

(very reliable and trustworthy) Russia is planning acts of sabotage across Europe, secret services warn - FT

Intelligence agencies warn that Russian agents are preparing covert bombings, arson and attacks on infrastructure in Europe.

According to a Financial Times report, Russia has already begun to plan these activities more intensively, both directly and through proxies. There seems to be little concern about causing civilian casualties.

#Russia #EU


‘Yes, #Ukraine’ … the Middle East paradigm interlinks directly with the Ukraine paradigm where #Russia has succeeded in destroying so much of the western supplied, air-defence capabilities in Ukraine, giving Russia near complete air dominance over the skies.

Positioning scarce air defense ‘to save #Israel’ therefore, exposes Ukraine (and slows the U.S. pivot to #China, too). And given the recent passage of the funding Bill for Ukraine in Congress, clearly air defence assets are a priority for sending to Kiev – where the West looks increasingly trapped and rummaging for a way out that does not lead to humiliation.

But before leaving the Middle East paradigm shift, the implications for Netanyahu are already evident: He must therefore focus back to the ‘near enemy’ – the Palestinian sphere or to Lebanon – to provide Israel with the ‘Great Victory’ that his government craves.

In short, the ‘cost’ for #Biden of saving Israel from the Iranian flotilla which had been pre-announced by #Iran to be demonstrative and not destructive nor lethal is that the White House must put-up with the corollary – an attack on #Rafah. But this implies a different form of cost – an electoral erosion through exacerbating domestic tensions arising from the on-going blatant slaughter of Palestinians.

source and more


Only for those who are able to listen to the pro-Russian/Chinese and Western critical stance on certain Western policies, for everyone else it is a waste of time.
Some of these points need review, but I will say that it is important to hear all positions on issues.

source & more
#China #diplomacy #EU #hippocracy #international-laws #Russia #Sanctions #Taiwan #Ukraine #USA

I avoid taking sides, but I tend to listen more to the side that is hated by the masses.
Therefore, I like to share posts that contradict the mainstream news without completely assuming their truthfulness. Because, I want to avoid having to stand there at some point and say with the chorus.
“I didn't know anything about all this.”


The Icarus Project : How Finland Has Become Impossible to Invade

Finland has spent nearly 80 years making sure that if Russia is ever foolish enough to try for 'Winter War 2' that the Losses for Russia will be even harder to deal with than what they lost against them in WW2. Finland is definitely an asset to NATO and determined not to be the next Ukraine.

An Interesting Documentary (35 mins)

#Finland #Russia #NATO


Russia claims that their missile and done attacks against Odessa last week destroyed entire shipment of recent missiles and air defense system from US and Germany worth over $4B

The attacks were reported by both Russian and Ukrainian sources and the aftermath of the attacks were clearly indicating that the targets were amonition depot of some kind and the fire lasted for hours and spread to a large part of the storage facility that was hit.

The Russian military blogger claims that the information was leaked by an Ulrainian military who gave the coordinates and the date of the arrival of US and German shipment only hours before they were planned to be shipped out to different locations.

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineWar #US #Germany #Military #Odessa


A senior Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) officer, who is the Assistant Chief of Staff at the #NATO Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC), faces court martial, “dismissal with disgrace”, and loss of his military pension for having disagreed with Canadian, American, and British military planners of Ukrainian battlefield operations against Russia. His disagreement was in private, when the officers were asking for his professional assessment, and didn’t like what he told them.

Colonel Robert Kearney was charged by the Canadian military police on April 23. The charge sheet says he faces “five (5) x counts of Conduct Prejudice to the Good Order and Discipline pursuant to section 129 of the National Defence Act.”

The source notes that the first charge against Kearney dated in December 2021 is “interesting as well. That was during the time of NATO preparations to back a Ukrainian offensive into the #Donetsk and #Lugansk republics and into #Russia proper. More than likely, Kearney told his fellow staffers that the operational plan was a hugely dangerous idea. Colonel Kearney was seeing the writing on the wall, how NATO wasn’t at all ready, and he didn’t keep it to himself. By November 2023, when the fifth charge is alleged, he had probably said ‘I told you so’ four times too many.”

source and much more

Above #history, where it leads to can be followed.
I'm curious as to what will happen in the next few months and years.


Russian Troops Enter Base Housing US Military in Niger, US Official Says — https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-05-02/exclusive-russian-troops-enter-base-housing-us-military-in-niger-us-official-says

Niger: Russian forces are operating at same base as US troops | CNN Politics — https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/02/politics/us-russian-forces-niger-base/index.html

see also:
Whistleblower: Defying Niger exit order leaves U.S. troops vulnerable - The Washington Post — https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/17/niger-air-force-whistleblower/

#usa #rf #russia #niger #africa


About Odessa...

About #Odessa ... #Ukraine #Russia #massacre

"... May 2, 2014. There is a good material in Ria on that grim anniversary (in Russian, use Google translate). What is correctly noted, for many Russians this was the event which changed everything. Later those events will be "explained" by the onset of the war in Ukraine. So, keep in mind, while SMO started in February of 2022, the conflict was ongoing for the last 10 years. It is then when I completely lost any "brotherly" feelings. Why I do not consider, as many still try (for Putin it is obvious, he has to project moderation and historical wisdom) to convince that Ukrainians and Russians are "brothers"--ethnically, yes, culturally, no--them to be largely not brotherly at all, bar people from what historically was Malorossiya, is long to explain. New generations of Ukies are people radically different from Russians and it is not just the matter of propaganda. Long story short--it is a debilitating envy and complex of inferiority which is in the foundation of Ukrainian nation. I am on record--Ukrainian nation DID happen. It is a real nation, which only now is getting the whiff of its own demise."



Selling Russia coffin nails is a business I approve of.

Hanse Mina - 2024-05-02 03:05:54 GMT

#Japan Tobacco’s chief executive has said the company will keep its lucrative Russian business to satisfy investors after reshaping its supply chains to comply with sanctions.The cigarette maker is routing some business through #Turkey and has moved key personnel to Hong Kong as ties with #Russia have come under pressure in the wake of its invasion of #Ukraine, Masamichi Terabatake told the Financial Times.



Another US precision-guided #weapon has apparently been foiled by Russian electronic warfare, a #Pentagon official said.

The munition, which was rapidly developed and transported to #Ukraine, is just the latest to fail in combat, highlighting the growing challenge of countering cheap Russian jamming tactics.

Last week, William LaPlante, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, said a new version of a US precision weapon had failed to hit Russian targets partially because of Russian electronic warfare. LaPlante told a Center for Strategic and International Studies panel that the ground-launched weapon, a version of an air-to-ground system, had been quickly developed and deployed to Ukraine after relatively limited safety testing and little operational testing.

Once the weapon arrived in Ukraine, "it didn't work for multiple reasons," LaPlante said. Those included electromagnetic interference and complications from launching the weapon on the ground. "It just didn't work," he said.

If this weapon did fail, it would not be the first US precision-guided weapon foiled by Russian electronic warfare. The Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System, a valuable weapon for Ukraine that can be fired from its US-provided High-Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, and Joint Direct Attack Munitions have both been reported to repeatedly fail because of Russian jamming.

In December, Lt. Gen. Antonio Aguto said electronic warfare directed at some of "our most precise capabilities is a challenge."

In March, Daniel Patt, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, told Congress the GPS-guided Excalibur artillery shells "had a 70% efficiency rate hitting targets when first used in Ukraine" but that "after six weeks, efficiency declined to only 6% as the Russians adapted their electronic-warfare systems to counter it."




#NHLstats 🇷🇺Андрей Коваленко и его сын Николай Коваленко стали четвертым тандемом отца и сына, который участвовали хотя бы в одной игре регулярного сезона или плей-офф с франшизой «Эвеланш/Нордикс»

Ранее такими тандемами были -- Пол и Кёртис МакДермиды, Петер и Пол Штястны , а также Рон и Джон Грэхемы.

📈 -- Николай в дебютной игре провёл 13 смен (07:17 игровое время на льду), отметился 4 силовыми приёмами и закончил матч с показателем полезности «+/-0»

Россиянин был вызван из фарм-клуба «Колорадо» в АХЛ и заменил в составе травмированного Йоэля Кивиранту.


• Отметим также, что Николай стал 4️⃣-ым игроком в истории «Эвеланш» (с 1995 года), который провёл свой первый матч в лиге во время плей-офф. В истории всей франшизы «Квебек/Колорадо» он стал 6️⃣-ым хоккеистом

Первым в денверской истории был форвард Джоуи Хишон, дебютировавший в матче №4 первого раунда против «Миннесоты» (24 апреля 2014). Вторым -- защитник Кейл Макар в матче №3 первого раунда против «Калгари», он отметился тогда заброшенной шайбой (15 апреля 2019). Третьим -- финский нападающий Сампо Ранта (2 раунд, матч №1 против «Вегаса», 30 мая 2021 года).

В квебекской истории также были Майк Хаф (1985 год) и Рэнди Мёллер (1982 год).

#NikolaiKovalenko #AndreiKovalenko #Russia #ColoradoAvalanche #QuebecNordiques #NHL #StanleyCup #Playoffs #Hockey

#lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #nhl #coloradoavalanche #vk_colorado_avalanche


Лэнни Макдональд и Джо Маллен из «Флэймс» такое проворачивали в 1986 году, а также в 1981 году это делали Рон Дюгэй и Ульф Нильссон из &la...


🤝Арттури Лекхонен и Валерий Ничушкин стали 3️⃣-ми одноклубниками в истории лиги, которым удалось отличиться голами в первых 4-ёх матчах с начала постсезона.

Лэнни Макдональд и Джо Маллен из «Флэймс» такое проворачивали в 1986 году, а также в 1981 году это делали Рон Дюгэй и Ульф Нильссон из «Рейнджерс».

С начала этого плей-офф финн поражал ворота соперника четырежды, а россиянин шесть раз.

• Кроме этого, Арттури и Валерий стали третьим и четвёртым игроками в истории франшизы QUE/COL, отличившиеся голами в каждой из первых четырёх игр плей-офф. Ранее такое удавалось только Нэйтану Маккиннону (4 игры в 2022 году) и Мишелю Гуле (5 игр в 1985 году).


💬 -- «Вэл и Лехки -- это просто мечта тренера. Все знают, что случилось с Валерием год назад перед третьей игрой в Сиэтле. А сейчас Ничушкин забивает помногу, его голы вынудили убрать из ворот «Джетс» звездного вратаря Коннора Хеллебака. Это же невероятно!», -- восхитился обозреватель Colorado Hockey Now Эван Раваль.

#ArtturiLehkonen #Finland #ValeriNichushkin #Russia #ColoradoAvalanche #NHL #StanleyCup #Playoffs #Hockey #NHLstats

Video: Artturi Lehkonen has goals in every game this series! 🤩 <a class=#GoAvsGo">

Video: Artturi Lehkonen has goals in every game this series! 🤩 #GoAvsGo

Video: Первый хет-трик Ничушкина в НХЛ – в 29 лет. Он ждал этого 579 матчей

Video: Первый хет-трик Ничушкина в НХЛ – в 29 лет. Он ждал этого 579 матчей

#lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #nhl #coloradoavalanche #vk_colorado_avalanche


Урожай шайб Валеры после игры с «Джетс». Есть первый хет-трик в лиге


Урожай шайб Валеры после игры с «Джетс». Есть первый хет-трик в лиге 🧢🧢🧢

👔Главный тренер «Колорадо Эвеланш» Джаред Беднар похвалил российского нападающего Валерия Ничушкина за выступление в плей‑офф НХЛ.

В воскресенье «Колорадо» обыграл «Виннипег Джетс» в четвертом матче серии первого раунда Кубка Стэнли со счетом 5:1. Ничушкин оформил первый хет‑трик в карьере в лиге.

💬 -- «Ничушкин отлично справляется, это действительно так. Так что он номер один. Вы хотите, чтобы парни были в хорошем психологическом состоянии и заботились о себе, и он это делает. Если честно, он играл очень хорошо, даже когда не был в хорошем ментальном состоянии.

Вы хотите, чтобы парни чувствовали себя хорошо и спокойно вне катка, чтобы им было весело, когда они приходят на работу, и тогда они будут более продуктивны. И Ничушкин, безусловно, это делает», -- приводит слова Беднара The Denver Gazette.


🇨🇦Защитник «Колорадо» Кейл Макар поделился впечатлениями от игры форварда Валерия Ничушкина в четвертом матче первого раунда плей-офф НХЛ против «Виннипега» (5:1).

💬 -- «Он был потрясающим. Очевидно, что он сейчас управляет поездом. Мы хотим вознаграждать ребят, которые выходят к воротам. Поэтому пытаемся доставить им шайбы, чтобы они смогли забросить», -- приводит слова Макара официальный сайт НХЛ.


#NHLstats Отметим, что 29-летний хоккеист стал 🔟-ым россиянином, который оформил хет-трик в плей-офф. Ранее это сделали Владимир Тарасенко и Евгений Малкин (по два раза), а также Кирилл Капризов, Денис Гурьянов, Андрей Свечников, Павел Буре, Валерий Каменский, Валерий Зелепукин и Александр Могильный.

#ValeriNichushkin #Russia #ColoradoAvalanche #NHL #StanleyCup #Playoffs #Hockey

Video: Первый хет-трик Ничушкина в НХЛ – в 29 лет. Он ждал этого 579 матчей

Video: Первый хет-трик Ничушкина в НХЛ – в 29 лет. Он ждал этого 579 матчей

Video: “I feel amazing!” -Val Nichushkin on his first career hat trick <a class=#GoAvsGo #ALLIN \(28/04/2024\)">

Video: “I feel amazing!” -Val Nichushkin on his first career hat trick #GoAvsGo #ALLIN (28/04/2024)

#lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #nhl #coloradoavalanche #vk_colorado_avalanche


#UnitedStates #fascism #media #propaganda #China #Russia #Venezuela
