

IfNotNow : Chuck Schumer, Mike Johnson, Hakeem Jeffries, and Mitch McConnell will forever be remembered as the leaders who invited the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to give a speech to Congress in the middle of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, days after he crossed President Biden’s red line on an invasion of Rafah. This will be their legacy.

US is showing the world that EVERTYHING they have said about law and order, human rights, respect for international law and humanity is nothing but complete lie.

They are the most disgusting hypocrites with the power to control the world economy and military. Sadly, the leaders of Europe and most of the other countries are either complicit or cowards to stand up against them.

#US #USPolitics #Israel #Netanyahu #DNC #GOP #WarCrime #ICC #Inhumanity #Hypocrisy #WTAF #Genocide #CrimeAgainstHumanity #Corruption


Hostages of Israeli revenge in the Gaza Strip: Testimonies of 100 released Palestinian detainees reveal crimes of torture, cruel treatment

Palestinian Territory - In a new report released Tuesday, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor documents the testimonies of about 100 released Palestinian detainees. These testimonies confirm that the Israeli authorities and army committed horrific crimes of arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, torture, and inhuman and cruel treatment against thousands of Palestinian civilians who were arrested as part of Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023.

In a 50-plus-page report titled “Hostages of Israeli Revenge in the Gaza Strip”, Euro-Med Monitor brings to light the widespread practice of arbitrary collective and individual arrests by Israeli forces against civilians in the Strip. Those arrested during Israel’s military incursions and its ground attacks on cities, camps, and residential neighbourhoods throughout the Strip include women, children, the elderly, and displaced individuals.
#Israel #Gaza #HumanRights #Hostages #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #Palestine #Military #WarCrime #CrimeAgainstHumanity #StopIsrael #SaveGaza
report: https://euromedmonitor.org/a/6342


Most of the world wasn't aware of the Holocaust when it was Happening, but they were well aware of the genocide in Rawnda, In Bosnia and in Myanmar, in almost all of those recent genocides, the vast majority of the world decided to stay silent, but what we see in Gaza and occupied territories is well beyond silence, it is criminal support and silencing those who expose it.

#Israel #Gaza #WestBank #CrimeAgainstHumanity #Compliance #Politics


Human Rights Watch accused Saudi guards of killing hundreds of Ethiopians

Human Rights Watch has accused Saudi Arabian border guards of systematically killing hundreds of Ethiopian economic migrants trying to cross from Yemen.

They say at least 655 people have been killed by guards since early last year. Some were shot, others killed or maimed by explosive weapons.

The organisation accused Saudi Arabia, after the UN made similar allegations last year.

Human Rights Watch has called the killings widespread and systematic, and says they could amount to crimes against humanity.

In March, the Saudi government categorically rejected any suggestion that its forces were involved in cross-border killings.

#SaudiArabia #Ethiopia #warcrime #Imounity #Politics #HRW #MassMurder #CrimeAgainstHumanity #Africa



We all knew it, but no one dares saying it publicly.

This is a crime against humanity. But it will go unpunished because the victims are not "civilized Europeans" like those from Ukraine.

@Hypocrisy, #racism and #xenophobia prevent the world from calling this for what it is and punish those who murdered 100s of refugees, most of them women and children.

#Europe #Greece #DeathAtSea #CrimeAgainstHumanity #Hypocrisy #Refugees #Politics #Inhumanity


(now 20 years ago) Ten years ago, a major American magazine published a bombshell report about the non-existence of Iraq’s WMDs. But it was hardly noticed by a corporate press corps too busy hyping the threat from those non-existent weapons.

The story appeared in the March 3, 2003, issue of #Newsweek–a short piece with the headline “The Defector’s Secrets.” It almost seemed as if the magazine didn’t know what it had on its hands. Or perhaps it did.

Inspectors were told “that after the Gulf War, #Iraq destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons stocks and the missiles to deliver them,” Barry wrote. All that remained were “hidden blueprints, computer disks, microfiches” and production molds. The weapons were destroyed secretly, in order to hide their existence from inspectors, in the hopes of someday resuming production after inspections had finished. The #CIA and MI6 were told the same story, Barry reported, and “a military aide who defected with Kamel… backed Kamel’s assertions about the destruction of #WMD stocks.”
#IraqInvasion #Politics #20yearsOfShame #NeverForget #Bush #Blair #CollinPowel #WarCrime #CrimeAgainstHumanity



40 years ago, an Israeli-allied armed group attacked the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon’s capital Beirut.

In June 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon with the stated aim of destroying the PLO.

#OTD #Palestine #Lebanon #Politics #History #CrimeAgainstHumanity

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is an umbrella of Palestinian political parties, created in 1964 with the aim of liberating Palestine through armed struggle.

The #PLO withdrew from Lebanon by September 1, 1982, two weeks later, Israeli forces besieged Sabra and Shatila.

They provided cover for a right-wing #Lebanese militia called the #Phalange to carry out the mass killings that continued for 43 hours.

As many as 3,500 people - mostly Palestinians - were killed. Here’s a look at what happened

#Refugees of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps were victims of the 1948 #Nakba, fleeing the violent ethnic cleansing of Palestine by #Zionist militias as #Israel was formed.

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution declaring the massacre an “act of #genocide”.

Though no one has been held accountable for the crimes of the #Sabra and #Shatila #massacre.
