

Anfang der 1990er Jahre ... unsere Freude, Partner, Weggefährten erkrankten, litten, starben ... und es schien keine #Hoffnung zu geben ...
wie all dem Leid, all der Trauer, all der Hoffnunglosigkeit Ausdruck verleihen, und dabei nicht den #Mut verlieren?
Damals sah ich #PatinaDuPrey in ihrem #MemorialDress zum ersten Mal tanzen ... in einem #Kleid bedruckt mit den Namen tausender an #Aids Verstorbener ...
Hunter Reynolds, der Schöpfer von Patina, #Künstler und #ACTUP #Aktivist, hat am kommenden Samstag 63. #Geburtstag. Hunter starb vor 6 Wochen in new York.



The deal involved two companies, both of which could not have sounded more unimportant: an air carrier called #Skybus Jet Cargo and a #Delaware -based firm, International #Logistics Support, which had arranged the flight. But, ultimately, the deal between the two companies fell through. The plane never took off. And shortly after, International Logistics Support sued Skybus for damages in a #Miami court. With the resulting 300-plus pages of court documents, I was able to piece together these basics.
Still, there were big holes in the picture. For instance, who purchased the animals? How many were there? What species? (My best guess was long-tailed macaques, which are commonly sourced from Mauritius.) Where—which lab or labs—were the monkeys supposed to end up? And why, exactly, didn’t the flight take off as planned?
So I kept digging. I read everything I could find about the case. I submitted public records requests to the Centers for #DiseaseControl and Prevention, the National Institutes of #Health, the Fish and #Wildlife Service, and the United States Department of Agriculture, all of which oversee nonhuman primate trade, transport, and research. I asked #animalrights groups, government officials, and academics if they had any information about the case. I reached out to the companies involved, only to conduct a series of fairly fruitless interviews with the owner of International Logistics Support, a guy named Matthew Block, who, it turns out, is something of an infamous character among animal rights groups. From nearly everyone else? Crickets.
Navigating the monkey business, I learned the hard way, is a bit like navigating a, well, jungle.

https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/06/animals-testing-monkey-primate-shortage-covid-monkeypox-future-pandemic-vaccines/ #usa #covid-19 #china #pandemic #pfizer #moderna #johnsonandjohnson #vaccination #science #india #hiv #animalcruelty #peta #aids


gestern 12. Juni 2022 starb Hunter Reynolds in New York - der 1959 geborene #Künstler, #Aids–#Aktivist und ‚#VisualAids‚ – Mitglied wurde u.a. bekannt mit seiner Figur #patinaduprey und ihren #Kleidern und #Performances . Darin verlieh er seit Beginn der 1990er den Gefühlen und Verlusten der Menschen mit HIV und #Aids Ausdruck .



#Pfizer to offer all its #drugs not-for-profit to 45 lower-income countries

source: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/may/25/pfizer-to-offer-low-cost-medicines-to-45-lower-income-countries

“We are living in a time where science is increasingly demonstrating the ability to take on the #world’s most devastating diseases,” Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s chief executive, said. “Unfortunately, there exists a tremendous #health #equity gap in our world that determines which of us can use these innovations and which of us cannot.”

Piggy smart calmly pronounces an obvious #problem only what are the causes?

Is there a more obvious contradiction in #capitalism than in health care? The profit motive of pharmaceutical companies does not make it profitable to help poor people. Already with the help for #Aids, #Africa was simply forgotten. In the case of #Ebola outbreaks, Western aid only arrives when the #disease threatens to spread to the West via airports.

#moral #ethics #money #finance #profit #economy #Pharmacy #medicine #help #politics #HumanRights #poverty


If you think this #pandemic is the worst thing that could ever happen, think again...

You can watch the series "Station Eleven" to see a real worst case scenario for a pandemic.

-> https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/90972-station-eleven

Even though many confused people preach the end of freedom or the end of the world, we are still trapped here in the paradisiacal version of hell.

In Africa, the next #Covid version is being incubated, which will then quickly spread northward because of #globalization. We should have shared our #vaccine fairly, but that's not how #capitalism works. Therefore, no vaccine against malaria exists yet and the #AIDS medicines only provided relief for poor people when the #patents expired.

#streaming #apocalypse #series #problem #entertainment #corona #humanrights


12/01 - Dia Mundial de Combate à #AIDS: Aumento de casos de #AIDS entre #Jovens de 13 a 25 anos no Brasil preocupa, alerta especialista -
https://glo.bo/3oaKYts -
RT g1 -
"O jovem se julga acima de qualquer risco. Andar em alta velocidade com automóveis, ingestão de álcool e outras drogas. E isso também tem a ver com sexo. Ele acha que nunca vai acontecer com ele” -


12/01 - Dia Mundial de Combate à #AIDS: #40anos de uma pandemia que não acabou - https://brasildefato.com.br/2021/12/01/dia-mundial-de-combate-a-aids-40-anos-de-uma-pandemia-que-nao-acabou -
RT Brasil de Fato -
"...produção de medicamentos eficazes, sem efeitos colaterais imediatos e com uma administração mais simples, a capacidade de viver com HIV se tornou realidade. E não parou por aí: na continuidade das pesquisas, descobriu-se que o uso de medicamentos desde o momento do diagnóstico, sem precisar esperar o desenvolvimento da doença, era capaz de reduzir a carga viral a ponto de ela se tornar indetectável..." -