

Beijing вывел на рынок «убийцу» Mercedes-Benz с такими же внедорожными способностями: обзор нового BJ40


Одной из самых интересных новинок на китайском рынке является внедорожник Beijing BJ40 2022. Эта модель представляет собой хардкорный внедорожник, который на первый взгляд можно спутать с Mercedes-Benz G-Class. При этом данные автомобили являются представителями разных классов. К тому же китайская модель, естественно, стоит гораздо дешевле. Объединяют эти внедорожники наличие квадратного кузова и жесткая атмосфера экстерьера. […]

#лучшеезанеделю #beijing #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


Официально представлен новый Beijing BJ60 Off-Road с улучшенными внедорожными характеристиками


Вечером 29 июня состоялась онлайн-конференция по презентации внедорожной версии Beijing BJ60 Off-Road 2022 года. Кроме того, на этом мероприятии была представлена новая технологическая платформа компании. Внедорожная версия BJ60 использует большое количество прямых линий и угловатых форм. Массивная решетка радиатора с тремя отверстиями обеспечивает сильный визуальный эффект. Внутри каждого из трех ее секторов установлены дополнительные U-образные […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


BAIC вывел на рынок компактный кросс Rubik Cube за 830 000 рублей: комплектации и цены


24 июня текущего года компания Beijing объявила о старте предпродаж своего городского кроссовера Rubik Cube 2022, запустив в общей сложности 6 комплектаций по цене 102 900–153 900 юаней (833 600-1 246 800 рублей). Новый автомобиль позиционируется как компактный паркетник с размерами 4620x1886x1680 мм и колесной базой 2735 мм. Это первая топливная модель, оснащенная системой Hongmeng […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


#Manchester’s ranking at number 28 sounds even more impressive when you realise we have beaten out some real European heavy-hitters such as Spain’s cities of #Barcelona (35) and #Madrid (43), and Italy’s northern gem #Milan (49), as well as other global tourist hotspots like the US city of #NewYork at 51, and China’s capital #Beijing at 71.”

And #1? Once again, my fave city on Earth, oh, #Vienna! 🇦🇹



Leaked Audio From 80 Internal #TikTok Meetings Shows That US User Data Has Been Repeatedly Accessed From #China

source: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/emilybakerwhite/tiktok-tapes-us-user-data-china-bytedance-access

“Everything is seen in China,” said a member of TikTok’s Trust and Safety department in a September 2021 meeting. In another September meeting, a director referred to one #Beijing - based engineer as a “Master Admin” who “has access to everything.”

Why should things be different in China than in the US? The only difference is that we cannot say with certainty whether Chinese #intelligence services have access. In the US, we know thanks to #Snowden.

#privacy #security #app #software #surveillance #tracking #bigdata #news #problem


What if the new era of great-power competition was over before it had even begun? Many of today’s fears about a multigeneration #conflict with #Beijing rest on linear extrapolations of yesteryear’s data, harkening back to a time when China appeared on track to supplant the United States as the world’s largest #economy. Yet more and more signs point to a China that is fully unprepared for the competition with the #UnitedStates it once sought.
China’s economy, long in decline, is now in freefall—thanks to Chinese leader #Xi Jinping’s mismanagement. Case in point: This year, the #US economy is forecast to grow faster than China’s for the first time since 1976, with strong indications that China has entered a prolonged era of slow growth. More surprising is that Xi, in an attempt to stabilize China’s finances, has largely abandoned his ambitious plans to overhaul China’s growth model, choosing instead to double down on the very economic policies that got #China into today’s economic bind in the first place. Put differently, Xi blinked.

https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/06/13/china-xi-jinping-economy-downturn-slowdown-decline-geopolitics-competition-united-states/ #capitalism #crisis #growth #military #pandemic #usa


На рынок выходит новый электроседан Beijing EU5 PLUS, предназначенный для дальних поездок: официальные фото


Если Вам нужен чисто электрический автомобиль с большим пространством и длительным временем автономной работы, безусловно, седан Beijing EU5 PLUS 2022 станет таким транспортным средством. Его официальные изображения с сопутствующей информацией недавно были опубликованы в Сети. Beijing EU5 PLUS имеет сверхдальний запас хода до 501 км, что упрощает поездки между населенными пунктами. Превосходное время автономной работы […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


«Убийца» Toyota Land Cruiser 300 за 2,4 млн рублей готовится к дебюту: рассекречен новый Beijing BJ60


Китайские СМИ опубликовали в Сети некоторую информацию о новой модели Beijing BJ60 2022. Сообщается, что стоимость автомобиля составит 200 000 – 350 000 юаней, что по актуальному курсу эквивалентно 2,39 – 4,18 млн рублей. Внедорожник будет доступен в пяти- либо семиместном исполнении. Вполне вероятно, что модель будет конкурировать на рынке с Toyota Land Cruiser 300. Длина китайской […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру



Vårt Land ▫️ Our Land
🎼 Fredrik Pacius 🎼

▫️The Finnish National Anthem ▫️

Early this morning our time 🏒Team Finland🏒 beat Russia at the Winter Olympics hockey final... this is to honour them.


The Guards Band of the Finnish Defence Forces is conducted by Major Timo Kotilainen

#TeamSintti #TuneForToday #musiikki #music #Suomi #Finland #Maamme #VårtLand #nationalanthem #jääkiekko #hockey #icehockey #olympics #Beijing #2022 https://youtu.be/BktMHDaDmek


"The Shougang Olympics site is a prime example of reuse elegance"


Big Air Shougang ski jump

The setting for some 2022 Winter Olympic events within a former steel mill in Beijing has been widely criticised for its dystopian aesthetics, but it should be seen as an exemplar reuse project, says Aaron Betsky.

When the first images of competitions currently being held at the 2022 Olympics in Beijing flashed across the world, the reaction on my social feeds was instant.

Seeing the industrial buildings behind the Big Air Shougang ski jump, my friends and contacts typed in messages such as: "This is horrid, I can't believe this is allowed." "Olympics in a nuclear power plant?" another asked.

Even the redoubtable critic Matt Shaw (although he later corrected himself), posted on Faecbook: "This has to be psyop, no? Using these images to broadcast some kind of image about Chinese infrastructural success? Nuclear power as 'clean' energy? What are they saying?"

They weren't the only ones. Western media outlets ranging from Newsweek to Vice piled on with comments on what they saw as dystopian settings, although they had to report that most of the athletes there seemed to enjoy the views. So what is going on? Did the Chinese government really put the Olympic Games in their version of Chernobyl?

The site surrounding the ski jump is a shining example of what we should be doing a lot more of

In fact, the site surrounding the ski jump is a shining example of what we should be doing a lot more of, and what the Chinese are, as usual, rolling out at a vast scale: repurposing old industrial sites for new uses.

The site where, along with the ski jump, the Olympics main offices and one of the Olympic Villages is located have been built or created from repurposed structures, was once the largest steel mill in the world. The government now calls it the New Shougang Comprehensive High End Industry Services District.

Decreed by former president Mao Zedong as part of his drive to turn China into an industrial powerhouse, its 2,200 acres of plants polluted the capital area for half a century until it was shut down in 2011. As part of the effort to clean the air for the 2008 Olympics, the government also installed giant air scrubbers on the site that were meant to suck in pollution and blow out clean air: those are the concrete cylinders that some observers thought were nuclear power plant cooling towers.

[ Big Air Shougang venue at Beijing Winter Olympics


Big Air Shougang set to host ski jumping at Beijing Winter Olympics


I have to assume that part of the government's thinking was that they wanted to avoid the disastrous waste of resources the 2008 games turned out to be, by eschewing as much as possible the construction of new stadia that would, like the famous Bird's Nest designed by Herzog & de Meuron, sit empty after the events were over.

They reused the Bird's Nest for the opening ceremonies of this games, but it was the first time since 2008 the venue has been fully utilised, even if Covid meant it was still mainly empty.

Some structures were built, including that ski jump and a snazzy ice skating arena. A vast amount of infrastructure also connects the capital to the remote locations in the mountains. From an environmental standpoint, the real crime of these games was the fact that it relied almost completely on artificial snow, wasting a tremendous amount of water in a part of the world already heavily stressed by drought conditions and urban growth.

The heavy metal vision behind skiers flying in mid-air reinforced an outdated notion of China as the world's factory

The games were also meant to promote such nascent new resort industries as skiing, which the Chinese had taken to with great gusto before the pandemic, and whose environmental impact is also overwhelmingly negative.

Little of that, though, was visible on television. What viewers saw, or thought they saw, was an industrial landscape serving as a backdrop to the stylized movements of Olympic contenders.

The heavy metal vision behind skiers flying in mid-air reinforced a by now at least partially outdated notion of China as the world's factory, where all the stuff we consume is made in a way that exploits labor and fouls the environment, thereby saving us from doing the same.

What was on display in the reactions was a bit of guilty consciousness. Here was the return of the industrial revolution, which we had thought was now either in the past or outsourced to a country far away, that got us all the goodies making our lives so seamless. Here was also China's raw might, overwhelming the more advanced, but also more delicate figures of the athletes.

The Olympics site is beautiful, and it distresses me that the way it is being filmed and interpreted

As somebody who continues to argue that we need to concentrate on reuse and adaptation before we waste any more resources we cannot replenish on new buildings, this reaction is unfortunate and a bit of a surprise.

We seem to live in an era of ruin porn and Restoration Hardware Chic, in which the coolest new buildings are coal mills in the Ruhr or Pennsylvania turned into universities and climbing walls, and in which the hippest hotels let you dine next to disused boilers and stroke the crumbling concrete before you drift off to sleep.

The Shougang Olympics site, which I visited right before the pandemic closed access, is a prime example of reuse elegance, filled with hotels that let you admire the remnants of industrial might and parks that let you saunter past old cooling ponds that are now habitats for ducks and geese.

[ Snow Ruyi at Beijing 2022


Dezeen's guide to the architecture of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics


It uses the ruinous state of formerly grand forms to remind us of the sublime qualities of industry, while opening up places that are scaled to human beings and bring nature back into the urban setting.

The Olympics site, in other words, is beautiful, and it distresses me that the way it is being filmed and interpreted reveals little of the care numerous designers, under the guidance of overall planners CCTN, have taken to create countless well-thought-out spaces and places (and a few awkward ones, as well as some awful new additions) in a manner that will let this area become a thriving neighborhood in the manner of such success stories as 798 Factory in Beijing or OCT in Shenzhen.

The Olympics site is neither China's reminder to us of its industrial might, nor a memento mori

Finally, the fact that observers assumed that this was all fake is also distressing. Architects are so good at faking their renders that they assume every image is a client presentation. It also points to the profound and deserved distrust we have of governments and news media alike, but also to a climate of perception based on the condition that several generations of observers have now grown up playing video games that are all too often set in the ruins of our situation.

They thus assume that everything they see on a screen that reminds them of our own imminent demise is a stage set made out of pixels.

But no, the Olympics site is neither China's reminder to us of its industrial might, nor a memento mori. It is an all too rare moment of hope at a large enough scale to make a difference that we can reimagine our future in a more sustainable and beautiful way exactly by building on and in the examples of our past mistakes.

Aaron Betsky is director of Virginia Tech School of Architecture and Design and was president of the School of Architecture at Taliesin from 2017 to 2019. A critic of art, architecture, and design, Betsky is the author of over a dozen books on those subjects, including a forthcoming survey of modernism in architecture and design. Trained as an architect and in the humanities at Yale University, Betsky was previously director of the Cincinnati Art Museum (2006-2014) and the Netherlands Architecture Institute (2001-2006), and curator of architecture and design at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (1995-2001). In 2008, he directed the 11th Venice International Biennale of Architecture.

The post "The Shougang Olympics site is a prime example of reuse elegance" appeared first on Dezeen.

#all #architecture #opinion #beijing #china #aaronbetsky #olympicandparalympicgames #beijing2022winterolympics


Was Hong Kong once free? Well, I have never heard of a democratic #colony.

Under British rule, Hong Kong residents were second-class citizens and rebelled against the rulers on several occasions.

Now you may be able to quietly guess how bad the #regime in #Beijing really is when Hong Kong felt freer as a British colony. While voter participation is falling here, in Hong Kong people even get themselves beaten up in order to be allowed to vote. The Western hemisphere believes it has a duty to export freedom to countries such as Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan but only those have a faint idea of what freedom really is who have hopelessly lost it. We should all be aware of how many people have to live in unfreedom so that we can even think about the eternal mantra of freedom.

Source for the image: https://www.deviantart.com/cellar-fcp/art/Umbrella-Revolution-514342256

#hongKongProtest #protest #hongkong #china #freedom #democracy #conflict #politics #solidarity #uk #colony #riot #revolution #umbrellaRevolution #police #violence #tyranny #humanRights #society


Please tell NBC to cover Tibet at the Beijing Winter Olympics
#HumanRights #Tibet #ICT #Beijing #WinterOlympics #NBC #JeffShell #Letter

"The Beijing Winter Olympics will be one of the biggest media events of the year. But with just over a week to go before the opening ceremony, we must push broadcasters to include Tibet in their coverage of the Games.

At the International Campaign for Tibet, we have a new petition to NBC, calling on the official US television partner of the Games to shine a light on China’s repression in Tibet. By adding your name, you can tell NBC it must balance the Chinese government’s propaganda at the Olympics with the truth about the Tibetan people’s suffering.

Chinese officials plan to use these Olympics to boost their reputation. By airing the Games, NBC is giving them a platform to do so. Therefore, it’s only right the network give equal time to the victims of China’s oppression.

There’s no shortage of stories to cover. At ICT, we recently published an open letter to NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell, laying out issues his world-class reporters could investigate, including:

🔹 China’s outrageous demolition of a 99-foot-tall Buddha statue and other Buddhist monuments at the Drango monastery in Tibet
🔹 The lack of access to Tibet for foreign journalists, diplomats and ordinary citizens
🔹 The courage of former Tibetan political prisoners like Dhondup Wangchen and Golok Jigme, who endured years of torture and detention for making a documentary about China’s abuses in Tibet leading up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics
🔹 The Chinese government’s efforts to surveil and intimidate Tibetan American communities in the United States

Those are just some of the stories NBC could report on. But in the bigger picture, we’ve seen this story already.

After the last Beijing Olympics in 2008, the international media moved on, but oppression in Tibet only got worse. More than 150 Tibetans have self-immolated since 2009; hundreds more are currently in detention as political prisoners; and more than half a million Tibetans have been forced into a coercive labor program.

With another Olympics about to begin, we cannot let history repeat. You can help shine the light of truth on Tibet: join us and tell Olympic broadcasters like NBC why Tibet matters at this year’s Games."

Help stop oppression by telling NBC to cover Tibet during the Beijing Winter Olympics