

Mein kaputtes #Handy ist jetzt seit fast 30 Tagen bei #Samsung, jetzt beginnt die Reparatur (Ersatzteile bestellt steht im Status), zwischendurch haben sie mich so oft angelogen, Problem auf mich geschoben und immer wieder gelogen.

Hab das Handy selber kaputt gemacht und den Service genutzt wo man online eine Reparatur zum Fixpreis bestellt, dass ist deren normales Angebot und deren Prozesse sind kaputt und ab dee Hotline und per E-Mail bekommt man keine zielführende Hilfe und es gibt auch keine Motivation Probleme zu lösen. Und offensichtlich ist das Handy noch nicht repariert, was man mit aber am 09.11.2023 telefonisch versichert hatte. Ergo lügen sie die Kunden auch an.


Neulich Display beim #Samsung #Handy kaputt gemacht, glaube nur die Glasscheibe die außen sitzt.
Kurz paar Handyläden angerufen, die genannten Preise waren sehr hoch im Vergleich zur Samsung Webseite.
Also Reparatur da gebucht, DHL Express Abholung inkl., nach erster Prüfung wurde der Preis reduziert, weil weniger kaputt ist als ich gedacht habe.

Wichtig ist, es gibt auch noch Garantie auf Reparatur und Wasserdichtigkeit wird auch wieder garantiert.

Nachteil ist, dass das Handy eingeschickt werden muss und man erstmal nen Ersatz braucht für die 2 Wochen.
Sie sagen übrigens sie machen nen Werksreset, also nen Backup muss man vorher auch noch machen, aber das geht bei Samsung etwa so einfach wie bei Apple. Nur ohne Cloud auf USB.


[l] Ich bashe hier immer Microsoft für deren Totalversagen, aber eigentlich ist das ungerecht. Daher hier ein bisschen Andere-Firmen-Bashing:

Samsung schaltet in Mexiko Smartphones remote ab, weil die auf Aliexpress statt im Samsung-Store gekauft wurden.Motorola hat dasselbe getan.Warte mal, wenn Samsung und Motorola euer Telefon fernsteuern können, woher wisst ihr denn, dass das nicht auch die "Sicherheitsbehörden" können?Hold that thought.Apple macht ihre Telefone jetzt remote zwangsupdatebar.

Apple is planning a new system for its retail stores that will update the software on iPhones prior to sale. The company has developed a proprietary pad-like device that the store can place boxes of iPhones on top of. That system can then wirelessly turn on the iPhone, update its software and then power it back down — all without the phone’s packaging ever being opened. The company aims to begin rolling this out to its stores before the end of the year.

Darauf wartet der Zoll seit Jahren, dass sie das bei einreisenden Touristen machen können, ohne dass die was mitkriegen!1!!

#fefebot #microsoft #apple #samsung


Samsung makes rugged Galaxy S23 phones specifically for tactical battlefield use

Close view of a soldier's chest, wearing camouflage, with a rugged looking phone strapped to the front of his chest.
Samsung recently introduced Tactical Edition smartphones for the US military, the Galaxy S23 TE and Galaxy XCover 6 Pro TE. Both devices bring a laser rangefinder, external GPS connectivity, a tactical radio, a stealth mode to block radio signals, and a touchscreen that can be used even while wearing military gloves.

It supports ‘Night Vision Mode’, which protects the eyes when wearing night vision goggles, and ‘5G Band Lock Mode’, which allows connection to certified 5G networks only. It automatically accepts calls while the speaker is on, prevents call recording, and keeps mission-related secrets safe.

No prices are given, as these are probably not even for general use or retail sale. With the specs shown, I doubt these would be very affordable either.

See https://www.sammyfans.com/2023/09/26/say-no-to-iphone-heres-why-us-soldiers-use-samsung-galaxy-s23/
#Blog, #military, #samsung, #technology


Chinese tech rivals #Huawei and #Xiaomi have put aside differences to form a "united front" in the battle for the lucrative high-end #smartphone market.

Their patents cooperation will pose a formidable new challenge to key competitors such as the Empire’s global champions, #Apple and #Samsung.

"Huawei Technologies and Xiaomi Corp, two of China’s largest smartphone vendors, have set aside their intellectual property (IP) dispute to forge a global patent cross-licensing deal that covers multiple communications technologies including 5G, which could help bolster the expansion initiatives of both companies."
#Technology #Patents #Sanctions


Quand l’ #État #Monétise nos #Problèmes - #AldoSterone


Exemples de news significatives :
- La mairie bloque la route avec des cônes ou des travaux éternels qui n’avancent jamais. Elle va créer des #restrictions de #circulation qui causent des embouteillages. Ceux-ci sont transformés en taxes et #prélèvements #obligatoires.
- #Restrictions des voyages en #avion. Les #médias préparent l’ #opinion a une #interdiction des #voyages par la masse. Seuls les hommes #politiques et les #riches seront en #droit de #voyager. Les autres, ils doivent restez chez eux.
- #Samsung impose une #application de l’ #agenda #2030. Elle s’appelle Global Goals App et elle est dans le #téléphone par défaut.
- #Greenpeace définit la #justice #climatique

00:00 #EELV, l’ #écologisme #taxatoire
00:50 Devenir #riche avec le #changement #climatique
02:30 #Monétisation des #problèmes
06:00 4 #voyages en #avion dans une #vie #humaine
07:52 Les #gens ont de vrais #problèmes
08:40 #Samsung et la #global #goals #app
09:54 #Greenpeace définit la #justice climatique



[l] Viele Grüße an dieser Stelle an den Praktikanten bei Heise, der in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern zur Schule gegangen ist:

Eine Webcam ist integriert und leistet mehr als bei Apple: Die Auflösung liegt bei 4K, während das Studio Display nur 12 Megapixel schafft.

Unter 4k versteht man im Volksmund 3840 × 2160 Pixel. Wenn wir das mal ausrechnen, kommen wir auf 8251200, also 8 Megapixel.Update: In dem Kontext auch witzig war diese Meldung vom rbb. Und zwar haben die Berliner Unis sich entschlossen, das Semesterticket abzuschaffen, das seit ein paar Jahren Teil der Einschreibung war. Das fanden ein paar FDP-Wähler nicht gut, dass sie "gezwungen" werden, in ein Solidarsystem einzuzahlen, wenn sie doch gar nicht ÖPNV fahren sondern von ihrem Chauffeur hingefahren werden. Und jetzt, wo es das Deutschlandticket gibt, ist der Preisnachlass ihrer Meinung nach zu klein. Aber das haben sie nicht einfach so behauptet. Nein! Dafür haben sie Gutachten von Experten anfertigen lassen!

Um das zu belegen, verweisen viele Studierende auf ein Gutachten, das der Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss (Asta) der TU Dortmund im Frühjahr in Auftrag gegeben hatte. Anwälte bestätigen darin für Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW), dass die Ersparnis des Semestertickets im Verhältnis zum bundesweiten 49-Euro-Ticket nur noch bei 25 Prozent liegt.

Wer kann denn bitte ohne Gutachten nicht ausrechnen, wie hoch der Preisnachlass ist? Nun, ...

Zwar gebe es insgesamt noch einen Preisvorteil. "Ob der verpflichtende Bezug aber von den Verwaltungsgerichten noch als verhältnismäßig im engeren Sinne gesehen wird, erscheint angesichts der geringen Preisdifferenz durchaus fraglich", so die Juristen.

I rest my case.

Update: Ich bin übrigens zufriedener Deutschlandticket-Kunde, auch wenn ich da gerade mangels Fahrvolumen Verlust mit macht. Die Freiheit, einfach in einen Bus einsteigen zu können, und unterwegs irgendwas angucken zu können, ohne rechnen zu müssen, ob das alte Ticket noch gültig ist, ist Gold wert. Die große Freiheit! Kann ich nur jedem empfehlen.

Update: Hmm, kann man auch anders lesen. Die Asta konnte nicht rechnen und brauchte das Gutachten und Juristen haben das Gutachten geschrieben. Ich würde aber auch unter der Leseweise davon ausgehen, dass die Juristen so komplexe Sachverhalte nicht selber klären in dem Gutachten, sondern da einen technischen Gutachter heranziehen, der Prozentrechnung beherrscht.

Update: Ah, nicht alle. An der FU ist das Semesterticket weiterhin aktiv.

#fefebot #fdp #apple #samsung


Samsung Galaxy Watch might soon just save your life: Finally getting irregular heartbeat recognition and notification

Starting this summer (Northern Hemisphere?), Samsung will add Irregular Heart Rhythm Notification (IHRN) to its Samsung Health app in 13 markets. The list of countries includes Argentina, Azerbaijan, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Georgia, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Panama, UAE, Korea, and the US.

It will work in the background by analysing your heart rate, and when it detects signs of AFib, you will be notified to record an ECG.

Yes, this is really way after Apple, and the use of the temperature sensor was also a good year after the sensor appeared on the watches. Samsung does seem to be lagging rather badly on the watch side (despite it being claimed to be one of the best Wear OS watches around).

See https://www.androidpolice.com/samsung-galaxy-watch-irregular-heartbeat-save-your-life/
#Blog, #galaxywatch, #health, #IHRN, #samsung, #technology


My workaround for Samsung Watch 5 exercise tracking, using a Polar H10 Chest Strap

Well, this has been quite an experience over the last 3 months! My Samsung Watch 5 started out in the end of December working perfectly and tracking all my exercises quite correctly from the first minute onwards, during the first month. But by the end of Jan / Beginning Feb 2023 I noticed big lags in it registering the increased heart rate, often with a few minutes of no reading, or sometimes just maintaining a non-exercise level heart rate for a third of the exercise duration (see featured image on the post).

I went through all the suggested solutions like:
* Ensuring the strap is a bit tighter for exercising
* Check firmware and apps are updated
* Check heart rate, and get reading, before starting exercise
* Rebooting watch
* And even doing a hard reset back to factory settings

So, after 2 months the watch was sent into Samsung Repairs with piles of printouts showing how long it worked perfectly, and then all the exercises since end of January that were faulty. Upon receiving the Watch back nearly a month later, it was exactly the same. I queried this with the shop, and they suggested I speak to the actual technician at Samsung. Well, it turns out the shop never sent my printouts through with the watch for the repairs and it just said the “heart rate was faulty”. That was absolutely not true as the heart rate otherwise was showing fine for non-exercises. It was suggested I take the watch in myself to Samsung repairs and discuss it, which I did. The technician explained they had already swapped out the insides, so the hardware was actually replaced. To cut a long discussion short, he suggested that seeing it did work originally, he will again reset and recalibrate it, but will install the Samsung Nov 2022 firmware, and I should not apply any updates before testing the watch.

I came home with the watch and did not even restore the last backup. I hit the exercise machine…. and …. it was still the same! I thought maybe it was the Welltory app (for HRV) that also took heart rate measurements, so I deleted that app too. I did a second day’s exercise to be sure. The second day was even worse with 99% of the exercise showing normal varying heart rate, despite me averaging around 168 bpm.

I was faced with a difficult choice now. Recent searches now did show quite a few others reporting “faulty / inaccurate heart rate during workouts”. I had already had its hardware replaced so it was like a new watch. Do I now sell the watch and maybe get a Garmin watch (good sports watch but no shopping app)? Apart from this exercise heart rate issue, the watch otherwise works absolutely perfectly. But the exercise issue is a showstopper for me as my medical insurance gives big discounts and cash backs for healthy eating and exercises (both based on evidence, including the watch’s heart rate data). So I only have the choice of connections with Samsung Health, Garmin, Polar, Fitbit, Huawei Health Kit, Suunto, Google Fit, Stava, Technogym, Withings, and Zwift.Polar H10 Chest Strap

In the end I decided to buy a Polar H10 Chest Strap mainly for the following reasons:
* I get 45% discount through the medical insurance every 12 months on a device up to R6,000 (US$326) so it is way cheaper than another watch (75% if I was really good)
* It is a good 99% plus accurate, even more so than the Apple Watch I had previously
* The strap offers more detailed HRV analysis than the watch
* The H10 can be used to track one exercise on its own without needing the phone or watch nearby (and is also not affected by my switches between an Android or an iPhone)

So, I got the strap and yes it certainly does live readings, with a graph, on the phone display while I exercise. I was quite impressed with what it all can measure in terms of different HRV data too.Galaxy Watch Comes Right

After two non-functional exercises with the watch, I decided last night to do the firmware upgrade. It may be one release newer than I had before handing it in the second time for repairs. So, imagine my surprise after I started exercising this morning, and the watch was tracking the heart rate just perfectly. In fact, the Samsung watch was closer to the Polar chest strap than even the Fitbit Inspire 2 which I’d loaned from my wife. The watch was within 1-2 BPM, and the Fitbit about 2 to 3 BPM. The image below is what the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 should look like when doing an exercise (it’s not perfect as it lost the reading for a very short bit, and does have a slight dip too, but it is generally correct, and certainly the tracking the start correctly).

Screenshot showing Elliptical trainer with a graph that plots the heart rate rising sharply from the start of the exercise

And below is an image from the Polar Beats app showing what the Polar H10 Chest Strap recorded for the same exercise.

Screenshot showing Polar with 164bpm, 490kcal, 10% fat burn, and a graph showing the heart rate tracked during an exercise.

So maybe the Samsung watch is now sorted out with the firmware update. Only a few more exercises will tell. What I’m sure of now is it is not a hardware issue: Firstly, because the hardware was already replaced, and secondly because hardware does not usually just come right overnight. But Samsung seriously needs to give more attention to acknowledging when there are suspected bugs (and not telling every user they are the only person with that problem). In the last week I’ve seen a lot more search results showing up from the last few months about “inaccuracies with heart rate tracking during workouts”. I was clearly not the only one, but I had to battle this on my own, along with the local Samsung repair shop.

In retrospect though I’m still happy with the Polar chest strap as it serves as a benchmark to correlate what the watch is showing, and as Watch 5 is weak (to non-existent) on true HRV measurements, this is an added bonus. The Polar app does something that neither Samsung Health nor Apple Health does: It has a proper desktop website I can drill into (much like the Oura Ring has). For example here is a link to today’s exercise at https://flow.polar.com/shared/7e74e4463474e8f63b979facc3140159.Using the Polar Chest Strap with Samsung Health App

One thing I did try to do, was to link the Polar chest strap within the Samsung Health app. The theory was, that when starting an exercise, you select the strap instead of the default shown for the watch. In this way you’d have a super accurate heart rate for your exercises, all mixed in with the other stats taken from your watch during the day and night. I got the Samsung Health app to find and connect the chest strap, but that was where everything ended, as try as I may, I never got it to show the chest strap as an option when starting any exercise. This is a real pity as this would have been the first prize for me, to keep managing everything from within the Samsung Health app. The only help you can find through searches, is how to connect that external Bluetooth device, but NOWHERE how to actually use it. It is pretty pointless connecting something that cannot be used!Elite HRV App

I’m also now using an app called Elite HRV that does some detailed analysis around HRV with the chest strap – see their FAQs at https://elitehrv.com/faq. Their app works on iOS and Android, but only connects to proper HRV heart rate trackers (which the Samsung Watch is not).Sporty Go! App

So, what if I wanted to use only the Polar H10 Chest Strap to exercise and did not want to keep looking at my phone to see the instant reading? Well, it turns out the H10 Chest Strap can handle two Bluetooth channels simultaneously, and it can even work in offline mode if the exercise has been started (you can leave your phone behind).

I found an app for the Android Wear OS watch called Sporty Go! See https://www.qooapps.com/sporty-go.html. The app opens and can connect to a Bluetooth heart rate tracker. You can either just monitor the live reading (as my image below shows) or you can get it to create and monitor an exercise type, and then send the data to Strava, TrainingPeaks, or Final Surge. It’s a whole exercise manager on its own. But in my case I’d probably manage the exercise from the Polar Beats app, and just use this on the Watch to glance and see my heart rate if I wanted to keep the phone in my pocket. The image below is taken whilst the Samsung Galaxy Watch was still running its exercise for the watch heart rate, and the Polar Beats app was also connected to the chest strap (to test two devices connecting to the chest strap at the same time). The app costs about $3 once-off for the Bluetooth connector, but you do get to test it free for 60 minutes.

Circular screenshot for the Samsung Watch of the Sport Go app with a heart beat shown in orange of 107.What Syncs to What?

And there lies the rub! On Android there is just no one single app that syncs everything, so some thought is required, and sometimes some creative thinking to chain things together. There is a new sync feature called Health Connect, that is available for apps that share to it, and read from it, such as Google Fit, Fitbit, Samsung Health, etc. This does make it possible for some sharing to happen.

But otherwise, this is what I see:
Samsung Health -> Health Connect, MapMyFitness (linked from MapMyFitness), Strava, Technogym.
Polar Beat -> Strava, TrainingPeaks, MyFitnessPal, Nike+, Discovery Vitality (my medical insurer), and Komoot.
Fitbit -> Health Connect, Strava, Datapult, Sync Solver (iOS), myFitnessSync, Zenobase, Data Sense, MapMyFitness, Endomondo, Runkeeper, IFTTT, Fluxstream
Google Fit -> Health Connect, MapMyFitness, Polar Beat, Strava, Welltory.
Strava -> Fitbit, Google Fit. Strava allows activities from Wear OS (Google Fit), Garmin, Samsung Health, ZEPP, ZWIFT, Wahoo, Polar, MIRROR, trim, and Suunto.
Oura Ring -> Health Connect, Google Fit, Strava.
Sporty Go! -> Strava, TrainingPeaks, or Final Surge.

So, it is a bit of a mix-match as to what connects to what and goes where. From the above though I do see Strava emerging as a common denominator for gather data, and then being able to social share with friends. It is also cross-platform so can survive any changes you make to devices or OS.

However, when it comes to real detailed and consolidated analysis, that I really have to do within the Oura Ring and Samsung Health apps (like on iOS you’d do it in Apple Health). The Polar app comes second with a good, detailed analysis around heart related matters and HRV, but it does not cover weight, sleep, daytime activities, etc unless I had a Polar watch.Conclusions

In the end I have no definitive solution for the issue of the heart rate tracking during exercises for the Samsung watch, except to say that you do need to follow the advice around fastening the strap a bit tighter, making sure you’ve run updates, try rebooting it, also try a factory reset without applying updates, etc. I’m more reassured thinking this was not a hardware issue.

But also, I’m really happy with the Polar H10 Chest Strap that complements the Galaxy Watch. I never had an issue with the Apple Watch ever doing this and it also did a pretty good HRV reading. Still the Galaxy Watch is one of the best Wear OS watches right now and I do get a good 2 days use on a charge, and I love all its other features (see https://gadgeteer.co.za/why-i-migrated-from-an-apple-watch-to-a-samsung-galaxy-watch-5/ for how I maxed out the battery life). The Quantified Scientist on YouTube is also using a Polar H10 Chest Strap as a benchmark for all his health tracking device tests. If one just wants good exercise tracking, then the chest strap would be good enough on its own. For example, the Polar Beats app has a free upgrade function that does a fitness test by just lying down for 5 minutes to take the measurement (as per image below).

Screenshots showing the fitness measurement screens with instructions.

But as this is an editable blog post, I’ll update this post with any further breakthroughs that I make with connecting my health trackers. I just wish now that the Samsung Health app would manage getting the heart rate data through that connected Bluetooth accessory that is registered and linked.
#Blog, #health, #polar, #samsung, #smartwatch, #technology