One person like that
Bildungsprotesttag - Bildungsexpertin: Immer noch 50er-Jahre-Schulbildung
Jeder Schüler und sein Potential müsse gesehen und gefördert werden, sagt Bildungsexpertin Dziak-Mahler. Sie setzt sich beim Protesttag für modernes Lernen ein.#BILDUNG #SCHULE #Protesttag #FÖRDERUNG #SCHÜLER #Potential #Gesellschaft #mündigerBürger
Bildungsexpertin: Immer noch 50er-Jahre-Schulbildung
listen to the first minute of this at least.
#1984 #2024 #philosophizethis #technology #consequences #trajectory #responsibility #powerracetobottom #ontheverge #ai #llp #transformers #airevolution #rightnow #dystopian #shortsight #thenwhat
#tippingpoints #horizons #unknownpossibilities #emancipationtechnology #possibilities #potential #deskilling #disruptivetechnology #economics #health #agriculture #relationships #anthropology #freedom #configdemocracy #learning #prediction #panopticon #anthrotubed #totalcontrol #humanswithai #fakereality #discernment #scrutiny #totaldeception #totalmanipulation #spectatorsport #spectatorized #dehumnized #reductive #curated #notrust #democracy #tyranny #politicianspromise #breadcrumbing #socialmomentum #socialinertia #generativeai #generativeartificialinteligence
Wenn #MS #chatGTP jetzt in alle #Officeprodukte einbaut, dann wäre dies doch ein #Argument für alternative #Officeprodukte in den #Schulen.
Nicht das ich #KI per se verteufeln möchte, aber …
… da gebe es ein gewisses #Potential bei den #LuL (-:
#wearenotdoingthatanymore #lettherebeherb #cannabiscansavetheworld
#cannabisbatteries #hempbatteries can haz nice things, no harm. :D
#graphene #carbon #foodfuelfibermedicine #fiber #supercapacitors #sustainable #sustainability #environment #environmentallyfriendly #green #electrodes #cheap #clean #cleantech #emancipatorytechnology #emancipationtechnology #potential #hemppoweredcar #hemppoweredcars #conductivity #superconductivity #development #investment #opportunity #sustainablefuture #freeherb #cannabis
A quotation by Richardson, James
Think of all the smart people who are made stupid by flaws of character. The finest watch isn’t fine long when used as a hammer.
James Richardson (b. 1950) American poet
“Vectors: 56 Aphorisms and Ten-second Essays,” Michigan Quarterly Review, #19 (Spring 1999)
#quotation #quote #character #flaw #intelligence #potential #purpose #tool
More notes and sourcing on WIST:
’ #Divide and #rule becomes a necessity for the “1%” to continue to hold #power.’
‘One #humanity, one #Earth … We will not be #divided.’
DIVIDE & RULE - The Plan of The 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE - Vandana Shiva
#divideandrule #vandanashiva #shiva #interconnectedness #oneness #potential #quantum #world #democracy #disposable #mechanistic #thought #economy #love #abundance #sustainability #freedom #nature #reality #gandhi #mlk #afterskool #cartoon
' #Divide and #rule becomes a necessity for the “1%” to continue to hold #power.'
'One #humanity, one #Earth ... We will not be #divided.'
#divideandrule #vandanashiva #shiva #interconnectedness #oneness #potential #quantum #world #democracy #disposable #mechanistic #thought #economy #love #abundance #sustainability #freedom #nature #reality #gandhi #mlk #afterskool #cartoon