

Meanwhile in Muskville

Very powerful and very important.

On the surface it's just the portrait of a self-indulgent billionaire trying to keep his international partners happy. OTOH it seems like aiding & abetting the enemies of our friends, if not our own enemies. Giving aid and comfort much?

Then again we know what Pogo said.

#MuskVirus #ElonMusk #Muskville #oligarchs #billionaires #Skylink #NationalSecurity #treason #power #media


More on #MuskVirus...

I''ve posted a detailed oompendium of affronts by another pathogen in our #media mix, Lord #TrumpVirus...
Here's a leaner but nicely presented overview of some of the greatest hits by Emperor #MuskVirus. Bookends.

This from Rolling Stone:

The Big List of Elon Musk’s Hyperbole, Evasions, and Outright Lies

"The billionaire simply can't stop making shit up"

#ElonMusk #Elmo #Muskville


The bird is cooked... courtesy of Chef #MuskVirus, mayor of #Muskville, King of his #Media Sandbox...
Lord #MuskVirus sure is doing a great job hastening and announcing the passing of an era, and iconic 'place'. :(

Musk vs. the Bird

Another stable genius manages to grab the attention and lose the baby... while playing in his #media sandbox.

Twitter Users Can't Stop Roasting Elon Musk's 'X' Rebrand

And many "can't" stop staying on the dead bird platform, for many reasons, all understandable:

  • "It's what we know and where we have connections...."
  • "I know how to start anew, make 'friends' &/or build a following or brand.... but I'm over that, done..." ["avoidance"]
  • "Elon is the coolest thing ever, I've paid now and all is well, no problem here. [cognitive dissonance]
  • "#Twitter is still Twitter, better and worse, and I'm in for the #Musk magic. Nothing changed, all is well. ["denial"]
  • It's all Hillary's fault. ["delusion" / #GQP - #TrumpVirus cult membership has been renewed]

On a serious note, as both psychologist, #SocialMedia observer, and #GooglePlusRefugee who saw eight years of engagement, interaction, time investment in communities, collections, etc, only to see it just blown up, with a warning setting off a flourish of activity to save archives, 'signal flares' to let people know where to find you, and looking for a new "homeland" offering the same blend of people plus 'bells & whistles'....

It was traumatic for many, as is the case now on Twitter, more of a Schrodinger's cat just now, as it's not set to completely implode, though some argue it already has. So my strong suggestion is for those 'hanging on', hoping or waiting or just fed up with ch-ch-ch-changes.... is to note where people are heading (if you're a regular/avid Twitter user) and sample some of the options, be it Fediverse ('here', Mastodon, or 'other'), or Post (least active/interactive but with some news/literary org presence), as prime destinations. Post Google+ many returned to FB/IG, reddit, Federated hubs, etc, and many got swept into MeWe (which still falsely speaks of "public" posts but is active, with groups & tons of emojis, and an easy interface for phones. It's pretty.)

So.... ch-ch-ch-changes, and a very serious and confusing time for many who have long considered the (@ real) Twitter to be home, or a home.


Good post on Mastodon where my reading of the vibe is, “people think Mastodon is too complicated”.
That’s additive to the other #social #media consolidation and weaponization/#disinformation fun.
Like #Twitter #X lawyers v #Meta, #MuskVirus vs. Zuck who Likes it - in a cage match.

Oh, I hear there’s a new Russian troll farm coming to an Internet near you!

But in the real world of man-made global disaster unfolding before our eyes, as other people “those people” issue ‘fake news’.

‘It doesn’t seem real’: Earth’s record-shattering heat stuns scientists

#environment #globalclimate #climate #ecology #ecosystem #disinformation #MediaManipulation


Seen on my brief Sunday visit to #Muskville (just to take in the vibe), following his call for a witchcraft/propaganda VP...

This is just ... WEIRD, even for #Elon #MuskVirus

To me, it reflects some sort of thought disorder if this makes sense to him...

Maybe it makes sense to someone? For context, the news relating to this is that Ted Kaczynski - AKA the "Unibomber" who terrified our country over years with his sending of bombs to various people & agencies - has died, in jail, where he's been for decades.

Relating to Henry Kissinger & this, how?


Twitter’s rightwing takeover is complete. Why are liberals still on it?

It is a good & fair question - why are "woke"/#truth - based progressives still "on it"?
IMHO: For some it because there there are packets of sanity & smart, pithy, funny, angry, "woke" people who counter the hate & #disinformation slinging - and offer "context & perspective". Ignoring the mayor of #Muskville limits exposure to seamy #MuskVirus

CNN's rotted out too of late 🙁 - another story about #media which is complex, but truly, #CNN is now "Fox lite" - at a time even Fox original is losing its "base", as the basest of the #TrumpVirus base go elsewhere to remain in the bubble of cult delusion & dog whistles. I've tried to watch, a few times, finding only Fox-like chatterboxes on couches, there for unknown reasons, some variants mixed in among actual experts, seemingly for "show". Saw Scaramucci discussing UFO's with Tyson. Done.

#Twitter #Musk #truth #news #silos


Meanwhile in #Muskville

Isn't this precious?!

Apparently, or theoretically, Twitter is no more, as an entity.

Twitter Isn’t a Company Anymore

It’s been merged into a new entity called X Corp. Here’s what that could mean.

Of course some are not noticing and others are just staying put - maybe until non-paying users disappear into spam folders (as announced) while only verified #MuskVirus subscribers will make it to the feeds... "We'll see".

But technically, Twitter is already lying in wake. (Does that make it #woke ?).

#RIPTwitter #twitter #media #Musk


What a day to make heads explode,…

Between #TrumpVirus and #MTG in New York, and the cesspool/swamp team of #DeathSantis & #Muskvirus
Missing Trump U? Tired of universities that actually educated? Angry about people who love #truth? Step Right Up

Headline of Sarasota (FL) Observer: “Musk plans for private, new New College” is the headline."
[Img Alt: Photo is of Musk carrying a sink.]

Caption: "Elon Musk said he’s excited to get rid of “everything but the kitchen sink” philosophy to New College"

"DeSantis, saying New College had drifted too far into “woke” ideas, appointed six new board members for the school in early January. The move led to weeks of protests from some students and alumni and brought national political attention to the 110-acre campus on Sarasota Bay.

Musk, 51, paid $1.96 billion for New College - a significant number honoring the year - 1960 - the school was founded, according to a statement."…

"Spaceships and EVs and tweets, and stuff are nice, but higher education, that’s the bomb, man. It has long been a passion of mine."

#Musk #DeSantis #Education #Disinformation #Fascism #NewCollege #Florida #MakeAmericaSane[r]


The world's richest man, titan of industry, Stable Genius like nobody's ever seen before (except maybe Lord #TrumpVirus) ...
And like that very same standard of #respect & #truth, the Chief Twit of #Muskville is going on about toilets. And twitter addiction!!

Be careful to not almost die from using this app too long on the 🚽

"I speak from experience"

Ya think? #MusKVirus #Twitter #truth


Meanwhile, in the race for #socialmedia evil-doing and disruption, after the undisputed "do evil" leader #GooglePlus ripped lives apart, and #Muskvirus rushed to spread #TrumpVirus and destroy the known world of #Twitter in favor of rant-driven #Muskville...

Why Would Anyone Pay for Facebook?

The King of Evil - #MarkZuckerberg and his #Meta #egomaniacal lies and data-scraping obsessions - is poised to do among the biggest evils yet... Why do people emulate the worst of worst ideas, as is the case in airlines, anything FB/Meta, now Twitter & FB... ?!!


Meanwhile in #Muskville ...

Wheels are churning @ #Twitter HQ, apparently... First are all the promos (nee 'grift' ?) for the new "Twitter Blue".

Twitter Blue
For the average user (who probably doesn't exist), the 'vision' is a subscriber base where every ordinary human entity must pay $8/month to be "verified" and get that iconic blue check. What does that mean now? It means you paid $8USD and provided a phone # by which they can reward with you with "only" 1/2 the ads now running amok in comment feeds and anywhere they can put what advertisers they have, getting terrific rates on "promo" blasting. That's the carrot, less ads (not even ad-free like YouTube Red!), but you are allowed to be seen rather than having all your tweets go right into the ethernet dumpster.

And then, hit up the corporations who buy your ads, say $1000/mo ('protection'?)... to deliver a cult of paid subscribers:

Elon Musk Wants to Charge Businesses on Twitter $1,000 per Month to Retain Verified Check-Marks

Cause/effect and #psychology would both predict chaos and/or implosion as the Old "Town Square"is now a place for well-heeled anarchy, and/or deeply invested devotees of #GQP, #MuskVirus, #racism, #disinformation, #hate, #division, and #sedition.

Meanwhile, those not paying $1000 or $8 or attention, will see only promoted ads and sites, plus dedicated cultists & #Musk lovers.

How does he expect businesses to pay $1000/mo as "insurance" of keeping a large audience, while also charging users - who still see ads, while parading their own "verification" blue check, which means Twitter has a phone number to monetize. Not much more.

#media #socialmedia


For #media / #socialmedia / #communications fans

Here's something I came across, its title promising enlightenment about "how social media platforms fail".
I thought for sure, even after reading the abstract, it would be about the assault on #Twitter users and advertisers
But silly me, Twitter is so old-school! Now the next has-been (or one to beat) isn't Twitter of #MuskVirus ruination, but .. #TikTok

How, exactly, platforms die


Meanwhile... my current take on #socialmedia / #media

Twitter on Fire (lies, #Muskvirus etc.. and holding fire sale' today!) ..."to help pay the rent" (Bloomberg)


#1, #Twitter is in flames (literally having a "fire sale" today) but in terms of tone, crowded exits, and big debates among "regulars" about the morality/business sense of staying with a platform actively courting #racism, #misogyny & promoting #GQP/ #TrumpVirus
fueled hate and #conspiracy . As its owner has fun with his toy, indifferent to appearances or even a cash drain. (He has lots more)

#2 - "Other"

Mastodon- We are now seeing a very active & vibrant #Mastodon and related Federation sites, including some instances (pods) set up by news organizations. At first there was limited 'fresh content' and some were just Twitter mirrors, "in case" Twitter implodes. &/or to test the waters. In the first weeks of this year, it's gotten to the point where one can choose from various feeds (local, Fediverse etc) and see it regularly updating. A wide variety of talents being offered (George Takei memes, researchers' findings, a huge #Caturday showing ("CatsOfMastodon"), some diplomats. many journalists (as individuals. off the company site), lots of music, photos, art....

So, given its huge growth, constant improvements, and generally very good "vibe" reflecting the pleasant community... it works!
That said, it's not the mythical (wished for) "Twitter replacement:. On some levels, it is - an interesting mixture of ordinary people and public or entertainment figures (small now but growing), and a friendliness typical of pioneers settling a newly found, hospitable place.
But it is not Twitter's identical twin - it's ad free and not algorithm-driven. I've yet to see a single trolling or spam, though my time has been limited and mostly focused on the feature set and finding news/information sources. The cats, photos & music are icing on the cake for me, and may be core value for many. It's not as long-form or 'conversational' as 'here', but OTOH there are new acquaintances and resources awaiting 'out there' in large number, for those who want to immerse. Note that you can easily repost, tags work very well (and you can follow them) and the interface allows for seeing/liking//contacting content on other instances, so if you're on a small one, you can connect via a search and connect, and that pod becomes connected. If you're on a huge pod, same, people can find you. Anyway, it's viable. One disappointment/debate for some - users cannot "quote tweet" easily. OTOH, it's as easy as on FB or MeWe to post articles, music vids, etc, by just typing the url. No editor necessary. But not as much formatting options as "here" (image insertion, e.g.). But then, most of the new users are coming from Twitter, not escaping from 'here'. Here is fine! (Comfy/friendly)


I'm sad to break the news but this is definitely not "the next Twitter"! It's just come out of Beta and wait-list only and people can join. (See for yourself! I'd love to hear your findings/experience). Briefly, it has lovely formatting, a dream for bloggers, with a fill-in slug for "title" and easy description or text, plus thumbnail/photo. It looks professional and many of the early adopters are journalists, novelist, etc. For them, it may be nice, but as a publicists' destination more than "social media". It is difficult to 'share/repost' without adding a story, and active moderation prevents instant posting or posting at all (for me, about 1/3 of the time). Function-wise, mostly now I cannot 'like' or even post (was I bad?) as in trying, I click on the star, it increases one number, then goes back. I took time to carefully compose a post and tapped the "publish" button 100 times, nothing happening.... So much for the 'experience'.

One more general experience: the feed looks polished, and long posts will have a "read" button to continue. But also, many articles require points to read. Some orgs are 'charging' tokens for nearly everything, some are lighter (learning/economics curve?). Most personal posts, except some "influencers" trying to grow big audiences, also are charging points. Users have been getting 50 points to use for purchasing reads or for "tips". (Don't ask? Tough to explain). Sort of like "Brave" browser sharing points for seeing ads.

Again, I can see potential as an auxiliary publicity method for authors, publicists, journalists, and news orgs. But "social"? Not so much, to tell #truth. Some comments, yes, but the whole thing seems super clunky to actually use. I've gotten some followers and likes, have yet to get a single notice via the 'bell'. And as I said, recently I seem almost to be blocked from posting or liking.


Now I did connect with a few journalists and social scientists I might not have on Twitter, interesting, solid experts and talented writers. But then that's it. I can follow my connections or "explore" (Ack! Shades of Twitter now turning TikTok blended with Fox!)

Redeeming features? It looks pretty. It has an intuitive 'form' (rather than editor) which for example instantly turns a word bracketed by asterisks (* .. ) into *italicized font, but like Mastodon, no way to insert images, that I've found. (Maybe a url to an image?)

And now there are posts I've seen decrying the new policies/features of Post which are seen as limiting, many expressing sadness that "Post will never be 'the next Twitter'". I concur, but had to check it out, and did so.

Have I forgotten anything? Well, #facebook is the same as ever, stealing/re-selling user data as its model and dictating what people "like". Of course the worst aspects get borrowed now by Musk, who steals from TikTok too. And #MeWe is the same, apparently thriving and a comfy spot for Facebook-like posting of selfies and music vids, no editors (but can edit), but definitely of no value to many Twitter users (the huge group currently in flux) if public posts are the goal. (It is, despite its initial claims, still a walled garden.) Some of the many Twitter users who actually do interact, and enjoy that aspect, may be seen 'here' or on MeWe, just as the Google+ crowd dispersed across options when Google lost its "Don't be evil" motto and changed it seemingly to #GoogleIsEvil

Speaking of, I know there is a whole slice of Internet (Not the #Truth network, #Fox, NewsMax, Rumble, Gutter, etc.) considered "social media" too, but the hate, delusions and division seem so central to that realm I'm not sure it there is not one big social media #cult . With its large presence across people's online bubbles. Mm, profits!

FB profits

Well, "different strokes for different folks". Google+ was 'the best' in its day and way, as was Twitter.


So, my take as of 18 Jan 2023

Twitter is flaming out, some holding on, some encouraging rapid exit, many hedging bets, others not wanting to be associated now, with conspiracy-spreading, anti-vax anti- #truth and anti-social elements. (Suddenly I'm getting followers - not ones I'd want!)

Mastodon has exploded in users, and handled it well. It has many beloved features, diverse users (both celebs/orgs and everyday people), and everything from #Caturday to fine art (photos/drawing/digital) to cartoons and political memes. (Without trolling and with options to mask images which might be deemed 'sensitive', plus captions). One can also chat, like, forward (though not "quote tweet", re-sending with comment or title for example). Features may evolve as they actively hire and follow through on enhancements which users want. It's not clear who/how/if corporate entities will benefit (as opposed to say, Twitter), but big instances like the original one ask for support via Patreon or local server hosts. No direct advertising in the feed.

Post - "pretty". Some good content and impressive posters, many literary & journalistic professionals.
Interface is either a gem or G-d-awful depending on one's comfort zone and/or goal. Not possible to post "live" now in many cases, and difficult to simply re-share something (or in my case for a few days, to even "like" a Post post. Has for-token reads and "tips".
All a bit thorny amid the roses IMM. Agreeing with some of its fans here: As it looks now, definitely NOT "the next Twitter".
Nothing is. Maybe that's good. Or not. Centralized town square vs. Federated Town Squares.... "We'll see what happens."

And meanwhile, @ diaspora * "here" - all is well. (Well, most!)

Other than the stagnant feature set that long-time users accept and/or deal with and/or embrace - no big mass-exodus to or from "here". Still can enjoy what we enjoy, be it cats, politics, photography, wordplay, whatever...

So I say again to 'my regular circles [aspects here] - I'm not leaving, see no reason, but as a social scientist and long-time user of (mostly) social media, I feel the need to follow a huge sea-change as it's happening, now fueled by Twitter rather than Google+.

I see and feel the anxiety, anger, confusion among so many on Planet Twitter now looking at a safe home for when it hits the fan...
