Pollution aux perfluorés. L’eau du robinet contaminée de manière massive, "Il faut privilégier l’eau en bouteille" s’inquiète l’ARS
#eau #pollution #santé
One person like that
Pollution aux perfluorés. L’eau du robinet contaminée de manière massive, "Il faut privilégier l’eau en bouteille" s’inquiète l’ARS
#eau #pollution #santé
Top 10 countries doing the most to tackle plastic pollution
I’m starting to see ads for plastic for “a viable future.” Hmm,of%20up%20to%20six%20months.
It is made 100% from recycled bottles. Who cares about the wrapping, packaging and transportation. It is only the bottle that is recycled (if you believe them) to make you feel good you are doing your share to save the planet.
#recycle #BottleWater #Scam #Plastic #Pollution #Environment
#UK #Environment #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #Pollution #Emissions #FossilFuels
Thousands of fires are burning across Indonesia, experiencing its most severe dry season in four years.Authorities are working to put out forest fires in Sum...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Indonesia #Indonesiaairpollution #Indonesialatestnews #Indonesiasmog #Indonesiawildfires #Jakartaairpollution #Jakartaairquality #Kalimantanforestfires #Malaysia #Malysiaairpollution #Sumatra #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #asthma #borneo #climatechange #elnino #pollution #respiratorydiseases
Indonesia battle wildfires in Kalimantan, rejects blame for smog drifted to Malaysia
Amazon et ses milliers de satellites vont polluer le ciel
#pollution #espace #Amazon
#environnement #pollution #nucléaire #14-18 #première-guerre-mondiale #déchets-nucléaires #danger #mer-du-nord #munitions #enfouissement #obus #grenades #moissons-de-fer #réservoirs-toxiques #meuse #énergie-nucléaire #déchets-radioactifs #bure
Le Monde
Une amende infligée pour abandon de débris dans l’espace, une première
#espace #pollution
70 % des jeunes prêts à refuser de travailler pour une entreprise polluante
#pollution #nonCooperation
i was aware they use greta, i naively foolishly thought mere opportunistically.
didnt really consider (as the start of this seems suggest) she was an asset, a tool, of the crooks, from the start.
#greta #crooks #mediaawareness #bigbrainwash #heartsandminds #psyop #globalterror #bigbank #bigbaron #connections #thisisnotwhatenvironmentalismlookslike #mediaawareness #theyusegreta #propaganda #psyop #peoplebuypeoplefirst #manipulation #deception #bescared #dontthink #usefulidiots #youwillownnothingandbehappy #globalhegemony #cryptofascist #netzero #globalecoterrorism #oligarchy #plutarchy #kleptarchy #kakistarchy #suppressedsolutions #nofear #crookplanmomentum #genocide #anthrocide #humancull #mysanthropy #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #postscarcity #nocullnecessary #nogenocidenecessay #nopovertynecessary #cleanenergynow #desecretcleanenergy #emancipationtechnology #noneedtobeslaves #to #rentiers #riggedgame #pollution #butnotfortherich #justbuycarboncredits #keepthelittlepeopledown #and #poisoned #no #stopit #stopfallingforit #metoo #dumbfucks #weareinalotoftrouble #nostrongmantosaveus #evolve #wecanstillmendthis #itsjustpeople #istillcareiamjustaware #therebecrooks #fauxlanthropy #whyobeycrooks #fauxlanthropists #stopobeyingcrooks #puppets #compliedyourwayoutoftyrannyyet #bigbully #compliedyourwayoutoftotalitarianismyet #mrbig #strongman #problemreactionsolution #itsjustaride #wecanchangethis #acoice #betweenfearandlove #lovingkindness #wellbeing #peacefullyatease #happy #i #we #they #all #forgoodnesssake #WhereCrooksRuleDisobey
ps, i miss #theyrule. that website made it easy to catch these things. anyone else remember great tool for people to see the connections in power, it let you explore and expand the network mesh of boards of directors and the corporations, governmental agencies, ngo, etc they're on the board of (and there are more connections than one might first naively presume).
pps, lol, oops, before i fell into that lede-burying tag rant, i was just gonna tag this with merely #greta #crooks
Particules fines : la France bloque une mesure antipollution en Europe
#pollution #particulesFines #UE #France
#environnement #individualisme #pollution
Quelques jours après le festin royal à Versailles, Macron met en scène sa "proximité avec le peuple". Avec l'éloge de la bagnole, pilier de sa planification écologique, à l'heure où le litre à 2€ étrangle de nombreux franç et où les grands projets routiers étouffent les territoires. Nous republions "L’idéologie sociale de la bagnole", texte d’André Gorz de 1973. Le philosophe soulignait que le mythe de la bagnole accomplissait le rêve de tout capitaliste : "tous les hommes allaient dépendre pour leurs besoins quotidiens d’une marchandise dont une seule industrie détiendrait le monopole."
The Philippine government has begun an ambitious project to restore what has been described as a dead river.The Pasig waterway in Manila has been ranked as t...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #PasigRiver #Pasigwaterway #PasigwaterwayinManila #Philippinegovernment #Pollution #Water #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #deadriver #latestnews #newsheadlines #plasticwaste #tonnesofplastic #waterpollution #worldsmostpollutingriver
Philippine government starts cleanup of 'world's most-polluting river'
Usine Yara : bombe chimique et pollution toxique le long de la Loire - Contre Attaque
#environnement #pollution
#environnement #climat #pollution
Non mais les russes sont méchants on vous dit!
#politique #environnement #pollution #climat #transports #décroissance