

have to continue to speak out

[2022-08-27 09:27:55] <@Digit> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V9kSru8QyQ have to continue to speak out
[2022-08-27 09:27:56] ^ ► YouTube :: #36: Mattias Desmet — Have We All Become Manchurian Candidates? :: Duration: 56:07 :: Views: 66 :: Uploader: Weird Sauce :: Uploaded: 2022-08-25 :: 6 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 1 comments

#meanwhileinirc #freedom #psychology #sociology #massformation #totalitarianism #allwehavetodo #keepontalking #continuetospeakout #orelse #and #because #weareinalotoftrouble #ourrelationshipwithourtyrant

ps, i suggest you include in your reading, his book, the psychology of totalitarianism. has interesting/useful/important simple insights into the other half of totalitarianism than the tyrant and system, that being out own role, our own psychology how we continue to believe absurdities that generate atrocities even in the face of insurmountable incontrovertible evidence. how we blindly double-down on creating and supporting #attercoparchy and its abuse of #agnotology upon us. awareness of this may spread an elucidating solvent to this sticky glue over our better sense. ... and i'll stop there before i add an ongoing ramble about the similar elucidatory-emancipatory potentials of other things, like aptitude tests (and various relevant side benefits), and other introspective cues of our own ignorance, and the wisdom of discovering our ignorance... growing #curiosity and #humility in exploring more perspectives




Your Prakruti is the ratio (or balance) of doshas you were born with (as Mother Nature created you). If one or two doshas came up on top in your dosha test, then you should pay attention to those doshas especially, because they are most natural and inherent to your unique mind/body type. However, please do not get too over attached to your Prakruti result. All too often these days, we hear people peddling this very simplified version of Ayurveda, that is so fixated on people’s prakruti result. Let me tell you right now, that you are a highly individual person and like no other being on this planet. You are far more complex and far more special than to be boxed up and put into some prison cell, surrounded by one isolated dosha! So, the point is to be mindful of your prakruti result, but not overly concerned by it. Just know that we are all made up from all the doshas. Instead, we suggest that you pay more attention to your Vikruti.


To become an Ayurveda master you actually need to learn about all three doshas, because everything in the universe (yourself included) is actually formed from them all. The doshas work in unison to process all functions of your mind and body. The doshas are constantly moving all the time (like waves on the shore) and are easily swayed by the seasons, time of day and the different stages of your life. This current state or ratio of the doshas in your mind and body right now is what is known in Ayurveda as your Vikruti. To find balance therefore, you need to be able to recognise what dosha is currently aggravated at any given time in your life. This can be a bit difficult for the newcomer to Ayurveda, but to maker the process simple, we created a free online tool called the Kalsi Dosha Imbalance Test. This is a separate test you can use at anytime to find out which dosha is out of balance RIGHT NOW.

my emphasis.


very simplified version of Ayurveda, that is so fixated on people’s prakruti result.


that over-emphasised simplification's a re-blinding cartoon dogma, wont get well far.

been seeing in myself and others... swings in their balances... dosharcs. n_n in both lingering long with some habbit, and adventuring into exploring new, adjusts the balance mixes.

eternal vigilance?


mere relaxed conscious awareness?


seeing beyond our maps.

i love maps. cant have good maps if we only build maps from our maps.
interface upon interface, distances us from the terain we traverse; the body we opperate. increases the messes we make in ignorance.

dinnae re-dogmatize the interfaces that once revealed the terrain a new.

recheck where you're at, where your balances are, recently, and now.

what's your vikruti?

#accidentalagnotology #agnotology #dosha #vikruti #prakruti #dogma #pedagogy #conscious #consciousness #meta #perspective #longernow #undogma #cartoon #oversimplified #awareness #relaxed #maps #beyondmaps #whatsyourdosha #whatsyourprakruti #whatsyourvikruti


here's my #WordOfTheYear.

and, yes, not just #wordoftheday, or #wordoftheweek, or #wordofthemonth.
this word's my #2022 word.



here follows a handful of first lines from the definition blurbs from this websearch: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=agnotology+definition&kl=uk-en&ia=definition :

The study of culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.

Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is the study of deliberate, culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, typically to sell a product or win favour, particularly through the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data

Agnotology is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.

Agnotology (n.) the study of culturally-propagated ignorance or doubt in provable fact

Agnotology is a branch of science which looks at the ways in which doubt or ignorance about certain subjects is created. A very good example of how this happens is the publication of scientific studies that rely on data that is inaccurate or misleading.

etymologically, my guess is the gno in there's like gnosis, like knowledge n learning. and the A before it, denoting an absence thereof, and the ology, being the study thereof.

and, i'll quote these two middle paragraphs from the simple english wiki page too, as i think they're excellent at highlighting what it is, and why it's important (not to mention the lesson from it to be applied to contemporary matters...) https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnotology ...

The neologism was coined by Robert N. Proctor,[1][2] a Stanford University professor specializing in the history of science and technology.[3] Proctor cites the tobacco industry's conspiracy to manufacture doubt about the cancer risks of tobacco use as a very good example of how this can be done. Under the banner of science, the industry produced research about everything except tobacco hazards to exploit public uncertainty.[4]

The way in which media attention works can be exploited to produce ignorance. Other factors that influence it are that corporations or governments do not reveal certain facts. At times, they force these facts to be removed if they have been revealed. The methods they use include censorship, destroying documents, putting the weight of certain facts differently, or being inattentive or forgetful.



#media #science #government #propaganda #deception #willfulignorance #masshypnosis #menticide #terror #weaponsofmassdistraction #inducedignorance #oblivious #oblivion #inattentiveblindness #misdirection #communication #conception #curiosity #attention#awareness #education #elucidation #information #disinterest #disregard #incuriousness #normality #apathy #newnormal #newspeak #intimidation #suppression #censorship #doubt #editting #study #research #publication #loopholes #jumpingthroughhoops #alltheliesfittopublish #alltheliesfittobroadcast #network #incuriosity #unconcern #conformity #fear #obedience #compliance #capitulation #culpable #complicit #OBEY



The U.S. Is Suffering From Political Debt.

Political debt is like technical debt:

a concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.

And technical debt is like financial debt: it's a claim against future wealth or productivity to be able to accomplish a little more now.

The problem with debt, though, is accruing interest. In technical, and political, debt, it is deferred maintenance that accumulates with time.

Political debt in the United States has several elements. Off the top of my head:

  • The unholy alliance forged by the GOP in the 1970s between white nationalist former Southern Democrats and the Evangelical Fundaentalist Christian movemets, to secure votes.
  • The Democrat's betrayal of Labour and rural Ameica,.
  • An exceedingly poorly considered abandonment of ethical media standards, including the Fairness Doctrine and a fundamental respect for truth.
  • Continuation of 300+ years of systemic racism and cultural genocide.
  • The utterly corrosive nature of money in politics, most especially the Citizens United case.
  • Adtech.
  • Social Media.
  • The disaster that is Shareholder Value.
  • An economy premised on asset inflation rather than production and well-being.
  • Neoliberalism.
  • Libertarianism in the von Mises / Ayn Rand / Murray Rothbard vein promulgated by the Koch Brothers, Atlas Network, and Mont Pelerin Society.
  • A century spent ignoring the impacts of fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Agnotology: corporations not only lying for private gain, but distorting cultural knowledge and understanding of critical concepts: global warming, leaded gasoline and paint, tobacco, mobile phone use in cars, asbestos, CFCs, mercury, acid rain, nuclear power, petroleum, economics, capitalism, fabricated political wedge issues, the lie of "rugged individualism", the vital importance of common weal.
  • The GOP's open embrace of fascism, white nationalism, and religious extremism.

Undoubtedly others.

That debt must be paid down. Now.

#PoliticalDebt #politics #UnitedStates #FairnessDoctrine #Agnotology