

Chant des oiseaux : redécouvrez la flûte à bec


Chant des oiseaux : redécouvrez la flûte à bec


C’est un son de la nature qui intrigue les humains sans doute depuis toujours : le chant des #oiseaux. Qu’il nous interpelle ou nous charme, ce #chant ne fait pas depuis si longtemps que ça l’objet d’étude scientifique. On en sait désormais plus sur la neurobiologie de ces phrases mélodiques, sur leur fonction et sur leur transmission. Une chose est sûre, toutes ces découvertes mises bout à bout ne font qu’accroître notre fascination pour ce concert à plumes, un concert qui avec la crise de la biodiversité tend à se faire de plus en plus discret.

#environnement #biodiversité #nature #sons #podcast


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#Brahma had #ten #sons and #one #daughter:

  1. Marichi Rishi

Rishi Marichi or Mareechi or Marishi (meaning a ray of light) is the son of Brahma. He is also one of the Saptarshi (Seven Great Sages Rishi), in the First Manvantara, with others being Atri Rishi, Angiras Rishi, Pulaha Rishi, Kratu Rishi, Pulastya Rishi, and Vashishtha.
Family: Marichi is married to Kala and gave birth to Kashyap

  1. Atri Rishi

Atri or Attri is a legendary bard and scholar. Rishi Atri is said to be ancestor of some Brahmin, Prajapatis, kshatriya and Vaishya communities who adopt Atri as their gotra. Atri is the Saptarishis (Seven Great Sages Rishi) in the seventh, i.e. the present Manvantara.
Family: When the sons of Brahma were destroyed by a curse of Shiva, Atri was born again from the flames of a sacrifice performed by Brahma. His wife in both manifestations was Anasuya. She bore him three sons, Datta, Durvasas, and Soma, in his first life, and a son Aryaman (Nobility), and a daughter, Amala (Purity), in the second. Soma, Datta and Durvasa, are the incarnations of the Divine Trinity Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra (Shiva) respectively.

  1. Angirasa Rishi

Angirasa is a rishi who, along with sage Atharvan, is credited to have formulated (“heard”) most of the fourth Veda called Atharvaveda. He is also mentioned in the other three Vedas.
Family: His wife is Surupa and his sons are Utathya, Samvartana and Brihaspati

  1. Pulaha Rishi

He was born from the navel of Lord Brahma. He was burned due to a curse made by Lord Shiva, then was born again in Vaivasvata Manvantara, this time from Agni’s hair.
Family:During his birth in the first Manvantara, Rishi Pulaha was married to another of Daksha’s daughters, Kshama (Apology). Together they had three sons, Kardama, Kanakapeetha and Urvarivat, and a daughter named Peevari.

  1. Pulutsya Rishi

He was the medium through which some of the Puranas were communicated to man. He received the Vishnu Purana from Brahma and communicated it to Parashara, who made it known to mankind. He was one of the Saptarishis in the first Manvantara.
Family: He was father of Visravas who was the father of Kubera and Ravana, and all the Rakshasas are supposed to have sprung from him. Pulastya Rishi was married to one of Kardam ji’s nine daughters named Havirbhoo. Pulastya Rishi had two sons – Maharshi Agastya and Visravas. Vishravaa had two wives: one was Kekasi who gave birth to Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana; and another was Ilavida and had a son named Kuber.

  1. Krathu Rishi

Kratu which appears in two different ages. In the Swayanbhuva Manvantara. Krathu was a Prajapati and a very dear son of Lord Brahma. He was also the son-in-law of Prajapati Daksha.
Family:His wife was named Santhati. It is said that he had 60,000 children. They were named as included in the Valakhilyas.

Rishi Kratu was again born in the Vaivaswata Manvantara because of Lord Shiva’s boon. In this Manvantara he had no family. It is said that he was born from the hand of Lord Brahma. As he had no family and no children, Kratu adopted Agastya’s son, Idhvaaha. Kratu is considered as one of the Bhargavas.

  1. Vashistha

Vashistha is one of the Saptarishis in the seventh, i.e. the present Manvantara. He had in his possession the divine cow Kamadhenu, and Nandini her child, who could grant anything to their owners.
Vashistha is credited as the chief author of Mandala 7 of the Rigveda. Vashistha and his family are glorified in RV 7.33, extolling their role in the Battle of the Ten Kings, making him the only mortal besides Bhava to have a Rigvedic hymn dedicated to him. Another treatise attributed to him is “Vashistha Samhita” – a book on the Vedic system of electional astrology.
Family: Arundhati is the name of the wife of Vashista.
In cosmology Mizar star is known as Vashistha and Alcor star is known as Arundhati in traditional Indian astronomy. The pair is considered to symbolise marriage and, in some Hindu communities, priests conducting a wedding ceremony allude to or point out the constellation as a symbol of the closeness marriage brings to a couple. Since Vasishta was married to Arundathi, he was also called Arundathi Natha, meaning the husband of Arundathi.

  1. Prachethasa

Prachetasa is considered to be one of the most mysterious figures of Hindu mythology. According to the puranas Prachetasa was one of the 10 Prajapatis who were ancient sages and law gives. But there is also a reference to 10 Prachetas who were sons of Prachinabarthis and great grandsons of Prithu. It is said that they lived for 10,000 years in a great ocean, very deeply engaged in meditation upon Vishnu and obtained from Him the boon of becoming the progenitors of mankind.
Family: They married a girl named Manisha, a daughter of Kanclu . Daksha was their son.

  1. Bhrigu

Maharrishi Bhirgu is the first compiler of predictive astrology, and also the author of Bhrigu Samhita, the astrological (Jyotish) classic.The adjectival form of the name, Bhargava, is used to refer to the descendants and the school of Bhrigu. Along with Manu, Bhrigu had made important contributions to ‘Manusmriti’, which was constituted out of a sermon to a congregation of saints in the state of Brahmavarta, after the great floods in this area, nearly 10,000 years ago.
Family:He was married to Khyati, the daughter of Daksha. He had two sons by her, named Dhata and Vidhata. His daughter Sri or Bhargavi, married Vishnu

  1. Narada Muni

Narada is a Vedic sage who plays a prominent role in a number of Hindu texts, notably the Ramayana and the Bhagavata Purana. Narada is arguably ancient India’s most travelled sage with the ability to visit distant worlds and realms. He is depicted carrying a Veena, with the name Mahathi and is generally regarded as one of the great masters of the ancient musical instrument. Narada is described as both wise and mischievous, creating some of Vedic literature’s more humorous tales. Vaishnav enthusiasts depict him as a pure, elevated soul who glorifies Vishnu through his devotional songs, singing the names Hari and Narayana, and therein demonstrating bhakti yoga.

  1. Shatarupa

Brahma had one daughter Named Shatrupa- (one who can take hundred forms) born from various parts of his body. She is said to the first woman created by Lord Brahma. Shatarupa is the female portion of Brahma.

When Brahma created Shatarupa, Brahma followed her wherever she went. To avoid Brahma following her Shatarupa then moved in various directions. In whichever direction she went, Brahma developed another head until he had four, one for each direction of the compass. Shatarupa tried every way to stay out of Brahma’s gaze. However a fifth head appeared and this is how Brahma developed five heads. At this moment Lord Shiva came and cut off the top head of Brahma as it is misdeed and incestuous of Brahma to become obsessed with her, as Shatarupa was her daughter. Lord Shiva ordered that Brahma would not be worshipped for his offence. Since then Brahma has been reciting the four Vedas, one from every mouth in remorse.


#CosmicTrip - La #musique à la #conquête de l' #espace | #ARTE

De #SunRa à #DaftPunk, en passant par #PinkFloyd et #DavidBowie, l’ #odyssée littéralement inouïe des #musiciens qui ont fait décoller la #pop vers des dimensions #galactiques et #futuristes. Une téléportation joyeuse et riche en archives.

Le #cosmos, c'est le monde du silence absolu, le vide #intersidéral. Pourtant, depuis toujours ou presque, des musiciens lui ont fantasmé une #bande-son. Au XXe siècle, en parallèle de la conquête spatiale, des #artistes souvent #iconoclastes, des #inventeurs fous et des #visionnaires assoiffés d' #évasion entreprennent leurs propres #quêtes #musico-stellaires : #LéonTheremin, Sun Ra, Pink Floyd, David #Bowie, #Funkadelic, #KlausSchulze, Daft Punk et beaucoup d'autres. À la #recherche de nouvelles #esthétiques, comme le #psychédélisme, ils veulent s’affranchir des pesanteurs terrestres pour exorciser la réalité, programme plus #politique qu’il n’y paraît. Pourquoi des #musiciens noirs des décennies 1950 et 1960, ou #allemands des #seventies, désirent-ils tant se projeter dans l' #espace ?

#Galaxies #soniques

Embarqué dans un #vaisseau digne de #StarTrek, le #spectateur traverse les #époques et les galaxies musicales à la rencontre de #créateurs #poétiques et de leurs #sons inouïs, de #PierreSchaeffer à #Kraftwerk, de Can aux #SilverApples. Ponctué par les #analyses de #musicologues et d' #artistes ( Jean-Michel #Jarre, #Stereolab, #Jean-BenoîtDunckel, du groupe Air, #TimBlake de #Hawkwind), le #voyage répertorie aussi les #révolutions #technologiques qui ont porté la #space #music, l’ #afrofuturisme, le #krautrock, l’ #ambient... Dans ce #documentaire #ludique et (très) haut en couleur, Christophe Conte et Gaëtan Chataigner (ancien des Little Rabbits) retracent par le biais d'archives stupéfiantes et parfois drolatiques un pan méconnu de la pop #culture, qui aura irrigué tous les genres, des #musiques #expérimentales au #disco en passant par le #dub, le #rap et la #techno.



Sons de la nature : quand la planète nous parle

Écouter le son d'un ruisseau qui coule paisiblement, le chant des oiseaux ou le bruit du vent... Ces sons de la nature nous fascinent et battent des records d'écoute sur les plateformes musicales. Ils nous apprennent surtout beaucoup de nous et du dérèglement climatique.

Le bruit d’un ruisseau qui coule paisiblement au milieu d’une forêt, le chant des oiseaux au petit matin, le son du vent qui balaie les feuilles d’un arbre ou les dunes de sable d’un désert. Sur les plateformes musicales, les sons de la nature cumulent des millions d’écoutes, séduisant chaque jour de nouveaux auditeurs. Ils auraient même, selon les scientifiques, des vertus bénéfiques sur notre santé, offrant notamment à notre cerveau un véritable “repos psychique”, explique la très sérieuse étude d’une chercheuse canadienne.

“C’est une biologiste qui s’appelle Rachel Buxton et elle montre, dans son étude, que le fait d’écouter des sons naturels diminue le stress, diminue la sensibilité à la douleur et puis qu’elle améliore votre humeur. Et puis après, qu’elle améliore également vos performances intellectuelles“, précise le neurologue Pierre Lemarquis.

Mais pour écouter ces sons, encore faut-il les entendre. Car s'ils nous parlent, c’est qu’ils nous racontent aussi l’histoire de notre planète et du dérèglement climatique qui la frappe. “De tous ces enregistrements, de tous ces sons, on essaye d’avoir des informations écologiques, notamment le niveau de biodiversité dans une forêt, dans une mare ou dans un océan. On essaye de qualifier un endroit, un milieu naturel, juste en l’écoutant”, explique Jérôme Sueur, éco-acousticien au Muséum d'histoire naturelle à Paris et auteur du livre "Le son de la Terre".

Mais il est difficile désormais d’échapper à l’empreinte humaine dont les sons envahissent les endroits les plus silencieux. Des sommets de nos montagnes aux profondeurs de nos océans, des audio-naturalistes et des bio-acousticiens promènent pourtant leurs micros pour enregistrer l’écho d’un monde animal en déclin.

#Reportage #Radio #France-Inter #émission #Interception du 5 Février 2023
Podcast : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/interception/interception-du-dimanche-05-fevrier-2023-5845593
- Reportage : Olivier Emond
- Prise de sons : Laurent Macchietti et Julien Girard
- Réalisation : Jérôme Chélius, assisté de Martine Meyssonnier
- Mixage : Marie Lepeintre

Pour aller plus loin
- Le site de la Société internationale de bioacoustique (IBAC)
- Les effets incroyables des sons de la nature sur la santé - NEON, 24/03/2021
- La sonothèque du Muséum d'histoire naturelle

#son #oiseaux #vent #sons #nature #forêt #écoutes #scientifiques #santé #cerveau#repos-psychique#étude #écouter #sons-naturels #stress #sensibilité #humeur #performances-intellectuelles #neurologue #histoire de la #planète #dérèglement-climatique #écologie #biodiversité #mare #océan #acousticien #humaine #silence #audio-naturalistes #bio-acousticiens #micros #enregistrer #animal #Animaux #bien-être .....


Écouter la symphonie de la nuit dans la forêt des Vosges...

Feuilles qui craquent, bruits d’animaux... La forêt cache bien des choses quand la nuit tombe.
Marc Namblard écoute la nature à l’aide de micros montés sur des perches, ou dissimulés dans des « pièges à sons ». Il en a fait son métier : audionaturaliste.
(cliquez sur la fenêtre soundcloud et montez le son...).

#nature #forêt #nuit #sons