

Oh Yes, ‘Diablo Immortal’ Is Absolutely #Pay-To-Win, Eventually

source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/06/04/oh-yes-diablo-immortal-is-absolutely-pay-to-win-eventually/

And there it is. 5 star crests give the most bonuses and can be awakened so they can slot in the most extra legendary gems for ultra-endgame builds. It is quite literally impossible to accumulate any significant amount of useful, uncapped legendary gems #playing for free, so it’s essentially like the final stages of the endgame don’t exist at all without paying. And paying a lot, with some calculations putting a “final” build in #Diablo #Immortal at $40,000-$100,000 of gem-hunting currency for max 5 star awakened everything.

Diabolo feels like a totally #overpriced rust bucket you bought from a sleazy used car dealer. It's like the former cool school friend who contacts you again after years only to pitch a shabby crypto scam to you.

#Game #Gamer #fail #wtf #omg #money #finance #Blizzard #mobile #gaming #play #problem #Pay2Win #PayToWin #economy #business #loutBox #meme #memes


Balade au tambour autour de Galembrun (31330) aujourd'hui mercredi 14 juillet et dimanche 18 juillet à 18h même avec trois gouttes de pluie (mais pas sous une grosse averse). Pour chanter, danser, écouter, méditer.

Apportez votre tambour si vous en avez un!

Contactez-moi pour info: 0676744297

📷 Maëlys Grondin un immense merci! ❤

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