes to family life, the female born in the Sharavan Nakshatra is capable of keeping everyone happy and satisfied. As these ladies seek perfection, they don't like to give anyone the reasons to taunt them. Also, she excepts others to be as perfect as she is and thus might end up disappointing herself. This perfectionist attitude, however, does not apply to her husband, on whom she showers a lot of love and care, thus helping herself with a very content married life.

Health female
Health wise, just like the male natives born in Sharavan Nakshatra, the female natives too may have to face some skin disease at the early stage of their life. The lady may also be vulnerable to tuberculosis.

Shravana Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 4 & 31, 2022 February 28, 2022
March 27, 2022 April 23, 2022
May 21, 2022 June 17, 2022
July 14, 2022 August 11, 2022
September 7, 2022 October 4, 2022
November 1 & 28, 2022 December 25, 2021
Shravana Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The native born in this pada possess logical thinking and are also very ambitious in nature. In fact, these natives are also very career conscious and get frustrated quickly when things don't go as per their plan.
Pada 2nd: People born in the second pada of the Shravana Nakshatra are intelligent, soft-spoken and very diplomatic. They are very work driven and don't leave any work in-between.
Pada 3rd: The people born in the thrid pada of Shravana Nakshatra, which is ruled by Mercury, are a bit cunning. They also possess the desire to learn and do well at jobs related to media and communications fields.
Pada 4th: The people born in the 4th pada of the Shravana Nakshatra are very sympathetic and understanding beings. They like to mingle with people and are very open-minded. However, they can be rigid about change.
#femalwe #monkey
Features of Shravana Nakshatra
Lord- Vishnu

Controlling Planet- #Moon

Ruling Deity of Moon- #Parvati

Deity- #Vishnu — the All-Pervasive

Rashi/Zodiac Sign- Capricorn

Gender- #Male

Dosha- #Kapha

Element- #Air



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#Shravana #Nakshatra According to #Astrology

This nakshatra is known by many names like Shravana, Shravan, or Thiruvonam. This is gaining the 22nd situation in the absolute rundown of 27 #nakshatras. This nakshatra is showing up in the Makar Rashi or #Capricorn Zodiac sign whose ruling deity Lord #Vishnu runs this nakshatra. There are three stars present in this nakshatra specifically Altair, Alshain, and Tarazed. They together from the head of #Aquila, the bird.

Shravana Nakshatra

The word Shravana characterizes hearing and it represents "the #ear" because of which we can #hear. This nakshatra is known to be the #listening #star or a star for learning and tuning in. Our progenitors have gone on information through oral customs similarly the individuals who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are having an ability to astonish to acquire all the information by hearing. The fundamental concentration here is to advance by tuning in and the media and correspondence fields are known to be a piece of this nakshatra. The natives whose birth was under this nakshatra go to numerous unfamiliar spots for looking for additional insight and complete their advanced education. They are having an extraordinary degree of fixation and concentration in their vocation to accomplish their objectives and complete their objectives.

Shravana Natchathiram

#Moon is known to be the ruler and it is in the most noteworthy place of lunar energy. A falcon-formed star grouping is being cast in the night sky which is compared to this nakshatra of 3 impressions. The specialty of hearing is acquiring information and training is being meant by this nakshatra. Goddess Saraswati was born in this nakshatra, who is the goddess of schooling and information. Here, the natives are honored with information and shrewdness in scholastics to succeed in their profession.

Lord of Shravana Nakshatra

Shravana nakshatra ruler is known to be the moon who controls this nakshatra. The most elevated place of lunar energy is being addressed by this will stop a falcon formed heavenly body is being projected in the night sky that is relating to this nakshatra image of three impressions.

Shravana Nakshatra Famous Personalities

Numerous prestigious characters were brought into the world under this nakshatra and became well known for their works and remarkable gifts. Some Shravana nakshatra famous people are Kareena Kapoor, Manisha Koirala, Henry Ford, Bruce Willis, and Muhammad Ali. Generally, these nakshatra natives experience the ill effects of sound hiccups like stomach-related issues and tuberculous and dermatological issues.

Shravana Nakshatra Pada 1

The natives who were brought into the world in the first pada position of this nakshatra are falling in the Aries Navamsha which is represented by the planet Mars. This position mostly centers around developing a rationale, and drive, and focusing on objectives and aspirations throughout everyday life.

Shravana Nakshatra Pada 2

The second pada position is falling in the Taurus Navamsha which is represented by the planet Venus. This position principally centers around being conciliatory and creative fields like music and media outlet.

Shravana Nakshatra Pada 3

This position is falling in the Gemini Navamsha which is represented by the planet mercury. This position principally focuses on extraordinary parts of this nakshatra that is astounding relational abilities and push for acquiring information.

Shravana Nakshatra Pada 4

This position is in the cancer Navamsha which is represented by the moon. This position primarily focuses on opinions and being thoughtful and responsive. The natives are probably going to become fruitful in serving in positions of authority in the café and lodging industry.

Shravana Nakshatra Zodiac Sign

This is the 22nd situation out of the 27 Nakshatras. This nakshatra is showing up across the Capricorn or Makar Rashi Zodiac sign and its maker Lord Vishnu is the ruler. Three stars comprising this nakshatra are Altair, Alshain, and Tarazed. The head of Aquila, the hawk is being framed by these three stars together.



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#Shravana #Nakshatra is an integral nakshatra in #Vedic #astronomy; it refers to the star of proficiency and learning. Lord #Vishnu is the deity that rules Shravana Nakshatra; he is the mighty deity who safeguards the universe from all evils and demons. The blessings of Lord Vishnu can eradicate all the negative forces from life, leaving the devotees with immense happiness and prosperity.

The #ear or an #arrow are the symbols of Shravana Nakshatra; these arrows portray the significance of protection, and the ear represents the importance of listening and understanding. Capricorn is the main zodiac sign which falls under Shravana nakshatra. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer are the four main padas of this nakshatra. #Moon is the planet that reigns Shravana Nakshatra.

Boons of Shravana Nakshatra
Here are a few benefits linked with Shravana Nakshatra-

People with Shravana Nakshatra are good at beginning any new endeavour and completing it with immense success.
The nakshatra is also very favourable for travel and explorations.
People under Shravana Nakshatra are quite bright in areas such as reading, listening, and writing.
Shravana Nakshatra blesses people with the great spiritual calibre and meditation powers.
The star is favourable for socialising; people with this nakshatra have bright prospects in making strong relationships and bonds.
Banes of Shravana Nakshatra
Following are the major disadvantages linked with Shravana Nakshatra-

People with Shravana Nakshatra generally face defeat while experimenting with any new venture or taking risks.
People born under the star have aggression issues, and they are quite short-tempered.
The nakshatra also does not favour marriage and adoption issues.
People with Shravana Nakshatra are quite unlucky in areas of lending and borrowing money.

If you are born under Shravana Nakshatra’s influence, make sure you are well-versed with all the facets and outlooks of this nakshatra. If you want to earn only positive windfalls out of this star, then contact us; we will help you make great benefits out of your star. We will execute Shravana Nakshatra and Vishnu deity Homam to please this nakshatra devata and bring all its elements in your favour. There will be true worship of Lord Vishnu in the Homam to convey his blessings to you. The windfalls of Lord Vishnu will assist you in getting rid of all the malefic intentions and negative forces of the outer world. Reap great benefits of your nakshatra by signing up with us for Shravana Nakshatra and Vishnu deity Homam.



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#PurvaAshada #Nakshatra is one of the influential #stars in the #Vedic #astronomy area; the nakshatra denotes an #invincible or #indestructible star. The nakshatra is represented by an #elephant #tusk, a #fan or a #winnowing #basket; these symbols represent the power to ward off negativity by sheer will and courage. The symbols represent that no matter how difficult the situation is, one must keep improving and coping.

#Jala #devata is the mighty deity linked with Purva Ashada Nakshatra; he is the Lord of defied waters. #Venus is the planet which encircles this nakshatra, and #Vishnu is the Trimurthi linked with the star. Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio are the pads of this nakshatra, and Saggitarius is the zodiac sign which primarily comes under this nakshatra.

Boons of Purva Ashada Nakshatra
Following are the major benefits linked with Purva Ashada Nakshatra-

People born under Purva Ashada Nakshatra are courageous to tackle any situation.
The people with this star are also very good at handling finances, maintaining money and stabilising lending and borrowing matters.
The people with the nakshatra are quite good at adventurous activities, particularly the ones involving water.
This nakshatra blesses people with great spiritual and mental health. They undergo healing, mediation and revitalisation quite effortlessly.
The nakshatra is quite favourable for marriage and related activities.
Banes of Purva Ashada Nakshatra
Here are a few major names linked with Purva Ashada Nakshatra-

People with Purva Ashada nakshatra are not calm and relaxed enough to beat strenuous situations.
This nakshatra does not favour people in executing or completing things.
The people born under this nakshatra sucks at activities, including diplomatic and tactful behaviour.

If you are born under Purva Ashada Nakshatra’s effect, then make sure you know all the elements linked to it. To make the most benefits out of your star, get a Homam done for yourself. The Homam will help you align with your nakshatra making you fetch maximum windfalls of your star. In the Purva Ashada Nakshatra and Jala devata Homam, we will execute worship of mighty Jala devata so that only the positive aspects of this Homam reach you.



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#Revati ("The wealthy") (346°40′ to 360°00′ Pisces)

Revati #nakshatra is the twenty-seventh and final nakshatra. Looking up at the night sky, Revati is a group of #stars in the #constellation #Pisces. The brightest of the group is Zeta Piscium. The ruling deity, #Pushan, provides nourishment and has the ability to shine light on a person’s life.

This #star is associated with safe traveling and fruitful journeys. Revati means "the #wealthy" and is ruled by #Mercury. #Vishnu, the ruler of #Mercury, along with his consort #Lakshmi, signifies wealth and prosperity.

People born under Revati nakshatra are polite, charming and social. They have a refined nature and are always willing to offer support or a helping hand. Revati is one of the most optimistic and reverent nakshatras that has the capacity to see the big picture.

Sacred Energy Vortex
#Karukudi #Sri #Karunaakakravalli #Samedha #Sri #Kailasa #Nather #Temple

The Sri Karunaakakravalli Samehda Sri Kailasa Nather Temple is located in the village of Karukudi, near Thaathaiyaangar in Tamil Nadu, India. This sacred energy vortex is linked to Revati star. Revati was the 27th and final Goddess to marry the Moon. After this final wedding ceremony, the Moon wished to have the darshan from Sri Kailasa Perumann (Goddess Ambhigai). The Goddess fulfilled his wish and offered blessings in the form of Karunaakaravalli at this temple. As the Moon and his 27 star goddesses worshiped Sri Karunaakakravalli Samedha Sri Kailasa Nather, Lord Shiva personified in the form of a crescent moon.

At Karukudi Temple, the fertility of Lord Shiva is manifested in the energy of the sky. This temple is an auspicious place to receive darshan from the sky. In ancient times, people worshiped at this temple for the blessings of rainfall. Lord Indra worshiped the sky at this temple on the 7th Moon phase on Revati star days. It is auspicious to connect with the divine energies at this temple when Revati star day occurs on a Sunday. This temple has abundant herbs with healing properties used to treat water related diseases. The energy of this temple also produces the ability to heal eye related illnesses. On Revati day, abhishekhams are performed with 64 types of holy water, riches and fruits. This offering removes any concerns related to one’s ancestry.

Revati nakshatra is the softest of all the nakshatras and emits a pure white light. Therefore, it is recommended to offer white articles of clothing or food at this temple. A cotton garland, a lamp made of rice dough, towels, coconuts, milk, and white sweets are propitious offerings to invoke the energy of Revati at Karukudi. One may also give 27 gifts to the poor as a powerful offering at this temple. Those born under Revatinakshatrashould visit and receive darshan at least once in their life. Those born under a different star may also perform an abhishekham and archana to remove anxiety and fear.

Revati nakshatra natives, your #incense is made with the #herb #Indian-Butter-Tree as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.
