

Page Not Found: A Brief #History of the #404 #Error

source: https://www.wired.com/story/page-not-found-a-brief-history-of-the-404-error/

When asked if he had any theories about why the error so enchanted people, Cailliau wrote “I don’t even have a hunch about the 404 #fascination. And frankly I don’t give a damn. The sort of #creativity that goes into 404 #response pages is fairly useless. The #mythology is probably due to the #irrationality, denial of #evidence, and preference for the fairy tale over reality that is quite common in the human species … These human traits were relatively innocent in the past, when individual #influence was small and #information spread slowly. Today, and in no small way due to the #existence of the net, these traits have gained a #power that is dangerous.” As examples, he cited the election of Donald #Trump, the deterioration of the #EU, meek political responses to gun #violence, and the proliferation of euphemism (“climate change”). Or the fascination could just be a dash of #humanity, an appreciation that the #internet is made by humans, and humans—especially on the internet—are often bored.

How deep is the rabbit hole really? I did not know that the #conspiracy goes so far and even simple error pages are part of this conspiracy ...


#html #web #www #theory #computer #politics #economy #humanity


How an 8 year old exploited #Zoom to get a time off from home schooling

source: https://twitter.com/mfpiccolo/status/1360685864100237318

After hours on the phone with Zoom tech support the techs are completely stumped. They say that the account was locked at some point but my sister knows there has been hundreds of login attempts from multiple locations so that makes sense.


The more times you do this, the longer the wait period for you to get back into Zoom. She also noticed that the error that is presented to a user when they are locked is “Incorrect password” and not “your account has been locked”. My niece found the #exploit and combined it with her cute 8 year old face, a face that never could tell a lie much less pull off an elaborate scheme to trick no less that 8 adults for 3 weeks straight.

#school #education #technology #internet #support #children #hacker #news #password #login #error


I am a big fan of #FDroid but the #error management is a #disaster.

source: https://f-droid.org

F-Droid is free #software and an alternative for the #Google Play Store on #Android on the #smartphone.

Most of the time, everything runs great, but sometimes apps cannot be installed or updated.

The error messages displayed are:
- internal error
- unknown error

So the user is left to find out the error by herself. Often the problem is the space on the device. From time to time, however, you are just guessing and have to wait until the next update. In my experience, this is always due to careless programming. Any error message, no matter how cryptic, is better than what is displayed.

#problem #usability #Criticism #interface #app


A quotation by Gaiman, Neil

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

Neil Gaiman (b. 1960) British fabulist

Neil Gaiman’s Journal, “My New Year Wish” (31 Dec 2011)

#quote #quotation #attempting #endeavor #error #failure #fear #learning #mistake #resolution #risk #striving

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/gaiman-neil/50545/


An #Excel error led to an estimated 1,500 deaths in the #UK last year

source: https://nitter.eu/emollick/status/1472223729056841732

The UK #COVID contact tracing effort saved to an old Excel file format (.XLS) rather than the new one (.XLSX). The smaller row limits resulted in names being dropped & they were never contacted by tracers.

#scandal #software #health #death #problem #politics #pandemic #fail #corona #coronavirus #covid-19 #wtf #omg #news #error


#Tesla drivers left unable to start their cars after outage

source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59357306

"Technology makes things convenient, but relies on a server working 100% of the time. It's the same as leaving the house without my credit cards, expecting to pay for things with my #smartphone. If we are reliant on one mechanism all the time, we can be caught out."

Brave new #technology :(

#cloud #server #online #fail #error #car #traffic #travel #wtf #news #Musk #blackout


The lousy technical #support at the example of #HP

At my #university HP notebooks are very common because they have a #cooperation with them. That's why I'm ranting about HP here, but #DELL isn't better. In seminars outside the computer science area, I am usually the one who takes care of the technical stuff. Because I can :) So a friend of mine brought me her HP notebook because it wouldn't boot anymore and showed an error message. The #error message was more than threatening: hard disk may be damaged, urgent #backup and replacement recommended. I was able to do a #SMART check of the #SSD via the Bios and save the result to a USB stick. Displaying the result directly on the screen would also have been too easy. The LOG file on the USB stick was very long and somewhere in there it said there was an error 302, but what does that mean? HP does not describe what the error means anywhere on its website. Instead, you were only told to call a technician for a fee because the warranty had already expired. Fortunately, there are other sources on the Internet and so I found out the following.

Error Code 302: The volume is too fragmented to complete this operation.

You could have continued to work with the error for a while without any problems. I uninstalled all the #crap that accumulates with noobs and deleted the TEMP directory and everything ran smoothly again. The HP #support will probably first make a paid backup, then install a new SSD, and then charge a high bill. All totally unnecessary for this error and in my opinion, fraud on the naive customer :(

enter image description here

#fail #rant #technology #economy #money #capitalism #knowledge


Vor vielen vielen Jahren habe ich mich mal sehr geärgert, dass ich auf meinem Computer eine Datei nicht anlegen konnte, die con.con heißen sollte.
Ich hatte damals ein Programm geschrieben, welches halt verschiedene Dateien anlegt und benennt in Abhängigkeit zu ihrem Inhalt etc. etc. besonders geärgert hatte mich auch, dass es keinen Fehler gab, meinem Programm wurde signalisiert, dass es erfolgreich die Datei geschrieben hätte und fertig. Nur lesen konnte ich sie später nicht, weil sie nicht da war.

Ich habe mich sehr geärgert, sehr und in Internetforen rumgeschimpft was für ein Mist das wäre etc. irgendwann hat mich irgendwer auf ein Microsoft-Dokument hingewiesen, in dem tatsächlich definiert war, dass man keine Datei con nennen darf (und auf Windows sind con und Con und CON und CoN ja auch das selbe).
Na immerhin war es dokumentiert, ABER WARUM BEKOMME ICH KEINE FEHLERMELDUNG beklagte ich.

Jetzt bin ich über dieses Video gestolpert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC6tngl0PTI welches mir die Sache ordentlich erklärt.

Und falls ihr keinen Bock habt euch das anzusehen (es ist ausländisch) hier die Erklärung in aller Kürze:
* DOS hatte ein ähnliches Konzept wie Linux' "everything is a file" das heißt: Devices hatten eine Datei-Repräsentation (so wie /dev/tty2)
* CON war so eine Datei-Repräsentation für eine console
* Dateinamens-Erweiterungen (also das .con was ich benutzt oder .txt oder so) sind nicht so richtig Teil des Dateinamens (und daher unabhängig davon zu betrachten)
* So und weil CON so ein file-device-Dingsi ist gibt es auch keine Fehlermeldung, es ist ja völlig korrekt dass ich "nach console" schreiben kann.

Der ganze "Vorfall" ist jetzt äääh 15 Jahre her oder so und JETZT, JETZT ENDLICH hat es mir jemand so erklärt dass es auch Sinn ergibt :D. Bis heute war es für mich so ein "ja geht nicht, weil Windows".

#Windows #Microsoft #Operatingsystem #Betriebssystem #Softwaredevelopment #Softwareentwicklung #Fehler #Error #con #problem #Erklärung #explanation #filesystem #Dateisystem #youtube #filedevice