

Mit "Circular Economy" kann die energieintensive Industrie ihren CO₂-Ausstoß effizienter und schneller senken und Preisschocks bei Rohstoffen besser wegstecken.#Dekarbonisierung,CO₂-Neutralität #Recycling,Kreislaufwirtschaft #energieintensiveIndustrie
Industrie soll sich im Kreis drehen


Rohstoffe: EU diskuriert über Bedarf nach seltenen Erden

Beer (FDP) zu seltenen Erden - „Haben einen ambitionierteren Vorschlag als die Kommission“

Die EU-Kommission hat einen Plan zu seltnene Erden vorgelegt, der dem Parlament aber nicht weitgenug geht, wie EU-Abgeordnete Nicola Beer (FDP) erklärt.#SelteneErden #Rohstoffe #EU #EU-Kommision #EU-Parlament #Energiewende #Recycling
Rohstoffe: EU diskuriert über Bedarf nach seltenen Erden


Turning an empty 2L juice box into a holder for plant seedlings.

The 2L juice boxes are pretty common in #Europe and #US and most of them come in similar shape to maximize shipping of them from distances.

I drink a #box every 3-4 weeks or so and had saved a few of them to see what I can do with them.

Decided to make a quick test to see if I can put 3 small plastic #containers that I use for growing plants into the and it was a good fit.

Marking 3 squares on the side of the box with the lid facing up in the size of the top inner section of the #plastic pots. Cut each square diagonally and bend up the triangles to fit the pot inside.

Because of their format, it is easy to add water to them and I keep the lid on to prevent mosquitoes and bugseti go in there.

It's not perfect, but it works to prepare the plants for their final home. And it doesn't cost anything. And when I am done, I cut and clean them before putting them in #recycling.

#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #France #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants #ReUse


#Wasteland#Europe’s #plastic #disaster

Source: https://www.investigate-europe.eu/en/2023/wasteland-plastic-recycling/

Back in 2015, the EU presented an action plan for a circular #economy and vowed to “close the loop”. In the #future, raw materials like plastic should circulate endlessly. From production to the #supermarket, to the dining table, to the rubbish bin and back to the recycling plant. New plastic would seamlessly emerge from old. In a closed, circular system, raw materials would be reused again and again, and looming #climate and environmental #crises would be averted.

But as new #research by Investigate Europe documents, the #EU is still far from achieving this seven years after presenting its #recycling plan.

#waste #pollution #nature #environment #politics #news