

Hey everyone, I’m not really #newhere. On this pod, I've set my profile tags to say I’m interested in #freeenergy, #freepress, #freeroaming, #freesofftware, and #freespeech.

I've a notion that eventually I'll arrange my various pod accounts to be like my #portance idea, where one will be lowest traffic highest importance, through to most trivial verbose churning, and all gradations between. (Seems like I'll get around to that, sooner than creating a prototype of my portance idea for others to try somewhere/anywhere)

(Not sure I will keep using diaspora-fr, if it keeps refusing to show me my avatar... Is it just me and my blockers blocking some site it hosts images on, or can you see it? Do I look grey on white background, or do I look like a tux with a gnu head and a yellow vest sat on my usual drop from infinity avatar?)


Four years ago today, Julian #Assange was arrested in #London and thrown into Belmarsh maximum security prison - for letting us witness the war crimes committed in our name.

He's still in there today.

By punishing the exposure of war crimes, the #US and #UK governments signal their intent to keep committing them.
1,460 days inside Belmarsh; this is an epic struggle of our time - the struggle of a man against power, the struggle of memory against forgetting.

We must remember. We must make sure that Julian is released and returns to his family. The conscience of the world is at stake.
#Politics #WarCrime
