

Viel zu lange

Beim Stöbern in meinem alten Blog habe ich entdeckt, dass ich am 1.10.1990 arbeitslos geworden bin. Dieses genaue Datum hatte ich vergessen. Rente beziehe ich seit dem 1.7.2014 - mithin war ich insgesamt 24 Jahre arbeitslos, das waren 24 Jahre zu viel. Das hat mich erst einma umgehauen, weil meine Schätzungen immer bei etwa 17 Jahren Arbeitslosigkeit gelegen haben. In diesen Jahren wurde mir sehr viel genommen, sowohl seelisch wie finanziell (kein Urlaub, kaum Kultur usw.).

Diese Jahre haben nachhaltige Spuren in mir hinterlassen, die mich teilweise daran gehindert haben und es immer noch tun, mein Leben mit dem "roten Faden" Zufriedenheit zu leben. Manchmal denke ich, ich habe keine Lust mehr, das Alles mitzumachen, aber mein Überlebenswille, mein Durchhaltevermögen und meine Lebensfreude machen es mir möglich, unter diesen Umständen weiter zu leben. Dabei hilft mir auch der Gedanke, dass es Millionen Menschen gibt, denen es wirklich dreckiger geht als mir. Allein, dass ich eine Wohnung habe und mich ernähren kann, ist schon ein sehr hohes Gut.

#arbeitslosigkeit #rente #seele #finanzen #spuren #zufriedenheit #überlebenswille #durchhaltevermögen #lebensfreude #wohnung #ernährung #gut #schatz


gut stuff

This must be why #yoga postures make me feel great: #vegas nerve stimulation is the lifeline between brain and bacteria.

Unrelated and off topic, but these scientists are so important, it would be a shame if they infected each other with novel attack methods before developing cures for the diseases they were trying to prevent.

#science #gut #microbiome #health


#Nanotechnology Used #in Over 2,000 #Food Items Goes Unlabeled Due to Weird FDA Loophole:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=wlAi3KIeTN8

Nanotechnology Used in #Covid #poison darts, 2,000 #Foods Goes #Unlabeled
Extremely small #particles of various #compounds are being used as food #additives, with unknown effects

If you’re one of those people that can often be found in the food aisles of grocery stores reading labels and looking for ingredients you can’t pronounce and don’t want to eat, you’ve most likely noticed several ingredients that, unbeknownst to you, are made using nanotechnology—a process that converts silver, copper, gold, aluminum, silicon, carbon, and metal oxides, among other metals, into atom-sized particles that are one-billionth of a meter in size.

Commonly used nano-sized ingredients include #TitaniumDioxide, which may be the most well-known additive. Others, such as #silicon oxide, calcium carbonate, iron oxides and hydroxides, calcium silicate, tricalcium phosphates, and #synthetic #silicas, are only a few of the additives that may be in your pantry right now.
A New Ingredient
Nanotechnology has become widely used in food production and manufacturing since the #1990s, and its components are unimaginably small—one-hundredth the size of a strand of human hair. They make our food more colorful, brighter, creamier, or crunchier, and they keep it fresher for longer as well.

Nano-sized additives also make some of our medicines more effective.

Nanotechnology is used in the manufacturing of #everyday #products, such as electronics, food and food #packaging, #medicine, #toys, #clothing, #sunscreens, #cosmetics, #dietary #supplements, and #much #more.

While they can provide a myriad of benefits, these increasingly popular product enhancers come at a price, according to #consumer groups and #health experts—and that price is our health.

Health Implications

Because these particles are so small, studies have shown that they can breach the #blood-brain barrier. Researchers are already exploring this quality for drugs meant to treat neurological conditions. But when it comes to food, that’s not a feature anyone is asking for. These particles are also able to circulate throughout the body and get absorbed into the bloodstream and organs. They can #penetrate #cell #walls and potentially create #inflammation and #disease.

“They may pass through the #lining #of the #gut and enter the #bloodstream, which may trigger an inflammatory or immune response,” Harvard School of Public Health’s Georgios Pyrgiotakis told WebMD. “They may also build up in various parts of the body, including the #lungs, the #heart, and reproductive organs.”

In a July 2020 study, a group of researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst found that titanium dioxide, which is commonly added to #gum, #candy, #drinks, and #desserts, caused changes in the gut #microorganisms of two groups of mice.

Both were given doses of titanium oxide. One group was fed a low-fat diet and the other a high-fat diet. After further testing to isolate the titanium dioxide effect, both groups had inflamed colons, which can lead to abdominal pain and diarrhea. The obese mice had more pronounced symptoms.
Vaccine Technology
Nanotechnology is currently being used in two of the three #mRNA #COVID-19 vaccines being given in the United States today.

There’s a #ipid #nanoparticle coating surrounding the mRNA in the vaccines, which allows them to penetrate the cell’s wall.

“Lipid #nanoparticles are a vital component of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, playing a key role in protecting and transporting the mRNA effectively to the right place in cells,” stated the Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society.

“Of the many COVID-19 vaccines under development, the two vaccines that have shown the most promising results in preventing COVID-19 infection represent a new class of vaccine products: They are composed of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) strands encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNP).”

But scientists have continued to call for greater oversight of these substances by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because of their size. Because they easily cross the blood-brain barrier, they may damage it by altering the layer of cells that line the inner wall of blood vessels.

FDA Looks Closer
The FDA, the agency charged with overseeing these additives, has begun to weigh the health risks from nano-sized additives.

The agency currently classifies nanoparticles in food with the designation Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) if the manufacturer is already using the same ingredient in its larger, conventional form.

“The particle size distribution of a food substance may affect its ability to be absorbed by the body or to migrate from food packaging into food,” the FDA stated in a 2007 guidance document on nanotechnology in food.

“The FDA does not categorically judge all products nanomaterial or otherwise involving application of nanotechnology as intrinsically benign or harmful. The FDA is monitoring the evolving science and has a robust research agenda to help assess the safety and effectiveness of products using nanotechnology.”

In 2011, the FDA Nanotechnology Task Force was created to coordinate its efforts with research scientists in the United States and internationally. Its goals are to train staff in the latest science at state-of-the-art facilities and to encourage collaborative research projects.

“Production and application of nanoparticles in consumer products is at an all-time high due to the emerging field of nanotechnology,” the FDA stated in a 2017 Grand Rounds webcast. “Direct detection and quantification of trace levels of nanoparticles within consumer products is very challenging and problematic.”
Tiny Particles, Growing Problem
By 2020, the FDA reported that applications for the approval of products containing nanotechnology had skyrocketed in the previous 10 years. According to many experts in the United States, there are 1,900 to 2,500 food products that use nanotechnology.

In response to health concerns about these products, countries around the #world have taken steps to limit or #ban some or all nanotechnology in their food.

In 2010, #Canada #banned nanotechnology in #organic food production. Since 2011, the #EuropeanUnion has required all food to be #labeled if it contains #engineered #nanomaterials. In 2015, the bloc required additional testing to ensure health safety.

In 2018, the European Food Safety Commission was petitioned by a group of scientists within the agency to reject the food additive silicon dioxide as safe for consumption because of nanoparticles in it, until a particle size distribution could be confirmed.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, #France banned any foods containing #titanium #dioxide from entering the country.

In the United States, the FDA doesn’t require any products produced with nanoparticles to be labeled or banned, and its guidelines recommend oversight on a case-by-case basis. Research on the long-term effects of ingesting nanoparticles remains scant.


Gastrointestinal problems, Irritable Bowl Syndrome, constipation, allergies, Crohn’s disease, etc., are all connected to the gut. On the alternative medicine corners of the internet, the advise given is mostly about food and supplements.
While eating good food is an important pillar of health, there can be a certain obsessive quality to these recommendations. If the digestive system is not strong enough, foods cannot be broken down and absorbed properly, nutrition cannot be taken adequately from the food. Focussing on what is missing and supplementing those deficiencies, is typical for Industrial Medicine and the forms of alternative medicine that mainly mimic Industrial Medicine with other means.
Nature-based medicine focuses on the root causes, like emotional disturbances, unhealthy breathing or exercise habits, scars, tensions in the body and ancestral legacies and uses things like acupuncture to increase the blood flow to the abdomen, and creating a healthy “fermentation vessel” in the gut, so that the balance between the “good” bacteria and the “bad” ones shifts naturally, and the intestines can function properly, increasing the uptake of nutrients. Instead of focussing on what suppositiously is lacking in our lives or, the opposite, focussing on “detoxifying” what we perceive as being unwanted, natural medicine, like traditional acupuncture, aims to optimise the body’s normal, healthy functions, and trusts that this will allow the body to re-align itself with its true purpose according to nature’s design.

All this being said, here is a page full of wonderful ideas by Salvador Katz. He is a master of the dark arts of fermentation, the process that pre-digests your foods, adds flavour and good bacteria as well. Incorporating some fermented foods into your diet will be a great way to enhance it. Doing the fermentation yourself is cheap and fun, and can have you experimenting with flavours you would never get in the store. Fermenting foods is a traditional practice, and fits well into how our bodies have evolved.


#acupuncture #gastrointestionalhealth #fermentation #traditionalmedicine #medicine #alternativemedicine #neijing #health #gut


Patrizier*in #Schlesinger

"Nicht das feudale Bling-Bling ist in der Schlesinger-#Affäre entscheidend. Sondern die feudale Selbstverständlichkeit des #Medien -Adels, mit der sie ihr Amt wahrgenommen hat"
Ein sehr interessanter Kommentar dazu in diesem Beitrag:


Quelle: https://odysee.com/@InfraRotMedien:0/patrizier*in-schlesinger:c

Es lebt sich gut von fremder #Kohle

#Medien #oben #unten #Staat #Gut #Böse #Lebensstil #Aristokratie #Medienadel #ÖRR #reich #reichistniereichgen


A new scoping review of nearly 200 publications covering the relationships between autism spectrum disorder and the #brain#gut#microbiome system was published online today in #Nutrients.

The review synthesizes the growing #body of #research suggesting that gut #microbiota—the trillions of #microorganisms living within the human digestive system—may serve critical roles in modulating #brain functions, #social #behaviors and #autistic symptoms.



'De #interactie tussen de #ingewanden en de #hersenen, het ‘#brain in the #gut’, dat als studieterrein de afgelopen decennia sterk in opkomst is, heeft niet alleen #fysieke gevolgen. De metabolieten, de actieve stoffen die geproduceerd worden in de stofwisseling, sturen ook de werking van de hersenen en daarmee de psyche. De darmen hebben de hersenen bereikt, er is ook een ‘gut in the brain’.'

En dat is precies de reden dat traditionele #acupunctuur veel aandacht besteedt aan het (weer) optimaal laten werken van de darmen. Gezonde voeding is daar een onderdeel van, maar juist acupunctuur kan de darmen en spijsvertering zelf weer goed laten functioneren.

1) https://www.foodlog.nl/artikel/darmhormonen-kunnen-na-maagverkleining-tot-psychische-problemen-leiden/
2) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41574-021-00520-2#Abs1


vfdb e.V. auf Twitter: "Du warst bei der #Hochwasserkatastrophe im Einsatz? Wie war es? Was war #gut? Was #schlecht? Nimm' anonym an der #Umfrage teil: https://t.co/FRI8ytNDmz #Hochwasser #Gewitter #Starkregen #Feuerwehr @THWPresse @roteskreuz_de @johanniter @bundeswehrInfo @DLRG @malteserDE @asb_de https://t.co/akGVqVhqLI" / Twitter

