Bankrupt - Hyperloop One
Whatever Happened To Virgin Hyperloop One
#Oops #Bankrupt #Hyperloop #FailedTech #ElonMusk #ElonFailedFantasy #Virgin
Whatever Happened To Virgin Hyperloop One
#Oops #Bankrupt #Hyperloop #FailedTech #ElonMusk #ElonFailedFantasy #Virgin
It's not exactly confidence-inducing to see a car that's meant to serve as a rugged off-the-grid base — and even a way to get around Mars, according to Tesla CEO Elon Musk — turn into a giant "Tesla Paperweight," as quipped, after a routine hosing off.
#News #Evehicles #ETrucks #TeslaMotors #Technology #ElonMusk
Krise am E-Auto-Markt - Tausenden Tesla-Mitarbeitern droht das Job-Aus
Elon Musk will offenbar wegen sinkender E-Auto-Nachfrage 14.000 Stellen streichen. Auch Tesla-Mitarbeiter in Grünheide (Brandenburg) droht der Jobverlust.#Mobilität #ElonMusk #Tesla #GrünheideinBrandenburg #E-Autos
Tesla: Tausenden Mitarbeitenden droht das Job-Aus
Javier Milei and Elon Musk met at the #Tesla plant in Austin, Texas, to reaffirm the personal and ideological harmony they displayed in their successive contacts on the 𝕏 social network (formerly #Twitter).
⚡️ The meeting showcased the similarities between the president and the powerful businessman regarding the importance of market freedom, the progress of countries, the need to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles, the development of technology, and the necessity of preserving the rules of the game.
#ElonMusk #JavierMilei #SouthAmerica #Fascism #US #Politics #Economy
All in the name of "democracy" and fight against "censorship" on a platform that bans anyone supporting Palestinians and exposes the war crimes of Israeli genocidal regime.
Die Mondlandung gilt bis heute als die größte Sensation der Raumfahrtgeschichte. Seit mehr als 50 Jahren hat allerdings niemand mehr die Mondoberfläche betreten. 🎙️#Wissen #ElonMusk #Mission #Mond #NASA #Raumfahrt #SpektrumderWissenschaft #Spektrum-Podcast #Weltall #Weltraumtourismus #Wissenschaft #Spektrum #Science #Forschung #Naturwissenschaft # #Astronomie
Spektrum-Podcast: Die Rückkehr der Menschen zum Mond
Das Werk von Tesla in Brandenburg gilt als Leuchtturmprojekt – ruft aber regelmäßig Umweltschützer auf den Plan. Warum Tesla vor Ort umstritten ist.#Tesla #EAutos #Brandenburg #ElonMusk #podcast #nahdran
Wut auf Tesla - warum das Werk in Brandenburg so viel Protest auslöst
Die Tesla-Beschäftigten haben einen neuen Betriebsrat gewählt. Stärkste Liste wurde die IG Metall – zum Ärger von Gewerkschaftsfeind Elon Musk.#Tesla #ElonMusk #Betriebsrat #IGMetall #Gewerkschaft #Elektroauto #Grünheide #GNS #Arbeit #Öko #Feed
Betriebsratswahl bei Tesla: Echte Demokratie in Grünheide
Tesla macht vor allem mit seinem Werk in Grünheide Schlagzeilen. Dort setzt der E-Autobauer seine Fahrzeuge zusammen. Wie klimafreundlich sind sie?#Tesla #ElonMusk #Klimaschutzziele #SUV #Grünheide #Elektromobilität #Verkehr #Öko
Ist Tesla schlecht fürs Klima?: Selbst der kleinste Pkw ist ein SUV
Despite my general interest in space flight from a scientific point of view, I can't really disagree.
♲ Hank G ☑️ - 2024-03-14 14:59:13 GMT
In light of the breathless coverage of another Starship launch I have to say that I can’t get excited about anything SpaceX does until Musk has absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s not just about being petty because of my utter contempt for Musk, although that admittedly is a part of it. It is also because like every other Musk venture it is about his aggregation of as much power, money, and adulation as possible no matter who gets fucked over even if it is literally the entire planet. One person should not have dictator for life control over access to an entire shell of space, EM spectrum bands, national charging networks, social networks, much less all of those and more. Starship is not primarily about getting to Mars to “preserve the light of humanity” despite his marketing bullshit. It is about Musk individually controlling global satellite internet and all terrestrial spectrum that would overlap it. It is about him controlling access to space so he can dictate to the any government on the planet including the US his whims and needs above everyone else’s. Musk is Exhibit A of my firm belief that billionaires should not exist. It is a defect of our system that we allow one person to hoard that much wealth and power. #rant #ElonMusk #SpaceX #BillionairesShouldNotExist
“But apparently free speech absolutism doesn’t apply when it comes to #questions about him from people like me,” he added.
#news #freedom #freeSpeech #elonmusk #twitter #fail #question #problem #ethics #ideology
In light of the breathless coverage of another Starship launch I have to say that I can’t get excited about anything SpaceX does until Musk has absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s not just about being petty because of my utter contempt for Musk, although that admittedly is a part of it. It is also because like every other Musk venture it is about his aggregation of as much power, money, and adulation as possible no matter who gets fucked over even if it is literally the entire planet. One person should not have dictator for life control over access to an entire shell of space, EM spectrum bands, national charging networks, social networks, much less all of those and more. Starship is not primarily about getting to Mars to “preserve the light of humanity” despite his marketing bullshit. It is about Musk individually controlling global satellite internet and all terrestrial spectrum that would overlap it. It is about him controlling access to space so he can dictate to the any government on the planet including the US his whims and needs above everyone else’s. Musk is Exhibit A of my firm belief that billionaires should not exist. It is a defect of our system that we allow one person to hoard that much wealth and power. #rant #ElonMusk #SpaceX #BillionairesShouldNotExist
In Grünheide wird Elon Musk von jubelnden Mitarbeitenden empfangen. Derweil wollen Umweltaktivisten weiter den Ausbau des Werks zu verhindern.#Grünheide #Tesla #ElonMusk #E-Autos #GNS #ReportageundRecherche #Gesellschaft #Feed
Nach dem Brandanschlag gegen Tesla: Baumfreunde gegen Autoliebhaber
Die Bürgerinitiative Grünheide kämpft gegen Tesla. Den mutmaßlichen Anschlag auf das Autowerk heißt die Vorsitzende Manuela Hoyer trotzdem nicht gut.#Grünheide #Vulkangruppe #Tesla #ElonMusk #Bürgerinitiative #Umweltschutz #GNS #Ökologie #Öko #Feed
BI-Vorsitzende über Anschlag auf Tesla: „Mich hat diese Aktion erschreckt“
Vieles, was die „Vulkangruppe“ Elon Musk und Tesla vorwirft, könnte man als harten Tobak abstempeln. Doch ist auch faktenbasierte Kritik dabei?#Tesla #Vulkangruppe #Grünheide #ElonMusk #Umweltschutz #Ökologie #Öko
Bekennerschreiben der Vulkangruppe: Mehr als Revolutionspoesie?