

A quotation by Pinker, Steven

There is, in fact, no incompatibility between the principles of feminism and the possibility that men and women are not psychologically identical. To repeat: equality is not the empirical claim that all groups of humans are interchangeable; it is the moral principle that individuals should not be judged or constrained by the average properties of their group. In the case of gender, the barely defeated Equal Rights Amendment put it succinctly: “Equality of Rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex.” If we recognize this principle, no one has to spin myths about the indistinguishability of the sexes to justify equality. Nor should anyone invoke sex differences to justify discriminatory policies or to hector women into doing what they don’t want to do.

Steven Pinker (b. 1954) Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, linguist, author

The Blank Slate, Part 5, ch. 18 (2002)

#quotation #quote #battle-of-the-sexes #discrimination #equal-rights #equality #feminism #gender-equality #humanity #men #sexism #women

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/pinker-steven/47541/


Why the tailored #suit — not ruffles and lace — became synonymous with #power

source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/why-the-tailored-suit--not-ruffles-and-lace--became-synonymous-with-power/2021/05/20/b3a0099c-a9fb-11eb-bca5-048b2759a489_story.html

“The Great Masculine Renunciation overturned the symbols of #status, #sex, and political power established in the late Middle Ages and created a new sartorial vocabulary for the expression of individual personality. It made understatement into a new kind of status #symbol, which required savoir faire as well as ready cash to exhibit. And, because it was a #masculine phenomenon, it excluded #women who sought power and status.”

#fashion #politics #news #men #style


Men Youth - Idiots!

I always used to loose my mind about every fucking article about "men" and their role in society and how things are going and how it used to be.

Same thing with super ingenious thoughts about **the youth"* idiots -_-

it never came to my mind before that since i'm not identify myself almost at all with the wold/society/crap that sourrounds i also** don't need to take any of that personaly..**

saw an article about "men" lately. started reading stopped because it started again to be absolutely ridiculous. didn't loose my mind cause i was aware they're not talking about meat all

#awareness #men #youth #zeitgeist #definition #mass #society #sociology #social #autism #man #thoughts #gender #stupid #press #opinion #humanism #identity #antifeminist #antifeminism #feminism #masculism



"If we stop believing that boys and men are emotional cripples and fly-by-night Casanovas who just want sex, and start believing that they're full, complete human beings who have emotional and relational needs, imagine what might happen!" --Andrew Smiler

#qotd #positive #masculine #men