

A developing evil: the malignant historical force behind the #Great #Reset

Source: https://winteroak.org.uk/2022/08/02/a-developing-evil-the-malignant-historical-force-behind-the-great-reset/


The so-called Great Reset is nothing but the extension and violent #acceleration of a longstanding process.

It is the increase of centralising power, the tightening of control, the growth of “the #economy ”, the ever-closer convergence of #power and #money.

Continuous #industrial #development has been the background to all our lives, but it is not necessarily something of which we are always conscious.

The first thing I observed was that there was always local opposition to any proposed development on a greenfield area – the bigger the project, the greater the opposition.

Several methods were used to ensure that development triumphed over the wishes of the local people.

The first was for local politicians and officials to denigrate opponents of the scheme in question, in which ever way seemed most appropriate.

If the #opponents were local people living close to the proposed development, they were selfish individuals termed NIMBYs – Not In My Back Yard.

If people from further away were involved, who could not be accused of having a purely personal interest, they were dubbed “outside agitators” or “rent-a-mob troublemakers”.

In this way, no #dissent could ever be seen as legitimate.

I also came across a degree of #corruption, of course, of very close connections between local officials and the property development businesses whose projects they authorised.

But behind these levels of #propaganda and corruption was something else, something even more important: the “need” for development was written into the bureaucratic planning structures devised by central government, with which local authorities had to comply.

The overall process of development itself was sacrosanct and officially ensured.

All the language and arguments in favour of development therefore served not so much to convince people that it was necessary, as to cloak the reality that it would in any case be imposed on them against their will by central power.

A narrative is always needed to dress up development and sell it to the public.

This idea of “underdevelopment” is, he concludes, “a manipulative trick to involve people in struggles for getting what the powerful want to impose on them”

Those pushing this #agenda are happy to cynically exploit the naivety of those who fall for the lie and enthusiastically jump aboard the bandwagon of “helping” those who have not yet been turned into what Otto Ulrich calls “a mechanical cog in a great production apparatus dominated by the world market”.

In #Europe, a key #institution promoting development is The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, founded sixty years ago

The “First UN Development Decade” between 1960 and 1970, which claimed to identify a problem with “underdeveloped” people, again insisted that its aim was to improve the quality of their lives

In 1970 it launched an International Development Strategy and an associated UN resolution announced a unified approach to development and planning, “which would fully integrate the economic and social components in the formulation of policies and programmes”.

In 1986 the #UN went even further when it published its Declaration on the Right to Development.

Although this text clearly identified the aim of establishing what it called “a new international economic order”, it hid this agenda behind the absurd statement that “the right to development is an inalienable human right”.

“States have the duty to co-operate with each other in ensuring development and eliminating obstacles to development”.

In 1990 the United Nations Development Programme published its first Human Development Report, defending the inalienable right of all human beings to be developed.

then ten years later, in 2000, it launched its Millennium Development Goals, based on the International Development Goals drawn up at Chateau de la Muette by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee

Private-public partnerships were very much encouraged. Goal 8 was “to develop a global partnership for development”, which could mean “cooperation with #pharmaceutical #companies” or making available the “benefits of new technologies” by working with Big Tech

It has also long been interested in so-called “rural development”, aiming to “increase #production and raise #productivity” by means of what it calls a “transition from traditional isolation”. The #World #Bank would like to enable the “transfer of people out of low productivity #agriculture into more rewarding pursuits”.

It is not for nothing that the World Bank/IFC use the #slogan “Creating #Markets, Creating #> Opportunities” (21). For all the do-good language, the bottom line is that investment, like development, is really about making money and accumulating power.

The World Bank has been peddling the #greenwashing scam of so-called “sustainable development” for quite a while now.

In reality, the “sustainable” development they are promoting is every bit of an oxymoron as “equitable” development, being just another aspect of the camouflage with which its proponents hide the reality of their insidious agenda from public view.

*As Esteva writes, “Sustainable development has been explicitly conceived as a strategy for sustaining ‘development’, not for supporting the flourishing and enduring of an infinitely diverse natural and social life”. *

But because they don’t want this profoundly undemocratic situation to be visible, they also construct the propaganda layer which aims, like the propaganda about the need for local “development”, to conceal the true nature of the process.

Because the development mafia depicts itself as representing “good”, all those who go against its agenda must necessarily be “bad” – reactionary, right-wing, conspiracy theorists.

###The process which calls itself “development” in fact equates to nothing other than #destruction, in every context.

As Sachs writes: “Suspicion grows that development was a misconceived enterprise from the beginning. Indeed, it is not the failure of development which has to be feared, but its success. What would a completely developed world look like?” (28)

It would simply be a dead world.

read on: https://winteroak.org.uk/2022/08/02/a-developing-evil-the-malignant-historical-force-behind-the-great-reset/

#GreatReset #winteroak #4IR #capitalism #new_normal


how the modern fiat money system works - what causes inflation?

first of: “economics” is where “believe” and “science” meet.

Often it is not clear, what parts of economics is “real science” and what is “make believe”.

What is for sure: all “modern” monetary systems are FIAT systems,

this means, some entity (state or bank, usually “independent” bank of banks)

  • prints an undefined amount of money (cash)
    • as much as it deems to achieve it’s goals
      • goals could be:
        • 0% unemployment
        • 2% inflation
        • reversal of climate change
        • peace & prosperity for all or just for the top 0.1%
        • what have you
  • it loans/lends that cash to private banks
    • the private banks are (supposed) to lend to productive citizens, that actually give the money it’s value, by adding value to society
      • by designing, building, creating, (mass) production of clever, innovative products & services that help people
        • stay alive & healthy - clean water & food - healthcare
        • get to work or to visit someone - transport
        • communicate - phones, computers, wires that connect computers…

So ask yourself: What gives money it’s value?

As it has no intrinsic value (it is not gold and since the 70s the US-$ is (thanks to Nixon and the Vietnam war) not linked to gold anymore).

The German Mark after ww2 was one of the first FIAT systems, economists predicted it will never work.

But it worked, because Germans worked hard for that paper money, even if it can not be converted to Gold or Silver or “guaranteed amount of bushels of grain” or this or that product of scarcity (that in the terms of grain, actually provide some purpose).

So does printing more money cause inflation?

Sure it does.

Ask yourself: What does a bank produce?

Actually a bank produces only one thing: loans.

If it does not produce loans, it’s like a factory with no output (lost it’s purpose).

The question is: If the banks fail at their core task, can the state step in, and lend money to citizens that want to create those innovative products = jobs?

Also What is the best way to battle inflation?

Imho it would be:

  • a actually working banking system that actually produces loans into the hands of innovative (entrepreneurship) citizens that want to add value
    • if the state does not want to take over that role, it needs to force banks to do their job properly

second best fix:

  • increase the price for money
  • aka increase the price for borrowing money (if something costs nothing it’s not worth anything?) aka increase central bank interest rates on that central bank money (Russia currently has 15.90% Inflation and a central bank interest rate of 9.50% (https://tradingeconomics.com/matrix)

Thatcher did that it was not pretty.

Buying and selling stocks or real estate, is not investment, it’s speculation (not adding value to society in any sense).

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #central #bank #inflation #fita #currency #banks #loans #loan #credit #value #adding #democracy

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/07/22/how-the-modern-fiat-money-system-works-what-causes-inflation/


Federal Reserve Policy Errors

The entire notion that central bank policy makes or breaks the economy is the original Policy Error #1. That is to say, whatever policy a central bank pursues is a policy error because every policy is an attempt to manipulate the self-organizing cycle of credit / economic expansion and contraction.

#FederalReserve #bank #policy #wealth #inequality #instability #fraud #mismanagement



The #bank run is burnt into the collective U.S. imagination for good reason. When the Great #Depression hit, the savings of millions of Americans were wiped out when their banks collapsed. That’s why the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. ( #FDIC) was introduced in 1933. Since then, not a penny of FDIC-insured funds has been lost when banks go under.
It’s a different story when your “bank” is a #cryptocurrency firm. As #crypto prices collapse, customers’ deposits are disappearing with them—or being swiped by the people behind the company. Unregulated markets are looking very much the same now as they did in the 1920s.
#Bitcoin advocates have largely switched away from claiming that the cryptocurrency can function as an actual #currency, mainly due to it still being largely unfeasible to pay for anything in it. Now the claim is that bitcoin is a “store of value”—that is, an asset that won’t lose its worth over time. This has been dramatically shown untrue. More than that, the storekeepers were shoveling the valuables into their own—U.S. dollar-denominated—vaults.

https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/06/21/crypto-regulation-ust-luna-celsius-collapse/ #usa #crisis #economy #tesla #musk #web3 #finance


Bank - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

#Welt! Bist du noch da?

#Lange #Bank

Da sollte man nix drauf schieben, aber sitzen oder liegen lässt es sich da prima am #Diemelsee (-:
Um die 24 Meter aus einem #Stück gefertigt, könnte sie eine meiner #Lieblingsbänke werden, wenn man denn mit dem #Fahrrad hinkommen würde. Leider ist es dort verboten mit dem #Rad zu fahren, und es wird durchs #Ordnungsamt so wie dem #Dorfpolizisten strengstens kontrolliert!

#Kaffee? Oder jemand #Tee?

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


cyber it-security news - DKB phishing fake mails AND sms

how much is the phish? The phone-system but also the E-Mail system, are amongst the oldest, digital systems still in use today (the first E-Mail was send 1971). Unfortunately both systems - back then - were not designed with security in mind.[...]

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #cyber #itsec #cybersec #itsecurity #dkb #bank #banking #phishing #phish

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/05/10/cyber-it-security-news-dkb-phishing-fake-mails-and-sms/


Park - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

#Welt! Bist du noch da?

Im #Park

Da sitzt man an einem lauen #Frühlingsabend im Park auf der #Bank und genießt den #Moment und die #Ruhe und dann öffnet das #Sportstudio seine #Fenster und der #BauchBeinePo-Kurs beginnt das #Training mit einem monotonen duf duf duf duf duf… in einer #Lautstärke, dass selbst die #Laubbläser in der Ferne die Arbeit einstellen und ihre Geräte kontrollieren.

Wenn es denn wenigstens ein #Ständchen für @dirk_arft@nerdpol.ch gewesen wäre.
Alles Gute im Übrigen von mir (-:

So dann jetzt einen ruhigen #Kaffee und eine #Kerze dazu.

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


economist says: family working together is the future - crisis opportunity for change - empower the middle class! now!


It doesn’t happen often, but this time have to give cudos to “a classic” (very conservative, not very revolutionary thinking) economist Hans Werner von Sinn:

  • “Take care of yourselves. Don’t believe that the state can do it. The state will be hopelessly overwhelmed with the socio-political tasks. Social security systems are not in a position to continue the development of living standards as we are used to. The sooner everyone realizes this, the more they will take precautions for the later years of life.”
  • The economics professor advises young people to not to wait too long for thinking about having kids and to concentrate on traditional family images.
  • “Family cohesion (families working WITH instead of AGAINST each other) will become increasingly important in view of the difficulties of the state,” Sinn explained.
  • “Some say that the ECB did not cause the price increases, so it does not have to do anything about it. One cannot argue more wrongly, because the mandate does not focus on the causes of inflation, but on the possibilities of combating it,” the ex-ifo boss continued

…. but not to endanger the 0% financed real estate bubble, where banks sell thousands of vacant buildings in Munich in a circle, IMF-ECB-La Guarde (“The Guardian” (of the banks)) does – nothing.

  • “And they consist of interest rate hikes.” In addition, the monetary authority is not entirely innocent of the high inflation rate. With its bond-buying program, the ECB is partly responsible for rising prices, as government securities were purchased with fresh central bank money. Low interest rates have thus encouraged indebtedness, according to Sinn.
  • The fact that the ECB has not yet heralded the interest rate turnaround, even though the US Federal Reserve raised the key interest rate by 0.25 percentage points in March, also creates an imbalance in international trade. As a result of the ECB’s inaction, the euro has been significantly devalued, which automatically leads to higher import prices – including in the energy sector.

auto translated from: https://www.finanzen.net/nachricht/aktien/pessimistischer-ausblick-ex-ifo-leiter-hans-werner-sinn-prognostiziert-34-laengere-periode-34-wirtschaftlicher-unsicherheit-ezb-in-der-kritik-11282820

family cohesion: it is (sometimes) hard

… unfortunately, nature decided, out of biodiversity reasons (make every individual an individual = very different from his brothers & sisters, in order to ensure that “at least one” will survive, fast changing circumstances (economic crisis, war, famine, climate change, meteoroids… u name it)

So sisters and brothers are by the design of nature – very different – thus having (sometimes) hard times – understanding each other – getting along with each other.

But IF they manage to accept each other – (and if it’s only by living next door, but never speaking to each other X-D) – things might work out.

Capitalism actually increased that acceptance problem, with some 1 to 10% doing very well (often) at the expense of the 90% (who pay their taxes) – WHILE looking down on the 90% as “bummers”.

the downfall of the middle class, is the downfall of families

or in other worlds: who want’s to put kid’s in a fu**ed up (non sustainable = it is going to end) world? (nobody)

Question: Is it any wonder – that in a system – that was not built for man, but for money “around money”, man will soon no longer appear?


I am not surprised (unfortunately).

So when “the system” – betrayed the middle class – because of lobbyism by the money of the top 10% (that sometimes “think” they are the “middle class”) – it “programmed” society – for the downfall of the middle-class (who to steal from? nothing to steal from the poor?) and the downfall of families.

It’s as simple as that.

And turning back the time – won’t help.

It won’t help driving old gas guzzling cars that need a portion of lead in the gasoline to actually function correctly.

There is only one way: forward. Into a sustainable economy that serves all. The sooner the super-rich realize this – the better. (but they will want to preserve the status quo until the very end (death)… so it’s a uphill battle for everyone else)

  • crisis as chance for transformation:
    • central banks have to be put under democratic rule – this way or another – it is inacceptable – that the central banks serve only the private banks.
  • globalization is dead – good – so we can start produce locally and FRESH again 🙂 = more jobs, but who is going to finance those jobs? surely not the existing broken system of corrupt banks.

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #bank #banks #family #kids #ecb #ezb #economist

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/05/03/economist-says-family-working-together-is-the-future-crisis-opportunity-for-change-empower-the-middle-class-now/


BigData in Africa: without any protection - Shivani Siroya TEDx - "A smart new business loan for people with no credit" - When AI takes over - and calls all the shots - and nobody knows why it decides what it decides - not just Africa - bank accounts AI (over)blocked

the risks of all digital (no cash) payment systems & amok AI:

“This happens quite often with customers of the Cashgroup banks (@DeutscheBank / @Postbank / @Commerzbank / @Comdirect) as soon as their algorithms hit your account is directly without giving exact reasons – then sense” (bank account blocked – without any reason given #what the serious f***? all gone mad?) (src: twitter)

Shivani Siroya@TEDx: “A smart new business loan for people with no credit”

this sounds way better than… (clever marketing) reality…





[video width=”628″ height=”368″ mp4=”https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2022-03-23\_Tala\_mobile\_lending\_App\_in\_Kenya.mp4″\]\[/video\]


  • “alright…” (no not alright)
  • thanks for the video ktn, great journalism needs to tell the truth! not display marketing only!
  • “it is not a app where you can get money, and live of the face of the earth…”
    • “you will delete the application and nobody will know that you have taken that amount? no, your profile still exists”
  • “risk based pricing, we are able to assess the risk of the borrower, from 15% to 5%”
  • Q: “what would give me 90% (rating)?”
  • A: “this is machine learning, there is no human intervention… the machine sends your data through our database and will score you… we pick thousands of thousands digital datapoints, that makes it predictive, accureate” (but nobody knows (not even the developers!!?!?!?!?) why it decides to give you a B and not an A rating)
  • so on the one hand it is good, Africa does not care, how much data is collected about individuals, because that’s the only way they can get a loan, because banks EVERYWHERE simply FAIL to do their CORE TASK:
    • bankers should look at the people and their projects and then lend money (good not too greedy conditions).
  • Africa’s governments probably have bigger problems, but they also need to protect the data of their citizens from big corporations trying to exploit it.
  • a reality where AI is making ALL decisions… not sure that will be a good reality, probably not.
  • it is not the first time, AI get’s things wrong: (the risk is that users blindly trust it)


this video gives interesting insights into everyday life in Africa, Kenya….


#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #africa #ted #tedx #alternatives #loans #afrika #tala #finance #credit #score #bigdata #privacy #surveillance #apps #tracking #mobile #lending #banks #bank #deutschebank #commerzbank #comdirect #postbank #cashgroup

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/03/23/data-protection-clearly-does-not-exist-in-africa-shivani-siroya-tedx-a-smart-new-business-loan-for-people-with-no-credit-when-ai-takes-over-and-calls-all-the-shots-and-nobody-knows-why-i/


Auch wieder so eine Sache...

... wo ich als alter Sack nur meinen Kopf schütteln kann (und es im Nacken knarzt)
Als ich ein neues Konto eröffnet habe, fragte man mich auch, ob alle Dauer- und Lastschriftaufträge automatisch umgeschrieben werden sollen. Und sie waren verblüfft, als ich sagte, nöööö, das mache ich schon selbst.

Auf die Idee, Überweisungen per Foto durch eine App zu schieben, würde ich niemals kommen. Ich mache das lieber selbst. Mir geht es da nicht nur um die Datensicherheit allgemein, sondern darum, die Kontrolle drüber zu behalten. Davon abgesehen, sollten bei Privatleuten die Überweisungen an sich überschaubar bleiben. Und wer in der ach so schnelllebigen Zeit keine Zeit mehr hat, selbst Überweisungen auszufüllen, den kann ich nur bemitleiden. In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft.

#bank #fotoüberweisung #dsgvo


If #Oil prices go up, #fuel prices go up & commodity prices go up as both oil & oil-derived fuel are a component of all #commodities that are plastic or transported.

The typical response to #inflation is to increase #interest rates, which if done will result in increased #government #deficits, higher #taxes & combined with monetary inflation & #commodity price increases will force vast numbers of people into #privation.

These are #engineered geoeconomic conditions being used to deliberately #collapse economies as a pretext for a pan-Western, central #bank digital #currency, #biometric ID, #tracking, social credit system, ushered in via manufactured #consent, through a propagandized faux #Hegelian dialectic using applied #psychology.

This is #BuildBackBetter.