

Geile Scheiße

Post und DHL wechseln von Google Maps zu Openstreetmap

Die Deutsche #Post und auch #DHL nutzen #Google #Maps nicht mehr länger bei der #Paketverfolgung. Stattdessen setzen sie auf #Kartenmaterial von #Openstreetmap.

Natürlich nur wegen des Geldes und nicht weil die Post plötzlich Open Source für sich entdeckt hat. Bleibt zu hoffen daß sich das ändert und sie hilft, das Kartenmaterial zu verbessern.



Esri Defense

GIS software company ESRI is shutting down internal conversations about whether or not their products are being used by the Israel Defense Forces - from an employee

EDITORIAL NOTE: Further reason to use FOSS4G? This report is uncorroborated, but seems to square with Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc's policies.

Throwaway account--trying to post in a few subs because I think this is important.

For those who don't know, ESRI creates Geographic Information Systems software. This software is used for making maps and spatial analysis, among other things. If you work in GIS, or use maps, you've probably used this software. Now for the important part.

On Monday, December 11, 2023, an employee posted in the HR Teams channel to ask the question: "Is the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) using ArcGIS to help with the current bombings in Gaza?" The employee went on to explain that they had reached out to HR with this question and was told that "the specific information you are requesting is not going to be supplied to you. We would need permission from a distributor or customer to provide specific information about products sold or used and we don't have said permission."

The employee went on to explain that they thought it was important for ESRI employees to know this information. The employee also inquired if others were concerned and wanted answers. The employee also pointed out that ESRI had taken a political stand previously with regard to Ukraine and Russia and provided a screenshot of an official ESRI statement that said: "Esri stands in solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Our software is not and will not be deployed in any military or intel organization in Russia. Esri distributor CIS is curtailing sales in Russia. We are actively supporting the humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, and we continue to work with many European countries, as well as NATO, the United Nations, and the US State Department. Esri will do everything we can to help Ukraine and its people."

The post garnered a lot of attention and support from other employees. Several responded that they were concerned that ESRI is providing software for a genocide. The specific word "genocide" was used a few times. There was one dissenting comment.

On Wednesday, December 20, 2023, another employee commented on the thread to say that the original poster had resigned on Friday, December 15, 2023, due to "lack of answers from the administration."

Later that day, an email was sent out about a new policy with regard to the digital environment and appropriate business conduct.

Today, December 21, 2023, the entire thread and all of the responses were deleted, presumably by HR, since they manage the channel. An HR team member replied and said that "there were many posts involving sensitive topics and comments that were not appropriate for a business setting. I have received numerous inquiries and employees stating that they feel uncomfortable with the messaging and tone in these posts." Meanwhile, a separate post in the same channel, made on October 15, 2023, titled "Condemning the terrorist attacks in Israel" stayed up. It would seem that ESRI is not concerned with the discomfort of their Palestinian employees.

I am an ESRI employee and I am furious. ESRI talks about their commitment to making the world a better place while shutting down conversations by their employees about genocide. I don't think it's a secret that ESRI operates this way, but I wanted to share what's happening on the inside. Many of us are angry and we won't be silenced.


#Shaban1445 #GIS #Israel #ArcGIS #war #antiwar #technology #Gaza #Palestine #warcrimes #genocide #Esri #BDS #OSM #FOSS4G #openstreetmap #opensource #ethics #corporateethics #politics #ukraine #russia #rothschildistan #map #mapping #countermapping #cartography #geospatial #geography
#military #militarytechnology #QGIS #GRASSGIS #IDF #IOF


Not happy about the recent development around #OrganicMaps

They added kayak, a proprietary booking service, in december 2023. That resulted in #Fdroid tagging the app as using ads.

A debate broke out what qualifies as advertising. Personally earning money via referral-links certainly is very problematic. It basically means, the app makers are no longer neutral in regards to how links are presented in the app, which I consider a dark pattern that I would not want in a navigation / maps app.

A PR was created to add toggles to a) social platforms and b) proprietary Kayak booking service https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/pull/6720

That brought up the question whether such a dark pattern services should be opt-in or opt-out. If people are so happy to use Kayak, why not make that service opt-in and all the happy Kayak users will be able to use their favorite service conveniently.

But maybe there are not so many Kayak users out there and the idea was always to throw the entire OM user base against this dark pattern by default.

Wondering if there was any agreement between #Kayak and OrganicMaps about adding the service. Have not read about that but also from what I read, that question has not been raised.

biodranik, a core OM developer stated: "If you don't like social or any other links displayed, then don't click them. ... Note that there is also always an option to fork OM and customize it for your needs" https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/pull/6720#issuecomment-1914101249

I strongly disagreee with those statements. Users go with defaults. If you want to create an app that respects user privacy and doesn't use dark patters, please don't add referral links. Or add them and make them opt-in. Probalby only a few users would then use such dark patterns. But at least they would have made a conscious descision to opt-in to using Kayak. Also personally I will never visit any instagram or facebook link. If there was an option to hide the links of those surveillance capitalism services, I wouldn't hesitate a second to make use of it.

That PR was however rejected and closed in favor of an inferior solution (see below). Also that issue was locked to prevent further debate. Only later was it unlocked again.

While I understand the core team has an interest to monetize, they are also not shy asking for donations. Adding referral links and dark patterns to an app that claims to be privacy friendly does not go along well.

The side effect of all this is, that OM has not seen an update on #Fdroid for a while now. To resolve that problem https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/pull/7262 was created, removing referral codes from F-Droid build but not from the app in general. Also that PR does not include a toggle to disable either kayak or social platforms from what I can tell, which again is not great and cause of concern.

licaon-kter of F-Droid stated in the new issue: "This is no replacement for #6720 🙁
That one granted you the option to keep the referral, as you wanted, and users that would want to help OM would be able to renounce on some of their own privacy to be able to do so." https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/pull/7262#issuecomment-1913662305

Couldn't agree more: keeping the feature but making it opt-in would resolve most conflicts. Apparently OM team is not willing to compromise on that solution.

Telling users "go make a fork, OM is OSS" is not a great reply to the questions and concerns brought up in regards to that new dark pattern added to the app.

They say they wouldn't make much off the referral links. Either that is the case, than they could make the feature opt-in. Or they have other plans in which this feature is problematic since they as devs are no longer neutral about the app behavior. Maybe at a later point in time the links off of which they make money will be more prominent. More dark patters are then inevitable over the course of time.

😢 #opensource #openstreetmap #osm


Heute: 20.01.2024 -> #Lüneburg -> Lambertiplatz 16:00 Uhr

Ich werde mich heute aus meinem "Dorf-Schloß" in die nächst größere Stadt begeben und mein Statement zum Thema abgeben. Ich muß ganz ehrlich zugeben, daß mich die bundesweiten Demos positiv überrascht haben. Hätte nicht erwartet, daß sich nochmal soviel Anstand formiert (könnte aber gern noch mehr sein). Solltet ihr in der Nähe sein, dann kommt vorbei. <3
Karte via #OpenStreetMap: https://osm.org/go/0G9tZoatZ--

#Antifa #Antifaschistische-Aktion #NoNazis #NoAfD #NoWerteunion #NoCDU #Demo ☮️


@free open source

OpenStreetMap - 2024-01-13 15:00:38 GMT

OpenStreetMap data is free, we only ask that you tell people about us in exchange¹.Some site use OSM without attribution, *and* hotlink to OSMF tile servers. 😭 Our data is free, but our servers cost time & money. 🖥 It's now even easier for you to report naughty sites like that. 📝 They can (eventually) be blocked from freeloading. We hope this will increase visibility of OSM! 👍 🎉

Read more: https://github.com/openstreetmap/tile-attribution/blob/main/README.md
#OpenStreetMap #OSM
¹ to simplify the OSM licence req's.



A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and other websites to their alternative privacy friendly frontends.

Great project names to find: Urban Dictionary → Rural Dictionary

YouTube → Invidious, Piped, Piped-Material, PokeTube, CloudTube, Tubo, FreeTube, Yattee, FreeTube PWA
YouTube Music → Beatbump, Hyperpipe
Twitter → Nitter
Bluesky → skyview
Reddit → Libreddit, Teddit
Tumblr → Priviblur
Twitch → SafeTwitch, Twineo
TikTok → ProxiTok
Instagram → Proxigram
IMDb → LibreMDb
Bilibili → MikuInvidious
Pixiv → PixivFE
Fandom → BreezeWiki
Imgur → Rimgo
Pinterest → Binternet
Soundcloud → Tubo
Bandcamp → Tent
Tekstowo → TekstoLibre
Genius → Dumb
Medium → Scribe, LibMedium
Quora → Quetre
Github → Gothub
Gitlab → Laboratory
Stack Overflow → AnonymousOverflow
Reuters → Neuters
Snopes → Suds
Urban Dictionary → Rural Dictionary
Goodreads → BiblioReads
Wolfram Alpha → WolfreeAlpha
Instructables → Indestructables, Destructables
Wikipedia → Wikiless
Wayback Machine → Wayback Classic
Search → SearXNG, SearX, Whoogle, LibreX, 4get
Translate → SimplyTranslate, Mozhi, LibreTranslate
Google Maps → OpenStreetMap
Meet → Jitsi
Send Files → Send
Paste Text → PrivateBin

#libredirect #youtube #invidious #piped #poketube #cloudtube #tubo #freetube #yattee #beatbump #hyperpipe #twitter #nitter #bluesky #skyview #reddit #teddit #libreddit #tumblr #priviblur #twitch #safetwitch #twineo #tiktok #proxytok #instagram #proxigram #imdb #libremdb #bilibili #mikuInvidious #pixiv #pixivfe #fandom #breezewiki #imgur #rimgo #pinterest #binternet #soundcloud #tubo #bandcamp #tent #tekstowo #tekstolibre #genius #dumb #medium #scribe #libmedium #quora #ouetre #github #gothub #gitlab #laboratory #stackoverflow #anonymousoverflow #reuters #neuters #snopes #suds #urbandictionary #ruraldictionary #goodreads #biblioReads #wolframalpha #wolfreealpha #instructables #indestructables #destructables #wikipedia #wikiless #waybackmachine #waybackclassic #search #searxng #searx #whoogle #librex #4get #translate #simplytranslate #mozhi #libretranslate #googlemaps #openstreetmap #meet #jitsi #sendfiles #send #pastetext #privatebin


Prenez un (excellent) smartphone Crosscall étanche et solide, en charge sur son support moto.
Suivez les indications d'un (excellent) GPS open source OsmAnd , respectueux et précis
Vous arrivez à bon port en Bretagne, même sous la tempête de samedi dernier !
Ajouté Coyote pour les dangers de toute sorte, la route est sûre !
Merci à eux pour la qualité de leurs productions

#crosscall #osmand #OpenStreetMap #coyote


#Google is trying again to convince you, YES YOU, to contribute for free to Google Maps.
Please don't.
It is 100% #proprietary, Google has full control over the data you added and people can only access Google Maps over proprietary channels where Google dictates the rules. This gives them too much power.

Contribute to #OpenStreetMap instead, it's a project by the community, for the community.



Habt Ihr vielleicht Empfehlungen für Tools bzw. Anleitungen, mit denen für eine Veranstaltung eine #OpenStreetMap -Karte mit (vielen) Markern erstellt werden kann?
Aktuell geht es um eine Empfehlung für jemanden, der bislang voll von #Google und #GoogleMaps überzeugt ist, Details s.u.

Ad hoc habe ich bspw. dieses Tool gefunden, aber vielleicht habt Ihr weitere/andere Empfehlungen?
vielleicht auch #uMap ?

Zum Hintergrund:
Am Wochenende gab es hier in #Köln eine sehr schöne Veranstaltung. Die Karte dazu war leider auf Google-Basis und stellte sich für mich so dar (s. Bild 1):
Anzeige der Google-Karte: nur die Punkte sind zu sehen, aber die Karte nur als eine schwarze Fläche mit der Meldung "Leider sind hier keine Bilder verfügbar"
Ich habe daraufhin den Veranstalter per Mail angeschrieben (Betreff: "Karte funktioniert nicht - ... Wäre es nicht besser für solche Zwecke ein zuverlässigeres Tool wie bspw. OpenStreetMap zu verwenden?")
Auf den Vorschlag wurde nicht eingegangen, nur ein anderer Browser empfohlen. Aber im Nachgang kam nun noch die Meldung "irgendwann lief es auch bei mir nicht mehr - die Einbindung von Google-Karten muss man bezahlen, es kann sein, dass gestern das „Account-Limit“ dort gesprengt wurde aufgrund der vielen Zugriffe."

Nach der Erfahrung wäre ja vielleicht doch Bereitschaft für Alternativen da und da würde ich gerne was Konkretes empfehlen können, das aber möglichst einfach funktionieren sollte und niedrigschwellig umsetzbar ist.

#OpenStreetMap #OSM #uMap #DeGoogle
// cc @𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼 @Hey, Alter! Köln e.V. @crossgolf_rebel on Calckey :firefish:


Hallo zusammen,
ich habe eine kleine Befragung zum Thema "Karten-Apps & Navigation" 🗺️ 📍 erstellt und lade Euch hiermit 🧡lich zur Teilnahme an der Befragung ein. Die Umfrage beinhaltet (maximal 10) Fragen zu #KartenApps im Allgemeinen und zu #OpenStreetMap im Besonderen.

Die Umfrage dauert nur wenige Minuten und ist anonym. Es werden keinerlei personenbezogene Daten erhoben, alle Angaben sind freiwillig. Die Ergebnisse werden in zusammengefasster Form auf gnulinux.ch veröffentlicht.

Über den folgenden Link kommst Du direkt zur Befragung:
👉 https://cryptpad.digitalcourage.de/form/#/2/form/view/2hCqKwX6AoKaP6knPb1rzRPRObOJXWGOVEqb0dnGv2s/

Teile gerne diesen Beitrag für die breitere Verteilung im #Fediverse! 🚀 #BoostOk #BoostWelcome
Gerne kann der Link zur Befragung auch auf anderen Kanälen geteilt werden. Danke!

Die Umfrage ist über #Cryptpad Formular realisiert und lädt evtl. relativ langsam.
#Umfrage #Befragung #Poll #Maps
#GoogleMaps #AppleMaps #BingMaps #Komoot #MagicEarth #OrganicMaps #OpenStreetMap #OSM


🗺️ 📍 OpenStreetMap-Daten einfach bearbeiten mit Organic Maps und StreetComplete

Ich nutze ja schon länger #OrganicMaps und empfehle die App auch immer wieder als einfache Karten- und Navigations-App, die #OpenSource, auf #OSM -Basis ist und auch offline genutzt werden kann. Also eine schlankere Alternative zu #OSMand : https://gnulinux.ch/organic-maps

Erst heute habe ich aber per Zufall von @Tifi erfahren, dass mit Organic Maps auch sehr einfach OSM-Daten ergänzt und bearbeitet werden können :
Einfach draufdrücken, hochziehen & bearbeiten. Beim ersten Mal wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es einen OSM-Account braucht (inkl. Link zur Registrierung). Einmal eingeloggt, lassen sich Einträge super einfach bearbeiten.
"Einfach draufdrücken, hochziehen & bearbeiten. Beim ersten Mal wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es einen OSM-Account braucht (inkl. Link zur Registrierung). Einmal eingeloggt, lassen sich Einträge super einfach bearbeiten. (...) Neue Orte lassen sich ebenfalls durch langes drücken auf die gewünschte Stelle hinzufügen." Geht wirklich supereinfach!
@Organic Maps : Vielleicht habe ich was übersehen, aber auf Eurer Homepage könnte die Funktion auch zumindest erwähnt werden? https://organicmaps.app/de/ - ich finde es eine tolle Sache, auch wenn die meisten die Funktion nicht brauchen.

Eine weitere schöne Option, um zu OpenStreetMap beizutragen, ist #StreetComplete: Ein wirklich sehr einfacher und auch unterhaltsamer Weg, um sich am #OpenStreetMap -Projekt sinnvoll zu beteiligen.
"Diese App findet fehlende Kartendaten in deiner Nähe und zeigt diese als Aufgaben auf einer Karte an. Jede dieser Aufgaben kann vor Ort durch Beantwortung einer einfachen Frage gelöst werden." https://streetcomplete.app/
"Es gibt vielfältige Herausforderungen zu lösen. Tippt man dann auf das dementsprechende Pin, stellt die App dann eine Frage. Meist handelt es sich um Multiple-Choice-Fragen oder Eintippen von Ergänzungen. Die Fragen sind dabei grafisch ansprechend und mit Abbildungen versehen. (...) Ein Beispiel dazu: Ich tippe auf einen Pin mit einem Uhrensymbol. Mögliche Fragen sind dann die Öffnungszeiten eines Geschäftes, oder ob diese noch stimmen.
Es gibt Fragen zu Straßennamen, Hausnummern, Untergründen und Parkplätzen - um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Selbst Standorte von Mülleimern oder Pollern werden hinterfragt. Die Aufgaben sind so vielfältig" https://gnulinux.ch/streetcomplete
Auch diese App gibt es natürlich bei #FDroid: https://f-droid.org/packages/de.westnordost.streetcomplete/
@StreetComplete News &amp; Support
Screenshots von Street-Complete: "Welche Hausnummer hat dieses Gebäude?" - "Was sind die Öffnungszeiten von Carls Weinbar?"


StreetComplete is a gamified Android app specifically for casual contributors to OpenStreetMap Editor for mapping in the field

A map prompting whether there is a cycleway at that point on the map, and of what type.
The app is made specifically for casual contributors and beginners as no prior knowledge about OpenStreetMap (such as tagging schemes) is required to contribute with this app. Furthermore, there is a bit of gamification and statistics that aim to introduce and try to inspire users to venture deeper into the world of OpenStreetMap.

This app finds missing map data in your vicinity and displays it on a map as quests. Solve each quest by visiting the location on-site and answering a simple question to update the map.

The info you enter is directly added to OpenStreetMap in your name, without the need to use another editor. OpenStreetMap is a really valuable free resource that anyone can contribute to, and which numerous mobile apps also use for their navigation. It is the Wikipedia of Mapping!

The app is open source and is available both on the Google app store but also on the F-Droid store.

See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/StreetComplete
#Blog, #mapping, #opensource, #OpenStreetMap, #StreetComplete, #technology


Gerade #PhoneTrack für #Nextcloud entdeckt, einfache Möglichkeit vom #Handy direkt auf den Homeserver zu loggen wo man gerade ist, dass geht bspw. mit #GPSLogger.

Das ganze kann man dann in Nextcloud in #OSM anschauen.

Ich hab es in 5 Minuten am laufen gehabt und musste nicht groß rumprobieren, werde es mal für paar Stunden anlassen und morgen wenn ich unterwegs bin ebenfalls mal.

#Handy #GPS #GPSLogger #OpenStreetMap

PhoneTrack: https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/phonetrack
GPSLogger: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.mendhak.gpslogger/


Magic Earth: A New Google Maps Alternative Launches on Android Auto based on OpenStreetMap

View of phone screen with dashcam view of the road ahead and overlays for speed limit etc
Magic Earth now supports Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) systems powered by the phone’s camera. The application can monitor the road ahead and provide functionality otherwise available in integrated ADAS technology fitted into the car. The application offers lane departure warnings, traffic sign recognition, and forward and pedestrian collision notifications.

The navigation application, which retains its focus on user privacy and offline route guidance, also brings most features to Android Auto. Magic Earth now supports truck navigation, letting users enter vehicle information. For example, the application can look for routes based on certain vehicle parameters, such as width, height, length, weight, and axle weight. Once all these details are provided, Magic Earth only configures appropriate routes, avoiding narrow roads, low bridges, and sharp curves.

I tested it out today, but in my case, the version I just downloaded did not yet recognise Android Auto. Just like OsmAnd it is based on OpenStreetMap. It has a much simpler, but I’d say better looking, interface than OsmAnd. Any new interface of course takes a bit of time to get used to. OsmAnd does also have all the truck navigation features previously mentioned, and it has a ton more settings and options (for example also speed bump and pedestrian crossing warnings), but many may find OsmAnd a bit more complex. If so, then Magic Earth may be well worth trying out.

Magic Earth says they are privacy first with no tracking, no profiling, don’t trade in our personal data, and don’t have our personal data.

It does have options for traffic and re-routing (and I’m not sure how the traffic data is working) but I suppose the proof of the pudding for many will be, how well does it route in real life. You can however also tweak these settings for cars, bicycles and walking (I imagine trucks is in the newer version I don’t seem to have yet).

See https://www.autoevolution.com/news/a-new-google-maps-alternative-launches-on-android-auto-with-massive-update-214097.html
#Blog, #MagicEarth, #navigation, #OpenStreetMap, #privacy, #technology