

Lettre ouverte de la #FSFE (Free Software Foundation Europe)
Le droit universel d’installer n’importe quel #logiciel sur n’importe quel appareil

Que les utilisateurs aient le droit de choisir librement :
-- les systèmes d’exploitation et les logiciels tournant sur leurs appareils
-- les fournisseurs de services auxquels connecter leurs appareils

Si vous ne pouvez pas installer les #logiciels que vous voulez sur votre propre appareil, vous n’êtes pas réellement son propriétaire.



Choose your #Linux #distribution with many questions and extensive, confusing and partly outdated results

Choose your Linux distribution: https://distrochooser.de/en <- you can change the language at the top right.

I do think that the right questions are asked, but it is unclear to me how these are then weighted in the results. If I indicate that I like to be anonymously but #Tails is then listed quite far down in the results, I am misled as a beginner. I also selected that I have a fairly old #computer and yet distributions that no longer support 32-bit were recommended to me quite high up.

The idea is good. The implementation lacks a weighting of the questions for the result and an update of the database.

#internet #web #os #software #guide #desktop #question #help


A #Linux #guide found on Reddit …

(If you can't see the graphic above click here: https://www.imgbly.com/ib/8EJZTHekDZ.jpg )

Overall, I find the guide too extensive and therefore too confusing for #newbies. #Mac users are downgraded, which I would not do.

As you may know, I am currently working on a guide for Linux newbies and am looking for #inspiration.

1) How do you like this guide?
2) Is an important #distribution or sector missing?
3) Which sections would you summarize or exclude?
4) What is your favorite distribution?

I look forward to your answers and help in the comments :°)

#question #software #os #help #beginner #newbie #Newcomer #noob #rookie #instruction #desktop #computer


I am currently working on a #guide for choosing a #Linux #distribution ...

During an #internet search on the subject, I found this graphic, which I find quite neat.

First of all, the graphic is quite old because nobody would still recommend these distributions today:
* Centos
* Apricity OS
* Antergos

Do you like the graphic and how it divides the distributions for different target groups?
Should the selection be larger and more specific?
Should everything be even more compact and straightforward?

Please let me know what you think and what your favorite distribution is in the comments.

#question #selection #os #software #help


#MiniOS is a lightweight and fast #Linux #distribution designed for installation on a #USB drive.

A distinctive feature of MiniOS is its modular approach to system configuration, which allows users to add or remove modules as needed. This makes the system easy to use and flexible in customization. Based on MiniOS, you can create your own version of the system by simply and quickly creating the necessary modules with the set of programs you need, creating your own unique #ISO using our utilities. In addition, MiniOS occupies only 350-1660 MB of disk space (depending on the version) and can be run from a USB drive without the need to install it on your #computer's hard disk.

Web: https://minios.dev
GitHub: https://github.com/orgs/minios-linux/repositories

#software #OS #OpenSource


Ich habe zum Testen Ubuntu installiert.

Auf dem #Desktop wollte ich #Verknüpfungen anlegen; wozu soll er denn sonst gut sein 😉

Das geht aber so einfach nicht. Im Internet gesucht und über Anleitungen gestoßen, die behaupten, dass das doch ganz einfach ist: "Schritt 1, 2, 3 … 10, und schon geht es" 🙄

Es geht allerdings auch, indem man über die #Shell (!) den Default #Dateimanager von Nautilus auf Nemo ändert – muss man allerdings wissen!

Und da wundern sich viele, warum #Linux nicht mehr genutzt wird 🤔

#Ubuntu #OS


📹 Why I deleted GrapheneOS

video by L. Rossmann


Micay, the lead developer of GrapheneOS accuses the F-Droid project of harrassment:

All I posted before their outburst of bullying and fabricated stories which started in their developer chat room was information on the Android permission model, how F-Droid presents it incorrectly to users and how that harms users by misleading them in 2 different ways about it. I stated we intend to add a disclaimer screen to GrapheneOS on this incorrect information in the F-Droid app if they won't fix it, which has been planned for a long time. F-Droid has multiple serious security and usability issues which they have downplayed and refused to fix. In many cases, F-Droid has downplayed and refused to acknowledge or fix security issues. They've started making posts with the explicit goal of downplaying the issues and misleading people about them. This will only increase the priority of replacing it and moving users away. Engaging in harassment and libel towards people reporting and publishing information about serious issues in their software is one of their main approaches. Several people other than myself have posted blog posts and videos explaining issues, which F-Droid has attacked with lies. [...]
I have irrefutable proof that multiple core F-Droid and Calyx developers (substantial overlap) have engaged in bullying, harassment and libel targeting me to advance their own interests. 1 2

In the aftermath, Rossman, right to repair activist and interpreneur, has to confront the state of distress of the talented developer, who feels isolated and mistreated. The stress reduces the capacity to communicate correctly, leading to even more isolation. On the spectrum of autism and victim of cyberbullying since 2018, in the end Micay's mental wellness is at risk. In addition to contacting the authorities and asking for help, he takes the wise decision to use the social networks in a safer way:

I've stepped down as lead developer of GrapheneOS and will be replaced as a GrapheneOS Foundation director. I'll be ending my use of public social media. I'm unable to handle the escalating level of harassment including recent swatting attacks. There will be a smooth migration.

Cyberbullying can happen at any age and dealing with it can be hard. Wish you a serene recovery.

Lesson learned:
if we want to enjoy free software, we should also keep in consideration the wellness of who develops it. The aggressivity of some open source projects goes beyond healthy competition and we should all see it as the exterior manifestation of a toxic environment. Open source developers should stick as much as possible to a code of conduct, ensuring emotional detatchment and professional behaviour at all times.

Tags: #opensource #foss #os #grapheneos #fdroid #mobile #android #ungoogled #smartphone #customrom #privacy #mentalhealth



Voilà. J'ai vu !
Un gars hier, qui me montre un truc à l'écran de sa bécane, un gros portable, marque quelconque... Et d'un coup, une saleté de pub qui s'affiche dans le coin bas droit de l'écran. J'étais choqué, j'en avais entendu parler mais je ne l'avais jamais vu !
Vin diou... ça existe donc, des gens qui acceptent ça, sans tout casser ? Mais ils sont fous ? Idiots, ignorants, moutons ?
Je lui ai parlé de #Linux Mint....
« Mais c'est dingue ça, donc tu payes cher ton pc, le forfait internet, l' #OS de ton #pc, et après tout ça, t'as encore besoin de te faire emmerder à ce point par des saletés de #marketing #publicité ? »
Peut-être mouton-maso en fait....

Franchement, quand je vois ça... je me dis, vivement la fin du monde.
Ou moi président ! Et promis, c'est le cachot à vie pour tous les salopiots qui bossent dans le marketing, pour tous ceux qui font de la vente forcée d'OS windaube, pour tous ceux qui ne jettent pas des cailloux sur une pomme pourrie qui serait dessinée sur une coque plastique imitation métal ! Non mais.... ça suffit d'être crétin à ce point ! ^^


Attackers accessed #UK #military data through high-security fencing firm's #Windows7 rig

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/04/zaun_breach_windows_7/

The #attack targeted a Windows 7 PC used to run software for one of the company's manufacturing machines.

Extended #Security #Updates for Windows 7, which was released in 2009, finally came to an end in 2023. #Mainstream #support ended in 2015, and extended support finished in 2020.

#fail #omg #wtf #microsoft #problem #software #os #news


#Microsoft is using malware-like pop-ups in #Windows 11 to get people to ditch #Google

source: https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/30/23851902/microsoft-bing-popups-windows-11-malware

Windows isn’t freeware, it requires a license that almost every consumer ultimately pays for. That could be in the form of the price of a laptop that has a Windows OEM license baked in, or a product key if you built your own PC. Microsoft should respect the fact that people already pay for Windows and don’t want ads shoved down their throats. Windows is an important productivity tool for many people, and shouldn’t be treated like a cheap streaming box loaded with ads.

#software #OS #fail #economy #Bing #news #problem #advertisement #malware


Easy-to-exploit local privilege escalation vulnerabilities in #Ubuntu #Linux affect 40% of Ubuntu cloud workloads

source: https://www.wiz.io/blog/ubuntu-overlayfs-vulnerability

CVE-2023-2640 and CVE-2023-32629 were found in the #OverlayFS module in Ubuntu, which is a widely used Linux #filesystem that became highly popular with the rise of containers as its features enable the deployment of dynamic filesystems based on pre-built images. OverlayFS serves as an attractive attack surface as it has a history of numerous logical vulnerabilities that were easy to exploit. This makes the new discovered vulnerabilities especially risky given the exploits for the past OverlayFS vulnerabilities work out of the box without any changes.

#security #os #software #update #bug #problem #news #exploit #hack #hacker #server #vulnerability


#Arium ( #OS #Windows épuré - télémétrie désactivée)

Versions : Arium 11.1 PRO ou Arium 10.8.

la ligne directrice portée par l'équipe Arium est de proposer au plus grand nombre un système d'exploitation épuré, fiable, optimisé et clé en main.

Jamais utilisé. Quelqu'un connaît/utilise ?
Est-ce qu'il contient une suite #logiciel, traitement de texte word notamment ?

(On m'en a parlé comme étant un projet intéressant)