

#RAM #Magazine : #fanzine #Amiga paru de 1995 à 1997 édité à #Arbas (31)


De novembre 1995 à juillet 1996, les #Editions #LaChaise, #association basée à Arbas (31) #France, ont édité un fanzine dédié à l'Amiga. Format A3 plié en quatre, parution bimensuelle, jeux de mots vaseux autour des trois lettres R, A et M, ce fanzine crée par BiBi, Lavi et l'Ours aura marqué les esprits.
#PDF & #DMS disponibles en #téléchargement




💥 🆕 💥
+ 50 Math Puzzles - Solved Using Functional Julia, #mybook #newbook is also available in #pdf (for those who prefer that #format).

P.S.: After uploading the file I scrolled down a little on #leanpub's main page and found something that made me chill.

Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health devices, and other emerging trends are driving a revolution in healthcare. AI is being used to improve diagnostic accuracy [??] and treatment outcomes, while wearable devices and remote monitoring technologies are enabling patients to take charge of their own health and well-being. ...


In a interconnected world- there are so many facets to the inner world of the multitude of humans each of us will have to come in contact with during our life time. Instead of trying to be accepted and or trying to persuade or convince others why you should be loved- one should know x understand their self worth. Having self love x self confidence- coming to terms that not everyone will love nor accept you. Though that is more than fine- for there are many that will cherish you for that which you are and that which to are morphing to become. A piece written on and about the human condition [Anthropology x Psychology]- that which one may face or do and how to have peace in the mist of it all or personal acknowledgment- that said individual can up root. Knowing that they a capable of doing all which they desire- while honoring the life x rights of all and a reminder or telling that they have a choice in all facets of life-[Health, Wealth, Love, Happiness] internal and out. A reflection- an acknowledgment that no life isn't a fairytale yet that one's life x the life of humanity can be made better- yet it starts one person at a time x in daily civil human to human interaction. -Armand Cook [+]

If you register you can download the #pdf.

#ArmandCook #STFU #book


#Veusz – a scientific plotting package

Veusz is a scientific plotting and graphing program with a graphical user interface, designed to produce publication-ready 2D and 3D plots. In addition it can be used as a module in #Python for plotting. Veusz is multiplatform, running on #Windows, #Linux/Unix and #macOS. It supports vector and bitmap output, including #PDF, #Postscript, #SVG and #EMF. Veusz is Free #Software.

github: https://veusz.github.io
download: https://veusz.github.io/download



#tool #utility #graphics #plotter #mathematics #floss #foss #openSource


How to paste signatures into PDFs using Okular Document Viewer

Title: Okular PDF signatures, with image of a signature on a page
Okular is a very versatile document viewer found on many Linux distros, but one of its shortcomings is not being able to just paste a transparent PNG format signature in. Pasting signatures into a PDF is often the commonly used method, as most businesses want a plain ‘signed’ PDF that they can print and view. Although digital signing is more secure and legally accepted, most businesses are not geared to understand how to use these (much like with encrypted e-mails).

The workaround I show in this video, using custom stamps, is actually better than other document viewers in that you do not need to attach the file every time you want to paste a signature. You set up the custom stamp one, and just re-use that every time.

See https://youtu.be/QtY_RTTVnYI
#Blog, #Okular, #opensource, #PDF, #signature, #technology


How to Electronically Sign PDF Documents Across Various OSs, Without Printing and Scanning Them

Two hands holding smartphone, which is resting on a printed paper form
You’ve been emailed a document, and you have to sign it and send it back. You could print out the document, sign it, and then scan it back in and email it. But there’s a better, faster way.

This article shows you how to quickly add your signature to any PDF document, saving it as a standard PDF file that can be read anywhere. You can do this on Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome OS, Linux — whatever platform you prefer.

I’ve been using Master PDF Editor on Linux for a while, mainly because I often have to paste signatures in (and Okular does not do that at all – yes really odd) but I now tried Xournal and yes it does all I need as well as much more. Maybe now, too, Google’s GDrive will also allow the form filling and signing (it’s not mentioned in this article as it’s quite a new feature).

See https://www.howtogeek.com/164668/how-to-electronically-sign-documents-without-printing-and-scanning-them/
#Blog, #PDF, #signature, #technology


This #pdfjam magic converts all #PDF in the current folder to Din A4 paper size. Only improvement I still would like it that the page content is positioned centered in the middle of the page.

find . -type f -name "*.pdf"|while read datei; do echo "bearbeite "${datei}"";pdfjam --outfile "${datei/.pdf}_A4.pdf" --frame true --scale 1.0 --noautoscale true --paper a4paper "${datei}";done;



#Covid-19 : la Face cachée de la campagne de #vaccination -
cas des « vaccins » à ARNm & ADN

#PDF CC-BY-NC-SA | Me NONOBSTANT, Covid-19 : la face cachée de la campagne de vaccination – cas des
« vaccins » à ARNm & ADN | 18 juillet 2022.

Remerciements _____________________________________________________________ 5
Informations juridiques sur les vaccins anti-Covid-19 ______________________________ 5
RÉSUMÉ ________________________________________________________________ 10
Avant-propos _____________________________________________________________ 11
Abréviations, acronymes, conventions _________________________________________ 16
Lexique __________________________________________________________________ 18
INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________________ 21
Chapitre I. — Le consensus scientifique, la majorité ou l’unanimité font-ils la science ? _ 25

Chapitre II. — L’argument d’autorité, l’un des stratagèmes utilisés par l’establishment pour
manipuler l’opinion publique _________________________________________________ 29
§1. Cas concrets de manipulation de l’opinion publique par les experts médiatiques ________ 29
§2. Conditions de validité du consensus scientifique, d'une étude scientifique et de l’argument
d’autorité ____________________________________________________________________ 37

Chapitre III. — Les preuves de mensonges du discours de propagande des autorités, des
médias et des experts officiels ________________________________________________ 42
§1. Mensonges sur la contagiosité _________________________________________________ 43
§2. Mensonges sur la réduction des formes graves ___________________________________ 45
A. Les études princeps n'ont pas apporté la preuve scientifique de l'évitement des formes graves _____ 46
B. Les études observationnelles ne montrent pas non plus une réduction des formes graves _________ 50
§3. Contenu caché des vaccins ____________________________________________________ 57
§4. Toxicité de la protéine Spike __________________________________________________ 60
§5. Toxicité des vaccins__________________________________________________________ 63
§6. Effets indésirables : décès et pathologies multiples ________________________________ 67
A. Décès ______________________________________________________________________________ 67
B. Pathologies multiples _________________________________________________________________ 74
C. Effets indésirables en images ___________________________________________________________ 76
§7. Imperfection de la pharmacovigilance __________________________________________ 77
§8. Immunité collective _________________________________________________________ 81
§9. Surestimation du rapport bénéfices/risques des vaccins ____________________________ 83
A. Cas des études interventionnelles _______________________________________________________ 83
B. Cas des études observationnelles _______________________________________________________ 89
§10. Saturation fictive des hôpitaux par la Covid-19 __________________________________ 92
§11. Laxisme des agences de sécurité des médicaments _______________________________ 93
§12. Études truquées ou biaisées__________________________________________________ 95
A. Du LancetGate à Recovery et consorts ___________________________________________________ 95
B. Les essais cliniques de Pfizer ___________________________________________________________ 98
C. Les essais cliniques sur les 12-15 ans et les moins de 5 ans __________________________________ 101
D. L’étude bidonnée de l’institut Pasteur __________________________________________________ 102
E. Les études justifiant le confinement ____________________________________________________ 103
F. L’étude bidonnée de la DREES _________________________________________________________ 104
G. Les études bidonnées d’EPI-PHARE _____________________________________________________ 105
H. L’étude bidonnée du Conseil d’analyse économique _______________________________________ 105
I. Les études peu solides invoquées par la HAS et la FDA ______________________________________ 106
J. L’article de l’INSEE sur l’impact de l’épidémie de Covid-19 ___________________________________ 107
§13. Irresponsabilité pénale et civile de Big Pharma _________________________________ 108
§14. Vaccination des enfants et des adolescents en bonne santé _______________________ 111
§15. Vaccination de masse en période épidémique __________________________________ 116

Chapitre IV. – Les artisans de la réponse globale à la pandémie et leurs stratagèmes pour
cacher diverses arnaques ___________________________________________________ 120
§1. Les artisans de la réponse globale à la pandémie _________________________________ 120
A. Dr Anthony Fauci, le patron de la santé publique américaine ________________________________ 120
B. Klaus Schwab, le fondateur et directeur du Forum économique mondial (Davos) ________________ 123
C. Bill Gates, le cofondateur de Microsoft et de la fondation éponyme __________________________ 126
§2. Les diverses arnaques et les stratagèmes utilisés pour les cacher ____________________ 130
A. Genèse de la Covid-19 _______________________________________________________________ 130
1. Origine controversée du SARS-Cov-2 _________________________________________________ 130
2. Succession de faits troublants avant et pendant la pandémie ______________________________ 135
B. Gestion absurde de la crise sanitaire ____________________________________________________ 146
C. Instrumentalisation de la peur _________________________________________________________ 149
D. Contrôle total de la population ________________________________________________________ 157
1. La régulation du stock de la population mondiale _______________________________________ 157
2. L’identification biométrique et numérique des Terriens __________________________________ 160
a. Identification biométrique, identité numérique, portefeuille numérique __________________ 160
b. Traçage numérique, objets connectés, 5G ___________________________________________ 166
c. Propagande du rapport sénatorial n° 673 ____________________________________________ 174
3. Un nouvel ordre mondial qui masque une dystopie transhumaniste ________________________ 177
a. Les prétendus complotistes ont tort d’avoir raison trop tôt _____________________________ 178
b. Le transhumanisme comme horizon________________________________________________ 179
c. La nécessité d’une union sacrée pour un autre monde _________________________________ 185
E. Plaintes pour crimes contre l’Humanité _________________________________________________ 192
F. Bouc émissaire _____________________________________________________________________ 200
G. Théorie du complot _________________________________________________________________ 213
H. Censure et désinformation ___________________________________________________________ 215
Chapitre V. — Bilan de la controverse autour de la balance bénéfices-risques des vaccins
________________________________________________________________________ 225
CONCLUSION __________________________________________________________ 236


#médecine #santé #couillonavirus #injections #vaccins #covid #bigpharma #EIG #vaccinovigilance #pharmacovigilance


#Info, #Google est si puissant qu'il nous cache les autres #moteurs de #recherche.


Nous ignorons tout simplement l'existence de la plupart d'entre eux.

www.refseek.com est un #MoteurDeRecherche de #ressources #académiques.Plus d'un milliard de #sources
www.worldcat.org - #recherchez dans le #contenu de 20 000 #bibliothèques #mondiales.
link.springer.com - accès à plus de 10 millions de #documents #scientifiques : #livres, #articles,
www.bioline.org.br est une #bibliothèque de #revues #bioscientifiques #publiées
repec.org - Des volontaires de 102 #pays ont collecté près de 4 millions de #publications
www.science.gov est un #moteur de recherche du #gouvernement #américain pour plus de 2200 #sites #scientifiques.
www.pdfdrive.com est le plus grand site #Web de #téléchargement #gratuit de #livres #PDF. Réclamez plus de 225 millions de #titres.
www.base-search.net est l'un des moteurs de recherche les plus puissants pour les #textes de #recherche #académique.Plus de 100 millions d' #articles #scientifiques dont 70% #gratuits


#Covid-19: Reports from the #Medical Field
Found this thorough medical #pdf detailing the damage done by both covid and the vaccine spike. It is quite technical, but the vaccine damage potentials and mechanisms are precisely explained starting on page 8. (including "cancer acceleration" on page 10)

There are also therapeutics offered for both the disease and the vaccine in the conclusion (page 13) with the main recommendation being to keep our #vitaminD levels high.


Khurram Wadee - 2022-11-04 11:56:53 GMT

I've produced a #calendar for #2023 featuring some of the images that I've also posted here from time to time of #sunrises and #sunsets. You can download the full resolution #PDF file from the link below.

I present here some lower-resolution sample images.

The calendar itself was produced by and extracted from #Emacs which can output into #LaTeX.

Calendar front page
January photo
January calendar page
February photo
March photo

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000


I've produced a #calendar for #2023 featuring some of the images that I've also posted here from time to time of #sunrises and #sunsets. You can download the full resolution #PDF file from the link below.

I present here some lower-resolution sample images.

The calendar itself was produced by and extracted from #Emacs which can output into #LaTeX.

Calendar front page
January photo
January calendar page
February photo
March photo

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000