

De Ramapo Munsee verstoppen zich niet meer

‘Wij zijn er nog steeds’

De Groene Amsterdammer

Bij de stichting in 1624 van Nieuw-Nederland, het huidige New York, dolven de Munsee het onderspit. Nog steeds wonen een paar duizend van hen op 35 kilometer van Manhattan, geïsoleerd en gemarginaliseerd. Ze willen erkenning van Nederland. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van man bij rots in landschap
Owl vraagt permissie voor toegang aan de voorouders op de heuvel van Tahetaweew ook bekend als Split Rock, Mahwah, New Jersey © Michael Young.

Het is dit jaar vierhonderd jaar geleden dat de kolonie Nieuw-Nederland werd gesticht. Voor het eerst is er vanuit Nederland zelfs enige schuchtere toenadering tot de oorspronkelijke Munsee-bewoners, in een project van culturele uitwisseling. Maar er is hier nauwelijks kennis over de slachtingen en landroof die plaatsvonden en de Ramapo zijn een paar keer te vaak verraden om de Europeanen zomaar te vertrouwen op hun blauwe ogen. (...)

De meeste Nederlanders zullen er op school niet over hebben geleerd, maar voor Perry en Mann is ‘Kiefts oorlog’ wat de slachting op de Banda-eilanden is voor de Molukken. ‘Er rollen nog steeds tranen over ons gezicht als we denken aan wat er toen gebeurde’, zegt Mann. ‘Onze voorouders zijn tot slaaf gemaakt, verkracht en op brute wijze vermoord.’ Perry: ‘De Nederlandse regering moet dat erkennen.’ (...)

Onder de vluchtelingen waren inheemse strijders die Kieft eerder hadden geholpen, maar in plaats van hen te beschermen, stuurde hij soldaten op de kampen af. De Vries, die het Kieft had ontraden, zag in de nacht van 25 februari 1643 geschokt wat er gebeurde. In zijn Korte historiael vertelt hij hoe hij ‘hoorde schreeuwen dat de Wilde in haer sloep vermoord wierde’.

De soldaten die de volgende dag terugkwamen, vertelden hoe ze kinderen ‘van haer moeders borsten afruckten, in ’t gesichte vande ouders aenstucken ghekapt’. Zuigelingen die de Munsee op houten bordjes droegen werden ‘door-houwen, door-steken, door-boort en miserabelijck gemassakreert dat het een Steenen-hert vermorwen soude’. Een soortgelijke slachting vond gelijktijdig plaats in het andere kamp. Toen het licht werd waren 120 Munsee-vluchtelingen vermoord.

Kiefts oorlog duurde twee jaar. De laatste slachting die werd aangericht is bekend als de ‘Pound Ridge Massacre’ in 1644 en dat is de eerste keer dat een Ramapo-sachem opduikt in de documenten. (...)

‘De wereld ziet Nederland misschien niet als een land dat aan massaslachtingen doet, maar wij wel. Want we leven er nog altijd mee, we lijden er nog onder. Toch besloot ik dat we deze toenadering moeten omarmen. De Munsee zijn altijd vredelievend geweest. Natuurlijk, ook wij hadden onze oorlogen, maar we zijn een volk van eer, respect en nederigheid. Wat ik alleen niet ga doen, no way, is dat gesprek houden op Nederlandse grond.’ (...)

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Tags: #nederlands #nederland #vs #verenigde_staten #nieuw-nederland #new_york #manhattan #geschiedenis #koloniale_geschiedenis #inheemse_bevolking #oorspronkelijke_bevolking #indianen #munsee #slavernij


#Turkey: Central Bank Chief Moves Into Parents’ #Apartment As #Inflation Hits #Istanbul Property

Source: https://www.theheritagetimes.com/turkey-central-bank-chief-moves-into-parents-apartment-as-inflation-hits-istanbul-property/

Turkey’s central bank head, #HafizeGayeRrkan says she has been priced out of Istanbul’s property #market by rampant inflation, leaving her with no choice but to move back her parents’ apartment.


“Is it possible that Istanbul has gotten more expensive than #Manhattan?” she said.

I've two questions:
1) What do normal people do with a normal job and without parents or friends in Istanbul? (Are they sleeping in their office or under the bridge?)
2) Is the apartment market now only for billionaires?

#fail #problem #news #living #money #finance #city #politics #economy #capitalism


Nestled in the NoMad neighborhood of #Manhattan at 29 East 29th Street stands an architectural gem that embodies both history and luxury. The Redbury New York, formerly known by various names such as the Martha Washington Hotel, Hotel Thirty Thirty, Hotel Lola, and King & Grove New York, is an iconic hotel that has withstood the test of time. #usa #weird https://activite-paranormale.net/news/read/18771/the-redbury-new-york-a-hotel-reserved-for-women


Roads in New York City turned into rivers as heavy rainfall battered the metropolitan area. Authorities declared a state of emergency after some parts of the city were flooded.

As much as six inches (15cm) of rain fell in some locations, including #Brooklyn, lower #Manhattan and John F. Kennedy International Airport in the borough of #Queens, meteorologists say.
#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment #GlobalBoiling #PointOfNoReturn



The #fire that broke out in #Manhattan on July 19, 1845, was one of the most devastating disasters in the history of New York City, leaving a profound impact on the city's collective memory and resulting in significant human and financial losses. This catastrophe left a lasting mark on Manhattan's urban landscape and prompted significant improvements in firefighting practices and building safety... #history https://wakonda666.blogspot.com/2023/07/19th-july-1845-fire-in-manhattan-new.html


Well, this is a sign of serious...

I just watched a news show saying Quebec's smoke is now creating a health/visibility concern far away, including New York.

So I looked West, camera in hand, and see this! It's been somewhat dark - it's not sunset yet - but I didn't realize how dark!
Worse than the "Sahara dust" a few years back (well, less Pinkish) ... I can't even see New Jersey, or a passing boat, clearly through the haze... This is West bank of Manhattan looking West (North/Canada to the right). Usually the other side is crisp, piers, condos, etc.

And usually this would be blue with the beginnings of a golden or orange sunset. Can't even see any sign of the sun. Thick...

#myphoto #Quebec #NewYork #wildfire #smoke #haze #Manhattan 6:30PM /18:30 EST


On May 24, 1626, a historic transaction took place between Dutch colonists and the Native peoples of Manhattan Island, marking a significant turning point in the history of European colonization in North America. On that day, the director-general of New Netherland, Peter Minuit, purchased #Manhattan Island from the Lenape Native Americans, establishing the foundation for what would later become the city of New York ... #history https://wakonda666.blogspot.com/2023/05/24th-may-1626-peter-minuit-bought.html


Trump says expecting 'arrest' on Tuesday, calls for protests

Citing a "leak" from the #Manhattan district attorney's office, Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform on Saturday: "Leading Republican candidate & former President of the #USA will be arrested on Tuesday of next week. Protest, take our nation back!"
The investigation centers on $130,000 paid weeks before the 2016 polls to stop Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, from going public about an affair she says she had with Trump years earlier.
#USPol #Politocs #Trump


When we have massive corporations owning big corporations, owning medium corporations, owning small corporations, it doesn't take as many conspiritors as a person might imagine to control vast numbers of people and affect significant influence in the world. This is true for many human oganisational structures that rely on a pyramidal hierarchy for order.

#blackrock #vanguard #statestreet #environmentalsocialgovernance #uk #esg #usa #woke #wokeideology #eu #corporatism #conspiracy #schwab #builderberg #worldeconomicforum #wef #bigcorp #biggov #bigtech #usa #elitism #nietzscheanism #control #conspiracies #bigpharma #CCP #un #statecapitalism #collusion #crime #cronycapitalism #globalism #elites #corruption #cfr #harvard #oxford #lse #cityoflondon #manhattan #nyc


Manhattan Walking Tour - 3/3

Uh oh, I thought I only took a few photos while short-cutting through the park, flowers mostly. Just walking towards the Upper West Side, no ponds or bridges along the way, mostly grass and horse(s) & buggies. Plus so many big tall buildings poking up into what was once sky. Walking. From the Southeast park entrance to Upper West Side. Came out near the very chic Hotel Des Artistes.

Because I can't title them easily "here", I'll just say that it's mostly views of 5th Avenue and Central Park South, from within the park, passing ball fields, flowers, horses and birds along the way, with a stop at the Central Park Carousel and Tavern on the Green.

More NYC photography @ http://www.fenichel.com/NYNY.shtml or tagged #fenfotos "here".

#myphotos #NewYork #NY #NYC #CentralPark #Manhattan #photography


Manhattan Walking Tour - 1/3

Anyone that knows me knows I take many walks in Central Park, which is near where I live, so why not? The heart and soul refresher of the City.

Usually, for photography or showing around visitors, I walk around the middle, with Strawberry Fields, Great Meadow, Imagine, Shakespeare gardens and theater and pond, Bow Bridge, Bethesda Terrace, my usual haunts for decades. [ Photo Collection ]

But I have a route B I often take, when I'm in the East Side and decide to walk home on a nice day. So I did, the other day, no camera (but a new smart phone to try out) but lovely weather and good exercise. So...

Part 1 here, walking around the iconic Upper East Side, with its flagship stores (Tiffany, Gucci, etc.), iconic churches, and sky-scrapers.

#myphotos #NewYork #NYC #Manhattan #5thAve #UES #shopping #mannequin #Gucci #skyscraper #fenfotos #photography