

#SelenaGomez and #HaileyBieber: A Complete Timeline of Their #TikTok #Drama

Source: https://www.glamour.com/story/selena-gomez-and-hailey-bieber-a-complete-timeline-of-their-tiktok-drama

However, the drama between Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez reached a boiling point in February 2023 when #KylieJenner seemingly joined the fray. Here’s a complete timeline of what went down on TikTok—and everything that came next.


According to BuzzFeed, Hailey Beiber has lost around 1 million followers since the TikTok drama began. Meanwhile, Elle.com reports that Gomez gained 10.5 million followers on #Instagram and Jenner has lost around 500,000 #followers.

First of all congratulations if you have no TikTok & #Instagram and never heard about the drama.

The rest urgently need lessons in more #media #literacy. On the one hand, you make yourself a #bully if you bully supposedly other bullies, and on the other hand, it's not healthy if you devote yourself to every nuance of your stars as a hobby psychologist and interpret them.

#health #internet #stars #celebrities #problem #youth #society #news #affair #scandal #psychology #education #mobbing

Uithuisgeplaatste kinderen behoren in de eerste plaats veilig te zijn, maar in 2019 bleek uit een groot onderzoek dat zij vaak slachtoffer werden van geweld en dat de overheid onvoldoende deed om dit voorkomen.

DocuDrama “Taken - Kinderen van de staat #Drama [100 min. - FILM - NL]

Op 12 juni 2019 presenteerde de Commissie Onderzoek naar Geweld in de Jeugdzorg haar eindrapportage. De conclusies waren ontluisterend. Kim Feenstra ging op zoek naar de vorderingen die sindsdien zijn gemaakt binnen de Jeugdzorg en belandde in een cirkel van verdriet en pijn gedomineerd door geld, macht en onmacht.

Kim Feenstra heeft in haar zoektocht veel betrokkenen gesproken. De verhalen zijn ronduit schokkend te noemen. Jeugdzorg blijkt in veel gevallen een verdienmodel te zijn waar ouders en kinderen de dupe van zijn. Het complexe systeem kent alleen een ingang, maar de uitgang wordt geblokkeerd door alle belanghebbenden die het verdienmodel in stand willen houden. De mensen waar het werkelijk om gaat, de ouders en de kinderen, stuiten op een machtsblok van onmenselijke proporties. Een systeem gedomineerd door geld, macht en onmacht.
Film Gepubliceerd: 9 sept 2022

bron https://www.blckbx.tv/binnenland/kijktip-taken-kinderen-van-de-staat
#documentaire #docu #kinderen #jeugdzorg #feenstra #docsfair #indepen #film #blckbx


Family Politics and Drama

I was recently telling someone that Hubby and I don’t do or tolerate family politics and drama – relative or not.

We each have various family units – whether we consciously think of them as that or not – our energy certainly does.

A family can be (but isn’t limited to):

  • Nuclear Family
    A couple and their dependent children. For me, I include pet, as they are part of the family unit.

  • Immediate Family
    There are different definitions for Immediate Family and Extended Family. For the purpose of this article, I am defining Immediate Family as including the Nuclear Family, parents and siblings.

  • Extended Family
    Those who are one household beyond the Nuclear Family (and can include Immediate Family) such as aunts, uncles, grandparents.

Other Families

We also have the following families. You may disagree with my interpretation (and that’s fine), but I think if you look at it objectively and energetically, you’ll probably see it.

  • Work/Office Family
  • Each In-Person Social Group
  • Each Interest Group (hobbies, etc.)
  • Each Online Group
  • Online Friends

And then we can have:

  • Neighborhood Family
  • City/Town Family
  • State Family
  • Country Family

But don’t forget the:

  • Actual political association family
  • The Human Being Family
  • The Inhabitants of Earth Family (including all non-human inhabitants)

And these are just a few of the families we are connected to.

Each family has its own politics. By that I mean each family unit probably has a...Read More

#3D #4D #5D #choice #opposites #equal #drama #politics #family #energy #motherearth #victim #chaotic #bizarre #clarity


"Hey Straight White Men Pass The Power!"

by #Artichoke #Trust.

#Toynbee #Studios,
28 #Commercial St,
#London E1 6AB

020 7650 7611

email: emily.lake@artichoke.uk.com

Helen Marriage
Richard Kitson
Janice Evelyn Boud
Ruth Hogarth
Stephanie Flanders
Allan Cook
Dalwardin Babu

#Charitable objects:
"To advance the #education of the #public in the #arts, including the arts of #music, #speech, #drama and #dance, in all their branches and in particular by public performances."

Reg. #Charity No: 1112716

#Search Details: https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search

#Assets: £1.19 million.

£1+ million in #staff #pay for 2021.

Received #money from #Bloomberg, #Amazon & #UK #taxpayers.

#artichoketrust #helenmarriage #culturalmarxism


Grand Illusion

As we become more awakened, we realize that we have to work to release the 3D illusions that we’ve held on to for pretty much our whole life as an immersed human. Trouble is, what are the illusions? How do we release them? If we release them, then what? These questions, and others we may pile on top of those questions, is when we may begin to feel a bit panicky.


Let’s start with illusions. EVERYTHING is an illusion.

Have you ever been to, or seen, a movie set? Most buildings are a facade. They only have the front of the building. It’s a movie mask, an illusion, and has nothing backing it up except our willingness to believe it has depth and substance.

Did you get that? “... has nothing backing it up except our willingness to believe it has depth and substance.”

It is our beliefs that keep the facades active. Once you stop believing – or to use the Wizard of Oz example – you pull back the curtain and discover it’s just a grand illusion – then you can move on to discovering what’s real.

But, there’s a catch...Read More

#reality #illusion #drama #facades #undefined #3D #metaphysical #spiritual