

Kyiv: full consensus for disconnecting Russia from SWIFT has been achieved, the process has begun

Kyiv: full consensus for disconnecting Russia from SWIFT has been achieved, the process has begun
Saturday, February 26, 2022 11:05:27 AM

Russia will be disconnected from the international payment system SWIFT. The official decision has not yet been formalized, but technical preparations for the adoption and implementation of this step have already begun, said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on his Facebook page.

"We gnawed and gnawed and gnawed at it. All Ukrainian diplomacy worked – from the President of Ukraine to the attaché in the Ukrainian embassy. Ukrainian diplomats dedicate this victory to all defenders of Ukraine," Kuleba wrote.

Sources close to negotiation process on the policy of sanctions told the Ukrainian news outlet LB.ua that after the consent of Hungary and Cyprus, only the position of Germany was preventing the disconnection of Russia from SWIFT. Such step requires the consent of all EU member states. The Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's editor, Rikard Jozwiak, has reported that Germany has also given its consent.

SWIFT, which stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, is controlled by the National Bank of Belgium and central banks from the US, UK, EU, Japan, Russia, China and others. It delivers secure messages to more than 11,000 financial institutions and companies in more than 200 countries and territories.

Only one country was removed from SWIFT in its history. in 2012, Iran was blocked from SWIFT as part of a series of measures aimed at curbing the Islamic Republic's nuclear program. ...

Germany being the last hold-out is a very poor look.


#Ukraine #SWIFT #Banking #Russia #Sanctions #Banking #InternationalPayments


Revealed: Credit Suisse leak unmasks criminals, fraudsters and corrupt politicians | Credit Suisse | The Guardian

massive leak from one of the world’s biggest private banks, Credit Suisse, has exposed the hidden wealth of clients involved in torture, drug trafficking, money laundering, corruption and other serious crimes.
They include a human trafficker in the Philippines, a Hong Kong stock exchange boss jailed for bribery, a billionaire who ordered the murder of his Lebanese pop star girlfriend and executives who looted Venezuela’s state oil company, as well as corrupt politicians from Egypt to Ukraine.
One Vatican-owned account in the data was used to spend €350m (£290m) in an allegedly fraudulent investment in London property that is at the centre of an ongoing criminal trial of several defendants, including a cardinal.

Yet another important leak from The Guardian.

#crime #banking #CreditSuisse #fraud #corruption #leak



If physical currency is eliminated and all currency becomes intangible, digital currency, all market access will be controllable through the network of banks and payment processors.

This means that your market access control, your ability to buy food, fuel, travel and sell goods and services can be limited or switched off for punitive and control purposes. This is a significant risk to human freedom.

#digitalcurrency #digitalcurrencies #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #currency #physicalcurrency #banks #banking #centralbank #markets #freemarket #freemarkets #freedom #humanfreedom #cash #exchange #payments #marketaccess #control #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #USA #subterfuge #UK #psyop #psyops #economy #money #monetaryreset #greatreset #wef #davos #schwab


Mastercard rolls out ‘Tap on Phone’ that allows a customer contactless card to tap and pay via a phone (no hardware terminal required)

This cuts out the existing separate hardware terminal that has until now been issued to merchants. This system requires only a phone with NFC (and of course the Mastercard merchant app).

Tap on Phone allows businesses to accept payments from any contactless card or mobile wallet right from their NFC-enabled device. With no extra hardware required, businesses can take advantage of this on-the-go solution to enable quick and convenient payment options. There is an option to send a receipt to customers through SMS or email.

See https://www.mastercard.com/global/en/business/overview/start-accepting/tap-on-phone.html

#technology #banking #SMME #mobile #NFC
#Blog, ##banking, ##mobile, ##nfc, ##smme, ##technology


The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy

The COVID-19 crisis underscored the urgency of digitizing sovereign money and ensuring universal access to banking services. It pushed two related ideas—the issuance of central bank digital currency and the provision of retail deposit accounts by central banks—to the forefront of the public policy debate. To date, however, the debate has not produced a coherent vision of how democratizing access to central bank money would—and should—transform and democratize the entire financial system. This lack of a systemic perspective obscures the enormity of the challenge and dilutes our ability to tackle it.

This Article takes up that challenge. It offers a blueprint for a comprehensive restructuring of the central bank balance sheet as the basis for redesigning the core architecture of modern finance.

Link is to an abstract of the 70-page article, which is available as a PDF download:


Omarova is the recently-withdrawn nominee of the Biden Administration to the position of US Comptroller of the Currency, a position with oversight over the banking industry, which strongly resisted the appointment. I'd suggest her proposals deserve all the more attention in that light.


#SauleTOmarova #ComptrollerOfCurrency #Banking #Banks #BankReform #PeoplesLedger


FNB virtual cards get tap-to-pay... Which explains why my virtual cards did not work at a POS

Virtual cards are absolutely the way to go to separate those riskier payments, especially online, into separate virtual pockets, and to pause and reactivate cards when needed.

This however explains why my own virtual cards did not work as a tap-to-pay at a point-of-sale a while back. You just assume this is the way it works. So much for banks to catch up on, such as Discovery Bank won't let me give a custom name to each virtual card, and I only get 5 broad categories, which is a bit useless to remember which is for what online service.

See FNB virtual cards get tap-to-pay

#southafrica #banking #virtualcards #FNB #technology

FNB has launched support for contactless payments using virtual cards.



#banking should not at all be done from "mobile" or "apps" because there's no room for #backdoors in financial transactions. But try telling that to governments which MANDATE back doors and pretend it's somehow possible to have security at the SAME TIME. Or officials who say that only criminals need #encryption (yes, banksters do need transactional security).


))) #alt-banking© (((

Here's something to noodle on.

With the "establishment" banking companies cancelling anyone who
is not a #marxist; (even going as far as #paypal to simply keep your funds
as well, for the crime of not being a marxist) ...

How do you create a banking system, without debt?

Include "currency" in your answer.
It can Not be all #barter.

In the barter times -- everyone could kinda do what everyone else did.
If you had to you could grow food. Or learn to shoe a horse.
The value of bartered items was KINDA equal.

Today, if I want to barter for, say, a car, my skill-set may not KINDA
equal the value of a car; short of ten years of indentured servitude.

The #currency aspect allows for a smoother transition from the current (((banks))) & system.


#banks #banking #banksters and #not-banksters
